All the people present could not see through their accomplishments.

But there are a few yuan babies.

If they can't see through, there's only one possibility.

The three members of Zixiao sect are all in the period of deification.

The people of Zixiao sect didn't stop because of the eyes around them.

They went straight to the border of miyuning.

Around the border, the disciples with low accomplishments stopped one after another.

They turned to face the people around them.

Even the leader of Zixiao sect took out his sword and aimed it at the people around him.

Only the three ancestors went to the border of miyuning.

Mi you Ning, who had just passed the 42nd thunder robbery, opened his eyes.

She saw the three ancestors standing outside the border without fear.

When I saw that it was really a woman in the border.

They knew that the prophecy was true.

Southwest, woman, incarnation.

Seeing their accomplishments, mi you Ning squints.

They are wearing the clothes of Zixiao sect.

Think of the man in white in the secret place of Xuanmen.

It seems that the man also pays close attention to Zixiao sect.

"Are you here for a share?"

Miyuning asked.

Now she doesn't know whether the three are enemies or friends. She can't relax at all.

The three ancestors saw the vigilance in mi you Ning's eyes.

They attacked the border one after another.

Seeing the three people's movements, mi you Ning's eyes contracted slightly.

Even if they come in rashly, they will be hurt.

There's no way they don't know that.

"This woman is from Zixiao sect. Who dares to be selfish? Don't blame Zixiao sect for coming out to fight against her!"

The leader of Zixiao sect made a sound at this time.

When he opened his mouth, he let everyone in the audience hear him.

When the leader of Shushan heard this, he turned his head and looked at the schools around him.

Sure enough, I saw the hesitation on people's faces, and the recoil.

Seeing this, the leader of Shushan also made a sound.

That sharp eye son, stare at all people of purple Xiao Zong door.

"You Zixiao sect want to monopolize it. It's unfair that you should be monopolized by Zixiao sect."

Miyuning was in the border and heard what was said outside.

She took a look at the three men who attacked the border and said in a voice, "don't work hard. You can't open it unless I untie it."

The three ancestors just stopped.

They stare at miyuning in the border, and one of them makes a sound.

"We are not sharing a share, but the venerable of Zixiao sect once said.

Ten thousand years later, there is a woman in the southwest who has been robbing. She must fulfill her wish. You can be at ease and we will deal with those behind

The leader of Zixiao sect also spoke here.

"The woman in jiejie is the guest of Zixiao sect. Anyone who makes up his mind is against Zixiao."

At the end of Zixiao sect leader's words, the surrounding Zixiao disciples pointed their swords at the people around them.


The forty third thunderbolt is coming.

Miyuning clenched his teeth.

This time, it must be more unbearable than last time.

Four more ways, she can use the magic weapon of confrontation.


In the human world, Yan Qingchen watched helplessly as the 43rd thunder attack mi Youning's body.

He clenched the mirror with both hands.

The hands were very strong.

Yunhe and Meiji have seen the abnormality of the master.

At the same time, they also know who is in the mirror.

Now the other party is in the realm of Xiuxian.

See the master so painful appearance.

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