Finally, the prince grinds his teeth and gets out of bed.

His steps are very light, as if afraid of startling the sleeping woman.


The next day, miyuning opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a piece of yellow cloth.

Feeling the confinement of her body, her face suddenly changed.

At this time, she was in the position of being hugged.

Looking up, it was the prince's beautiful face.

She suddenly left the man's arms and moved back.

But the next moment was lost, and she was sleeping out of bed.


Mi you Ning can't help but cry out.

But the next moment, a pair of big hands took her to the bed.

That pull action, let her jump into the man's arms.

"Aifei, you are really confused."

The sound of banter came from overhead.

Miyuning gritted his teeth and looked up at the man, "I'm not sleepy. I thought I was sleeping on the soft couch. Who ever thought I was secretly moved over again?"

The prince heard that the woman was biting the word very hard.

But he was not angry.

Funny to say.

Last night, he took the woman back to bed. As she said, she didn't sleep honestly.

At first, it was ok, but later, with constant movement, it almost fell on him.

At that time, he regretted taking the woman back to bed.

Looking at each other's dishonest action, he gritted his teeth and hugged him.

This embrace made him feel reluctant to let go.

Then he fell asleep with the woman in his arms.

It's the first time he's had a good night's sleep in all these years.

It's a little strange.

He didn't wake up until the woman made a move.

The prince put the woman on one side of the bed with a smile, and then he got up and stayed.

He stood by the bed, looking at the obvious displeasure in the woman's eyes, feeling very happy.

"Princess Ai is up. It's time for you to dress me."

On hearing the man's words, MI Youning said to the outside: "spring plum, summer lotus, autumn frost, winter snow come in!"

She knew that the four servant girls must be outside.

Sure enough, as soon as her voice fell, Chunmei's voice came from outside the dormitory.

"The maid came in --"

The door was pushed open and footsteps came from outside the bedroom.

Several people came into the bedroom with washing utensils.

As soon as they saw them, they immediately knelt down and said, "I'll see the prince and the princess."

Miyuning waved to several people, "get up and serve your highness."

The smile on the prince's face remained unchanged, but he slowly took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth, "cough... Cough..."

Seeing him like this, miyuning felt a little bit bad.

Sure enough.

The prince covered his mouth and coughed a few times. Then he looked at the woman on the bed.

"Love imperial concubine, do you forget, solitary side has never maidservant to serve."

Miyuning's eyelids jumped and then asked, "what does your highness mean?"

Chunmei has already sent the prince's service to MI Youning.

Seeing this scene, the smile on the prince's face was a bit real.

He stretched out his hands and waited for the woman to serve him.

Mi you Ning stares at Chunmei, but she also gets up to serve the man in front of her.

The man did it on purpose.

After serving the man to wash and dress, Chunmei began to serve her.

After miyuning was dressed, the prince was sitting in his bedroom waiting for her, and his face became weak again.

The speed of this man's face changing is amazing.

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