The man sitting in the office is Tang Wenbin, the successor of Tang's company.

And the only successor.

As Tang Wenbin sat at his desk, he looked at Mi Youning's humble dress and raised his lips.

There is an attractive quality in this woman.

It's something you need to look at carefully to find out.

Miyuning didn't seem to know that someone was watching her in the dark.

She lowered her head and played with her fingers.

Just then, the door of the general manager's office was opened again.

The woman who comes out of it is also out of her wits.

He ran away with his face covered.

Mi you Ning didn't move her eyes when she saw the scene.

"You, come here."

Follow the head of personnel department and walk out of the office.

The other side shouts, pointing in one direction.

Mi you Ning hung his eyes and played with his hand. He did not look up when he heard the voice.

And the eyes around her, for the first time, focused on her.

Because the person pointed by the personnel manager is mi you Ning.

Feeling the sight of the crowd, MI Youning slowly raised his head.

Looking at people's envious, envious and chagrined eyes.

Mi you rather Leng Leng looking at the personnel manager, "I?" She asked.

There was a trace of anger on the face of the personnel manager, but he pressed it, because this man was appointed by Mr. Tang.

"Yes, it's you. Come on in..."

Miyuning nodded, raised his foot and walked on.

At this time, the HR manager said again, "OK, you all go back."


"What's the matter? Isn't it endless! "

"Yes, the candidates have not come out yet..."


Hearing the voices of the public, MI Youning is still indifferent. She goes to the door of the office.

"Dong Dong..."

Even though the door was open, she didn't just walk in. Instead, she knocked on the door politely.

"Come in, please

Soon from the office, came a low voice.

The voice suspended the discussion outside the office.

All eyes were on mi you Ning's back.

They watched miyuning step by step into the office.

It makes them even more jealous.

Before, the manager of personnel department always called people in line.

This time, they directly named mi you Ning, which made them jealous.

Now the HR manager has let everyone go.

What else does that mean? It's the candidates that have come out.

It's the woman who walked into the office.

They broke their teeth, and there was no way to stop it.

"All right, all right, it's gone."

The HR manager took out his handkerchief, wiped the sweat on his head and waved to the crowd.

They are not willing to go away with a feeling of jealousy or envy.


Miyuning walks into the office and faces the man at his desk.

The other side looks... Er, how to say.

Generally speaking, it's very handsome.

However, as soon as miyuning's eyes and his appearance were on, he denied them.

This is not the person she's looking for.

Although the other side is handsome, it's really hard to hide the gay temperament.

Tang Wenbin is a proper gay.

Don't ask her how she saw it.

After experiencing so many worlds, even if she didn't do it herself, she was able to distinguish it.

Miyuning goes to his desk and looks at Tang Wenbin.

"Hello, general manager. I'm Ge Qing, a clerk in the administration department."

Tang Wenbin nodded and looked at Mi Youning.

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