Xia Lei flung himself at Tang Yuyan and threw themselves to the floor as the loud sound boomed.

The Ford E450 shook violently. If there was no explosion attack, then there was no flames of explosion — the enemy had only attacked the wheels so that they would not be able to escape.


The car shook. Another tyre was bust.

The shot earlier had hit the right back tyre, and this shot took out the left front tyre. They could have still managed to drive if only one back tyre had been taken out, but there was no way they could drive when both front and back tyres were busted.

“We’ve been surrounded.” Xia Lei crawled off Tang Yuyan.

The enemy had fired twice, and he had discovered the location of the two snipers. There was a sniper on their left, and on their right. He, and Tang Yuyan, would be attacked from either side if they went out.

“Will we die here?” Tang Yuyan’s tone carried a hint of bitterness, and regret.

“We won’t. Don’t worry, you have me.” Xia Lei comforted her.

“I really regret bringing you here. You’re too important to the nation. I shouldn’t have let you get into danger, I…” She wanted to tell Xia Lei the truth, but she swallowed her words when they got to her tongue. She could not speak a truth like this.

Xia Lei reached out and patted her face. “Calm down. You’re Bureau 101’s Tang Yuyan, you know? Since when were you scared by people like these? Focus! We’ll fight our way out!”

But Tang Yuyan didn’t seem to be in good condition. She stared dumbly at Xia Lei. “Tell me, will you marry me?”

Just what situation was this? She was still in the mood to ask a thing like this?!

Xia Lei really wanted to slap her to wake her up, but he couldn’t do it.

“I’ve never been touched by a man the way you’ve touched me. We, We’ve already done that… You, You have to take responsibility for me.” She was quite obviously nervous.

Xia Lei was having a headache. “I, I, I… But… I, I didn’t put it in, right?”

“It’s the same!” She seemed to turn into a tigress then, all fierce. “Don’t you dare shirk responsibility!”

Xia Lei was speechless.

Bang bang bang!


Dozens of assault rifle bullets pierced through the body of the car, and came flying in. The glass items in the car shattered and crashed all over the floor. The sofa was torn up too, and the feathers it was stuffed with flew everywhere.

They were sure to die if they stayed here any longer.

Xia Lei slung the Gust assault rifle over his back, and took the XL2500 in his hands. His left eye twitched and the wall of the car disappeared immediately. He swiftly swept his gaze left and right, and found his targets. Four men armed with assault rifles and in full combat gear were approaching from left and right. They were moving fast, covering each other; professionals. Their military training was better than that of Special Forces soldiers!

Who were these gunmen?

Xia Lei crawled towards the door.

Tang Yuyan reached out and grabbed his belt. “Let’s make things clear before we go out and fight.”

Xia Lei suddenly slapped Tang Yuyan’s buttocks. A crisp smacking sound came from the plump, fleshy place, accompanied by a wonderful jiggling.

“You…” Tang Yuyan couldn’t believe her eyes. “You hit me?”

Smack! Xia Lei would have let it be if she had not spoken, but he slapped that ass again when she spoke, and even harder.

Tang Yuyan gritted her teeth. “You actually dared…”

Xia Lei cut her off. “Don’t think that I’m joking. We will die here if you delay any more! Shut up if you want to leave this place alive! You’re being a pest!”

The two slaps on her buttocks were not enough to shut the young lady of the Tang clan, but him calling her ‘pest’ was effective. Tang Yuyan shut up right away.

Xia Lei continued crawling towards the door. He went through it, and came close to the car carriage. He stretched the XL2500 sniper rifle out, and soon locked on a target with an assault rifle on the left.

“You can’t even see the target. Will you be able to hit him?” Tang Yuyan had crawled over too.

“I can deduce his location from the trajectory. We have two on the left and two on the right. All four of them have assault rifles. Listen to my command later. Stick the muzzle of your Gust out the window and do a sweep of the right side to stop their advance. I’ll handle the two on the left. Remember — keep your head down. We have snipers on both sides. Showing your head means death.”

Tang Yuyan was stunned.

She was a descendant of the Tang Sect and a martial artist. She was also a trained elite agent, and had far more military accomplishments than her peers. However, in this situation where she did not know what the situation was like outside the car, Xia Lei had already analysed it so very clearly. He had not even raised his head to look, and was already preparing to use the XL2500 to shoot the enemy! This ability of his was terrifying!

He gave Tang Yuyan no more time to make guesses. His voice cut through her thoughts. “Get ready!”

Tang Yuyan rolled, and moved to the window on the right. She held the Gust assault rifle tightly in her hands, ready to shoot at any time.

“Fire!” said Xia Lei.

Tang Yuyan stuck the muzzle of the Gust assault rifle out the window and fired blindly with her head down.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang…

The Gust assault rifle bullets flew out, one after another. The virtually-zero recoil helped her hold the body of the gun steady, and Tang Yuyan’s hand did not shake due to recoil, reducing the error in shooting. The two gunmen were stopped by the suppressing fire and did not dare expose themselves to her shooting though she was shooting blindly.

The fight on the right also affected the gunmen on the left. They dodged instinctively when the sounds of gunfire and rung out, but they soon discovered that the person firing from inside the car was only shooting at the right side. They quickly got to their feet and increased the pace of their advance on the Ford E450, shooting as they ran.

A bullet went through the hetal hull and scraped past Xia Lei’s shoulder before burying itself in the floorboards.

Xia Lei did not flinch. He stared at the metal before him, and looked like he was just spacing out, but his brain had already calculated all the numbers involved for him to make the shot. The resistance of the metal, the resistance of air, the target’s movement speed, the target’s probably movement…

Bang bang bang! The two gunmen on the right were still returning fire.

A burst of gunfire hit the body of the car, and sparks flew everywhere. Shards of glass and plastic flew through the air.

“This won’t work! We have to charge out!” Tang Yuyan was pressured into retreat. She hid under the sofa to avoid being hit by the bullets.


A gunshot.

Xia Lei finally fired the XL2500 in his hands.

The bullet passed through metal, and, after a tiny change in trajectory, plunged into the forehead of the gunman in the lead on the left side. Blood spurted, and the man was flung off his feet to land heavily on the ground. Half of his skull was missing; he had died in a horrible way.

His colleague next to him had obviously not expected that such a thing would happen, and he only realised what had transpired only after his colleague’s brain matter and blood splattered on his face. However, in this small pause, another gunshot came from inside the Ford E450. He looked in horror at one of his ears on the ground. Attached to that ear was half his cheek and some brain matter.

This was the last thing he saw.

The second gunman on the right fell to the ground too.

Xia Lei had needed to calculate hard for the first shot, but he didn’t need it so much for the second one. The second XL2500 bullet had gone through the hole the first bullet had made, and it did not have its trajectory changed or blocked by metal. This second kill was as easy as stepping on an ant!

Xia Lei rolled across the floor after getting rid of his second target.

Crash! An armour-piercing bullet penetrated the metal of the car and smashed violently into the aluminium floor, leaving a crater behind.

The enemy sniper had made another move.

“You… killed them?” Tang Yuyan looked disbelievingly at Xia Lei.

“I got rid of two.” Xia Lei moved to her side and quickly swept his XL2500 over the back of the sofa. He said as he adjusted the muzzle, “Shoot blindly out the left side. I’ll take care of the gunmen on the right side.”

“Yeah!” Tang Yuyan turned around and raised her gun to shoot blindly out the window.

Bullets roared out the window to an area 1,000 meters away.

The effective shooting range of the Gust assault rifle was 1,000 meters and it could reach a range of at least 2,000 at most. Its performance was actually comparable to some excellent sniper rifles on the market, and one could say that it was a sniper rifle in the skin of an assault rifle, and was even quicker to fire too. Tang Yuyan was shooting suppressing fire blindly out the window at enemies far away, and the enemies could not dare to take it lightly!

As expected, the sniper who was hidden on the left side was suppressed when Tang Yuyan shot blindly, and he did not fire again. He had actually shot blindly earlier, but the blind shooting of a sniper rifle could not be compared to that of an assault rifle.


A gunshot rang out and a gunman on the left suddenly fell to the ground. It was a headshot. This was going to be very troublesome for the mortuary’s makeup artist.

The other gunman turned around and ran.

He had not even seen who had made the shot, but his colleague’s head had exploded. This gunfight was like him wearing a blindfold while his opponent had a scope. How was he to fight like this?

However, escape was just wishful thinking on his part. The gunman had only taken two steps of the Z pattern he intended to run in when a bullet went through the back of his head and out of his face.

A headshot, no negotiation.

“All done?” Tang Yuyan was excited.

Xia Lei nodded. “All done.”

“Let’s charge out!” Tang Yuyan got up and got ready to dash to the door.

Xia Lei pressed her down. “Are you looking to die? The enemy’s sniper is still alive!”

“We die if we stay anyway. We won’t be able to escape once their backup arrives!” Tang Yuyan had her own analysis of the situation too.

Xia Lei knew where the backup she talked about was — the seven gunmen who had taken out the seven Bureau 101 agents!

There were 13 of the enemy, and he had killed four, so they still had nine people. If one of those nine had heavy weaponry like a grenade launcher or rocket or something, he and Tang Yuyan would be in serious danger. Even if the enemy did not have these things, they had enough snipers to put him and Tang Yuyan in danger if they all shot blindly at this car!

It wasn’t that he didn’t know the danger, but rushing out now was the same as exposing themselves to the enemy’s sight and no different from suicide. Furthermore, the enemy sniper was camouflaged, and he still hadn’t managed to locate him.

And at this very critical time, an idea popped into Xia Lei’s head. He did not hesitate, and immediately started crawling towards the kitchen.

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