Trap Online

Chapter 24 - Kink

The new masseuse was going to be here tomorrow and occupy the place and I needed to have a real talk with Victoria alone. I told her we would order and get Security to bring it up. She was fine with that and we checked out places and put in order quickly only took half an hour which was longer than I was hoping but it went pretty quick, to be honest. The conversation I needed to talk about with her was an uncomfortable one and I didn't know how to approach it. I twiddled my thumbs and delayed.

"Shit Rick, You going to continue to delay or waiting for the food? I know that Expression you had it when you spoke the realities of my dreams to me. The amount of work I needed to put towards it. This is making it feel like you have something groundbreaking or amazing to reveal or your unsatisfied with me staying here which I know would be bullshit. Tell me or spit it out or start with something related Rick I hate the anticipation you are giving me." She ranted at my delaying and I laughed.

"Your Right Victoria I am dodging and I want to continue to do so. I will ask is there a way to change character names? I left mine blank when I started and you remember that **** when I first started?" She nodded "Well I was called S.l.u.t and now it is considered my Character name. Can I change it somehow? I would like it changed it's not only degrading it will be hard once I am back with normal players not having a normal name."

"Oh, well that's simple. It turns out I got an e-mail from the company that they plan to do something about that very soon. Many did not fill in their name section and it got filled with some obscene or childish names no one liked. If the company doesn't do something about it within the week. They looked through the paperwork and found that although they covered their base with the legal work there is a loophole about mental attacks through degradation of being mentally called the same derogatory terms over and over people can think they are that. So we are releasing a name change so it should be out within the next two play sessions." She smiled at me and I sighed with relief I wasn't sure how being called s.l.u.t all the time was affecting me. Sometimes though it was hard to know if NPCs were using my name or being derogatory. I wondered though how that would paint the differences in Npc interactions that are used to me being called S.l.u.t or something.

I then stopped skirting the edge though of what I wanted to talk about. "So here is the thing Victoria," I sigh and just blurt it out, "I don't know if this game is turning me Gay or something. My quests with Succubus and my Mistress who is some Grand Illusionist has been making me with both C.o.c.ks and I have recently been starting to find that my body is starting to enjoy it." Her eyes widen in shock, "I have been with at least twenty-three women with various sized c.o.c.ks many up my ass in-game. Many of them have been illusions and now I even have a blood oathed follower who has a massive twelve-inch c.o.c.k that rides my prostate like no one's business. I have been feeling weird Victoria. I have never been attracted really to men nor women. I have always just gone with the flow but now I am finding that I am actually starting to enjoy it and I do not know how to feel."

As I explained it reliving the experiences as I went into detail of what happened to me I felt myself hardening and a bulge in my pants was starting to show. I wasn't ashamed of myself as I explained myself more and my feelings as Victoria listened. She seemed more contemplating than disgusted. She had been one of my best friends since school and I appreciated how she listened to me without judgment as I unloaded on her.

Our food arrived and I continued to talk about things as she listened. I knew I started to repeat myself. After an hour or so our food was finished and I must have gotten to the second or third time I repeated myself in a different way.

"Rick, From the sounds of it you have a kink you never knew you had." She stated simply to me and I came to a grinding halt of thought and stared at her dumbfounded.

"Look you stated that you never had any interest in men or women even back in school. Hell, that made me even more open to you but I always thought it was odd you were with women anyways. Your Girlfriends or f.u.c.k buddies would always say that you were tuned out or they had to work on getting you hard. You never got that way yourself. F.u.c.k Rick I knew one of those girls that you had now charged men almost fifty thousand for compensated dating and she has a full schedule for her mouth for the next two years. That woman had problems keeping you turned on. I always thought you were as.e.x.u.a.l and forced yourself to be with women. I think that isn't the case. I think you are into Futanari and Men Rick. I think you're more inclined towards Women and that's why you never noticed that d.i.c.ks turn you on. Or that you needed to have experimented for you to realize which you never did. This game has opened you up into that world now you don't know how to deal with it since it was forced upon you, Rick. That's what I am getting from you in my opinion and your feelings are in disarray because of it.

"You never seemed out your s.e.x.u.a.lity and because of that you never knew what you liked. Everyone just assumed you were straight not Bi or gay. You have a fetish probably Rick. Think about it don't just assume I am right either Rick. This is an experience for you Rick try things out. Maybe you like it maybe you don't but do not sit there not exploring this in my opinion. When I first came back into your life that you isolated yourself you were stuck on the couch barely able to do anything with zero motivation to even carry yourself to bed or shower without mine or your daughter's prodding. This is unacceptable Rick and you know it. So the question isn't for me to tell you how you feel or asking how you are feeling. The question you need to ask yourself Rick is do you want to continue exploring yourself in this game or not. This is up to you Rick I can't help but give my opinion that I think you should continue to explore yourself. But that is up to you."

She finished her rant and I was stunned as she might have hit the point. I always thought I was just uninterested. I even had doubts and thought I was as.e.x.u.a.l. But even the first time I was r.a.p.ed my c.o.c.k hardened in-game. This is supposed to work on the game interface connected to my brain. This means that unless my emotions are turned on the game would show it. That means this entire time I had been enjoying it I just never knew my kink?

I was stuck in my head and walked away silently with myself stuck in my head and Victoria watched me walk off in a daze. I tossed and turned that night before I fell asleep.



So Here I am sorry for the slow releases. I have gotten a little stuck on a part of the story. I will continue as soon as I fix this. The original was something I looked at and spat on. So I will be fixing this before I continue. Sorry for the delay. Please Enjoy what I have written so far and Vote Comment and Review. I will be back to this story as soon as I fix the problem.

Please note this is temporary and I will not be abandoning this story.

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