Trap Online

Chapter 34 - Charm

I woke not too long later and I awoke in the arms of the demon with that devilish smile on his face. I had collapsed in his muscled arms. When I came too he noticed immediately and started to kiss me. That tongue did wonders and I started to melt into him. I realized something was stiffening inside me and that the demon had never exited me. He only went partial erection after filling me. When I awoke he then started round two. His kissing melted me and I started to want another round as well as I m.o.a.ned in the kiss. My arms trailed his strong muscles and walked the lines. It was so novel in the back of my head.

This was something I was never really into but for some reason, this demon made me l.u.s.tful with just a look. I traced those amazing biceps and deepened into the kiss. We full-on made out as his anal raider was expanding deeper into me. I felt amazing in this kiss when he moved. He flipped me over so that he was on top and broke the kiss. He pulls off my leather shirt that I had forgotten was still on me. He went back in for a kiss while he played with my He twisted and teased them lightly receiving another m.o.a.n from me.

Then it started. His h.i.p.s moved back ever so slowly moving at what felt like a snail's pace. I m.o.a.ned even harder on that while he continued to tease me. I m.o.a.ned and tried to move but I couldn't get the angle while he was ontop me to get him to move faster.

"Little succubus what do you want?" He asked briefly breaking the kiss. I went to beg for him to move faster but he was quick and covered my mouth. He continued the kiss while ever so slowly moving. I was getting desperate as his amazing kissing skills were in contrast to the slow movements. My body wanted more. It was getting worse by the second as he teased and teased me till I was extremely desperate for him to move faster but couldn't communicate it. I wrapped my arms around him and tried my hardest to pull back his head so I could beg for it. I could not move him with comparative strength.

Finally his c.o.c.k reached just his tip inside me. I wanted to beg so bad while in the enchanting kiss when he slammed into me hard. My breath left me in surprise and pleasure. I almost came just from that surprise but was not quite there. The Demon though lived to his reputation as his movement pulling back out was slow. Ever so slow that I wanted to cry as my body wanted it so much. The best kiss ever with the slowest hip movement was making me go crazy and when he reached back to the tip I wanted to beg but also expecting the sharp movement inside. What I got was a very slow movement of him filling me in. My disappointment and desperation reached new heights.

He could tell and slammed me again when I least expected it and I lost my breath yet again. He broke the kiss teasing me with another line, "So you like it slow like this?" He asked and when I went to ask for it faster after regaining my breath his mouth covered mine in that same kiss. My body was screaming for it. I needed it, I wanted it. His teasing continues for what felt like an eternity. I was constantly on edge and my body was going crazy.

Tears started in my eyes as I looked at his devilish face. I wanted it so f.u.c.k.i.n.g bad. My tongue continued to play with his in that enticing kiss and my tears in my eyes dripped slowly in want. Finally, he released my mouth, and not a second went by when I yelled, "Please, Please f.u.c.k me harder, Faster, PLEASE!" I Begged and his wicked smile stayed. His h.i.p.s moved while his upper body stayed still and I was in heaven again. My prostate was being destroyed in hard heavy thrusts that moved quickly. My breath left me and I forgot myself as I ejaculated god doesn't care whereas I followed it up with another orgasm as he raided me hard and fast. My head moved back and forth quickly as I screamed when I did have air in my lungs. The hard fast f.u.c.k went on as I was lost in it not knowing what was what anymore.

Again my whole world became him f.u.c.k.i.n.g my daylights out as I came again and again as he took pleasure from me. His smile and happiness were what fueled him. He took what he wanted from me and I enjoyed it more than him. I felt the thick inches moving hard in me started to twitch as he was about to come. As I came on his c.o.c.k my rectal cavity tightening he withdrew and put his c.o.c.k in front of me. I instantly started to taste his c.o.c.k in my mouth as I was on auto piolet sucking the c.u.m out of his urethra and he blew his load. I swallowed as the thick yummy came out of his mouth. I lost all sense of self as I worked his ejaculation and cleaned him up.

He retracted from me and his smile was large. His erection slowly grew flaccid and his smile was large. "Little Succubus you have made me happy. I have not had such a fun f.u.c.k in a while. Since you have pleased me greatly I will give you good rewards. I will leave this area so the villagers will no longer feel whatever. This will make them happy with you. That is them rewarding you peanuts though and as someone of my stature, I cannot just reward you with my leaving. Your Mistress would also pay me a visit if I did something so lowly."

He stood tall and I was laid down on the bed gasping for breath after everything. My mind was slowly coming back to itself as the Demon contemplated and I had notifications that I was currently ignoring.

"I have decided I will gift you a couple of things for entertaining me so happily." He snapped and a pendant came out of nowhere and into his hand that he tossed beside me then a crystal appeared and he tossed that to me as well. "This is your reward from me and it is more than suitable for you. I like you though quite a novel experience, therefore I think I will visit you sometime." With that, he snapped again and Iona appeared beside her looking a little distraught. Then one more snap and fire erupted from his feet.

He disappeared and I felt like I was waking from a dream when he was gone. The things I had done and did turn. It was like I was a whole different person. That demon's devilish charm.

Iona was beside me as I laid now on the ground as the bedroom disappeared and we were in the cave again. Only a single torch that was there when the bedroom phased back to the cave was lighting us. With the help of Iona, I slowly got to my feet feeling my abuse ass every moment of the way up. I was still wondering what happened to me but we slowly made our way out of the cave after a 'Successful' finish.

'What the f.u.c.k happened to me' was in my mind as I moved slowly back with Iona towards the village with rewards and new questions on life.



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