Trap Online

Chapter 50 - The Morning After

The morning I awoke with a headache. It blasted me, and I arose slowly. I felt something warm and soft in my hands. That was when I heard another person's more feminine m.o.a.n. My eyes shot open. My brain was short-circuited when I saw Victoria in my bed. My hand was encompassing a part of her b.r.e.a.s.t. My other arm was trapped under her. I was startled. She was n.a.k.e.d, and my hand left her b.r.e.a.s.t. That hand shot down, only to find the boxers still on me.

She groaned, and she started to turn. She had the same hangover face as before, I noted with a wry smile. Her eyes fluttered open as she groaned again. Her expression froze as our eyes met. She looked down with a hand going with it. My eyes instinctively followed her hand. I looked past her amazing perfect b.r.e.a.s.ts down to her s.e.xy black panties. Our expressions, though remained frozen, as we both looked back up at each other face.

Pain shot through my head, and my hand went to my forehead. Both of us groan simultaneously. I chuckled, and I asked her a question, "Want to talk about the last day or so now?"

Her expression changed rapidly, and we started to laugh together for a second. We both groaned instantly after the quick laugh. The hangover was in full effect on both of us. After a moment, we looked at each other with mirth in our miserable eyes. "Sure, want to go first?" She replied, her voice just above a whisper.

I took a deep breath, centering myself. "I am not sure, Victoria," I asked her, "What are we doing, Victoria?"

"I originally moved here to be your friend, Rick. What are we doing now? Yesterday in-game, that was amazing! I never felt like that in my life. I loved it. The thought of it disappearing makes me oddly anxious. Although I don't get why though, Rick," She said, staring into my eyes.

"I enjoyed yesterday as well," I looked into her eyes, words just above a whisper as well. "I don't want any of this to end. I feel so much happier with you around as well." My hand reached up and stroked her face. She smiled at the contact, and our faces moved closer. Our lips met with a light kiss. It felt weird but good. I didn't know what we were doing, but something was going to change soon.

The kiss broke quickly, and it felt good, and her smile matched my own. I slowly got out of the bed, much to my body's dismay. I looked around, recognizing my own room. I looked back slowly at Victoria. "I would love to continue, but let's get some food in our stomach." I said, watching her nod in approval before continuing, "Victoria, I have one last thing to be said," I said, as I watched her get out of bed.

I walked over to the closet and started to look for some clothes. She came up behind me, and I turned to look at her. She looked beautiful as always, as I looked up into her eyes. "What?" She asked.

"It's something simple and nothing major," I said, as I looked back into the closet, "Please don't sales pitch to me with employees. You never needed to in the past, and you still don't need to," I finished quickly. I took out a normal shirt and pants. I turned to see her with her hands under her b.r.e.a.s.ts and an eyebrow raised.

"How do you want me to then?" She said in a colder tone. I felt my c.o.c.k harden in my underpants. I pushed that aside, and I locked with her eyes.

"Simple, Victoria," I started walking up to her, closing the short distance, "I want you to just ask, with all the information you have available." Her expression softened, "Look Victoria, we both have money, and that should never play a part in this relationship."

"Sorry, I feel embarrassed about last night," She told me, her expression reddened. "I just needed them to stop harassing me in the e-mails. The game growth is exploding. They went on and on about making even more." She sighed, "I really am sorry about that."

"No worries," I told her reaching up and kissing her lips. The movement made me frown with pain. "It's not a huge deal," I finished. "Let us go grab a bite to eat," I finish and start putting on the clothing. She smiled and left the room on her own.

Today no exercise was done by any of us. I started to cook some high carb meal for all of us. Gabby stumbled into the kitchen and gave me a wry smile. "Last night was fun," She said barely above a whisper. I nodded and regretted it. I finished cooking shortly and set it on the table. Victoria was there just as the plates hit the table.

No one talked as we ate slowly. I looked at the time, and we were barely within the timeframe for the game. I pointed at the clock, and Victoria nodded. We finished up and headed to our rooms. We didn't spare a second, and I got into my pod. The world around me changed as I laid there.

I opened my eyes to see Iona sleeping face. I smiled, seeing her. We were all in bed. Viccy's eyes opened. I realized I was in the middle of the two women. I smiled, and I dropped a hand to her large c.o.c.k. I reached between Iona's legs and found her honey pot. I leaned over Iona's body and looked at her face. She was no longer asleep. I leaned up to her ear with a grin. "Good morning, Iona," I said as my fingers played with her clit. She m.o.a.ned in pleasure and turned to me. I felt Viccy behind me as I initiated a kiss with Iona.

I felt Viccy's hard c.o.c.k on my back, with her fingers starting to probe my ass. I m.o.a.ned as her finger entered. Iona's p.u.s.s.y started to get wet as my c.o.c.k was hard as well. Iona nodded to me, and I started to penetrate her p.u.s.s.y. I looked down while I m.o.a.ned in pleasure. I saw red slowly seep out onto my c.o.c.k just as Viccy penetrated my ass. I m.o.a.ned loudly as her penetration brought me deeper into Iona. Iona grunted with her v.i.r.g.i.nity being taken.

Iona turned her head back, looking at me. I moved to deepen my penetration. Viccy, though, became the main force, as her thrusts made me thrust harder into Iona. I m.o.a.ned, and Iona joined in with m.o.a.ns of her own. The choir of m.o.a.ns sounded out into the room. My c.o.c.k felt amazing in her hot tight p.u.s.s.y. I hadn't felt this in forever. My mind blanked on the assault of pleasure of my c.o.c.k with my ass. I ejaculated very quickly. Iona's hot tight p.u.s.s.y caught the s.p.e.r.m as Viccy rammed my asshole. Her penetration made me harden again, and my h.i.p.s bucked into her.

Iona m.o.a.ned, and Viccy rampaged my insides. The overloading pleasure made me orgasm again and again. Then I felt my rectum fill with her ejaculate. I cried out and spasmed in another orgasm. Iona pulled off my c.o.c.k and turned around. Her smile was large and wicked.

"My turn!" She told me. I looked behind me to see Viccy with a large smile as well. "Ready for round two?"

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