Trapped In Her Heart

Chapter 166 - Really?

"Is it about what I said about your mother?" Without waiting for his reply, she started explaining her point, "Look Seb, we don't have to stress about it right now. We just started our relationship and all I want us to do is spend time together, l want us to live each and every moment of it."

Running his fingers through her hair, he nodded his head in agreement. "I understand what you are trying to say and yes, we will live each and every moment together but I don't want any insecurities between us." 


Cutting her off, he interrupted, "Not even a tiny bit so just hear me out first, okay?" Without waiting for her to say anything, he added, "I know that you— well, not only you but everyone thinks that I am a very obedient son who does everything that his parents ask him to and that is true. Most of the time I do what they want me to because no matter how senseless or irrational they are and no matter how much they irritate me, they are still my parents and as kids it's our responsibility to listen to them."

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he continued, "But that doesn't mean they can control my life. I listen to them because I want to and not because they want me to." Helplessly shaking his head, he chuckled, "Do you think they were happy when I moved out and started living on my own? No they were not at all happy and even threatened me to come back but I did what I wanted to." 

"Threatened you? How?" she curiously inquired.

"Ah it was a very silly thing, I did not even pay any heed to it." Pausing for a while, he continued, "Telling them about us is my duty Ellie and I'll do it but accepting us is their choice. We can't force them to accept our relationship, it is something that they need to do on their own but even if they don't, why do we have to worry about it? You have me and I have you, that is more than enough."

Wrapping her arms around him, she chuckled, "And we have Boji as well."

"Yes, how can we forget about her?"

Biting her lower lip, she smiled, "You just answered all my questions."

Caressing her cheeks, he stated, "If you think or feel even a tiny bit uncomfortable thinking that I will give up on our relationship, give up on us or you, you are wrong. No matter what happens, I will always treasure and prioritize our relationship over everything else. You are my top priority now, everything related to you is very important to me."

Cupping his face, she tiptoed and pressed her lips against his. Pulling away after a few seconds, she smiled, "I love you."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he brushed his nose against hers. "I love you more."


Outside Clavin's place.

Unbuckling his seat belt, he placed his elbow on the steering wheel because resting his head on his palm. Slowly tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, Brandon smiled like an idiot. 

It was almost evening and they were supposed to reach home by mid afternoon but he had to slow down the speed after he realized that Charlotte had fallen asleep in the passenger seat. Not wanting to disturb her, he made sure that the car temperature was comfortable and northing interrupted her sleep.

Scrunching his brows, he turned to the other side. Since when did he start caring about women who had fallen asleep in his passenger seat? 

Pinching the bridge of her nose, he sighed, there was something terribly wrong with him and he could sense. Staring at a sleeping woman, making sure that she is comfortable, compromising with his car speed so that she doesn't wake up, smiling like an idiot was so not his thing. 

Thinking that maybe this is happening because he had this awful and embarrassing experience with her, he tried to wake her up by shaking his shoulder but couldn't. How could he interrupt her sleep when she was looking so peaceful?

Without thinking of anything else, he slowly got down from the car before jogging towards her side. He then slowly opened the door before unbuckling her seat belt and took the keys to Calvin's apartment from his pocket and slowly scooped her into his arms.

Closing the car door with the help of his bum, he satisfactorily nodded his head.

"Hmmm not heavy at all," he murmured before walking into the building.


Inside Calvin's place.

After struggling a lot, he finally managed to open the door. Tossing the keys on the table, he started figuring out which was Charlotte's room.

"Think Brandon, which one could it be," he muttered before looking around.

"The first room from the right."

"Ahh thought so too, thanks," he said before walking towards the directed room but she stopped midway and frowned. Looking at the sly woman who had her squeezed shut, he sighed, "Really?"

Hooking her arms around his neck, she slowly opened her eyes. "I kinda woke up when you were trying to unlock the door."

"So why didn't you help me out? I was struggling there," he complained.

"I was too tired to even lift my hand so I thought pretending to be asleep was the best option." Without waiting for his reply, she added, "My room is right there."

Helpless shaking his head, he quietly made his way towards her room without complaining.


Charlotte's room

Placing her on the bed, he asked, "How long are you staying here?"

"Hmm I don't know, maybe until my uncle comes back," she answered.

When he nodded his head, she curiously inquired, "Why didn't you wake me up? I mean, instead of just carrying me all the way here isn't waking me up convenient?"

Awkwardly clearing his throat, he explained, "Well, I did try waking you up several times but you seemed to be in a very deep sleep so I had no other choice."


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