"Put Xia Wei's father and son into the prison, and they will never be able to come out.

Xia Zheng remembered very well how these two unscrupulous descendants treated themselves just now.

"Father, father, you are really good.

Xia Zhan hurriedly came up and stammered.

Everyone also saw Xia Zheng's current state.

and the previous fake Dan are like two people.

"You can also give me a good reflection.

Xia Zheng came coldly.

"Father, I, I didn't do anything wrong. Xia

Zhan was puzzled.

Xia Zheng patted Xia Bing's arm with his eyes, "Bing'er has just been wronged, as a father, but you chose to fall into the well, what use do you want such a father?"

"I ......"

Xia Zhan couldn't speak.

Xia Zheng is such an upright person.

But Xia Zhan didn't expect that any move would not escape Xia Zheng's old and spicy eyesight.

Xia Zhan was taken down, and the farce here finally subsided.

Lin Yue was arranged by Xia Bing in the honorable welcome hall.

After Xia Bing dealt with some trivial matters, Xia Zheng came in person.

Ye Mingyue and others also retired with acquaintance.

After all, this is a figure at the level of the patriarch of the Southern Realm.

The conversation between him and Lin Yue was inconvenient for them to be present.

"Xia Zheng's life was saved by Little Brother Lin.

Xia Zheng was simple and direct, "I don't know how Brother Lin wants my medicine clan to repay you?"

Lin Yue liked this kind of straightforward conversation.

"The eight clans in the southern realm are in turmoil, and the Buddha Emperor has been missing for thirty-three years, I think Patriarch Xia should also know, right?"

Xia Zheng frowned, "Little Brother Lin has the grace of my medicine clan, and the old man will not hide his head and tail, and the southern realm is indeed the case now."

Lin Yue smiled, and then said: "Then the Xia patriarch should know, where is the Buddha Emperor, right?"

"This ......"

Xia had a solemn face, and he couldn't tell Lin Yue about this.

"Patriarch Xia doesn't need to tell me where the Buddha Emperor is, in fact, I already know.

Lin Yue changed the topic and said, "I only hope that if the eight clans of the Southern Realm start a war, the Xia Patriarch will choose a correct front.

"Of course.

Xia Zheng was even more shocked by Lin Yue in his heart.

At first, it was just because of his Dan Dao and Sun True Fire.

But now he was indeed even more surprised by what Lin Yue knew.

"Xia Zheng has always been on the side of the Buddha Emperor.

Lin Yue nodded, "That's right, as for the retribution that Patriarch Xia said, when the war starts, Lin Yue wants to borrow the power of the medicine clan." "

It's hard to look at the summer.

Lin Yue added, "Patriarch Xia, rest assured, Lin Yue, like you, is also on the side of the Buddha Emperor."

Xia Zheng was relieved.

"Little brother, with your current ability, you may not be able to participate in the battle of the Eight Clans, it is better to stay in the Medicine Clan for a while, and you and I can have a good discussion of Dan Dao.

Lin Yue smiled, "Lin Yue and the Rumor Patriarch have a small agreement, so I won't stay long." "

Get Xia Zheng's promise, plus Xia Bing's current identity.

Lin Yue has already received the help of the medicine clan.

Now the sword clan and the medicine clan are all his strength.

Next, Lin Yue said goodbye to Xia Bing and went directly to the Fengyue clan.

Behind the Fengyue Tower, when Lin Yue and his party stepped into the realm of the Fengyue Clan, the four immortals of qin, chess, calligraphy and painting were already waiting there.

Only Lin Yue, or a character like the girl riding the kun, will let the four immortals of qin, chess, calligraphy and painting greet them together.

"Lin Gongzi's name has spread all over the southern realm again. "

Qin Xian Xiyue owes defeat to greet.

Ever since Lin Yue had seen Lin Xiu, he knew that his movements had to speed up.

Now he was gathering the power of the Eight Clans, but he knew that Lin Xiu was also there.

"Where is the Rumor Patriarch?"

"My sister has already been waiting at the main altar. Lin

Yue went straight in, this time there is no world like chess, no big dreams.

The Four Immortals of Qin, Chess, Calligraphy and Painting, because of the previous evaluation of Lin Yue in the ballad, he was even more afraid of this young man.

"Childe is getting more and more powerful.

Liu Wuxian smiled.

Tianxin'er's beautiful eyes flashed, "What, do you want to try the taste of silverfish fairy dew?"

Liu Wuxian's face twitched.

That's where he got into trouble last time.


Now that it was brought up, Liu Wuxian closed his eyes and was silent.

I hope others don't see his embarrassment.

The water of the small river, Lin Yue stepped on the ancient bridge, and saw that the boudoir of the ballad was already open.

"Will Gongzi Lin's trip go smoothly?"

came the lazy voice of the ballad.

Lin Yue stepped forward and saw a woman in red tulle, revealing her slender white legs, lying on her side on top of the soft collapse.

"The Fengyue Clan is known for its intelligence, and it should be better than Lin Yue. The

song was not angry because of Lin Yue's words.

Of course, she knew that a character like Lin Yue had already understood the Fengyue clan well.

"Childe is now the great benefactor of the Medicine Clan and the Sword Clan, I'm afraid that there is no one in the Eight Clans who can be like Childe.

Song Gehao held the wine jug in her wrist, and as she drank, the wine flowed down her small mouth, across her slightly thin chin, and dripped into the bottomless ravine.

If it were an ordinary man, he would have died of blood by now.

"Childe stomps his feet now, the eight clans will shake, and I can't imagine that I am willing to come to my little Fengyue clan. "

This is from the bottom of my heart.

In a short period of time, the information she received about Lin Yue repeatedly shocked her.

Yuge stood up, and his jade fingers slid down from Lin Yue's shoulder, "Isn't Gongzi Lin going to have a drink with me?"

looked at Yuge's slightly drunken face.

Lin Yue couldn't help but recall that in the 100,000 years he was trapped, he had also tried his best to deceive the first joy of the song.

Later, Lin Yue tried and failed, and this woman had special skills, which fascinated him during that time.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue held the willow waist of the ballad with one hand and vigorously approached his side, and the latter's expression changed slightly.

"Lin Gongzi is so rude. "

Don't you like to be rough and rude?" Lin

Yue smiled playfully.

Yuge suddenly felt that in front of Lin Yue, how could he have a feeling of being seen through everything.

Originally, she just wanted to tease the most popular figure in the southern realm recently.

But now, she is in turmoil first.

Lin Yue's hand ran down her back.

"Childe and so on. The

song screamed in pain, and immediately opened the distance between him and Lin Yue.

Lin Yue fell short with one hand, and said with a faint smile: "It's time for us to talk about serious things, Rumor Patriarch."

He deliberately brought the word patriarch.

It also brought the ballad back to its senses.

But the crimson on both sides of her cheeks still hasn't faded.

"What Lin Gongzi said at the beginning, thirty-three heavens, I can agree.

Lin Yue smiled, "I still want one more thing." "


said Ballad, frowning.

Lin Yue's storage ring swiped, and suddenly the sword qi soared into the sky.

The Four Holy Swords were entrenched beside him.

She had also heard that Lin Yue had displayed the Four Holy Swords in the Medicine Clan.

But this thing is the treasure of the sword clan, but why, not only is the Xuanwu Sword in Lin Yue's hands, but now even the other three are in his hands.

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