Soon, everyone saw a huge black shadow falling from the sky.

"Snake Emperor

!" "The Six Snake Emperors have been cut into two pieces!" Yang

Kai stood in the air, never really swordsmanship at all.

But on the contrary, his whole person is the sharpest sword!

The vertical pupils of the Six Snake Emperors are still blinking.

But he knew that the vitality in his body was constantly passing.

At this time, Lin Yue walked over, stood in front of the Snake Emperor, and smiled lightly, "Actually, if you start to do it, I don't have any power to parry." The

Snake Emperor's pupils dilated, "You lied to me

!" Lin Yue touched his head, the Snake Emperor was furious, and suddenly opened his bloody mouth and directly devoured

Lin Yue! "Holy King

!" "Childe!"

Everyone was suddenly startled!

But they didn't understand why Lin Yue suddenly took such a risk to approach the Snake Emperor.

Even if he is dying, the Snake Emperor is a powerhouse in the Taishang Realm after all.

"Oh no!"

Qin Ji, Song Song, Sword Idiot, Fengyue Four Immortals, as well as Qin Yiyi and dozens of girls, all of them were nervous at this moment, and wanted to rush up to save Lin Yue.

Yang Kai squinted slightly, blocking in front of them.

"This kid, do you want six snake galls to eat?" Yang

Kai guessed.

Based on his description of Lin Yue through Yang Qing and Qin Ji, plus when he came here, Lin Yue alone confronted the Heavenly Emperor and the Six Dao Snake Emperor, and he could still bluff them.

Yang Kai immediately saw that this kid was delaying time and waiting for them to come.

Apparently he succeeded.

This is a guy who can power the world.

And now, in the face of the death-defying counterattack of the Six Dao Snake Emperors, it was impossible for Lin Yue to do such a reckless thing.


Yang Kai stopped the people behind.

"Father, the little holy king.

Yang Qing stepped forward anxiously.

Yang sighed happily, "After your mother left, my father never saw you care about me so much, but now I care about Lin Yue."

Yang Qing said angrily: "Didn't you care about me either?"

The old face twitched, and Yang Kai knew that he had said the wrong thing.

But what was wrong was mentioning his dead wife, or was it Lin Yue.

Yang Kai himself didn't know.

"Don't worry. Yang Kai pointed at the Six Dao Snake Emperor, "Old Snake Emperor, it's even more painful now."

Only then did everyone look and find that the Six Snake Emperors were roaring in pain

!"Damn, come out!" The

Snake Emperor's low roar came, but there was no way!

Even Lin Xiu looked at all this indifferently.

"The loss is very complete, is even the six snake galls in your calculations?"

Lin Xiu's voice fell, and sure enough, a terrifying force broke through the body of the Snake Emperor.

At this moment, the Six Dao Snake Emperor stopped all movements, and those who were already dead could no longer die

! Above the heavenly dome, Lin Yue fell cross-legged, and behind him, a huge golden body of Buddha Industry also sat cross-legged!

"The golden body of the Wheel Realm?"

Even Yang Kai was stunned for a moment at this moment.

"What is the golden body?" Yang

Qing couldn't help but ask.

Qin Wunian on the side coughed dryly, "I haven't been able to use my golden body perfectly. "

Everyone was shocked, he was a powerhouse of

the Taishang Realm, the new emperor of the Northern Realm!" Yang Kai nodded, "Seventy Dao Taishang powers can perfectly exert the golden body, but he's just a Wheel Realm!"

And Yang Kai could see it.

Lin Yue's golden body is very powerful! But at the same time, in the center of this golden body's eyebrows, a six-colored light suddenly appeared and flickered

! Lin Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared

! When he appeared, he was already in front of the golden body's eyebrows!

"Impossible, let you break through like this!"

Lin Xiu's

power exploded to kill Lin Yue.

"Stop!" Suddenly

, a knife intent rose from the ground and slashed towards

Lin Xiu! The dragon scales came with a knife, and after the thirty-three heavens were perfectly absorbed, the dragon scales had already stepped into the realm of the three yangs of the transcendence realm

! But Lin Xiu didn't look at him, his right hand waved at will, and the mad knife intent seemed to be oppressed by space in the air, and it was directly shattered! Lin Xiu

squinted slightly, and a finger of his right hand popped out, and a scarlet blood line directly penetrated the heart of the dragon scale.

The dragon's pupils dilated, thinking that he was going to die.

But I found that the blood line melted into the heart, and I didn't feel anything.

"Could it be

!" When his heart was shocked, a sword light swept towards Lin Xiu, the speed was so fast, surpassing him too much

! Bang! The space clicked, Lin Xiuying Heavenly Mirror was really in front of him, and while blocking the sword light, his figure suddenly burst out and smashed on the gate of the sword clan's bloodline!

Yang Kai stood with his hands in his hands, and the sword qi of his whole body connected to heaven and earth, as if a peerless divine sword was unsheathed!"

The first sword of the Emperor Gate, no one can defeat the Taishang!

" The corners of Lin Xiu's mouth rose, "Interesting opponent."

Yang Kai's eyes narrowed slightly, "You seem to be very similar to Lin Yue." "

So what?"

Yang Kai shook his head, "But there is no one like him in the world, your talent is not below him, but your strategy is not good."

"I am the Heavenly Emperor of Cultivation!"

Lin Xiu gritted his teeth, his white hair flying

, but Yang Kai raised his hand, "Look at the Southern Realm, what happened to those who supported you, those who opposed Lin Yue!" Lin

Xiu stood up from the ruins and looked around.

The Nangong clan and the Imperial Beast clan almost wiped out

the Tomb Carrying Human Clan, the sarcophagus was shattered, and under the Silent Qiankun Stick, the skull of the strongest combat power of the Tomb Bearer was also smashed by the little monkey.

and the Southern Barbarian Wilderness that he sent to encircle and suppress the Fengyue Clan.

Now that the Fengyue Clan and the Medicine Clan have arrived at the same time, there is no need to think about it to know that the Southern Barbarian Clan has also been defeated!

The battle of the Eight Clans that he had planned for many years seemed to be a game with Lin Yue.

But in this game.

He lost completely.

Lin Xiu turned his head and looked at Lin Yue, who had already fused the six snake galls.

"Sooner or later, I'll beat you.

But at the moment when he spoke, above the heavenly dome, a law broke through the sky, and the speed was so fast that it directly enveloped Lin Xiu

! This law rose and teleported light, as if it was not coming from the southern realm, but in a more distant star field

! "Emperor Gate teleportation light!"

Yang Kai's figure burst out, and between heaven and earth, everyone saw a blue divine sword rushing towards that law!

The first sword of the Emperor Gate swept through, but the law seemed to be indestructible, and it was actually unscathed at all at the moment when the sword qi dissipated!

Lin Xiu's figure slowly rose from the law

! "Can't let him go!"

Everyone in the Southern Realm shouted in unison

! The Emperor Xiutian who has disrupted the Southern Realm, once such a demon leaves, if he makes a comeback in the future, the Southern Realm will not be able to withstand the second war of the Emperor Xiutian!

In an instant, all the Wheel Realm cultivators burst out and shot directly into the law!"


Within that law, a thunder sound came

! Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, it directly shook everyone's qi away

! At this moment, everyone who shot out spurted out a mouthful of blood!

"Law Realm powerhouse!" "This is the guidance of the Law Realm powerhouse!" Everyone

all felt a sense of powerlessness


The strong are respected, and the Law Realm wants to take Lin Xiu away, even if he is not in the Southern Realm Star Domain at all, and he is not a true body.

But with one rule, it is enough to shock everyone!

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