Lin Yue frowned slightly.

Also noticed the chest of the dragon scales.

"Trouble, when is the blood sacrifice to refine the heart?"

The dragon scales had not yet reached Lin Yue.

Above the sky, Qin Ji and Sword Idiot, the two sect master-level figures had already sensed something, and instantly shot at the dragon scales

!"Elder Long, why did you hurt Elder Liu?" "

Sect Master, Elder Dragon is wrong!"

The sword idiot squinted slightly, and when he landed, he wanted to stop the dragon scales, but he saw that the other party had already made a move!

Between the changes in sword intent, more than a dozen waves burst out in the air, and the dragon scales in this state are actually stronger than usual

! With a wave of his hand, the cold air in front of him suddenly formed an ice wall, and the sword intent hit the ice wall, making a clanging sound!

More and more people gathered over.

The sword idiot had no intention of hurting him, but the dragon scales lost their minds, and directly bypassed the ice wall and headed towards

Lin Yue! "Childe

!" "Holy King!"

The sword idiot and Qin Ji were concerned about Lin Yue, and they were about to make a move, but they saw Lin Yue raise his hand.

"It doesn't matter. "

Anyway, he stood with his hands in his hands, and he didn't make any preparations to resist the dragon scales at all!

Qin Wunian, Yang Kai and the others also rushed over.

But they also saw that Lin Yue didn't let them make a move

!"Kill, Lin Yue!" The

dragon scales roared, and the blade in his hand fell suddenly, slashing straight at the top of Lin Yue's head!

"If your Dao heart is so fragile, it will disappoint me too much.

Lin Yue's voice came coldly.

He remained motionless.

Everyone's heart hangs in the sore throat.

But at this moment, the dragon scale knife was one foot above Lin Yue's head, but it never fell again

! The dragon scale gritted his teeth, "Lord Saint King

!" His hands trembled, as if he was trying his best to control his reason

! But at the same time, at his heart, scarlet blood lines burst out, directly piercing his heart!

"Kill, Lin Yue!" The

voice came.

"Lin Xiu, it's Lin Xiu

!" "Emperor Xiutian, what has been left in Elder Long's body!"

Dragon Scale and Lin Yue looked at each other, and Lin Yue's words gave him the last lucidity.

The next moment, the dragon scale knife came out of his hand, he turned his heart sideways, and his hands slashed on the flying blade

! "

Elder Dragon

!" Everyone from the Forgetting Immortal Sect immediately came up, only to see that the dragon scales had cut off their arms!

"Holy King, don't kill!"

The dragon scales fell to the ground, and let the blood sacrifice on his chest torture him, but his hand was broken, and he couldn't pick up the knife anymore!

"Is it worth it?" Lin

Yue squatted down and asked the dragon scales.

"The Little Saint King is the hope of the Forgetting Immortal Sect, you can't kill it!" The

dragon scale's face gradually turned pale, and his lips were no longer bloody.

"Then if one day, I don't forget the hope of the Immortal Sect, then you can kill me?"

Lin Yue looked at him with both eyes, as if he was checking the heart of the dragon scale.

"That's right, don't kill!" the

dragon scales looked at him steadfastly.

Lin Yue smiled, "Prepare a room for me."

"Okay. "

The sword idiot immediately went to do it himself.

Lin Yue naturally couldn't take the dragon scales back to his room, after all, Qin Yiyi was still asleep.

Maybe Qin Yiyi is hiding behind the door now, just worried that she will be seen, so that Lin Yue and her affairs can't be explained.

Otherwise, I would have rushed out to see the situation.

Soon, Sword Idiot and Lin Yue sent the dragon scales into a room.

"Go down first.

Lin Yue said.

"Do you want to prepare some elixir?"

Qin Ji asked Lin Yue, who knew that Lin Yue had given her all the supplies before to set up a new force.

Worried that Lin Yue would not be able to save the dragon scales.

"Nothing, get out.

Lin Yue spoke again, and Qin Ji and Jian Idiot and the others didn't dare to say more.

Since Lin Yue had already decided, he naturally had his reasons.

The door gradually closed.

Lin Yue saw that the dragon scales had passed out.

Although his hands were broken, his life was not in danger.

But a sword cultivator has no hands, which is even more uncomfortable than asking for his life.

But the dragon scale made a choice and broke his hands for Lin Yue.

His heart was still warm.

Lin Yue held down the dragon scale's hands.

"Time and space reversal. The

voice fell, and the voice of the system came out of his head.

[The host consumes three points of space-time value, the space-time reversal is successful, and the remaining space-time value: three thousand ......]

The system sound sounded, and the hands of the dragon scales were visibly restored to the naked eye as if they had gone back in time.

His complexion also improved a lot in an instant.

Lin Yue knew that the dragon scales were about to wake up, and pressed another hand on the dragon scales' heart.

"The Blood Sacrifice Refining Heart can't be unraveled, but if the time and space are reversed.

"[The host consumes seven hundred space-time values, the space-time reversal is successful, and the remaining space-time value: three thousand ......]

Lin Yue sighed in his heart.

"If this kid had told me earlier, why did he have to delay for so long, he would have felt sorry for me.

Lin Yue stared at the Blood Sacrifice Heart Refining Heart in his hand that had been rejected because

of the reversal of time and space! The time of the Dragon Scale Heart had returned to the moment before the Blood Sacrifice Heart Refining Heart.

"Little Saint King!" The dragon scale opened his eyes, but he immediately felt that

his hands were as flexible as ever! He jumped out of bed in fright

! On the table in the room, the dragon scale knife flew by his five fingers into claws!

"Little Saint King

, my hand?"

Lin Yue smiled faintly, "You can cut off your hands for me, and I will naturally be able to take them back." The

dragon's eyes widened.

"But it doesn't look like it's being taken back.

Dragonscale scratched at his wrist, "It's like resetting your old arm."

"See through it, don't say it.

Lin Yue glanced at him.

He still wants to keep a low profile in this matter.

That's why everyone was separated.

But the dragon scales themselves were the beneficiaries, and he could naturally feel the sensation of his arm being reset.

It's like he's stuck on the same day and wakes up with everything reset.

The dragon scales looked at Lin Yue with deep righteousness, and bowed to his fist and said: "The Holy King has a life-saving grace for the dragon scales, and the secret of the Holy King, the dragon scales will be brought into the coffin."

Lin Yue smiled faintly, "It's not so serious." "

What is the grace of saving lives.

Although in the eyes of the dragon scale, his hands are his life.

"Actually, I'm a low-key person, and I don't have any secrets.

Dragonscale nodded, "I understand, there are no secrets. With

that, he went straight to the bed and lay down again.

"What are you doing?" Lin

Yue was puzzled, isn't this product all good?

The dragon scales lay down and bowed to the fist and said: "If I go out now, it will definitely arouse everyone's suspicions, and if I lie down again, the dragon scales will not be touched within a month."

"Well, I didn't expect that.

Lin Yue looked at him with interest, "You kid usually doesn't speak, and he has a lot of thoughts."

The dragon scale looked apologetic, thinking of something, "Please also ask the Holy King to help me see how Lao Liu is doing?"

"Don't worry."

Lin Yue smiled, "Before coming in, Sword Idiot and Qin Ji had already told me that Liu Wuxian was fine, don't worry."

The dragon scales breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yue walked out of the door, thinking that it was wrong for the dragon scales to do this.

But didn't you make yourself less powerful in disguise?"

"Forget it, let's choose to keep a low profile." "

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