Lin Yue knew that the Dao in the incense burner was also a prohibition, and once the ban was lifted, this incense burner would exert the power of earth-shattering ghosts and gods.

But he didn't expect that it would be Xuan You and Situ Jue who sent this thing to him.

Lin Yue had been practicing in the incense burner for an hour, and when he opened his eyes, the Soul Devouring Dafa above had all been memorized by him.

"My current Divine Thoughts still have 100,000 years to be smelted, and once they are refined, the Divine Thoughts realm may break through faster than the Battle Body and Cultivation.

Lin Yue thought about it, compared to Qin Ji's current Divine Mind Realm, it was the Nine Burning Wheel Realm, so even if her Yao Qi cultivation fell, her comprehensive combat power was still comparable to the Transcendence Realm.

Lin Yue estimated that it would take at least a long time for his 100,000-year divine thoughts to be smelted.

After another hour of retreat, Lin Yue's state of divine thought was lowered, and a purple cyclone continued to appear in his body.

The cyclone produced a devouring force, and Lin Yue was about to slowly devour and smelt the 100,000-year-old divine thoughts.

Just an hour later, he opened his eyes and realized that the divine mind had only been smelting for thirty years.

The divine thoughts of mortals are only a hundred years, so above a hundred years, there are spiritual realm divine thoughts.

Above five hundred years, it is the Purdue Realm Divine Thought.

A thousand years of divine thought is the reincarnation realm.

Millennial Divine Thoughts, not that the physical body has to survive for a thousand years, such as Qin Ji and other masters who major in Divine Thoughts, even if they are not very old, rely on talent and hard work, and the heavenly and earthly treasures of the Forgetting Immortal Sect, they have already reached the realm of thousand-year Divine Thoughts!

Lin Yue accelerated his progress, and after another three hours, when he opened his eyes, the strength of his divine thoughts had reached eighty years.

"It's just that, it seems to devour others faster. Lin Yue went out and came to the seventh house.

I saw that the sword intent and sword qi were constantly bursting out in the back mountain, and the disciples of the seventh palace trembled, but no one dared to go to the back mountain to check.

Seeing Lin Yue coming, they all knelt down, "See the Little Saint King."

Lin Yue nodded, and went to the back mountain, and saw that Yang Qing and Long Scale were sweating profusely, and hundreds of trees around them were broken, and the two seemed to have been fighting for a long time.

On the other side, Lin Yue also heard the sound of the phoenix groaning, and the divine thoughts swept over, only to see that thirty zhang away, Liu Wuxian and the phoenix chant spear had already fused into one, constantly bursting out with amazing power, and wherever the tip of the spear went, the earth was violent, flying sand and stones!

" Enough.

As soon as Lin Yue's face calmed, a divine thought emanated, and the four of them stopped at the same time.

The sword idiot used the Thunder Imperial Sword, and when he was about to make a move, he was interrupted by Lin Yue, immediately collected his sword qi, and ran to Lin Yue, and the other three were the same.

The four of them stood in front of Lin Yue, all of them didn't know why Lin Yue was angry.

Yang Qing bowed his fist and said: "Little Saint King, are we practicing wrong?"

Lin Yue glanced at the four of them, and pointed at Liu Wuxian to come out, "The others stand back, you, play a few shots to attack me."

Liu Wuxian was stunned for a moment, "The little saint king is my life-saving benefactor, I don't dare."

Lin Yue sighed, "If you want to make a move, you can make a move, and I will talk about it if it hurts you."

Liu Wuxian was helpless, and waved the phoenix chanting gun, and the tip of the spear shot like an electric explosion.

Lin Yue raised the fingers of his left hand and grabbed the tip of the gun impartially!

"Didn't you eat?" Lin Yue scolded.

Liu Wuxian was immediately hit hard, withdrew the Fengyin spear, and all the combat power exploded, a white phoenix shadow suddenly opened its wings behind him, the phoenix chant turned into a white light, the gun wind swept up, and the earth shattered!

Lin Yue's eyes were flat, and at the moment when the phoenix chanting gun was approaching, he turned sideways to avoid the tip of the gun, and at the same time pointed out with two fingers, hitting Liu Wuxian's arm


"Four of them together, pick me up and try it. Lin Yue waved his spear, Liu Wuxian was suddenly shocked, he didn't expect Lin Yue to take away his weapon so easily, but he still immediately persuaded: "Little Saint King, the gun has been recognized, and if you use it rashly, it will backfire."

Lin Yue didn't bother to pay attention to him, and in the storage ring, an undetectable light flashed in the purple furnace, and the backlash of the phoenix chanting spear disappeared immediately.

The tip of the spear swept out, and the four people on the opposite side immediately made a move to resist, but they felt that the wind of the Fengyin spear was extremely tricky, and it actually came from all directions

! And every landing point appeared in a position that was difficult for them to dodge!

If it weren't for Lin Yue's hands, the four of them would have been injured under the Fengyin gun.

"Okay, it's amazing!" "

The Little Saint King is actually so good at marksmanship!" The

four of them bowed their heads at the same time, "Please forgive the Little Saint King!"

Lin Yue threw the Fengyin spear back to Liu Wuxian, and stood up with his hands in his hands and said: "When fighting, power is important, but more is accuracy.

His gaze fell on the sword idiot, "Lack of precision, just like the Nine Sparrows and Ge Mantis, it is easy to be dodged when you shoot, and you have no power and cultivation, but you can't hit people, what's the use?"

Lin Yue said: "Sword idiot, responsible for the east, Yang Qing, Liu Wuxi, and Dragon Scales, responsible for the west, south, and north, I want these trees within 30 zhang on all sides are only seven feet and seven inches tall." The

four frowned, there were at least 10,000 trees on each side, and it would be easy for them all to be cut down.

But Lin Yue requires an accuracy of seven feet and seven inches, which is difficult to do unless he deliberately measures it.

"This is the real cultivation. "

Let's go, what the Little Saint King taught will not be wrong. The

four of them retreated, and the sword idiot secretly glanced at Lin Yue, and also left.

Lin Yue was meditating cross-legged beside him, Hongmeng didn't have much time to fight, he needed these four people to help him solve all obstacles.

At this moment, Lin Yue integrated into the purple furnace to cultivate, and when he opened his eyes again, his divine thoughts had reached the level of a hundred years, and Lin Yue's whole body exuded a purple divine thought cyclone, constantly converging into his body.

Above the sky, black clouds rolled in again, Lin Yue frowned, looked up, and felt a little strange.

"Could it be that he was discovered by that thing so quickly?" His

current realm is not enough to attract two thunder tribulations a day, but the cultivation of the three elements of body, qi, and spirit is a matter against the sky, and at this moment the thunderclouds have been condensed and formed.

"It seems that my cultivation is too fast. Lin Yue smiled faintly and closed his eyes.

He didn't need to resist, because the four dragon scales had already made a move! The

disciples of the Twelve Palaces of the Forgetting Immortal Sect, especially the Seventh Palace, were under the Thunder Tribulation, this time it was not as far away as in the Taishang Qingchi, and they clearly saw the four voices rising

in the air! The sword idiot was not yet in the Wheel Mirror, but her Thunder Sword Qi was around her feet, which was enough for her to step into the air!

"My God, what's wrong with the sect, it has attracted two heavenly tribulations in one day!"

But isn't it, this is about to rise

!" "Look, that's Elder Yang Qing, Elder Dragon Scale, and Elder Liu Wuxi!"

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