Lin Yue smiled, approached Qin Ji and said, "Sect Master Qin, I will come back after taking the key and that egg, and when the time comes, you will also have to make progress."

Qin Ji also wanted to ask Lin Yue if she was going to see her old lover, but when the words came to her mouth, she felt an amazing masculine aura coming from Lin Yue's body.

Qin Ji quickly closed her eyes, her face was uncomfortable, and she couldn't ask again.

After a long time, after Lin Yue retracted his masculinity, Qin Ji slowly came back to her senses.

Lin Yue said again, "I need flying soldiers and 100 million baht."

"Naturally, you can get it ready tomorrow before dawn." Qin Ji was afraid that Lin Yue would suddenly become difficult, and she didn't dare to ask anything else.

Lin Yue looked at Qin Ji, "You are really becoming more and more cooperative."

Qin Ji was stunned for a moment, thinking that Lin Yue had something to say, "At a young age, he is all about deceiving women."

Lin Yue smiled, and suddenly in the distance, a figure came in an instant, Qin Ji was startled, and the divine thought exploded towards the figure, but found that the divine thought attack was not effective against him at all.

Qin Ji screamed and hid in the pool, Lin Yue couldn't help but laugh, "Puppet, you scared her." The

puppet that was exactly the same as Lin Yue knelt down in the air, "Master, please surrender."

Lin Yue shrugged, "What's going on with the Refining Weapon Sect?"

the puppet said, "All dead."

His right hand was raised, and there was a head he grasped, which was the head of Xiaoyaozun.

Xiao Yaozun was still open, obviously not expecting that today would be his death.

"When you arrived, how was the Refining Sect?" the

puppet replied, "More than half of them have been killed or wounded, and I hid in the shadows and waited for them to kill each other before making a move."

"Good. Lin Yue nodded with satisfaction, and saw the puppet throw down hundreds of storage rings.

This thing is better than Xuanyou, at least he has no greed, and he won't fill his pocket.

Lin Yue put the puppet into the storage ring, and then pulled Qin Ji out, "It's okay."

"Neither can a puppet.

Qin Ji looked at Lin Yue reproachfully.

The latter smiled and nodded, "What do you see these are?"

Kotohime gasped, hundreds of storage rings were enough to surprise her.

Lin Yueshen swept away, "With the group of people from Xiaoyaozun, there are almost 100 million baht here, it seems that this trip will be easier."

Qin Ji's heart trembled, "You really killed Xiao Yaozun

?" Lin Yue said: "Are you afraid?"

Qin Ji nodded, she really didn't want to start a war with Chixiao Pavilion right now.

But Lin Yue did smile, "Don't worry, Xiaoyaozun slaughtered the Refining Weapon Sect and destroyed the sect, and the Qin Sect Master personally killed it, no one can blame you for this matter."

Lin Yue stared at Qin Ji's eyes and said, "Remember, the current situation in Hongmeng cannot be solved by concessions.

Kotohime nodded.

An hour later, Lin Yue recovered the state of the battle body, and now the battle body has stabilized in the state of the Pudu realm.

The battle body turned into a Pure Realm

! Cultivated into a Burning

Wheel Realm! Divine Thoughts Hundred Years Spirit Realm!

Lin Yue judged that his comprehensive combat power was now close to the top level of the Wheel Realm of a single cultivation master.

Back in the Zodiac, Lin Yue saw that everyone around him was asleep, and when he returned to the room, he was surprised to see that Yang Qing was already lying on his bed.

She was neatly dressed and her eyes were closed, but the fire in the room was still burning.

Lin Yue smiled, blew out the flames, and lay down next to Yang Qing, his fingers lightly running over the other party's face.

Yang Qing's skin is like snow, and it can be broken by blowing, and it is not a few points lower than the teenage age of the sword idiot.

Lin Yue saw Yang Qing's slender eyelashes twitch slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised, "Can you not be shy if you pretend to sleep?"

Yang Qing's chest rose and fell, her eyes were still closed, Lin Yue stopped teasing her, grabbed the other party's hand, and fell into a deep sleep.

When the sun rose, sunlight spilled into the room, and Lin Yue opened his eyes, only to see that Yang Qing was no longer around.

Apparently frightened by the sword idiot's crash.

Lin Yue smiled faintly and opened the door, there was already a message from the maid of the sect master's hall, and Qin Ji's flying soldiers were ready.

"Who are you going to take this time?" Inside the Sect Master's Hall, Qin Ji asked curiously.

Lin Yue shrugged his shoulders, knowing that the three elders and the sword idiot all had cultivation tasks, so he smiled and said, "Is it okay to take you there?"

Qin Ji's delicate body trembled, and immediately shook her head: "It's not that I don't want to see and see, it's just that as the sect master, Hongmeng is about to fight, and I still need some preparations."

Lin Yue smiled and saw that Qin Ji wanted to break through as soon as possible, "When I come back, I want to see you break through to the transcendent realm."

Kotohime nodded heavily.

Lin Yue said helplessly: "It seems that I can only go by myself."

Qin Ji stepped forward and put a storage ring into Lin Yue's palm, "Here is 100 million baht."

Lin Yue put away the storage ring.

Outside the Sect Master's Hall, the three-zhang tall flying soldier was the appearance of a huge black warship.

This thing can travel through the starry sky, enough for Lin Yue to reach the Night King City.

Yang Qing and the others also came, and after Qin Ji told them that Lin Yue was going to leave for a while, for some reason, Yang Qing and the sword idiot's hearts suddenly emptied.

Even Liu Wuxian and the dragon scales were a little lost.

"The little saint king's understanding of martial arts is unprecedented, without his guidance, our progress.

Yang Qing said angrily: "He assigned a task to us, don't worry."

Liu Wuxian felt strange, "Elder Yang, we practiced so late yesterday, and now it's early in the morning, when did the Little Saint King tell you about the task?"

Yang Qing knew that he had missed his mouth, and said angrily: "You don't have to worry about this."

She was still uncomfortable now watching Lin Yue get on the flying soldiers.

Liu Wuxian smiled twitchingly, took a step back awkwardly, and shouted, "Little Saint King has a good journey."

Lin Yue nodded, stood up with his hands in his hands and said, "After I come back, if you are taken away by me again, I will give the Fengyin gun to others."

Liu Wuxian shook his head in fright, "Don't be, the little saint king is asking for my life!"

Lin Yue smiled, and didn't say more, the flying soldiers rose into the sky, and in the distance, Lin Yue saw that in the Holy Maiden's Palace, Qin Yiyi was watching him from afar.

With the order of the Seven Karma Demon Emperor, none of the one hundred and eight little saints in the Northern Realm Star Domain were allowed to go out without permission and avoid contact with men.

Qin Yiyi was like a canary in a cage, and Lin Yue's appearance gave her a feeling of being truly alive.

Qin Yiyi didn't dare to disturb Lin Yue too much, once he was noticed by the people of the Seven Karma Demon Emperor, it would be a catastrophe for Lin Yue and the Forgetting Immortal Sect.

Lin Yue sighed lightly and smiled at Qin Yiyi, suddenly feeling a little more responsibility on his shoulders.

He wouldn't stay for any woman, but a woman like Qin Yiyi who gave everything to him, Lin Yue didn't want her to be hurt.

"I need to get the things in the Dao River as soon as possible, otherwise if I want to reach the Three Emperors level, I will have to be at least a hundred years slower.

Lin Yue muttered to himself.

The flying soldiers broke through the sky and gradually disappeared from the eyes of everyone, and the dragon scales, who had been silent, took a deep breath and said: "Dapeng rises with the wind one day and soars up to 90,000 miles. The

dragon scale knife in his hand appeared, and he carried it on his shoulder, "Don't be thrown too far away by the little saint king, let's go." "

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