He just wanted to take down Ye Mingyue, so that he could go out and threaten Jun Supreme.

But if you really kill Ye Mingyue, you can't fight with yourself

?" "Joke, why not?"

Ling Zun smiled, his pale old face actually showing a greedy stare at Ye Mingyue.

"But this girl is so stunning, it's a pity to die directly.

Lei Long squinted slightly, knowing that this old guy specialized in cultivating evil skills, and there were countless women who died in his hands all year round.

His son Ling Feng and the bunch of people in Ling Tiandian all regarded women as playthings.

Therefore, Ling Feng's death in Lin Yue's hands also made many women of Ling Tiandian grateful and temporarily escaped from the fire pit.

"How long will you have to talk nonsense?" Lin

Yue looked at impatiently.

Ling Zun saw Lin Yue standing in front of Ye Mingyue.

"Wait for your death.

Lin Yue didn't bother to pay attention to him, and went straight to take Ye Mingyue away.

"Want to run?"

the thunder dragon reacted, and the speed burst away, and Ling Zun also followed.

The scorching desert is endless, and all around is a blank and golden sand desolation.

Lin Yue led the way in front, he knew that the key was peculiar, and he might not have time to take it out in time, so he wouldn't waste his words with Lei Long and the others.

With a little injury, his purpose has been achieved, and that is enough.

Sure enough, the two of them were rushing with all their might, without any hesitation at all, Lin Yue directly grabbed her hand from Ye Mingyue on the side.

"They're catching up!" Ye

Mingyue said worriedly, but after arriving at a certain place that seemed to be silent, Lin Yue stared down, bit his finger, and a drop of essence blood was drawn into a blood talisman by him!"

"Little thing, don't sleep."

Lin Yue muttered, the blood talisman melted into the desert, and when Ye Mingyue looked puzzled, Lin Yue took her to suddenly turn

! When Lei Long and Ling Zun felt strange

, the desert below shook violently! "There is something down there!"

Ling Zun was the first to notice it, and when he was about to retreat, he saw the desert below explode directly into the air!

Flying sand filled the sky, and a desert barrier appeared in front of them.

The thunder dragon also stopped chasing, and suddenly saw a piercing roar coming from within the barrier

! This voice directly vibrated out, even Lin Yue, who had already avoided a long distance, felt a tingling pain in his eardrums

! Ye Mingyue turned his head, his pupils dilated, and he saw the rising sand slowly falling, but what was revealed was

barbs! Under the barbs, a pair of hideous scarlet

eyes suddenly opened his eyes! "Sand lizard!".

As soon as Ling Zun's words fell, behind the barrier, a huge long thorn burst out, the speed was so fast, it had already reached Ling

Zun's range in the blink of an eye!"Mere demon beasts, presumptuous

!" Ling Zun said angrily, his right hand was raised, and he grabbed the air behind him, and suddenly, eight scorching breaths suddenly descended!

"Eight Yang Transcendence!" Ye

Mingyue's pretty face was solemn.

In the face of such a powerful person, she didn't know how to retreat with Lin Yue later.

Behind Ling Zun, the Eight Suns had already formed!"Death to this seat!"

"There are not many top-level battles in the Transcendence Realm, but today is the second time in a row!

With a bang, that huge bone spur was bombarded by the Eight Suns, and it was impossible to take a step further at all!"

"The Lord of Ling Heaven Hall is indeed powerful. Ye

Mingyue's face was bloodless.

If this was Lin Yue's hole card, it would not be enough for them to escape.

Lin Yue shrugged.

"It's still early.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw that

the thunder dragon wanted to leave the battlefield, but on his side, a bone spur did appear again! Boom! The

thunder dragon ran the battle body, and the physical combat power was exerted to the extreme, and a punch and the bone spur bombarded together, but suddenly, an unprecedented sense of crisis rose in his heart

! The earth, the sky, in all directions, at this moment, a bone spur burst out at the same time!

"Damn, it's not a sand lizard!"

The thunder dragon knew that he and Ling Zun were careless, and his body immediately regressed, and Ling Zun also escaped in embarrassment, and in the midst of the storm, eight bone spurs rushed into the sky

! "Eight-tailed sand lizard, this is a demon beast of the Wujian Realm!" Ye

Mingyue gasped, even she didn't know that there would be a Wujian Realm level demon beast in her own territory!

If this demon beast could be controlled, then the Night King City would no longer need to worry about being remembered.


!" Ling Zun shouted, but where the two of them were, suddenly a cold aura suddenly condensed

!"Damn, this is the cold qi of the Wujian Realm!" Ling Zun's face changed greatly, Jiuyang

transcended the realm to the Yang to the strong, but the stronger realm of the Wujian Realm

, the Yin to the cold, it was the nemesis of the transcendence realm! Ling Zun and Lei Long saw that their feet were frozen by the ice, and their bodies instantly slowed down by one step, and it was just this step, and the eight bone spurs had already come to the top of their heads!


Outside the teleportation array, Xinghe had just woken up and rushed over.

He bypassed the army of the Lei Ling Second Sect and entered the auction through the side door.

As soon as he entered, he was startled!

The dragon's head in the sky was impressively scorching desert......

Why did the young lady go in too?"

Jun Wushang sighed and shook his head.

"If the girl doesn't stay, what can I do?"

but when he saw the eight-tailed sand lizard appear, his heart was also tight.

"Why shouldn't it be at this time...... Strangely, it was in order to avoid that thing that the ancestors set a ban on opening it for a hundred years, and it could only enter the desert while it was sleeping. Even

if the two of them were worried, they couldn't enter the teleportation array at all now.

"Night King, Miss is inside, can't we get in?" Even

if Xinghe was injured, he still couldn't help but have a relationship with Ye Mingyue, after all, Ye Mingyue was raised by him since he was a child.

"If you can't get in, the formation will be filled with up to four people.

Jun Wusupreme shook his head helplessly.

"The things left behind by Emperor Qi Tian are forbidden and extremely domineering, even after so many years, they are not something we can crack. Fortunately

, he can now see the internal situation through the teleportation array, and seeing that Ye Mingyue is still safe, and Lin Yue also protects her well, he is relieved.

"Now, I can only rely on that kid to protect Mingyue.

Jun Wushang turned to Xinghe, his words surprised.

"Old boy, why did you faint in the morning, isn't it time?"

Xinghe snorted.

"Lord Wang, this kind of thing is very taboo, the old man is old, he can't say it, as for the reason for fainting, it's not for the Night King City. "

Jun Supreme listened to Xinghe carefully, and the more he listened, the more wrong it be......came!

At this moment, in the scorching desert, Lin Yue quickly retreated, the sandstorm rushed into the sky, and the whole world seemed to fall into the billowing

sandstorm! I only heard a bang, Thunder Dragon and Ling Zun rushed out of the sandstorm, and the two of them, drenched in blood at this moment, directly grabbed Lin Yue and Ye Mingyue respectively, and left directly!

"Damn beast, I've never heard Shizun say that there is such a powerful thing here. "

Ling Zun spurted out a mouthful of blood, obviously the injury was more serious than that

of the Thunder Dragon! In this kind of battle against the Great Demon Beast, the Thunder Dragon's battle body strength is obviously more advantageous!"

"If it weren't for the need for sacrifices, Lao Tzu would have slaughtered them early in the morning.

Ling Zun glared at Lin Yue and the others.

He could see it very clearly, Lin Yue had discovered the aura of the demon beast, and he had just deliberately avoided it!

But it was they who suffered.

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