"Good. Ye Mingyue didn't even think about it, just nodded.

She naturally understood that now was the critical period for the Forgetting Immortal Sect.

Lin Yue scratched Ye Mingyue's chin.

"Really good, you and my puppet will go to the Forgotten Immortal Sect to support first, and after defeating the Chixiao Pavilion, there will be no problem with saving the strength to help the Female Emperor Sect.

Ye Mingyue's pretty face turned red, and she was made by Lin Yue's intimate behavior.

"No problem, what about you?"

Lin Yue smiled, "I'll go meet that demon lord for a while."

Ye Mingyue's heart tightened.

"Do you want to notify your father to come?"

Lin Yue shook his head.

"Lei Ling's second sect, he still has to clean up the mess, no need.

"What about Qin Wunian, the power of the Qing Palace, Biluo, may be able to help you." Ye

Mingyue was really worried about Lin Yue.

Although she had never seen the Demon Lord, judging from the previous Empress Queen's jealous attitude, the Demon Lord's terrifyingness was probably above Ling Zun and Thunder Dragon.

"Biluo Shangqing Palace will also be in trouble, in a few days, Qin Wunian will face an unprecedented test, let's let him prepare first.

Lin Yue's eyes seemed to see through everything, and he gently touched the same head, knowing that this stunning beauty cared about him very much.

"Don't worry, the Demon Lord is no match for me.

There was incomparably deep in his tone, Ye Mingyue had never seen such a confident person.

Even in the face of opponents who were much stronger than his cultivation, Lin Yue still had this kind of firm self-confidence.

However, Ye Mingyue didn't think he was arrogant at all, but trusted Lin Yue very much.


The soldiers were divided into two ways, and Ye Mingyue took the puppet exactly like Lin Yue and hurried to the Forgotten Immortal Sect.

At this moment, outside the Forgotten Immortal Sect, the battlefield was in chaos! The

trapped dragon net spread all over the land, blocking the attack of many Chixiao Pavilion masters, but at the same time, the disciples of the Twelve Palaces of the Forgetting Immortal Sect were also in a bitter battle!

A spear swept across the ground, the sound of the phoenix echoed around, and the corners of Liu Wuxian's mouth raised, "Brother Long, I have killed two hundred people, more than you." On

the other side, a dragon chant was heard, and at the same moment, the sword intent rose into the sky and was directly cut down, and several disciples of Chixiao Pavilion were directly split in half.

The dragon scale said lightly: "I killed two hundred and fifty people.


the other side, the battle between Qin Ji and Yan Zun, the second master of Chixiao Pavilion, began, and the two of them had their own injuries, but it was difficult to tell the winner.

"Today, the Forgetting Immortal Sect will surely perish.

Yan Zun spoke indifferently, he only felt a tingling in his mind at the moment, Qin Ji's Great Dream of Returning to the Ruins had already hurt him!

" It was Chixiao Pavilion who was going to die. Qin Ji's face was angry, and there were heavy casualties in front of her, but she was glad that Lin Yue had appeared in the past few days, which had improved the overall combat power of the Forgetting Immortal Sect a lot.

Liu Wuxian and Dragon Scale blocked the backbone of Chixiao Pavilion, and several elders, united with Xuanyou, also temporarily controlled the first gate master Extermination.

As for the others, it was when Yang Qing and the sword idiot used the Tianyan Sword Technique to split the passage at the same time, and they drove straight into the interior of the Chixiao Pavilion camp.

The situation was chaotic, but Qin Ji couldn't bear to forget the disciples of the Immortal Sect in her heart, and fell down one after another.

But at this moment, two figures fell from the sky, and Ye Mingyue waved a jade belt full of aura in his hand, and swept directly at the moment when he approached the Chixiao Pavilion's several major disciples

! Boom! Those major disciples exploded directly and died, without even having a chance to react

! "Transcendence Realm! Where did the Forgetting Immortal Sect come from the transcendent realm rescuers!"

"Damn, she's coming to us."

Ye Mingyue's expression was indifferent, this was Lin Yue's hometown, for some reason, she was also very aggrieved when she saw the people of Chixiao Pavilion who had invaded here.

"Broken Soul Aya, kill!" The

jade-colored Broken Soul Aya burst out again, and several Wheel Realm disciples wanted to block it, but the moment the weapon touched the Broken Soul Aya, they all burst open

, and with a bang, all of them were beaten to vomit blood!"Spirit weapon, that's

a spirit weapon!" "Damn, the transcendent realm plus the spirit weapon, who are you?"

Everyone in Chixiao Pavilion retreated aggrievedly, Ye Mingyue didn't bother to pay attention to them at all, and directly had a golden light all over his body!

Seeing this, Yang Qing and the others also knew that Ye Mingyue was a friend rather than an enemy, so they hurriedly used the tenth form of the Tianyan Sword Technique with all their might, and two terrifying sword qi slashed down into the air, directly sweeping the pursuers behind Ye Mingyue!

The battlefield suddenly began to fall on one side.

You must know that there are not many people in the Hongmeng Continent who are in the transcendence realm now, but at this time, the Forgetting Immortal Sect has one more transcendent realm with a spiritual weapon, and the powerful combat power displayed by Ye Mingyue has already affected the situation

! Qin Ji was overjoyed when she saw this, but suddenly, she saw Yan Zun sneak attack, and a volley of palm blasted into the air!

"This seat will kill you first, and then go and kill that woman!"

Seeing that Ye Mingyue suddenly joined the battle and killed many people in his Chixiao Pavilion, Yan Zun was already annoyed and angry, and at this moment, he attacked with all his might, but Qin Ji didn't react at all

! When she retreated, her palm power was already close to her!

"Oh no!"

When Qin Ji's life and death were in crisis, Yan Zun laughed fiercely, thinking that this move would inevitably seriously injure the Sect Master of the Forgotten Immortal Sect.

But suddenly, Yan Zun lowered his head, and saw a slender long sword,

like a ghost, appear on his chest

!"Why, how is it possible!"

Yan Zun spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the qi scattered, what he saw was the tip of the sword, which meant that this sword had penetrated his body!

The stinging sword pierced through like a torrential rain, and Yan Zun didn't even have a chance to turn around, only realizing that all his life force had disappeared under this sword!

"You..... Who are you?" Yan Zun's voice stopped in the air, and he had already been blasted down by the puppet with a punch

! Bang!

In the blink of an eye, the second master of Chixiao Pavilion, the master of Sanyang Transcendent Realm cultivation, instantly became a dead corpse that could no longer die

......!" Lin Yue!" Qin

Ji was overjoyed, and when she was about to get closer, she felt that something was wrong, "It's a puppet." "

She was a little lost.

Looking around, I didn't see the real Lin Yue at all.

The puppet was unconscious, and in the next moment, it was already heading in the direction of the exterminator!

"Damn, who are you?"

At the same time, two transcendent realms appeared, and their combat power was so strong that they directly killed a door master.

At this time, the extermination of Xiao Mingque, Xuan You and the others retreated, and at the same time, the order that the puppet received was not to stay!

The stunning sword fell at close range, and the killing intent in the eyes of the exterminating deity was pervasive, "You are looking for death!"

In an instant, his whole body was full of golden light, and a palm was suddenly raised, and the five sun phantoms bloomed with dazzling light at the same time, and the five yang detachments fought with all their strength, and broke out at close range!

The boom hit the puppet directly in the chest, and Zhan Zun laughed shamefully in his heart, thinking that this thing was careless after killing Yan Zun.

But in an instant, he sensed that something was wrong, the stunning sword didn't stop at all, whoosh!

A blood light flashed, and Annihilation spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and his right arm was cut off by force, "Damn, damn

it, Spirit Weapon Xuanjia!" The puppet's body flashed with seven-colored light, and it was the Immortal Xuanjia that dissolved most of the strength of his palm.

Even if the puppet is injured a little, it does not affect the combat power, and he is not conscious at all.

But Annihilation lost an arm

! Annihilation Zun's heart was shocked, and he quickly ordered to retreat, but at this time, Dragon Scales, Liu Wuxi, Ye Mingyue, Yang Qing, and Sword Idiot had already surrounded him!

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