Ling Feiyu wanted to stay and clean up the mess, she lent a warship, and now that Lin Yue helped her get revenge, she naturally knew that she should repay Lin Yue.

Qin Ji and the others stepped into the air and got on the warship, Ye Mingyue and the puppet also followed, and at the same time headed towards

the Dao River! At this moment, on the Dao River, the scarlet water of the Demon Sea had merged with the Dao River, and a man who looked like a boy stood beside the Dao River, looking at the churning blood water, and smiled evilly.

"The people who get in the way have been solved, and they have obtained the Brahma Fruit, what about the Demon Emperor, I am the real demon!" Behind

him, the seven demon generals and hundreds of thousands of troops all knelt there, all exuding an aura of transcendence

! They were not so strong at the beginning, but the demon lord gave them a short boost in strength!

"Guard this place and don't let anyone in." "

No. In

the eyes of the demon lord, the vertical pupils rotated, locking a certain place in the Dao River, and the appearance of the human form instantly exploded, turning into a pool of blood and water, directly integrating into

the Dao River!" "In today's world, only this seat can directly enter the Dao River before the Hongmeng Dou begins. "

The churning Dao River, although it is named after the river, is actually like a huge black sea.

Especially now, the original emerald green river and the scarlet sea of blood have been mixed together.

, this place is named after the river, but it is bigger than an ocean, and after the demon lord entered the Dao River, he quickly locked in a direction.

It was a broken wooden boat, resting at the bottom of the Dao River, the wooden boat looked like it had passed for an unknown amount of time, and a sense of horror of time was overwhelming.

"Meet the boatman. "

The blood shield Dafa returned to its human form, and the demon lord stepped on the wooden boat and worshiped fist do.

On the wooden boat, there was an old man, dressed in a robe and a hat, his old hands covered with veins, and he was holding a long stick at the moment, stirring the soil at the bottom of the river.

From a distance, it looked like a lonely boat paddling.

"Who's bother?"

replied the boatman, the pulp in his hand still stirring, and the boat, as if on the water, began to move.

"My name, Rahu. The

demon lord Rahu continued, "Come and take the boatman away." "

You're not human. The

boatman said indifferently.

Rahu gritted his teeth at the corners of his mouth, and a fierce anger flashed in his eyes.

What he hates most is when someone else says that.

The boatman added: "But the road of the Great Dao, whether it is human or not, does not matter.

After hearing this, Rahu calmed down, "What the boatman said is, let's go."

However, a terrifying concussive force suddenly came from the boatman, and Luo Hu choked his wrists and quickly took a few steps back

, and above the Dao River, the river water rose directly into the sky! Luo Hu squinted slightly, and saw that the mud at the bottom of the Dao River was all surging, and he was only a little slower, I am afraid that he was already seriously injured.

Luo Hu immediately bowed to his fist and said: "The younger generation is reckless. The

boatman ignored him and continued to paddle, and the restless Dao River regained its calm at the moment when the wood pulp slid away.

The boatman said: "I am trapped by the avenue, I have been obsessed with it all my life, I can't see through the avenue, and I can't get out of the river."

"Damn!" Luo Hu knew in his heart that this was going to test his Dao heart


At this moment, in the sky above the Dao River, a man and an ape suddenly appeared, Lin Yue stood with his hands in his hands, looked down at the sky below, and was immediately surrounded by the seven demon generals!

Lin Yue said lightly to the ape: "Give me the Qiankun stick, and they will give it to you." "

It's simple and clear, the ape has already attacked the Seven Demon Generals!"

A transcendent realm demon general sneered, but the next moment, a fist directly pierced his chest

!"Damn, so fast

!" The rest of the demon generals were startled, and looked at the ape in amazement, "The cold qi of the Invincible Realm

!" The first demon general to speak, he didn't even have a chance to react, and the whole person had become an ice sculpture!

Lin Yue ignored these, holding the Qiankun stick in his hand, and suddenly became bigger!"

It's time to move mountains and reclaim the sea. "

The Dao River is no ordinary water.

The water contains the Brahma fruit realm, and the human body cannot open it at all.

The demon lord can use the blood shield Dafa to enter the Dao River, and Lin Yue also knows that kind of non-human method, but there is no way to practice it.

So he needed a way to open the Dao River.

Extinguishing the Qiankun Stick and the Scorching Desert is the way

! At this moment, the giant stick roared, setting off a wave of qi that stirred the sky, and the entire Dao River churned up, and was directly separated in half

! All the armies of the Demon Sea attacked Lin Yue, and the mutation protruded, and at this moment, the ape let out a loud roar, and the sound wave swept the heavens and the earth, and the army of the Demon Sea directly exploded and died!

"No Jian Realm, no Jian Realm demon beast!"

"Kill him first!".

Lin Yue saw that the Dao River was split in half, and the scene at the bottom of the river was included in his eyes at the same time, and sure enough, the demon lord had found the boatman.

"Why don't you have me in the Dao?"

Lin Yue raised the corners of his mouth, and in the Qiankun stick, the scorching desert was released at the same time, directly absorbing the river water to be restored, and the entire Dao River became a muddy place

! Everyone in the Demon Sea was startled, this is the power to move mountains and reclaim the sea

! Luo Hu was about to discuss the Dao, and at the same time raised one hand, three blood rays burst out, and the direction was Lin Yue!

With a whoosh, Lin Yue's whole body was enveloped in black fire in an instant, divided into four, three of which were locked by blood light, and the fourth one had already bypassed, directly approaching

the Dao River, and the black fire turned into a human form, stepping out of the air! Luo Hu's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't expect that the comer's cultivation was only one burning wheel, but he had such a powerful Dao method

! That was Lin Yue's second form of the Great Day Dao Method, the fire god clone!

Lin Yue stepped on the wooden boat in a blink of an eye and bowed to the boatman, "Senior Lin Yue, meet the boatman." The

boatman nodded, not saying more.

At this time, Luo Hu knew that he couldn't make a move in front of the boatman, so he immediately said: "The Great Dao is the extreme, as long as it reaches the limit of cultivation, no one in the world can be defeated, and the end of the Great Dao." "

The avenue is extreme. The

boatman's thoughtful voice came.

Lin Yue didn't speak, and Luo Hu continued: "Countless years ago, the extreme of the Great Dao was the Nine Emperors, and they were the Great Dao of the universe in the imperial era.

Luo Hu said: "Their avenue has been inherited, and the descendants have inherited the avenue, and it is also possible to reach the realm of the Nine Emperors, if the boatman trusts me, I will be the new avenue of the Nine Emperors." The

boatman fell into deep thought again, as if he were thinking about Rahu's words.

For a long time, he was silent, obviously feeling like he was in a state of confusion.

Lin Yue couldn't help but laugh, "Why is

the Nine Emperors the Great Dao?" Luo Hu narrowed his pupils slightly, and his eyes were like two sharp blades, "The Nine Emperors were the ultimate in the Dao Law at that time, and their cultivation was invincible, how could it not be the Great Dao?" "The invincible at that time was

the Great Dao."

Lin Yue touched his chin and paced around Rahu.

Rahu didn't feel good, no one had ever dared to get so close to him.

Ordinary people are not strong-hearted, and at such a close distance, it is very likely that they have been controlled by his demonic nature and listen to his orders.

But Lin Yue was indifferent to his demonic nature, and suddenly, Luo Hu was startled, because Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder with one hand, and when Luo Hu wanted to resist, he heard Lin Yue's laughter.

"The Nine Emperors are only the strongest people in the imperial era, and they may not represent the Great Dao. "

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