
Lin Yue nodded and said: "The inheritance is in the Demon Ding, maybe the Demon Emperor of the Seven Industries himself has guessed half of it, so he keeps Biluo in the Qing Palace, once there is a descendant of the Molong Emperor who leads out the inheritance, he will come in an instant like the day and kill that descendant." The

six of them gasped again, vaguely, as if they had touched the magnificent era of the Great War.

At that time, the battle of the Three Emperors level must have been more heroic than today's Hongmeng Continent!

Lin Yue knew that they all understood, and said: "My trip is to kill the Seven Karma Demon Emperors, the second is to recapture the Brahma Fruit, and the third is to create a new Three Emperors.

His voice was flat, but the six of them all understood how dangerous this trip was, and the first one alone was something that no one in the entire Northern Realm Star Domain dared to do, or even dare not think about.

"You can refuse and stay in the Forgotten Immortal Sect.

Lin Yue asked, looking around.

Kotohime stepped forward, "This seat is with you."

Lin Yue nodded, and before Lin Yue could react, Yang Qing, Sword Idiot, Dragon Scale, and Liu Wuxian also stepped forward first, bowing to the fist and said, "I am willing to go with

the Little Saint King!" Liu Wuxian smiled, "The Hongmeng Continent has long been boring, but with the Little Saint King, there are fun things every day."

He grinned, not afraid of the danger of facing the Demon Emperor of the Seven Karmas.

Dragon Scale snorted coldly, "When the time comes, you don't have to get in the way."

"Then let's compare and see who kills more." Liu Wuxian gritted his teeth and said.

The dragon scale sword intent permeated the whole body, "Compare is compare." Sword

idiot and Yang Qing also smiled and nodded understandingly.

Lin Yue knew that he had not seen the wrong person, so he sent the rest away, and Qin Yiyi also went back to the dormitory to rest because he was tired.

Lin Yue came to Taishang Qingchi alone, and Qin Ji also followed.

The two of them did not speak, and there was a sense of solemnity in the air.

"Are you worried?" Qin

Ji took the lead in speaking, her face was already a little ruddy, Lin Yue's current yang energy was much stronger than when he left the Forgotten Immortal Sect.

Lin Yue shook his head, "I'm ten percent sure."

His words had already made Qin Ji's heart feel so sure, and she immediately nodded: "I believe in you." "

Lin Yue has never let them suffer for him, not before, and Qin Ji will not know about it in the future.

"With you, it seems like I've always felt safe. Qin Ji said, but she also felt a little shy, don't look over.

She is the head of a sect, and from the very beginning of her acquaintance, she has been a high-ranking being.

But after less than a month, Lin Yue's status was already above her, and even Qin Ji was willing to take Lin Yue's head as a horse.

It's an unbelievable thing, but Kotohime did it.

"I overstepped my authority in ordering a few elders. Lin Yue looked apologetic and approached Qin Ji Dao.

Qin Ji's face flushed with fright, and she immediately shook her head, "No, Elder Yang Qing, they are all voluntary. "

What about you?" Lin Yue asked.

Qin Ji was stunned, "Of course I am willing to fight with the Seven Karma Demon Emperor for the sake of Yiyi."

Lin Yue nodded, "Is it just for Yiyi?" Qin

Ji lowered her head, looking at the beautiful moonlight of the Forgotten Immortal Sect, the bright moon was in the sky, and the water waves turned up the bright moonlight, reflecting on Qin Ji's face, she couldn't help but get close to Lin Yue, "Of course there are you." The sound of

incense was still lingering in her ears, and Kotohime had already dived into the sparkling water.

Three hours later.


"I don't know. The

sound of swallowing came, Qin Ji turned her head and whispered, she didn't dare to look at Lin Yue, her side face blended with Yuehua, revealing the charm of crimson.

"Didn't you go any further?"

"Didn't ..... No...... You're a little villain, don't you pay attention to your body just after turning the wheel realm? Waiting for you...... Let's talk about stepping into the realm of detachment.

She snorted, got dressed, and left.

Lin Yue rubbed his temples at this time, only to feel that today's consumption was a bit big!

Qin Ji obviously needed to vent because of the fact that the Immortal Forgetting Sect could escape death.

Although Lin Yue had already had an in-depth understanding of Qin Ji in the 100,000 years she had been trapped, she seemed to be even more different tonight.

Sure enough, in the case of different things, women will also have different reactions.

Lin Yue didn't think about that anymore, closed his eyes and tried his best to absorb the Brahma fruit in his body.

Now the terrifying power of the Brahma Fruit has made his three elements reach the level of the Four Burning Wheel Realm.

It's just that Lin Yue can't break through now, what he has to do is to maintain his Dao foundation, because the breakthrough is too fast!"

"The power of the divine object is domineering after all, unless it is the pure bloodline of the Demon Emperor, the human race simply cannot withstand such a great power in an instant. Lin

Yue knew that only the Demon Lord Rahu could instantly absorb the power of the Brahma Fruit when he was hunted down by the Demon Emperor of the Seven Karmas.

However, the power of only half of the Brahma Fruit could already allow Rahu to injure the Demon Emperor of the Seven Karmas, although this was originally expected by Lin Yue, but when it was really realized, he was also a little surprised.

"The power of the divine creature seems to be stronger than imagined. "

The Brahma fruit is just a kernel of the Brahma tree, which fell into the Dao River and turned into the appearance of a boatman.

It shows how powerful the true Brahma tree is.

"It's just the beginning.

Lin Yue exhaled a breath of turbidity, and all the instability of the Dao foundation in his whole body disappeared.

The energy in his body was originally a little excessive, but fortunately, after experiencing Qin Yiyi and Qin Ji, he has just reached a perfect state now.

Lin Yue stood up and returned to the twelfth palace, his original residence.

This place has now been changed into the Holy King's Palace, and after Lin Yue entered, he suddenly sensed a familiar aura.

"Elder Yang secretly came to me again?" Lin

Yue suddenly felt a little headache, after today's battle, the little beauties seemed to be more dependent on themselves.

Yang Qing didn't make a sound, but her eyelids still jumped, and then Lin Yue heard the sound of her heart beating faster.

Lin Yue shrugged her shoulders, knowing that Yang Qing was shy, but she knew her weaknesses.

That's when you sleep, and you don't feel safe.

This is the root of the disease that Lin Yue was trapped in that day for 100,000 years, this kind of disease is not a big problem, on the contrary, Lin Yue once fell asleep when he was traveling through the starry sky alone.

But Yang Qing still cared about him, Lin Yue was still relieved in his heart, he lay down quietly at this moment, the moonlight just came in from the window, Lin Yue breathed evenly, and fell asleep.


When he woke up on the second day, everyone was already preparing to go, and Lin Yue saw that there was no one by the bedside.

Yang Qing has already left, presumably because the current Lin Yue's status is too high, once she leaves late, Yang Qing is worried about causing some rumors to Lin Yue.

Seeing that Yang Qing had already poured a cup of tea on the table, Lin Yue drank it all, stretched his waist, and walked out of the door.

After a day's baptism, the Forgotten Immortal Sect has been roughly restored to cleanliness, but too many people have died, resulting in only about half of the current people in the Forgetting Immortal Sect.

This kind of casualty, if it was replaced by the previous Forgetting Immortal Sect, was naturally fatal.

But now it's different, the other two super sects in the Hongmeng Continent, Chixiao Pavilion and Demon Sea, have all been wiped out.

The remaining Forgetful Immortal Sect is the real overlord of the Hongmeng Continent!

As Lin Yue got up, Qin Ji turned her face away with a crimson face, and she didn't dare to look at Lin Yue.

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