Morgana was stirring her cup of tea, enjoying the warm air and delicious food. From time to time, she would look up to see that she was facing her partner, and to catch her reactions, but he did not flinch at seeing her, it is as if he was thinking about something else.

She didn't bother about it, it was better this way, it gave her time to think about the future. Her sister stole her sword and murdered her father, she wanted revenge, the problem is that she did not want to cause unnecessary harm.

Leon did not seem like a bad person in her eyes, in fact, he liked her. He treated her well and advised her, the only bad thing about her was the first impression of her, her sister's husband was a pervert, who did not hesitate to touch her tits. With that in mind, she wouldn't find it difficult to seduce him.

Morgana knew that her beauty was not inferior to that of her beloved sister. Stealing her husband would be an easy task, although her heart told him not to do it. He did not understand that contradictory feeling, he hated her sister and wanted to hurt her, but also, he loved her and wanted the best for her.

And the other problem, Morgana felt like a wolf hunting a big fat sheep, it seemed easy and delicious, but it was strange, because such a delicious sheep would be alone and neglected, how suspicious she thought.

On the outside, Leon looked like an innocent child that you want to hug, but inside, she sensed it, inside that little boy, there was a monster in sheep's clothing, ready to turn around and devour the wolf that stalks him.

Morgana was not afraid to discover the truth, the problem was, she would risk and find out, or she would find another way to get revenge on her sister. It would all depend on the child in front of her.

For Morgana, Leon was like a little boy, in the sense that she has more experience and years of life, Morgana is currently more than 1000 years old, crazy, her beauty remains intact and her breasts challenge the gravity smoothly.

Morgana took another look at her partner, and sigh tired, Leon seemed easy to read, but difficult to predict, that complicated everything. He finished shaking his head, she decided that it was better to eat sweets and enjoy the moment, then she would have time to get to know him better, and of course, to see her beloved and hated sister again.

León, who knew everything Morgana was thinking, since it was too easy to read, I did not pay much attention to it, he would find a moment to gather the sisters and make Morgana fall in love, before, he had to solve other problems, such as a traveler to a new world.

VIP- (Next Available World, My Wife is a Beautiful CEO, do you want to make some changes?)

- (Changes, hmmm, how long do I have to make them)

VIP- (Time is unlimited, it is the last world available by the system)

- (The last one, why?)

VIP- (When host completes Diablo's world and consumes all his world stones, he will possess enough power to create worlds traveling to others on his own, without the need for a system)

Leon frowned and settled into his chair, he didn't like what VIP said, it's as if he was rushing him.

- (It's like a punishment disguised as an incentive, no more worlds until you finish the game, are you my mother?)

VIP - (...)

- (If I finish the game, you will disappear my dear friend)

VIP- (It will no longer need the system, the system will combine with the rest of its power and the entity called VIP will be eliminated)

- (Too bad, we were like friends, the only travel companion who was always by my side ...)

Leon bowed his head and looked at the reflection of his face in the teacup, he seemed a bit sad and melancholic. VIP was his travel companion for hundreds of years, and will be for others, losing him would be like losing an old friend who was by his side supporting him.

The system detected this, and I try to speak, too bad for the system, it was all an illusion.

- (If the host ...)

Leon cut it down mercilessly, as if it wasn't worth his time.

- (No, I don't want you to stay, now let me think what fun changes I can make, so that my stay in that world is pleasurable, sexually speaking)

For our protagonist, the system had no sentimental value, it was not his wife or his friend, it was a simple tool that helped him understand concepts and expand his vision of the world, it was like a book that teaches him to be more strong.

And León is not one of those who becomes fond of a book, if he does not have a soul or concept of life, it is not worth it in his eyes, and even less if he does not have a gender. Poor system, he was never given a decent name, and not even given a reward, like his own body, too bad for the system, he crossed paths with the most selfish host of all.

Or more intelligent, give a soul or an identity to a system that controls your strength and power, it is not intelligent, who knows if the system reveals itself and tries to screw you, it is better to keep it as a piece of iron without life, which only serves to measure your parameters.

Worse, a system that has an identity, can begin to love you, and that is bad for business, imagine if the system begins to hide things for your good, it could ruin everything and end up dead due to a system error, that's why, Leon never wanted to give something more to your system or VIP, it would be a mistake on your part.

Returning to the subject of the new world available, Leon thought of the various possible ideas, all with gains and losses.

- (Hmm, it is difficult to decide, he could be born and be Yang Cheng's brother, and that they leave us both in the orphanage, advantage, he could have a hot mother, disadvantages, have that garbage as a brother, discarded idea! it serves.)

Leon shook his head in a bad mood, the first change for the world, it was not the right one, also there was the problem of being born again, and that is bullshit, he does not want to be inside a womb, much less feel when he leaves the her mother's pussy.

On the bright side, her mother is a top-notch milf, and she liked the idea of ​​fucking her mother again, and better yet, fucking her again like she did her mother from the original world.

- (Wait ..., the idea is not bad, I have to adjust some things and let Yang Cheng be born later, he will still be my brother, and I could screw him in many ways. Although ..., born again, I think I can send a shadow and go, or leave some kind of Bot or something)

Putting a Bot in could be a solution, Leon thought, leave him until he's a few years old to create a story, or just leave nothing behind and use his magic to create a false reality or simply fake everything.

- (The other idea would be, get straight to the original story and find Lin Ruoxi, take her virginity and make her my wife to make fun of her. The problem, I lose a horny mother, Seventeen, the Queen of Wales and her daughter, although I don't like Seventeen very much either, I better let her die and I can still stay with the queen and her daughter, total, Yang Cheng doesn't touch Jane until the end, what a prince)

Yang cheng was a weak-minded and indecisive man, extremely easy to control and stupid. Don't forget how cowardly, despite having so many girls, he refused to have June, and all his excuses were stupid, like having many women, or that she deserved a better man.

I mean, didn't your women deserve a better man? By refusing to accept another woman for the simple fact that you are not enough, you insult your entire Harem, it's like saying, I stay with you because you are inferior, what stupid!

- (So many ideas, I must find the most suitable one, where I do not lose anything and win everything, sacrifice Seventeen, it could be, I am not very interested, the problem is that I want that Milf, Guo Xuehua, like my mother, it would be spectacular. ... now that I think about it, I'm a degenerate ... well, nothing to do)

León had fetishes, and one of them, seeing his mother under his command, before he did not have it, but with Lian, his mother from the original world, that fetish was born and spread through him, he liked to see a strong woman subdued, more when this is his mother.

- (Shit, I think the best idea is to start with the story, total, I can still blackmail that woman, if she doesn't want anything bad to happen to her son, she would have nothing left but to give me her ass and fuck like a whore in zeal to please me.)

(And as for Catherine, mother Jane, I can also manipulate her with her daughter, it is too much to do it ... I think I'll get to the beginning of the story, it would be the most appropriate, by the way, I'll take Yang Cheng's daughter, I can manipulate his genes or history to make him grow faster)

Jane, Princess of Wales and Catherine's daughter, was madly in love with Yang Cheng, something that favored Leon, he can threaten and blackmail her easily, it would be great to **** her in front of her beloved hers, and that he could not do anything to defend it.

León sighed and looked at the sky, so many possibilities and funny scenarios, but he could only choose one, that put him in a bad mood, the good side, the new world available, he had several women to blackmail and abuse, all the women in that world have Weaknesses to exploit, like the police girl and her sister.

For León, none of them were worth it, they were all women to pass the moment and have fun, well, who knows if he finds someone who makes him fall in love, if that happens, he makes her his wife, as for the rest, they will be the servants of he.

Morgana looked up and saw her companion, lying on the chair, with a bored and annoyed face, she looked like a child who had her toy snatched from him.

- "You don't like my company."

Leon smiled and settled in, while leaning his elbow against the table and looking at his fiery sister-in-law, he couldn't wait for the day they would have her in their bed, and hopefully Kayle will join, and to improve matters, we add to the other twins, Lina and Lunaria.

- "On the contrary, being next to such a beautiful woman, brightens my day and my thoughts."

Morgana raised her eyebrow and gave him a doubtful look.

- "Really? I just saw you angry or upset a few seconds ago."

- "I had in mind some important matters to resolve, but everything is ready, more tea?" Leon said, changing the subject.

Morgana didn't bother anymore, and she returned to the more relevant matter.

- "No, thank you ..., and as soon as we can see my sister."

Leon internally sighed, the sister complex is too high, the bright side, the trio will be easier to come by.

- "Hm, that matter is ... a bit complicated." Leon said, a bit reluctant as he smirked.


- "Well, you're going to be an aunt, and you know, it wouldn't be good for my son, that Kayle would receive such critical news. I can't go and say it, Hi Kayle, I brought your sister, not for now"

Morgana opened her mouth and said nothing for a moment, she was still processing the information. Her until she jumped up and she leaned across the table, getting a little closer to Leon.

- "... W-wait! ... Kayle will have a son!"

- "Yes" Leon confirmed, still looking at his sister-in-law's breasts, they were so hypnotic, he wondered if they had some kind of spell that forced him to look, or was he just a pervert.

- "And why didn't you tell me before!" Morgana scolded.

- "You didn't ask." Loen replied, as he shrugged.

- "Hello sister-in-law, your sister is pregnant and you are going to be an aunt, is it so difficult to say?"

- "Well, I couldn't hold back the urge to touch your boobs, they mesmerized me with that look."

Morgana looked down, and he noticed, her nipples were visible through her dress, she was not wearing underwear. She covered her breasts and sat up again, huffing in annoyance.

- "Sigh, I've never met a mortal before that would drive me as crazy as you."

Leon nodded.

- "Thanks, but like I said, you're going to be an aunt, you will have to wait a few months to see her again."

A lock of hair covered Morgana's eye from her earlier outburst, she fixed it with her delicate fingers and she responded.

- "Well, I don't want to harm my nephew, the children are not to blame for the harm caused by their parents, they are innocent creatures born of sin."

Leon grimaced at such a view of the act of reproduction.

- "Sin? What a twisted way of saying, they fucked like rabbits, or they made love, sex, so many ways to say it, and you choose the most old-fashioned and boring one, tell me, how old are you?"

- "They should be more than a thousand, stop counting them when I reach that age"

Leon whistled, a thousand-year-old virgin is a dish worthy of the gods.

- "You do not care about the age issue, many women would get angry."

Morgana covered her mouth and laughed, she looked so elegant and refined. Leon swallowed hard at such a sight, he could not bear the urge to dirty such a refined lady. This is probably how bandits felt when they encountered a princess in a carriage, Leon thought.

- "Aging is part of life, that's why women get angry, they hate losing their beauty, on the other hand, I am immortal, my beauty is eternal. I will shine as long as the unjust and evil exist" Morgana replied, full of grace and divinity His arrogance was fitting and graceful, not like Thop's or Azula's savage.

Leon shrugged, Morgana was right, women worry about her age because of her wrinkles and her beauty, no woman wants to grow old and stop being a beautiful and seductive woman. But it is inevitable and natural, as she gets older, her breasts will sag, her butt will stop being tight, she will lose her teeth, etc.

- "What do you think is aunt?" Asked Leon.

- "The truth is that he hates my sister, but boy, I would like to see him and tell him that I am her aunt"

You don't need to repeat that you hate her, Leon thought, but decided to ignore it.

- "You will have to wait 8 more months, it is barely in its first month. Although I found out on my own, she has not told me, I want to surprise myself. It seems that I forget that I can see souls, and it was quite obvious, now alone she wants to sleep cuddled and she is a pervert, she wants to fuck even in the kitchen, besides, she's too happy, she can't hide her happiness "

Morgana smiled knowingly, she knows that a happy woman, she becomes more beautiful and shines like the strongest sun, no one is indifferent to such radiation of beauty and tenderness. She, although she would have been grateful not to know about her sister's sex life.

I still live in the past, hey, León is right, my sister adopted 3 girls and will soon have her first blood child, and I ..., sigh, all these years I spent my time thinking about her, looking for a way to avenge me, and punish their sins.

Father ... if you saw me, would you be happy ...? You don't need to answer, I know you won't be, but ... it's hard to forget what my sister did. What do I do, sigh, I'm tired, I would like to rest and enjoy life, being locked in that cave, alone and bored, did not help.

The only people who visited me were people seeking redemption, they hardly brought offerings. My sister was always the popular one and I was the second. Morgana mused, remembering how she spent her life.

Morgana closed her eyes, and she breathed softly, her hands did not leave the cup of tea, she wanted to feel the heat that radiated, in a way it calmed her.

- "That she thinks so much."

-"I want vacations." She said she with a tired tone, which Leon noticed.

He got up from her seat and approached Morgana, he grabbed her hands and covered her with his, looking into her eyes, he said with all sincerity and affection. Morgana didn't say anything, she let Leon touch her and speak, he seemed so serious that she couldn't stop him, besides, her hands felt warm and safe.

It is a feeling that she did not want to lose at the moment.

- "And you will have them, from now on you stay with me, by my side you will have the best meals and the best services, you are my sister-in-law, you will always be welcome to my home. (And to my bed)"

Leon is a gentleman, but he never forgets his main goal and his depraved nature.

- "Thank you, I accept the proposal"

Leon snapped his fingers, and all the things were kept in his inventory, he linked his arm with Morgana's, and left for the palace of the fire nation, from now on he would take care of Morgana and attend her with all his pleasure.

Unlike other dishes, which are cooked in minutes, Morgana is a dish that must be prepared with care and affection, so that it does not lose its flavor and elegance, it is a slow and tedious process, but in the end, the food will have a unique and extravagant flavor that you will never forget.

Back at the palace, Leon approached Agata.

How beautiful, and her wings remind me of my lady Kayle, not only her wings, her whole being reminds me of her, how strange, who will be. He thought the redhead.

- "Agata, she is Morgana, Kayle's twin sister, from now on you will take care of her and give her what she asks for, treat her well, she is my sister-in-law."

And future wife, did not say the last, since it was not necessary, knowing Morgana's thoughts, she will attack first, and he will enjoy the show, being seduced from time to time is not bad, although of course, he will also do his part , and it will make Morgana fall in love.

-"Hey!?" All the girls screamed at the same time, no one told them that Kayle had a sister, and it is because I was hiding it, I did not want them to know about her dark past, but as they say, the past always comes back to you, and forces you to face it.

And kayle must confront her sister and solve her problems.

- "It's a pleasure to meet you, you are."

- "She is my secretary, and the rest are ..., my daughters."

Morgana blinked for a few seconds, and looked at the girls, they did not look like Leon, and Leon was too young to have children so old, she shook those thoughts from his mind, and decided that it was better not to think so much.

- "Because you doubted"

- "It doesn't matter, I'll leave you to get to know each other, and who knows if they make friends ..., and that's it, ah, Haruno."

León turned around and looked at his daughter, with a smile that didn't seem sincere, a chill ran through the little girl's body. She got up, looked down and asked her father, he was afraid to look into his blood-colored eyes, it was scary when he got angry.

- "Y-yes, father?

Leon took her daughter's hand, and led her outside to speak privately. Once outside, he forced Haruno to look him in the eye.

- "Haruno, I was thinking of punishing you."

Haruno hugged his father and looked up at him, he did not hesitate to respond to excuse his actions.

- "Father, I'm sorry, I won't do it again"

Leon looked at her daughter's watery eyes and pout, and glared at her. He knew it was a lie and was not sorry at all.

- "Take off that innocent girl mask, it doesn't work with me."

Haruno tried to smile, but with the look from her parent it was impossible, she was scared.

- "Uhhg, but father, really she was for your good, she is a profiteer bitch!"

- "I understand, you wanted to defend me, and it is not bad, the problem is when you tried to attack one of my women, I must make an example of you so that it does not happen again ..." Leon touched his daughter's shoulder, and He continued - "First, you come with me and you apologize to your stepmother"

Haruno lowered his gaze and gritted his teeth, he couldn't apologize to her stepmother, he hated her too much to do so. But of course, she had no choice, not when she felt her father tighten her grip a little.

- "Haruno."

- "Y-yes father, I will apologize."

Leon released Haruno's shoulder, causing her to sigh in relief.

Leon did not speak more about the subject, and he looked for Azula, knowing her, she should be angry, and somewhat distressed by her situation, she had to resolve the matter and make her his wife, it was the only way for Azula to understand that he is not going to leave her.

Azula is always jealous of León, for a reason, she is afraid of being abandoned and being alone. Leon was the only person who understands her, and that he has never abandoned her, despite everything, I bear her personality, her whims and her multiple sick jealousy.

She understood that if Leon left her, no one else in the world would stay by her side. He was the only one who held her and loved her at the same time.

Some will say that there would still be Toph, who also loves her a lot, they are hers like her best friends and he would never leave her. The problem is, how could Azula live if León leaves her, she couldn't !, much less could she see how she is happy with another, while she is abandoned and rejected.

Leon opened the door to the dining room, and saw Azula, staring at the floor and leaning against the table. Yue accompanied her. He walked over and stood in front of her, waiting for her to start the conversation.

Azula stared at Leon's feet, remembering the first time she met him, that was 6 years ago, when she saved her from Vatuu. Slowly, she looked up, looking at each part of Leon, remembering all the moments she had lived, his heart beat with happiness and sadness.

Happiness for the good times, sadness for the fear of losing all those moments.

When he reached her face, he saw the cheeky smile of her lover, teeth white as pearls, eyes red as blood, and her hair blonde as the sun.

Sun that illuminated all his mornings full of sadness and loneliness, remembered every day that her mother abandoned her, her father used her as a weapon, and that her brother was an idiot.

Zuko is not a good older brother, he was always afraid and jealous of Azula, if it had been the opposite, if he had only supported her, maybe Azula would have been someone else, but no, he put her aside in search of her honor . Any older brother, he would have stayed and supported her.

Azula straightened her back, and spoke with firmness and resolution, it is time to solve all her insecurities and problems, she would not escape more than a much needed conversion.

- "Leon, I made many mistakes in my life, and one of the worst was having been a bad wife or girlfriend. I am jealous, every time I saw a woman next to you, I wanted to kill her, and several times I did, when you you weren't looking, I killed several women out of jealousy "

Leon stood still, looking seriously at Azula, undeterred by the girl's murders, he didn't care, because he knew it, and among all the dead girls, none were interesting.

- "I'm selfish, I never looked out for your good, it was always about me, I never asked how you were or how you felt, I didn't worry about you. Whenever I could, I stole your food and kept your clothes, I don't know if You know, but I have a collection of stuffed animals made from your stolen clothes. "

Azula showed all of her Yandere side with those comments, Leon wondered at what moment she transformed into one of hers, because she prefers Tsundere, although with Azula, you never know.

- "I'm annoying, I always want you to take care of me and you only look at me, every time I get angry I attack you with a fireball or lightning, I try to get into your bed every night, trying to prevent you from sleeping with other girls"

Despite all that, Azula never tried to harm Leon at all. She knew Leon's abilities, and that she would always dodge them, besides she never used his full power, if a person received those attacks, at most an eyebrow would burn.

Azula took a second to breathe, and to the surprise of Leon, Yue and Haruno, Azula knelt down, put her hands in front on the ground and put her head on them. Her hair hid her face from her.

- "Leon ..., sorry for all the bad times, sorry for not being the woman you deserved ..., I'm sorry"

Leon looked at the pose, and couldn't help but annoy her.

- "You want me to burn your eye."

Azula trembled with anger, she was being serious, but she couldn't deny that it was the same position that Zuko used to apologize to her father in an Agnis Kai. She took a deep breath to steady herself, and she got back up, arranged her clothes and tucked her hair behind her ear.

The sincere and vulnerable girl was no longer, facing the lion was Azula, an Emperor and tyrant.

- "But ..., despite everything I said, and my apologies, I am not going to change, it is impossible. I will continue to be the jealous and complicated woman you know. León ..., you are the most important person for me, yes After everything I said, you still want to stay by my side, I will accept you with open arms. "

Azula looked at Leon, trying to decipher her thoughts, but it was impossible. She gulped, and she licked her dry lips, she continued speaking.

- "If you want to leave, I wish you the best, I'll help you fix your things and fire you. Then I'll burn the world to ashes and commit suicide." Azula threatened, not out of sympathy, she only wanted to be realistic and for Leon to know the consequences of her actions.

- "Now. Decide Leon! You stay by my side and we create a problematic family, or you leave, and you enjoy your life, without having to have a crazy woman in your life."

Azula continued straight without taking her gaze from Leon, firm as a rock, no matter what decision Leon made, she would accept it. Although, that didn't take away from how nervous she was, her hands were sweating and her mouth was dry. With every second that passed, her face darkened and her pose faltered, one thing was to accept the idea of ​​being abandoned, another was to live it.

I'm leaving, what if I said that, could she really accept it, or would she attack him and force him to stay?

Outside of her he looked like a Buddha, inside her, her mind created a thousand different scenarios, one worse than the other. The vague memory of her past, where León was an accomplice in her life, was the only scenario that kept her standing.

Begging, pleading, that all this was real, and that Leon, if he loved her, that he would sacrifice a little of himself so that she would be happy.

Time seemed not to advance for the spectators, but for her Azula, it seemed years that they took her life, she had never before been so nervous and tense. Her eyes turned red, threatening to shed tears.

After who knows how long, León smiled, a warm smile that enveloped everyone present in a sea of ​​affection. Today, for the first time, he was pleasantly surprised with Azula, he did not think that the most troublesome girl in his harem would grow so much. The naive and denier Azula was no longer there, she was not a child.

The blue in front of him was a woman. She determined to face her past and her actions, to step forward despite how cruel the outcome might be.

Azula tried to keep a firm front, but she can't lie to Leon, right now she was vulnerable like a newborn kitten, with a soft breeze she would collapse and never get up again.

In Leon's hands lay Azula's death and salvation. And she had to respond forcefully, no jokes or incense nonsense.

Yue, from the side held her breath, the folder in her hands was a small ball of paper, she could not contain her nerves and a roller coaster of emotions. She in her life saw such a unique drama and soap opera, she could not miss a second, she wanted to see the outcome, no matter it was cruel or beautiful, although she expected it to be beautiful.

That she girl did not expect a good ending in her soap opera, even Haruno was admiring Azula and wishing her the best. Today Azula earned respect from her, it is not easy to bow down and apologize, much less for a spoiled and self-centered princess, she knows it because she is one.

As for Leon, her answer is obvious. Azula in a sense was her weakness, she liked Azula, also she was not as annoying as she was painted, of course, a little exaggerated in some things, but she is still a great woman.

But, Leon knew Azula well, and if he agrees to stay by her side, Azula would think that he will always spoil her and forgive her in everything, and that's bad. It's one thing to be a troublesome girl, it's another thing to abuse her patience and kindness.

With that in mind, Leon looked at Yue. If he stays with Azula, he must punish her so that she learns some lesson from her.

And he found the best way to do it, a while ago they promised a battle, the one who wins would keep the other's life, he would be her dog for her life.

It was time to fight ... in bed!

(After 115 chapters, Azula would receive the R-18 from her)

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