Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 116 - Cap 116
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(Why are we so late? I was careless to lose part of what I corrected and wrote, that's very annoying, besides I'm busy.)
A month after having Azula in my arms, many things happened, including a royal wedding, where I was the prisoner, I don't regret it, it was a good experience, one of many, I have repeated the process several times.
Progress in my relationship with Morgana, we are not lovers yet, but we are quite close, Morgana is a traditional woman, she likes tea time, spending time with family and living surrounded by children. She from time to time finds sinners to give her a penance and find her redemption, it is her duty as an aspect of justice.
Although it's weird, she says that she hates her wings, and the power they carry, but still, she keeps working, women, who understand them, do things even when they don't want to.
My life has been quite peaceful, nothing exciting lately, and that makes me feel a bit caged, it seems, I need to release my dark passenger as Dexter Morgan would say, that being inside you, that drives your darkest desires and forces you to sin.
It's not that I justify myself or anything, it's my nature to corrupt and destroy.
Also, lately Azula and her happy face is a bit creepy, look at her, stretched out on a towel in the hot sand under a parasol, touching her abdomen with affection and love, hoping to get pregnant. Her golden eyes seem entranced and full of ghostly madness, her desire to have children increases day by day.
When she said that she wanted 100 children, I thought she was joking, well, she wasn't, she already prepared a hundred pairs of woolen gloves for her little ones, she even has a list of 100 names, whether for women or men.
Well, everyone has their dreams, mine, to conquer beautiful women, release my murderous instincts from time to time, enjoy a good meal, live my life to the fullest.
Speaking of beautiful things, my daughters do not stop growing, they look more like their mothers every day. Always by my side, competing for who is the favorite.
Now they're off on a trip to the spirit world, who knows if they light up like old Irho.
We're at the beach, having a little vacation with Thop and Azula, they're both very close. I sigh, I'm a few years away from tasting the Thop fruit, it's a bit lacking in ripening, the unripe fruits don't taste very good.
Therefore, it is necessary to be patient.
I settled on the beach chair, adjusted my sunglasses, and drank some coconut juice, nothing better than natural juice with the beach in the background. It's a typical anime scene, where they go to the beach, sun, girls in swimsuits, and the idiot MC blushing, wait, I'm not beta and I don't blush.
I'm used to it, although to be honest, who blushes to see a girl in a bathing suit? I think it's exaggerated, if we were all like that, we wouldn't be able to go to the beach, I sigh.
Leaving that aside, it's time for a new journey, and a new beginning. It's time to look for the beautiful girls of Asian novels, with lamb's jade, and skin as white as snow, and smooth as a baby's.
It is time to become a dragon among men, and slap the young masters who court death, and who have eyes, but do not recognize Mount Tai.
-(Vip, prepare everything, take me to the bar where Lin Rouxi gets drunk, it's time to steal the most annoying wife of all time, and fuck Yang Cheng, I hope his mother has big boobs, because I will use them to do a lot milk)
VIP-(All set, trip starts in 1 minute)
How to let such a beautiful woman be taken by a brute like Yang Cheng, best of all, the girl is a three in one, three beautiful women in one body, although Athena is a manipulative bitch, I will have to tame her.
Time stopped, and my vision darkened for a second, my body was deformed and recreated again in another dimension, and another world, full of hidden wolves like cultivators, now that I remember, yang cheng's grandfather had a cultivator next to her, she looks like an old lady, but the truth is, she is quite a beauty, from what I remember.
So many cultivator beauties to try, can't wait to steal them all, and kill all the male cultivators, to be honest, I hate those idiots!, all arrogant thinking they're at the top, spending hundreds of years training, without even trying to a sweet lady.
What a boring life, I train and kill demons, but damn, I enjoy my life and the pleasures that come with it. Not just sex, food, vacations, having kids, even working from time to time, I sigh, I better stop complaining.
My initial plan was to blackmail Rouxi with his parents, but I remembered that Yang Cheng has a nice friend in his neighborhood, where she sells lamb skewers, the girl is very loyal to her parents, she asked me what she will do to save them, and what their parents will do to pay their debts.
It will be great to see Yang Cheng's face, full of hate and frustration, watching her friend fall into depravity, if she can do anything to stop it.
And so, not to blackmail Rouxi with her parents, it's boring to repeat things so many times, although I can blackmail her in other ways.
The light returned to my eyes, and the scene in front of me left me stunned, without a doubt, a world-class beauty, worthy of so many praises given per chapter.
Slender waist and a beautiful, well-rounded butt, coupled with a stunningly sexy body, that would give every healthy man a boner. Her jet black hair was tied in a ponytail revealing her white nape, and her beautiful men.
She is beautiful, I can't deny it, as for her personality, it doesn't matter, look I already have some fair and business women, all of them are warm inside and good wives.
Too bad, Lin Rouxi is not a good wife, and I have to train her, I will spend some time on that, although if I have to be harsh and cruel, I will be, for me little Rouxi, she is more than anything an experiment, a girl I can use to have fun for a while.
Returning to the subject, little Rouxi seemed a little drunk, and blushing, the alcohol is having an effect. Her posture is unsteady, and her black skirt rides up a bit, revealing her stunning jade thighs, which look thick, soft and smooth, I'd like to take a bite.
Her erratic movements almost made her fall from her chair, and she knocked over the glass of wine, it took her a few seconds to balance, and wipe the drops of wine from her cleavage, every time she passed the cloth, she moved her large breasts, and exposed part of your skin.
To think that even drunk she can be so seductive, phew, I'll wait a bit before going after her, before, let's play with the uninvited party guest.
The entrance door opened and the bell rang, behind the door an average man appeared, from my point of view, somewhat informal, with messy hair and wrinkled shirt, I think if it weren't for being drunk, Rouxi wouldn't fall so low.
What a disappointing protagonist, if it weren't for being drunk, for Athena's plots, and the feelings of seventeen, Lin Rouxi would never have fallen so low, as to be with such a waste of a man, the only good thing he has is his mother .
But hey, let's have some fun.
A girl approached Yang Cheng, beautiful, but like all filler girls, she was a more used slut than Otome, from otome dori.
Yang Cheng hugged her and brought her close to her body, the girl smiled coquettishly, until Yang whispered some unpleasant words into her ear.
She blushed with anger, stomped on the ground, and she left very angry, she left with the typical group of thugs, a bald guy with big arms hugging two girls. Standing in front of him were two leaner, more scarred thugs.
The thug ordered his two henchmen to educate the newcomer, the girl smirked and the two thugs devilishly walked, ready to teach him a lesson.
They are no match for that idiot, now that I think about it, he has the same name as my stepbrother in real life, I guess it's fate.
I got up from where he was, which was the corner of the bar, no one took me into account, I was not interested in attracting the attention of unimportant people, I wanted to have fun humiliating the protagonist a bit, and taking the girl.
Just as Yang Cheng stopped the thugs with his palm, I did a little trick, and forced him to push the thugs, who headed straight for me.
The glass in my hand was hit from behind by one of the thugs, spilling all over my tuxedo and bow tie, worth mentioning, my suit should be worth a few million dollars, and it's not the most ostentatious I own.
Yang Cheng looked confused, he didn't know why he did what he did, and looked at me with some guilt.
Third person-------------------------------
Leon acted amazed, looking at his clothes and the cup in his hands, then he looked at Yang Cheng, and he frowned, looking very upset, as if he had eaten shit. He threw the glass on the floor, and took out a white handkerchief to remove some of the wine, too bad I only stain more.
While Loen cleaned up, a waiter cleaned up the broken glass and spilled wine, and he left.
Yang Cheng scratched the back of his neck, he did not expect that plot twist, much less dirty someone who seemed very refined, and wealthy. He wanted to live a quiet life, away from the city and temptations, to prevent his illness from growing.
-"Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dirty it, maybe I can help you, there's a laundry nearby." He tried to calm the matter down, to resolve it peacefully, but Leon wanted the opposite, he wanted a little dispute.
Leon shook his head, annoyed and disappointed, he looked at Yang Cheng, with piercing and terrifying eyes, the receptionist of the look, he trembled with fear, for the first time in his life he felt an inexplicable terror, he was like a baby at the mercy of a dragon, which prepared its fangs to eat its snack.
That this, so cold, my body was paralyzed. My legs don't move, I feel like I should kneel, that this feeling, could it be that he is another god like me? I don't like this feeling, I wish Pluto had told me more about his brothers.
-"Clean it?" Leon raised an eyebrow, and spat on the ground - "Scum!, my clothes are more valuable than your life, you should be on your knees, apologizing for dirtying your father."
Yang Cheng clenched his teeth, and he was furious, he didn't understand why, but the person in front of him, greatly irritated him, it's as if she was his sworn enemy. Still, he tried to calm down so his illness wouldn't explode.
-"Sir, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but that's asking too much, give me the value of your clothes, and I'll pay for it."
Yang Cheng tried to give a friendly smile, a little broken by how forced he was. Leon let out a laugh, and raised his 3 fingers, indicating the value of the garments.
- "3 thousand dollars?" Leon shook his head, and Yang raised the price.
"Three hundred thousand dollars?" Leon laughed.
The protagonist of this world lost his temper, crossed his arms, and looked contemptuously at his opponent. He didn't like that they saw his idiot face.
-"Ha! Don't tell me it's worth 3 million dollars, you think I'm an idiot and that you can scam me, stupid! I'm not a naive farmer."
-"You smell like lamb, are you sure you don't live on a farm?, peasant."
The comment hit home, annoying Yang Cheng even more, he thought that the smell would not be felt, since he took a bath and wore perfume. But he didn't show it to his face, and responded with pride to avoid the subject.
-"Tch!, I'm a proud griller of lamb skewers, you can come whenever you want, I'll give you some for free"
Yang did not hesitate to take his profession as a salesman with pride, he had no problem having a humble job, he liked his work and the people he lived with. He liked his quiet days, away from the cold war and the fields of blood.
-"You're just a humble skewer seller, and yet you want to pay for my suit, ha ha ha" Leon laughed heartily, trying to annoy Yang Cheng.
"You are courting death."
Yang Cheng's expressions, nothing else brought more laughter from Leon, his brother told him exactly the same words, and his fate, needless to say.
"Ha ha ha, he said it, he said it, ha ha ha, I waited so long for this, ha ha ha, uuffff, cough, cough." Almost choking on his own saliva, Leon leaned his elbow on the counter and wiped his tears of happiness. Teasing his enemy gave him a sense of accomplishment.
In the end, Yang Cheng calmed down again, breathed slowly and thought about having a drink, to pass the bitter moment that he lived with such a strange subject. He didn't understand Leon, he seemed to be dangerous, but at the same time, no, he was something incomprehensible.
At first I look at him with murderous eyes, and now he laughs like a child who played a joke, what about those sudden mood swings, Yang mused.
-"Well, as the gentleman says, I am a seller of brochettes, and I don't have the money to pay. But I can buy you a drink, and everything paid off, what does he say?" He said in a friendly tone, wishing for peace rather than war.
Leon had already calmed down, lying with a relaxed pose on the bar counter, he no longer seemed so interested in Yang Cheng, instead, his gaze was glued on the beautiful woman who was three places further away from him.
Yang noticed the look and followed her, when he saw the girl, Lin Rouxi, her heart raced and the blood in her body roared with emotion, never before had he seen such a beautiful, elegant, and seductive female, all in one pack.
Yang Cheng, did not understand what such a beautiful lady was doing in such a gloomy place and outside her standards, worse, that she was selling herself, such a fine woman should not be alone and unprotected, and even less so with too many drinks, it is like asking to be raped .
Something he did in the original story, too bad for him, destiny wants something else.
-"Hey you, I will collect this debt later, I have more important things to do, a beautiful lady needs to be taken care of"
Leon left those words behind and left, Yang Cheng who saw how his hateful partner left, and approached his female, got upset, and grabbed his shoulder, preventing him from taking another step, he would not let such a beautiful lady fall into the clutches of a vile man.
If Leon was aware of his thoughts, he would roll his eyes at how hypocritical Yang Cheng was, at the very least, admit that you're trash, Leon would think.
-"What are you doing, can't you see I'm busy!" Leon claimed, looking around.
-"I'm sorry, but I have an issue with my friend."
Yang replied, pointing a finger at Rouxi, giving a smug air. Leon couldn't help but give him a strange look, as he took Yang's hand off his shoulder, he didn't want a piece of trash to touch him so confidently.
-"Friend?, who she, don't joke, a trash like you could never have a friend like that, look at her!, her aura is elegant and high class, on the other hand, you, you smell like a dead dog!, and you have an air of vandal and mongrel. You think this is a fairy tale, that the princess gets the knight."
Yang Cheng was about to hit him, but he held back, he didn't feel like starting a fight, something told him it's a bad idea. Also, he hated being insulted because of his social status, he was a god, many would bow their heads just by saying his name.
His reputation was to be feared, he was the leader of the most powerful mercenaries in the world, as well as having connections to the Queen of Wales, and various other hidden members of society, such as powerful gods who hid among humans.
Even some private assassin groups know his name and reputation, that's why he hated being treated like trash, sometimes he would put up with it, but the person in front of him, it was too much. His arrogance made her vomit, and his superior look made her want to murder him.
-"She's my friend, and I don't have to give you any more explanations, you better stay away from her, or I'll have to be a little aggressive."
Leon looked at him with disgust, and walked away a little, fearing for her integrity, lest the rapist catch on.
"Typical peasant, trying to pick up a drunk girl, I doubt you could if she was sober."
-"I already said that she is my friend!" Cheng yelled.
Leon shrugged, and stopped fighting, then patted Yang on the back and pushed him forward, as if encouraging him.
-"Well!, well!, don't get upset, I want to see how you do it, go and talk to your friend."
Yang Cheng narrowed his eyes, and cautiously looked at Leon, he didn't understand why he gave up so quickly. He didn't seem to be that kind of person, besides, his vicious smile gave her a bad omen. Even so, I ignore everything, he was proud of him, he couldn't look bad in front of León.
He approached the girl, he had confidence in her charm, and that there is no woman that he cannot have.
Leon sat at the bar and watched how everything was going, he knew he would fail, for the simple fact that Lin Rouxi was no longer drunk, Leon eliminated all the toxins from the alcohol, and his body became healthy. Only a slight blush remained.
When Yang Cheng approached Lin Rouxi, and hugged her without hesitation, she looked at the man who had the courage to hug her so intimately, and wondered who he was, she had never seen him before, although inside she had a certain familiarity, which at first end I ignore.
Yang Cheng, seeing that Lin Rouxi didn't respond and her face didn't change, was overjoyed and thought that he had already won, that the girl was shocked by his charm, he couldn't help but look at Leon and snort happily, as if to say, you see, it's my girl
Leon shrugged, waiting for how Rouxi would react, now that she was sober and in a bad mood.
Her bad mood was due to the constant harassment of her father, who demanded that she marry a conceited idiot, who she hated more than anything, she didn't like people like him.
She did not like the idea of forced marriage, less for monetary interests, but he was her father, and it was difficult for her to refuse, she could only hide and escape. As a last resort, she thought of losing her virginity, so her value would decrease.
Add to that all the work she has at her company, and all the people she can't let down, she takes her job very seriously, and she doesn't want to leave him.
Except for other people, she knows that if she married her father's suitor, he would take her company and delegate it to a normal housewife, and she couldn't stand that.
She fought for her company, to get it off the ground and be a recognized brand, she wouldn't lose that for something as stupid as an arranged marriage.
Yang Cheng became more affectionate, as he smiled pompously, full of mischievous and perverted intentions.
Rouxi, seeing those scary eyes, reached her hand towards her bag, ready to take out the pepper spray.
"Such a delicate woman, she shouldn't be so alone in such a dangerous place."
Lin Rouxi removed Yang Cheng's arm, and pushed him away in disgust.
If there is someone dangerous in this place, it is you, you have a pervert face. Rouxi thought.
She was ready to take out the pepper, and hit the idiot, she was not in the mood for pompous and conceited imbeciles, and she was enough with the one she had as a suitor, and the hundreds of others who went to her company to see her .
Yang Cheng tried to touch the hair that hid part of Rouxi's face, but she slapped him hard, and got up from the seat, taking a few steps away from her stalker.
"Stay away! I don't know who you are, but if you keep this up, I'll have no choice but to call the police." Although her voice was melodious and a delight to hearers, for Yang Cheng it was stabs to his heart, I don't expect everything to turn out so bad, except when the woman was so beautiful.
Rouxi took out her cell phone, and dialed the emergency number, moreover, with her loud voice, she drew the attention of the entire bar, something that made Yang Cheng uncomfortable, who was now seen as a perverted stalker.
"W-wait, it's a misunderstanding" Cheng explained, touching his hand, his face a little pale, it hurt a lot when the girl pushed him away, it's like he lost something important to him, for the second time.
-"Enough, leave the lady alone, and go, don't cause any more trouble."
Yang Cheng almost spit blood, he did not expect it to be the villain and his rival the hero, it was enough to see the looks of the people to know who won, Yang Cheng sighed resignedly, and walked away, not wanting to cause more problems.
Rouxi looked at the man who helped her, and couldn't help but be amazed, he looked so elegant and handsome, very different from the perverted peasant he tried to flirt with her.
Leon smiled sweetly at Rouxi, and turned to finish talking to Yang Cheng.
-"You should go, you're not welcome, it's better to avoid problems, don't you think?"
-"He didn't need your advice, I'm leaving because I want to."
-"Of course, don't forget that you owe me a debt, one day I'll collect it."
Yang Cheng hesitated for a second before replying, not liking the tone and subtlety hidden in his last words. Again, he felt that he would lose something fundamental in his life, but this time, in the future.
-"You can come whenever you want to my skewer stand, I'll pay the debt."
Yang Cheng left, leaving some indications of where he lived and his name, he did not plan to be indebted to such a hateful man, his entire body screamed that he will beat him for the hate he had. It was the first time in his life that he hated someone so much, and even more so when they just met.
Leon watched as Yang Cheng left, his eyes on the ground, his hands in his pockets, his back hunched, defeated and angry. Usually that's not his attitude, but for some reason, Yang Cheng's own instinct begged him to run away and not fight.
His instincts almost never failed him, so he decided to err on the side of caution, and investigate before striking back. Leon, who was aware of his thoughts, looked at him maliciously, this was just a small appetizer, there were many main dishes to annoy the protagonist of this world, one of them, the beautiful mother he had.
Leon turned his gaze to Lin Rouxi, and returned the girl to her previous state, now she was flushed red and a little unbalanced. She barely stayed on her feet, and had to hold on to the person closest to her, Leon.
She hugged him around her neck and looked into her eyes, her warm breath brushed Leon's neck, and she warmed his spirits.
Leon hugged her waist, he was ready to grab her and take her home, she wasn't going to waste time on intricate plans, Rouxi wanted to lose her virginity today, and Leon would please her.
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(Why are we so late? I was careless to lose part of what I corrected and wrote, that's very annoying, besides I'm busy.)
A month after having Azula in my arms, many things happened, including a royal wedding, where I was the prisoner, I don't regret it, it was a good experience, one of many, I have repeated the process several times.
Progress in my relationship with Morgana, we are not lovers yet, but we are quite close, Morgana is a traditional woman, she likes tea time, spending time with family and living surrounded by children. She from time to time finds sinners to give her a penance and find her redemption, it is her duty as an aspect of justice.
Although it's weird, she says that she hates her wings, and the power they carry, but still, she keeps working, women, who understand them, do things even when they don't want to.
My life has been quite peaceful, nothing exciting lately, and that makes me feel a bit caged, it seems, I need to release my dark passenger as Dexter Morgan would say, that being inside you, that drives your darkest desires and forces you to sin.
It's not that I justify myself or anything, it's my nature to corrupt and destroy.
Also, lately Azula and her happy face is a bit creepy, look at her, stretched out on a towel in the hot sand under a parasol, touching her abdomen with affection and love, hoping to get pregnant. Her golden eyes seem entranced and full of ghostly madness, her desire to have children increases day by day.
When she said that she wanted 100 children, I thought she was joking, well, she wasn't, she already prepared a hundred pairs of woolen gloves for her little ones, she even has a list of 100 names, whether for women or men.
Well, everyone has their dreams, mine, to conquer beautiful women, release my murderous instincts from time to time, enjoy a good meal, live my life to the fullest.
Speaking of beautiful things, my daughters do not stop growing, they look more like their mothers every day. Always by my side, competing for who is the favorite.
Now they're off on a trip to the spirit world, who knows if they light up like old Irho.
We're at the beach, having a little vacation with Thop and Azula, they're both very close. I sigh, I'm a few years away from tasting the Thop fruit, it's a bit lacking in ripening, the unripe fruits don't taste very good.
Therefore, it is necessary to be patient.
I settled on the beach chair, adjusted my sunglasses, and drank some coconut juice, nothing better than natural juice with the beach in the background. It's a typical anime scene, where they go to the beach, sun, girls in swimsuits, and the idiot MC blushing, wait, I'm not beta and I don't blush.
I'm used to it, although to be honest, who blushes to see a girl in a bathing suit? I think it's exaggerated, if we were all like that, we wouldn't be able to go to the beach, I sigh.
Leaving that aside, it's time for a new journey, and a new beginning. It's time to look for the beautiful girls of Asian novels, with lamb's jade, and skin as white as snow, and smooth as a baby's.
It is time to become a dragon among men, and slap the young masters who court death, and who have eyes, but do not recognize Mount Tai.
-(Vip, prepare everything, take me to the bar where Lin Rouxi gets drunk, it's time to steal the most annoying wife of all time, and fuck Yang Cheng, I hope his mother has big boobs, because I will use them to do a lot milk)
VIP-(All set, trip starts in 1 minute)
How to let such a beautiful woman be taken by a brute like Yang Cheng, best of all, the girl is a three in one, three beautiful women in one body, although Athena is a manipulative bitch, I will have to tame her.
Time stopped, and my vision darkened for a second, my body was deformed and recreated again in another dimension, and another world, full of hidden wolves like cultivators, now that I remember, yang cheng's grandfather had a cultivator next to her, she looks like an old lady, but the truth is, she is quite a beauty, from what I remember.
So many cultivator beauties to try, can't wait to steal them all, and kill all the male cultivators, to be honest, I hate those idiots!, all arrogant thinking they're at the top, spending hundreds of years training, without even trying to a sweet lady.
What a boring life, I train and kill demons, but damn, I enjoy my life and the pleasures that come with it. Not just sex, food, vacations, having kids, even working from time to time, I sigh, I better stop complaining.
My initial plan was to blackmail Rouxi with his parents, but I remembered that Yang Cheng has a nice friend in his neighborhood, where she sells lamb skewers, the girl is very loyal to her parents, she asked me what she will do to save them, and what their parents will do to pay their debts.
It will be great to see Yang Cheng's face, full of hate and frustration, watching her friend fall into depravity, if she can do anything to stop it.
And so, not to blackmail Rouxi with her parents, it's boring to repeat things so many times, although I can blackmail her in other ways.
The light returned to my eyes, and the scene in front of me left me stunned, without a doubt, a world-class beauty, worthy of so many praises given per chapter.
Slender waist and a beautiful, well-rounded butt, coupled with a stunningly sexy body, that would give every healthy man a boner. Her jet black hair was tied in a ponytail revealing her white nape, and her beautiful men.
She is beautiful, I can't deny it, as for her personality, it doesn't matter, look I already have some fair and business women, all of them are warm inside and good wives.
Too bad, Lin Rouxi is not a good wife, and I have to train her, I will spend some time on that, although if I have to be harsh and cruel, I will be, for me little Rouxi, she is more than anything an experiment, a girl I can use to have fun for a while.
Returning to the subject, little Rouxi seemed a little drunk, and blushing, the alcohol is having an effect. Her posture is unsteady, and her black skirt rides up a bit, revealing her stunning jade thighs, which look thick, soft and smooth, I'd like to take a bite.
Her erratic movements almost made her fall from her chair, and she knocked over the glass of wine, it took her a few seconds to balance, and wipe the drops of wine from her cleavage, every time she passed the cloth, she moved her large breasts, and exposed part of your skin.
To think that even drunk she can be so seductive, phew, I'll wait a bit before going after her, before, let's play with the uninvited party guest.
The entrance door opened and the bell rang, behind the door an average man appeared, from my point of view, somewhat informal, with messy hair and wrinkled shirt, I think if it weren't for being drunk, Rouxi wouldn't fall so low.
What a disappointing protagonist, if it weren't for being drunk, for Athena's plots, and the feelings of seventeen, Lin Rouxi would never have fallen so low, as to be with such a waste of a man, the only good thing he has is his mother .
But hey, let's have some fun.
A girl approached Yang Cheng, beautiful, but like all filler girls, she was a more used slut than Otome, from otome dori.
Yang Cheng hugged her and brought her close to her body, the girl smiled coquettishly, until Yang whispered some unpleasant words into her ear.
She blushed with anger, stomped on the ground, and she left very angry, she left with the typical group of thugs, a bald guy with big arms hugging two girls. Standing in front of him were two leaner, more scarred thugs.
The thug ordered his two henchmen to educate the newcomer, the girl smirked and the two thugs devilishly walked, ready to teach him a lesson.
They are no match for that idiot, now that I think about it, he has the same name as my stepbrother in real life, I guess it's fate.
I got up from where he was, which was the corner of the bar, no one took me into account, I was not interested in attracting the attention of unimportant people, I wanted to have fun humiliating the protagonist a bit, and taking the girl.
Just as Yang Cheng stopped the thugs with his palm, I did a little trick, and forced him to push the thugs, who headed straight for me.
The glass in my hand was hit from behind by one of the thugs, spilling all over my tuxedo and bow tie, worth mentioning, my suit should be worth a few million dollars, and it's not the most ostentatious I own.
Yang Cheng looked confused, he didn't know why he did what he did, and looked at me with some guilt.
Third person-------------------------------
Leon acted amazed, looking at his clothes and the cup in his hands, then he looked at Yang Cheng, and he frowned, looking very upset, as if he had eaten shit. He threw the glass on the floor, and took out a white handkerchief to remove some of the wine, too bad I only stain more.
While Loen cleaned up, a waiter cleaned up the broken glass and spilled wine, and he left.
Yang Cheng scratched the back of his neck, he did not expect that plot twist, much less dirty someone who seemed very refined, and wealthy. He wanted to live a quiet life, away from the city and temptations, to prevent his illness from growing.
-"Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dirty it, maybe I can help you, there's a laundry nearby." He tried to calm the matter down, to resolve it peacefully, but Leon wanted the opposite, he wanted a little dispute.
Leon shook his head, annoyed and disappointed, he looked at Yang Cheng, with piercing and terrifying eyes, the receptionist of the look, he trembled with fear, for the first time in his life he felt an inexplicable terror, he was like a baby at the mercy of a dragon, which prepared its fangs to eat its snack.
That this, so cold, my body was paralyzed. My legs don't move, I feel like I should kneel, that this feeling, could it be that he is another god like me? I don't like this feeling, I wish Pluto had told me more about his brothers.
-"Clean it?" Leon raised an eyebrow, and spat on the ground - "Scum!, my clothes are more valuable than your life, you should be on your knees, apologizing for dirtying your father."
Yang Cheng clenched his teeth, and he was furious, he didn't understand why, but the person in front of him, greatly irritated him, it's as if she was his sworn enemy. Still, he tried to calm down so his illness wouldn't explode.
-"Sir, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but that's asking too much, give me the value of your clothes, and I'll pay for it."
Yang Cheng tried to give a friendly smile, a little broken by how forced he was. Leon let out a laugh, and raised his 3 fingers, indicating the value of the garments.
- "3 thousand dollars?" Leon shook his head, and Yang raised the price.
"Three hundred thousand dollars?" Leon laughed.
The protagonist of this world lost his temper, crossed his arms, and looked contemptuously at his opponent. He didn't like that they saw his idiot face.
-"Ha! Don't tell me it's worth 3 million dollars, you think I'm an idiot and that you can scam me, stupid! I'm not a naive farmer."
-"You smell like lamb, are you sure you don't live on a farm?, peasant."
The comment hit home, annoying Yang Cheng even more, he thought that the smell would not be felt, since he took a bath and wore perfume. But he didn't show it to his face, and responded with pride to avoid the subject.
-"Tch!, I'm a proud griller of lamb skewers, you can come whenever you want, I'll give you some for free"
Yang did not hesitate to take his profession as a salesman with pride, he had no problem having a humble job, he liked his work and the people he lived with. He liked his quiet days, away from the cold war and the fields of blood.
-"You're just a humble skewer seller, and yet you want to pay for my suit, ha ha ha" Leon laughed heartily, trying to annoy Yang Cheng.
"You are courting death."
Yang Cheng's expressions, nothing else brought more laughter from Leon, his brother told him exactly the same words, and his fate, needless to say.
"Ha ha ha, he said it, he said it, ha ha ha, I waited so long for this, ha ha ha, uuffff, cough, cough." Almost choking on his own saliva, Leon leaned his elbow on the counter and wiped his tears of happiness. Teasing his enemy gave him a sense of accomplishment.
In the end, Yang Cheng calmed down again, breathed slowly and thought about having a drink, to pass the bitter moment that he lived with such a strange subject. He didn't understand Leon, he seemed to be dangerous, but at the same time, no, he was something incomprehensible.
At first I look at him with murderous eyes, and now he laughs like a child who played a joke, what about those sudden mood swings, Yang mused.
-"Well, as the gentleman says, I am a seller of brochettes, and I don't have the money to pay. But I can buy you a drink, and everything paid off, what does he say?" He said in a friendly tone, wishing for peace rather than war.
Leon had already calmed down, lying with a relaxed pose on the bar counter, he no longer seemed so interested in Yang Cheng, instead, his gaze was glued on the beautiful woman who was three places further away from him.
Yang noticed the look and followed her, when he saw the girl, Lin Rouxi, her heart raced and the blood in her body roared with emotion, never before had he seen such a beautiful, elegant, and seductive female, all in one pack.
Yang Cheng, did not understand what such a beautiful lady was doing in such a gloomy place and outside her standards, worse, that she was selling herself, such a fine woman should not be alone and unprotected, and even less so with too many drinks, it is like asking to be raped .
Something he did in the original story, too bad for him, destiny wants something else.
-"Hey you, I will collect this debt later, I have more important things to do, a beautiful lady needs to be taken care of"
Leon left those words behind and left, Yang Cheng who saw how his hateful partner left, and approached his female, got upset, and grabbed his shoulder, preventing him from taking another step, he would not let such a beautiful lady fall into the clutches of a vile man.
If Leon was aware of his thoughts, he would roll his eyes at how hypocritical Yang Cheng was, at the very least, admit that you're trash, Leon would think.
-"What are you doing, can't you see I'm busy!" Leon claimed, looking around.
-"I'm sorry, but I have an issue with my friend."
Yang replied, pointing a finger at Rouxi, giving a smug air. Leon couldn't help but give him a strange look, as he took Yang's hand off his shoulder, he didn't want a piece of trash to touch him so confidently.
-"Friend?, who she, don't joke, a trash like you could never have a friend like that, look at her!, her aura is elegant and high class, on the other hand, you, you smell like a dead dog!, and you have an air of vandal and mongrel. You think this is a fairy tale, that the princess gets the knight."
Yang Cheng was about to hit him, but he held back, he didn't feel like starting a fight, something told him it's a bad idea. Also, he hated being insulted because of his social status, he was a god, many would bow their heads just by saying his name.
His reputation was to be feared, he was the leader of the most powerful mercenaries in the world, as well as having connections to the Queen of Wales, and various other hidden members of society, such as powerful gods who hid among humans.
Even some private assassin groups know his name and reputation, that's why he hated being treated like trash, sometimes he would put up with it, but the person in front of him, it was too much. His arrogance made her vomit, and his superior look made her want to murder him.
-"She's my friend, and I don't have to give you any more explanations, you better stay away from her, or I'll have to be a little aggressive."
Leon looked at him with disgust, and walked away a little, fearing for her integrity, lest the rapist catch on.
"Typical peasant, trying to pick up a drunk girl, I doubt you could if she was sober."
-"I already said that she is my friend!" Cheng yelled.
Leon shrugged, and stopped fighting, then patted Yang on the back and pushed him forward, as if encouraging him.
-"Well!, well!, don't get upset, I want to see how you do it, go and talk to your friend."
Yang Cheng narrowed his eyes, and cautiously looked at Leon, he didn't understand why he gave up so quickly. He didn't seem to be that kind of person, besides, his vicious smile gave her a bad omen. Even so, I ignore everything, he was proud of him, he couldn't look bad in front of León.
He approached the girl, he had confidence in her charm, and that there is no woman that he cannot have.
Leon sat at the bar and watched how everything was going, he knew he would fail, for the simple fact that Lin Rouxi was no longer drunk, Leon eliminated all the toxins from the alcohol, and his body became healthy. Only a slight blush remained.
When Yang Cheng approached Lin Rouxi, and hugged her without hesitation, she looked at the man who had the courage to hug her so intimately, and wondered who he was, she had never seen him before, although inside she had a certain familiarity, which at first end I ignore.
Yang Cheng, seeing that Lin Rouxi didn't respond and her face didn't change, was overjoyed and thought that he had already won, that the girl was shocked by his charm, he couldn't help but look at Leon and snort happily, as if to say, you see, it's my girl
Leon shrugged, waiting for how Rouxi would react, now that she was sober and in a bad mood.
Her bad mood was due to the constant harassment of her father, who demanded that she marry a conceited idiot, who she hated more than anything, she didn't like people like him.
She did not like the idea of forced marriage, less for monetary interests, but he was her father, and it was difficult for her to refuse, she could only hide and escape. As a last resort, she thought of losing her virginity, so her value would decrease.
Add to that all the work she has at her company, and all the people she can't let down, she takes her job very seriously, and she doesn't want to leave him.
Except for other people, she knows that if she married her father's suitor, he would take her company and delegate it to a normal housewife, and she couldn't stand that.
She fought for her company, to get it off the ground and be a recognized brand, she wouldn't lose that for something as stupid as an arranged marriage.
Yang Cheng became more affectionate, as he smiled pompously, full of mischievous and perverted intentions.
Rouxi, seeing those scary eyes, reached her hand towards her bag, ready to take out the pepper spray.
"Such a delicate woman, she shouldn't be so alone in such a dangerous place."
Lin Rouxi removed Yang Cheng's arm, and pushed him away in disgust.
If there is someone dangerous in this place, it is you, you have a pervert face. Rouxi thought.
She was ready to take out the pepper, and hit the idiot, she was not in the mood for pompous and conceited imbeciles, and she was enough with the one she had as a suitor, and the hundreds of others who went to her company to see her .
Yang Cheng tried to touch the hair that hid part of Rouxi's face, but she slapped him hard, and got up from the seat, taking a few steps away from her stalker.
"Stay away! I don't know who you are, but if you keep this up, I'll have no choice but to call the police." Although her voice was melodious and a delight to hearers, for Yang Cheng it was stabs to his heart, I don't expect everything to turn out so bad, except when the woman was so beautiful.
Rouxi took out her cell phone, and dialed the emergency number, moreover, with her loud voice, she drew the attention of the entire bar, something that made Yang Cheng uncomfortable, who was now seen as a perverted stalker.
"W-wait, it's a misunderstanding" Cheng explained, touching his hand, his face a little pale, it hurt a lot when the girl pushed him away, it's like he lost something important to him, for the second time.
-"Enough, leave the lady alone, and go, don't cause any more trouble."
Yang Cheng almost spit blood, he did not expect it to be the villain and his rival the hero, it was enough to see the looks of the people to know who won, Yang Cheng sighed resignedly, and walked away, not wanting to cause more problems.
Rouxi looked at the man who helped her, and couldn't help but be amazed, he looked so elegant and handsome, very different from the perverted peasant he tried to flirt with her.
Leon smiled sweetly at Rouxi, and turned to finish talking to Yang Cheng.
-"You should go, you're not welcome, it's better to avoid problems, don't you think?"
-"He didn't need your advice, I'm leaving because I want to."
-"Of course, don't forget that you owe me a debt, one day I'll collect it."
Yang Cheng hesitated for a second before replying, not liking the tone and subtlety hidden in his last words. Again, he felt that he would lose something fundamental in his life, but this time, in the future.
-"You can come whenever you want to my skewer stand, I'll pay the debt."
Yang Cheng left, leaving some indications of where he lived and his name, he did not plan to be indebted to such a hateful man, his entire body screamed that he will beat him for the hate he had. It was the first time in his life that he hated someone so much, and even more so when they just met.
Leon watched as Yang Cheng left, his eyes on the ground, his hands in his pockets, his back hunched, defeated and angry. Usually that's not his attitude, but for some reason, Yang Cheng's own instinct begged him to run away and not fight.
His instincts almost never failed him, so he decided to err on the side of caution, and investigate before striking back. Leon, who was aware of his thoughts, looked at him maliciously, this was just a small appetizer, there were many main dishes to annoy the protagonist of this world, one of them, the beautiful mother he had.
Leon turned his gaze to Lin Rouxi, and returned the girl to her previous state, now she was flushed red and a little unbalanced. She barely stayed on her feet, and had to hold on to the person closest to her, Leon.
She hugged him around her neck and looked into her eyes, her warm breath brushed Leon's neck, and she warmed his spirits.
Leon hugged her waist, he was ready to grab her and take her home, she wasn't going to waste time on intricate plans, Rouxi wanted to lose her virginity today, and Leon would please her.
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