Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 118 - Cap 118
Leon got up early in the morning, grabbed his pants and the rest of his clothes to get dressed, he wasn't going to walk around the hotel naked, if that were the case, the government rooms would be full of women asking for a divorce, just by looking at the size of lion cock.
Once fixed, he looked at the bed where Rouxi slept peacefully, with the sheets covering part of her body, but that could not hide her spectacular figure, and the red marks, from bites, slaps, and some crazy games.
He couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, nothing better than conquering a beautiful girl in bed, and stealing her precious virginity, especially when they are women like Rouxi, who value her very much, and take care of her.
Leon was almost ready to go, but first, he had to put away the video camera, which he left overnight, it was easy to hide it with some magic, so Rouxi never found out, the video will be useful for later.
Giving one last slap to Rouxi's butt, our protagonist left. Since it was morning, it would be good to eat something Leon thought, but he didn't want to have breakfast alone, he spent the whole night with a beautiful lady, it's only fair that he continue with good company.
And he found nothing better than to call the woman who gave birth to him, and gave him his life, the woman who abandoned him in a basket when he was little, but as we know, León did not care about that matter, it was irrelevant.
If he hadn't bothered him, he might never have sought her out, and subsequently, fucked her. Not forgetting that he murdered his brother, and his father, and his stepfather.
With a thought, Lian, Leon's mother, appeared at his side. Her waist-length black hair, slender waist and fat butt, big breasts, forcing you to look at them, it was hard to keep looking into her eyes when talking to her.
A difficult challenge for any man, only the most gentlemen would not take a look. And of course, León is not a gentleman, I do not hesitate to look at his mother's chest, and not enough with that, I stretch the neckline and look inside, like a pervert.
Lian, who did not expect to be called by her son, sighed with resignation, she did not expect that they would call her to see her tits. But she had no choice, he was her son, and she put up with it, something quite strange, she thought, since when did bullying become normal.
Weren't they mother and children? In the end, it was better not to think about it too much, León was not normal, and the concept of morality was not his thing. Besides, he enjoyed taboo sex, and all the comforts he had.
León left his mother aside and greeted her with a kiss on the mouth, if someone saw them, they couldn't help but cry with envy, they seemed like the perfect couple, if they only knew the truth, they would most likely vomit in disgust.
Lian returned the kiss like a lover, at this point in life, she was used to it, and she didn't hesitate to respond to her own son's advances. After a while, they parted, looking into each other's eyes with intoxicating desire.
But it wasn't time for sex, it was time to plan and conquer.
-"Dear mother, I invite you to breakfast."
Lian narrowed her eyes suspiciously, Leon was being too nice, and there were two reasons why she was behaving like this, a favor, or she wanted to get into her pants.
- "Why so much kindness?"
Leon, who noticed his mother's look of suspicion, became sad and shook her head in disappointment, Lian crossed her arms and snorted, she knew her son too well to know that it was an act.
-"You should be thankful, I am a pleasant son and full of love, look I brought you to breakfast in another world, that someone else would do that for his mother, besides, she is Chinese, your country of origin, although different." Leon answered, leaving his act of sadness, now he smiled mischievously.
-"Really? This is my country in another world, it doesn't look very different"
It is worth mentioning that both were on a balcony of a cafeteria. Lian leaned against the railing and looked around the place, without a doubt, it looked a lot like her native country, but something tells her that it wasn't so normal, it's another world after all.
Lian has read various Chinese novels, and as such, he knows the tropes. If Leon took her to another world, and it is the modern age, it is also her country, it is most likely that there are cultivators who hide among mortals.
-"It's a world with cultivators."
Lian is smart, not for nothing did he create a company from scratch, almost single-handedly. Leon didn't seem surprised, he knew her mother and her abilities, it wouldn't be difficult for her to discover the strangeness of this world.
-"Exactly, it's not like ours, which is completely normal."
"Uhm, and to think that at first, he believed that powerful beings existed in our world."
Leon shook his head, Lian thought that his world, the real world, had cultivators and celestial beings, like the ones from Marvel, but it didn't.
-"You believed it for me, but I was the only strange being in that world, someone who broke the rules and mortal laws."
Lian nodded and said no more about the matter, over time, she accepted León in her heart, and was happy for him, he was her son after all, and I always wish the best for him, although of course, from time to time she gets angry and hates him, Leon knows how to get on her nerves.
Leon took her mother by the hand, and led her to a table, calling the waiter to bring the best cakes in the place, and a good coffee, nothing better to start the morning. While Leon made her request, Lian was silent and checked her cell phone.
She had her stepdaughters and granddaughters as her wallpaper, she couldn't help but smile tenderly, every time she sees that image, she is happy, and thinks that it wasn't bad to lose some things, since she received many more, although she still regrets the death of his other son.
He may have been trash and a lolicon, a scumbag who abused women and kidnapped elementary school girls, but she was still his son, and he supposed that one day he would change. Something stupid, people don't change.
Once the waiter left, Leon saw her mother's expression, and it wasn't hard to tell what was inside her head, and he spoke to her.
-"Don't make that face, that won't bring your dead son back, he will still be 4 meters under the ground."
Leon released cruel words, but true, Lian looked at Leon calmly.
-"Why you never brought him back to life, you could have changed his memories, and help him to be a better person."
-"It's the same as killing him, your other son is trash, period, he won't change, now, if I change his personality, he will be another person, and he won't be your son anymore, you understand."
At last, Ian shook her head, and crossed her arms, accentuating his breasts.
-"Don't tempt me woman, that won't work."
Lian frowned, it was not the idea, she just wanted to rest her breasts, they are heavy, and from time to time she held them with her arms, so that her back would not hurt, she did not like to drink potions every so often, except for a plain back pain.
-"Sigh, not everything is sex, besides, don't change the subject."
-"Don't change the subject, finish it, I have other more important things." Leon replied.
-"Well, now, what do we do in this world, and what do cultivators do?" Lian asked.
She was curious, like everyone, it was her first time in a cultivator world, and she wanted to know if everything was similar to what they write in urban cultivation novels. Powerful protagonists with power up, hidden enemies, abandoned children, beautiful women who would bring down countries with their beauty.
Leon smiled and began to tell him about the world, while he waited for the food. Lian and Leon, they got along relatively well..., although not always, the conversation was harmonious and without problems, Lian nodded like a girl who has just come out into the world.
-"Even vampires, that's amazing, I'd like to meet one." Lian said.
-"Don't worry, you'll have one as a daughter-in-law."
-"Pervert, fuck a vampire, aren't you afraid that he will suck your blood?"
-"The only thing that is going to extract from me is going to be my seed" Leon answered mischievously.
Lian let out a laugh full of grace, worthy of a refined and elegant lady like her.
-"Yes, you are a pervert, I didn't expect anything less from you."
- "Says the woman who sleeps with her son, who is more perverted?"
The conversation stopped for a second, since the waiter came with the cakes, meanwhile, Leon took out his cell phone and began to buy various things online, he had to smash Rouxi's credit card, it was the first step of his plan.
Lian, who was already drinking coffee and enjoying the cakes, looked at Leon, who was on her cell phone.
-"What are you doing, ready for my new daughter-in-law?" Lian asked with curiosity and a little pity for her future daughter-in-law, knowing her son, he would use quite cruel and unethical means to get a girl, she believed that with his glibness he could conquer any girl, that his means were unnecessary.
-"In a sense, you could say yes, besides, I'm buying some things, souvenirs for when we get back."
"Wouldn't it be easier to bring her with you?"
-"Hm, yes, but later, before I have to catch some beautiful girls, and I can't be with so many women, I can't attend to all of them."
Lian took her son's hand, and said fondly.
-"You are a good husband and father Leon, I am proud of you."
Leon was silent for a second, looking at his mother with a touch of surprise, he did not expect such an embarrassing compliment.
-"Do you want to ask me something, Lian?"
Lian pouted, and she seemed somewhat annoyed.
-"Maybe I can't praise my own son, I just wanted to congratulate him for being a great family man."
-"Well..., this is uncomfortable, let's talk about the plan." Leon said, changing the subject.
-"Don't tell me I have to help you get my future daughter-in-law."
-"You hit the target"
Leon put the purchases aside, since he managed to spend millions in a matter of minutes, which would attract the attention of the cardholder, and he would look for it. And knowing her, he would call her friend to ask for her help, that was Leon's plan, it was her way of getting closer to Cai yan.
Leaving that aside for now, Leon put a picture of a mature, beautiful woman on his cell phone, then showed it to his mother.
Lian reviewed the image, and was surprised, the woman was beautiful and refined, the aristocratic and royal aura of her could not be hidden. Lian touched his chin, thinking a bit, he didn't want to harm the person in the image.
"She seems to be a good person, do you really want to corrupt her?"
Leon noticed the tone, and that she wasn't very willing, but she didn't care, Lian would do what he said, or she would do very badly.
-"Yes, her name is Guo Xuehua, they run a series of orphanages, she is a good woman, without a doubt.
"And why do you want to hurt him?"
-"Damage, being by my side is the best thing that could happen to her, besides, she is not as good as she seems to be, do you know why she runs so many orphanages, do you want to know why she is so good with children? " Leon said, in a mysterious voice.
Lian understood the story in a second, nothing more was needed to understand why Guo Xuehua adored children.
"Did I abandon her son?"
-"If like you."
-"Sigh, don't tell me that her son is looking for revenge." Lian asked, with a headache, remembering her past with Leon.
-"Of course not, her son is not looking for her at all, but when they meet, he will forgive her without hesitation."
-"So?, you say that she would be better by your side, but if her son reconciles with her, that would be good"
-"It is, but..., I'm still better for her, by my side, she'll learn the meaning of pleasure, and she'll forget her useless children, she won't hesitate to abandon them for a lick on my cock."
Lian massaged his forehead and drank her coffee, she had to eat a little to not think about things so much. She knew that she could not refuse, and she would have to do what Leon says, she will be her mother, but also her servant, and she knows it.
-"What is the reason that she abandoned her son"
-"By the clan, having a child would damage her husband's position as the future patriarch of the family, you see, in the end, it's not as good as you think."
Lian closed her eyes and didn't protest anymore, she will follow Leon's orders, I don't hesitate to harden her heart and hurt other people, she wasn't a good person, she did a lot of shady things in her life, one more, I wouldn't kill her.
Not like her son, that he is a heartless butcher.
-"That I have to do?"
-"For now, you just have to be her friend, nothing more, easy! No, being you, it shouldn't be a problem to manipulate things to be her friend and enter her heart as a confidant."
Lián was not a saint, she worked for years as the CEO of a company, she met many people, and learned from the underworld, she did not hesitate to destroy her opponents, the business world is cruel, and that gave Lián a vision more espacious.
In addition to teaching her various talents, such as reading people and knowing when he is lying, as well as winning people's hearts, something necessary when she needs people who are loyal and faithful to the company.
It is not good to have a resentful person in your business, that can cause a disaster, such as insider trading, as would happen to Rouxi in the future with one of his workers, and right hand, although it was mostly manipulated, but that It's a story for another day, plus, with León in the story, things always change.
Minutes passed, and outside the cafeteria a police vehicle appeared, coming out of it, a beautiful female officer, and two idiots who were unimportant, were his subordinates.
"Hm? It's the police." Commented Leon's mother, who looked outside, and noticed a beacon, she couldn't help but look at her son, but since he didn't seem worried, I didn't take it too seriously, besides, it's Leon! What could a couple do? of cops?
Leon took a sip of coffee, and asked his mother.
-"Dear Lián, do you want to see how your son is imprisoned? Surely it is your dream."
- "Are they coming for you?" Lian asked, a little worried.
-"It's part of the plan."
Lian sighed in relief, mostly for the police and the world, knowing Leon, if they provoked him too much, the world would not have a happy ending.
-"Fine, I'll stay to see the show, I always wanted to see you behind bars."
-"Than cruel."
Leon leaned back on the chair, and looked up at the ceiling, expecting to be caught. Lian wanted to reprimand Leon for his bad manners, they are in public, and even if they are alone, he still has to maintain a certain decorum.
-"Leon, mind your manners."
-"Manners, the police are coming to look for me, if you want to save face, you shouldn't stay." Leon said, as he waved his hand for him to go away.
-"Sigh, at least behave"
"If you had raised me, maybe my manners would be better."
-"You win, do what you want." Lian said raising his hands, as a sign of surrender, he would not win an argument against his son.
From the entrance, the waiter appeared with a very beautiful woman, short shoulder-length hair, sharp nose, clear eyes like autumn water, charming lips with pink lipstick, the only problem, was her sharp gaze like a caged beast, ready to attack at any moment.
Lian saw the girl, and I do not hesitate to praise the girl's beauty in her mind, in her world you could not find equal beauty, without counting the women of León, who have no comparison, and of course, her too.
Lian wasn't a narcissist, but she knew she was beautiful, even more beautiful than the female officer in front of her.
Cai Yan checked the place, and found the person she was looking for, guided by the waiter, she approached Leon, and stood next to her, if looks could kill, Leon would have already died a thousand times.
-"Leon, you have visitors." Said Lian, wanting to be part of the show, Cai Yan was so immersed in the wallet thief, that she didn't notice the woman who accompanied him.
When she saw her, she couldn't help but let out a voice of surprise and admiration, the woman was a world-class beauty, full of grace, her words were like the song of a bird in the morning.
But what caught her attention the most was the resemblance she had to the mother of her best friend, Lin Rouxi, they were quite similar, the only difference was the size of her breasts.
-"Aunt?" Cai Yan's mouth fell out of surprise.
Lian raised an eyebrow, what a friendly girl she thought, I don't take it badly, although some women, due to age issues, would find it daring.
-"Auntie?, you can call me that if you want, although my name is Lian, and he is my son, I hope his bad manners don't bother you"
-"I'm sorry aunt, I say!, Mrs. Lian, it seems familiar to me."
-"Really? Surely the other one similar to me must be beautiful, but well, what do I owe your visit to?"
Cai yan, I look at the place, and there were no people, that made her happy, the woman in front of her seemed good, and she did not want him to lose face for her son, her little affiliate. Before continuing, she asked the waiter to get away from her and leave them alone, and that she not let anyone up.
-"Tia, cough, Mrs. Lián, his son is suspected of a robbery, and I must take him to the police station to ask him some questions." Cai yan said, pointing at Leon and looking at him with narrowed eyes.
-"Sigh, my son has always been a problem, but he's not a bad person, Leon, you did what the official lady said..." Lian said, while he looked at the official, waiting for her answer.
-"Cai Yan, my name is Cai Yan."
-"Well, officer Cai yan, and Leon, did you do it?" Lian said looking at her son, with a touch of concern, it is not necessary to say that everything was acted.
Leon kept his eyes closed, without worries, thinking about what Cai Yan said, he didn't expect that his mother, Lian, would look like Lin Rouxi's mother, that could help him, how would Rouxi feel around Lian? Would he see her as a second mother? Would he grow fond of her? She seemed very interesting.
Leon smiled in a good mood, he would use Lian to make fun of Rouxi.
-"Leon, why are you laughing, this is serious"
-"I don't know, I think Miss Yanyan will have to check me to find out the truth." Leon answered, as he brought his hand to his crotch, a gesture that Cai yan took as vulgar and provocative.
-"You...!, how dare you, officers, take him to the car, I'll question him at the police station."
Leon didn't refuse, he got up and let the officers grab him by the arms, ready to put the handcuffs on him, but Lian stopped them.
-"Officer Yan, I hope you give face to this old woman, and don't handcuff my son, it would be very frowned upon if someone sees it."
-"Stop, put the handcuffs inside the car."
The officers nodded, and led him away without handcuffs. They were quite cordial, they were giving the boy's mother a face, and how not to do it, once they saw León's mother, they fell in love, they even thought of using his son as tallow.
Bad luck for them, they won't live long, Leon read the thoughts of the two officers, they were already sentenced to death, with family and everything included.
Once they turned around and Caiyan didn't see them, Leon killed the two officers, their bodies compressed into a small ball of meat. His death was extremely painful, the process seemed to last less than a second, but in truth it lasted a year.
León played with time and made the passage of time different, a year for them was a second for the rest of the world. Not enough with that, he took their souls and took them to his limbo people, he created some shadows and sent them after the family of both police officers, he will make sure to exterminate the entire bloodline.
Once the garbage was discarded, León generated two shadows that took the form of the dead officers, and continued with the show, all this happened in 5 seconds, that's called efficiency.
Meanwhile, they were reading and Cai Yan was still chatting.
-"Mrs. Lán, I'm sorry about his son."
-"You can call me aunt, if you want, I have no problem."
-"Thank you, Aunt Lian, her child is troublesome."
-"You can't imagine it, but deep down, he is a good man, I hope you have patience with him, and treat him well, this old lady would be sad if something bad happens to my son, I hope you understand me."
Cai yan couldn't help but feel sorry for the woman, she was a good person, and even a good mother, now she doubted about taking Leon, but she quickly disappeared that thought, she had to help her friend.
-"Don't worry, I'll watch you personally, nothing bad will happen, although I'll scare you a little, so you don't repeat it again."
-"That would be good, give my son a little lesson, maybe if he learns and I am on my way."
Cai yan patted her chest and said proudly.
-"Leave me my aunt Lian, her son will be a new person when she leaves my police station."
Lian stood up and smiled fondly, shaking Cai Yan's hand, thanking her for her consideration of her. Lian thought that she was a good girl, and she would be a good wife for Leon, although of course, she knew that the girl's future was murky.
With León, you never know, she could only hope for the best, and that she Cai yan does not offend him too much, not if she wants to live in peace.
-"Be nice to him."
Leaving one last piece of advice, she sat back down, to finish her coffee, before she got any colder. Cai yan turned and left, but not before looking back and seeing Lian's profile, she couldn't deny that she looked a lot like Rouxi's deceased mother.
Lian looked at Cai yan's back, and shook her head, now everything depended on the girl, if she was lucky, Leon would treat her well and not abuse her. If her luck is bad, Leon would take her by force and mentally destroy her, so much so that she won't be able to oppose her in the future.
Change of scenery.
Leon was in the interrogation room, with both hands handcuffed to the table. In front of him, a woman with eyes as cold as ice, didn't seem very happy, Leon didn't care, Cai yan was very hot, even more so with her uniform.
Her short skirt exposed her beautiful milky thighs, she couldn't believe that she worked with such a short skirt, as she would catch a thief if she ran away from her, she wasn't very helpful when it came to to work.
But who was he to complain, she could only enjoy the good fashion sense of the pervert who made the uniforms, he sure was a horny man.
Cai yan, who was looked at as a juicy and meaty lamb, got angry, she did not hesitate to hit the table hard to intimidate her convict, too bad for her, it was the opposite effect, when she hit the table, she leaned forward, exposing her breasts, she had a great cleavage.
-"Nice breasts."
Cai yan clenched his teeth, ready to pounce with a crazed beast, and gouge out the lustful man's eyes, he didn't expect him to be so perverted. If it wasn't for Leon's mother, she would have slapped him by now, but she promised to take care of him and treat him well, she didn't want to hurt him.
-"You..., I don't understand how such a good woman, she has such a bad son, she had to have done terrible things in her other life to have you."
-"I am a good man, and sincere!" Leon defended himself, Cai yan massaged his forehead, he had never seen someone so brazen before.
"You are a common thief, he admits that you stole and he might consider letting you go."
-"I have not stolen anything, if you want to accuse me of something, you must have proof, official Yanyan."
-"Stop calling me yes, I'm not your friend!" Yanyan yelled, pointing his finger at Leon, quite dazed.
Leon paid no attention to it and answered with certainty.
"Soon we will be more than that."
Yanyan shook his head vehemently, refusing.
-"I would never be your friend, much less more than that"
-"We'll see, now, bring the evidence or let me go, I know my rights."
Cai yan took out a credit card and put it on the table.
-"That's the proof, you stole a credit card, it was in your wallet."
Leon grabbed the card, and turned it over to look at it, then threw it on the table.
-"How do I know you didn't put it there? Whoever tells me you're not a corrupt official and you want to frame me, I'm not an idiot!"
-"We would never do that, besides, we have many cameras in the police station, if we check carefully, we can see that this card, it comes from your wallet, and that no one else touched it."
Leon narrowed his eyes, and looked at Cai yan suspiciously.
"Is it legal to go through my things without permission? That seems pretty suspicious to me."
-"It's legal, since it's suspected of theft."
Leon crossed the fingers of his hands and leaned forward, looking at the card, then looked at Cai yan, and smiled smugly.
-"It's from my lover, I borrowed it after we had a wild night of sex."
-"Impossible! Rouxi isn't that kind of girl..." Cai Yan covered her mouth, he didn't expect her friend's name to come out.
-"Oh, you know her, so this is a game, what if you let me go, hey Rouxi! You're behind that glass, how about we stop joking, I know we're sexual friends, but this is too much, use your influence to take me prisoner, that's too much." Leon said, as he looked at the one-way mirror.
-"Stop joking around, you may be handsome, but Rouxi wouldn't sleep with a total stranger." }
-"How do you know I'm a stranger?" Leon asked.
-"She is my best friend, we always tell each other everything." Caiyan replied.
-"Soon he will tell you about me, we met yesterday."
-"Less reason to believe you, Rouxi would not sleep with a total stranger, she is not like that."
-"You trust your friend too much, perhaps you don't find it strange, she calls you to ask you for a favor, and she asks you to arrest a stranger, because she would do it, what would be her motive?"
Cai yan thought about it for a second, she found some reason in Leon's words, but in the end she decided to believe her friend.
-"It's obvious, you stole her card, even, I doubt you know her, you're just playing, empty words."
Leon shrugged, and answered.
-"Yanyan, don't steal that card, she gave it to me after fucking as advice."
-"Lies, stop lying and admit it, you stole her card."
-"What a stubborn woman, how about a bet, if I show you that I had sex with your friend, you will set me free and give me your body."
Cai Yan crossed her arms, and laughed loudly.
-"Ha!, because she would."
-"Don't you trust your friend? Come on! Bet with me." Leon provoked, hoping he would take the bait.
"Okay, but if I win, you'll apologize on your knees, kiss my feet and I'll record it as a souvenir."
With the recording in his hands, Cai yan planned to make amends for Leon's crooked path, that was his way of helping Aunt Lian, he liked the woman very much, and he seemed very pitiful when he talked about his son, it was obvious that he loves him very much. .
Too bad her son is a lying and greedy bastard, thought Cai yan.
-"Deal done yanyan, bring me my phone, when you see it, you will surely be surprised."
Cai yan looked at Leon's confidence, and was a little scared, he was too confident, as if his words were real, but it couldn't be true, he knew his friend, she would never sleep with a stranger, much less let herself be recorded , that would be very dangerous for a person in his position.
With a knot in her heart, Cai yan went for Leon's phone, she trusted her friend, and believed it was a lie, but something gave her a bad feeling, and bothered her, what would happen if it were true, she would have to give up her body .
Shaking her head to clear the negative thoughts, he walked towards the place where evidence and objects confiscated from detainees were kept.
Once fixed, he looked at the bed where Rouxi slept peacefully, with the sheets covering part of her body, but that could not hide her spectacular figure, and the red marks, from bites, slaps, and some crazy games.
He couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, nothing better than conquering a beautiful girl in bed, and stealing her precious virginity, especially when they are women like Rouxi, who value her very much, and take care of her.
Leon was almost ready to go, but first, he had to put away the video camera, which he left overnight, it was easy to hide it with some magic, so Rouxi never found out, the video will be useful for later.
Giving one last slap to Rouxi's butt, our protagonist left. Since it was morning, it would be good to eat something Leon thought, but he didn't want to have breakfast alone, he spent the whole night with a beautiful lady, it's only fair that he continue with good company.
And he found nothing better than to call the woman who gave birth to him, and gave him his life, the woman who abandoned him in a basket when he was little, but as we know, León did not care about that matter, it was irrelevant.
If he hadn't bothered him, he might never have sought her out, and subsequently, fucked her. Not forgetting that he murdered his brother, and his father, and his stepfather.
With a thought, Lian, Leon's mother, appeared at his side. Her waist-length black hair, slender waist and fat butt, big breasts, forcing you to look at them, it was hard to keep looking into her eyes when talking to her.
A difficult challenge for any man, only the most gentlemen would not take a look. And of course, León is not a gentleman, I do not hesitate to look at his mother's chest, and not enough with that, I stretch the neckline and look inside, like a pervert.
Lian, who did not expect to be called by her son, sighed with resignation, she did not expect that they would call her to see her tits. But she had no choice, he was her son, and she put up with it, something quite strange, she thought, since when did bullying become normal.
Weren't they mother and children? In the end, it was better not to think about it too much, León was not normal, and the concept of morality was not his thing. Besides, he enjoyed taboo sex, and all the comforts he had.
León left his mother aside and greeted her with a kiss on the mouth, if someone saw them, they couldn't help but cry with envy, they seemed like the perfect couple, if they only knew the truth, they would most likely vomit in disgust.
Lian returned the kiss like a lover, at this point in life, she was used to it, and she didn't hesitate to respond to her own son's advances. After a while, they parted, looking into each other's eyes with intoxicating desire.
But it wasn't time for sex, it was time to plan and conquer.
-"Dear mother, I invite you to breakfast."
Lian narrowed her eyes suspiciously, Leon was being too nice, and there were two reasons why she was behaving like this, a favor, or she wanted to get into her pants.
- "Why so much kindness?"
Leon, who noticed his mother's look of suspicion, became sad and shook her head in disappointment, Lian crossed her arms and snorted, she knew her son too well to know that it was an act.
-"You should be thankful, I am a pleasant son and full of love, look I brought you to breakfast in another world, that someone else would do that for his mother, besides, she is Chinese, your country of origin, although different." Leon answered, leaving his act of sadness, now he smiled mischievously.
-"Really? This is my country in another world, it doesn't look very different"
It is worth mentioning that both were on a balcony of a cafeteria. Lian leaned against the railing and looked around the place, without a doubt, it looked a lot like her native country, but something tells her that it wasn't so normal, it's another world after all.
Lian has read various Chinese novels, and as such, he knows the tropes. If Leon took her to another world, and it is the modern age, it is also her country, it is most likely that there are cultivators who hide among mortals.
-"It's a world with cultivators."
Lian is smart, not for nothing did he create a company from scratch, almost single-handedly. Leon didn't seem surprised, he knew her mother and her abilities, it wouldn't be difficult for her to discover the strangeness of this world.
-"Exactly, it's not like ours, which is completely normal."
"Uhm, and to think that at first, he believed that powerful beings existed in our world."
Leon shook his head, Lian thought that his world, the real world, had cultivators and celestial beings, like the ones from Marvel, but it didn't.
-"You believed it for me, but I was the only strange being in that world, someone who broke the rules and mortal laws."
Lian nodded and said no more about the matter, over time, she accepted León in her heart, and was happy for him, he was her son after all, and I always wish the best for him, although of course, from time to time she gets angry and hates him, Leon knows how to get on her nerves.
Leon took her mother by the hand, and led her to a table, calling the waiter to bring the best cakes in the place, and a good coffee, nothing better to start the morning. While Leon made her request, Lian was silent and checked her cell phone.
She had her stepdaughters and granddaughters as her wallpaper, she couldn't help but smile tenderly, every time she sees that image, she is happy, and thinks that it wasn't bad to lose some things, since she received many more, although she still regrets the death of his other son.
He may have been trash and a lolicon, a scumbag who abused women and kidnapped elementary school girls, but she was still his son, and he supposed that one day he would change. Something stupid, people don't change.
Once the waiter left, Leon saw her mother's expression, and it wasn't hard to tell what was inside her head, and he spoke to her.
-"Don't make that face, that won't bring your dead son back, he will still be 4 meters under the ground."
Leon released cruel words, but true, Lian looked at Leon calmly.
-"Why you never brought him back to life, you could have changed his memories, and help him to be a better person."
-"It's the same as killing him, your other son is trash, period, he won't change, now, if I change his personality, he will be another person, and he won't be your son anymore, you understand."
At last, Ian shook her head, and crossed her arms, accentuating his breasts.
-"Don't tempt me woman, that won't work."
Lian frowned, it was not the idea, she just wanted to rest her breasts, they are heavy, and from time to time she held them with her arms, so that her back would not hurt, she did not like to drink potions every so often, except for a plain back pain.
-"Sigh, not everything is sex, besides, don't change the subject."
-"Don't change the subject, finish it, I have other more important things." Leon replied.
-"Well, now, what do we do in this world, and what do cultivators do?" Lian asked.
She was curious, like everyone, it was her first time in a cultivator world, and she wanted to know if everything was similar to what they write in urban cultivation novels. Powerful protagonists with power up, hidden enemies, abandoned children, beautiful women who would bring down countries with their beauty.
Leon smiled and began to tell him about the world, while he waited for the food. Lian and Leon, they got along relatively well..., although not always, the conversation was harmonious and without problems, Lian nodded like a girl who has just come out into the world.
-"Even vampires, that's amazing, I'd like to meet one." Lian said.
-"Don't worry, you'll have one as a daughter-in-law."
-"Pervert, fuck a vampire, aren't you afraid that he will suck your blood?"
-"The only thing that is going to extract from me is going to be my seed" Leon answered mischievously.
Lian let out a laugh full of grace, worthy of a refined and elegant lady like her.
-"Yes, you are a pervert, I didn't expect anything less from you."
- "Says the woman who sleeps with her son, who is more perverted?"
The conversation stopped for a second, since the waiter came with the cakes, meanwhile, Leon took out his cell phone and began to buy various things online, he had to smash Rouxi's credit card, it was the first step of his plan.
Lian, who was already drinking coffee and enjoying the cakes, looked at Leon, who was on her cell phone.
-"What are you doing, ready for my new daughter-in-law?" Lian asked with curiosity and a little pity for her future daughter-in-law, knowing her son, he would use quite cruel and unethical means to get a girl, she believed that with his glibness he could conquer any girl, that his means were unnecessary.
-"In a sense, you could say yes, besides, I'm buying some things, souvenirs for when we get back."
"Wouldn't it be easier to bring her with you?"
-"Hm, yes, but later, before I have to catch some beautiful girls, and I can't be with so many women, I can't attend to all of them."
Lian took her son's hand, and said fondly.
-"You are a good husband and father Leon, I am proud of you."
Leon was silent for a second, looking at his mother with a touch of surprise, he did not expect such an embarrassing compliment.
-"Do you want to ask me something, Lian?"
Lian pouted, and she seemed somewhat annoyed.
-"Maybe I can't praise my own son, I just wanted to congratulate him for being a great family man."
-"Well..., this is uncomfortable, let's talk about the plan." Leon said, changing the subject.
-"Don't tell me I have to help you get my future daughter-in-law."
-"You hit the target"
Leon put the purchases aside, since he managed to spend millions in a matter of minutes, which would attract the attention of the cardholder, and he would look for it. And knowing her, he would call her friend to ask for her help, that was Leon's plan, it was her way of getting closer to Cai yan.
Leaving that aside for now, Leon put a picture of a mature, beautiful woman on his cell phone, then showed it to his mother.
Lian reviewed the image, and was surprised, the woman was beautiful and refined, the aristocratic and royal aura of her could not be hidden. Lian touched his chin, thinking a bit, he didn't want to harm the person in the image.
"She seems to be a good person, do you really want to corrupt her?"
Leon noticed the tone, and that she wasn't very willing, but she didn't care, Lian would do what he said, or she would do very badly.
-"Yes, her name is Guo Xuehua, they run a series of orphanages, she is a good woman, without a doubt.
"And why do you want to hurt him?"
-"Damage, being by my side is the best thing that could happen to her, besides, she is not as good as she seems to be, do you know why she runs so many orphanages, do you want to know why she is so good with children? " Leon said, in a mysterious voice.
Lian understood the story in a second, nothing more was needed to understand why Guo Xuehua adored children.
"Did I abandon her son?"
-"If like you."
-"Sigh, don't tell me that her son is looking for revenge." Lian asked, with a headache, remembering her past with Leon.
-"Of course not, her son is not looking for her at all, but when they meet, he will forgive her without hesitation."
-"So?, you say that she would be better by your side, but if her son reconciles with her, that would be good"
-"It is, but..., I'm still better for her, by my side, she'll learn the meaning of pleasure, and she'll forget her useless children, she won't hesitate to abandon them for a lick on my cock."
Lian massaged his forehead and drank her coffee, she had to eat a little to not think about things so much. She knew that she could not refuse, and she would have to do what Leon says, she will be her mother, but also her servant, and she knows it.
-"What is the reason that she abandoned her son"
-"By the clan, having a child would damage her husband's position as the future patriarch of the family, you see, in the end, it's not as good as you think."
Lian closed her eyes and didn't protest anymore, she will follow Leon's orders, I don't hesitate to harden her heart and hurt other people, she wasn't a good person, she did a lot of shady things in her life, one more, I wouldn't kill her.
Not like her son, that he is a heartless butcher.
-"That I have to do?"
-"For now, you just have to be her friend, nothing more, easy! No, being you, it shouldn't be a problem to manipulate things to be her friend and enter her heart as a confidant."
Lián was not a saint, she worked for years as the CEO of a company, she met many people, and learned from the underworld, she did not hesitate to destroy her opponents, the business world is cruel, and that gave Lián a vision more espacious.
In addition to teaching her various talents, such as reading people and knowing when he is lying, as well as winning people's hearts, something necessary when she needs people who are loyal and faithful to the company.
It is not good to have a resentful person in your business, that can cause a disaster, such as insider trading, as would happen to Rouxi in the future with one of his workers, and right hand, although it was mostly manipulated, but that It's a story for another day, plus, with León in the story, things always change.
Minutes passed, and outside the cafeteria a police vehicle appeared, coming out of it, a beautiful female officer, and two idiots who were unimportant, were his subordinates.
"Hm? It's the police." Commented Leon's mother, who looked outside, and noticed a beacon, she couldn't help but look at her son, but since he didn't seem worried, I didn't take it too seriously, besides, it's Leon! What could a couple do? of cops?
Leon took a sip of coffee, and asked his mother.
-"Dear Lián, do you want to see how your son is imprisoned? Surely it is your dream."
- "Are they coming for you?" Lian asked, a little worried.
-"It's part of the plan."
Lian sighed in relief, mostly for the police and the world, knowing Leon, if they provoked him too much, the world would not have a happy ending.
-"Fine, I'll stay to see the show, I always wanted to see you behind bars."
-"Than cruel."
Leon leaned back on the chair, and looked up at the ceiling, expecting to be caught. Lian wanted to reprimand Leon for his bad manners, they are in public, and even if they are alone, he still has to maintain a certain decorum.
-"Leon, mind your manners."
-"Manners, the police are coming to look for me, if you want to save face, you shouldn't stay." Leon said, as he waved his hand for him to go away.
-"Sigh, at least behave"
"If you had raised me, maybe my manners would be better."
-"You win, do what you want." Lian said raising his hands, as a sign of surrender, he would not win an argument against his son.
From the entrance, the waiter appeared with a very beautiful woman, short shoulder-length hair, sharp nose, clear eyes like autumn water, charming lips with pink lipstick, the only problem, was her sharp gaze like a caged beast, ready to attack at any moment.
Lian saw the girl, and I do not hesitate to praise the girl's beauty in her mind, in her world you could not find equal beauty, without counting the women of León, who have no comparison, and of course, her too.
Lian wasn't a narcissist, but she knew she was beautiful, even more beautiful than the female officer in front of her.
Cai Yan checked the place, and found the person she was looking for, guided by the waiter, she approached Leon, and stood next to her, if looks could kill, Leon would have already died a thousand times.
-"Leon, you have visitors." Said Lian, wanting to be part of the show, Cai Yan was so immersed in the wallet thief, that she didn't notice the woman who accompanied him.
When she saw her, she couldn't help but let out a voice of surprise and admiration, the woman was a world-class beauty, full of grace, her words were like the song of a bird in the morning.
But what caught her attention the most was the resemblance she had to the mother of her best friend, Lin Rouxi, they were quite similar, the only difference was the size of her breasts.
-"Aunt?" Cai Yan's mouth fell out of surprise.
Lian raised an eyebrow, what a friendly girl she thought, I don't take it badly, although some women, due to age issues, would find it daring.
-"Auntie?, you can call me that if you want, although my name is Lian, and he is my son, I hope his bad manners don't bother you"
-"I'm sorry aunt, I say!, Mrs. Lian, it seems familiar to me."
-"Really? Surely the other one similar to me must be beautiful, but well, what do I owe your visit to?"
Cai yan, I look at the place, and there were no people, that made her happy, the woman in front of her seemed good, and she did not want him to lose face for her son, her little affiliate. Before continuing, she asked the waiter to get away from her and leave them alone, and that she not let anyone up.
-"Tia, cough, Mrs. Lián, his son is suspected of a robbery, and I must take him to the police station to ask him some questions." Cai yan said, pointing at Leon and looking at him with narrowed eyes.
-"Sigh, my son has always been a problem, but he's not a bad person, Leon, you did what the official lady said..." Lian said, while he looked at the official, waiting for her answer.
-"Cai Yan, my name is Cai Yan."
-"Well, officer Cai yan, and Leon, did you do it?" Lian said looking at her son, with a touch of concern, it is not necessary to say that everything was acted.
Leon kept his eyes closed, without worries, thinking about what Cai Yan said, he didn't expect that his mother, Lian, would look like Lin Rouxi's mother, that could help him, how would Rouxi feel around Lian? Would he see her as a second mother? Would he grow fond of her? She seemed very interesting.
Leon smiled in a good mood, he would use Lian to make fun of Rouxi.
-"Leon, why are you laughing, this is serious"
-"I don't know, I think Miss Yanyan will have to check me to find out the truth." Leon answered, as he brought his hand to his crotch, a gesture that Cai yan took as vulgar and provocative.
-"You...!, how dare you, officers, take him to the car, I'll question him at the police station."
Leon didn't refuse, he got up and let the officers grab him by the arms, ready to put the handcuffs on him, but Lian stopped them.
-"Officer Yan, I hope you give face to this old woman, and don't handcuff my son, it would be very frowned upon if someone sees it."
-"Stop, put the handcuffs inside the car."
The officers nodded, and led him away without handcuffs. They were quite cordial, they were giving the boy's mother a face, and how not to do it, once they saw León's mother, they fell in love, they even thought of using his son as tallow.
Bad luck for them, they won't live long, Leon read the thoughts of the two officers, they were already sentenced to death, with family and everything included.
Once they turned around and Caiyan didn't see them, Leon killed the two officers, their bodies compressed into a small ball of meat. His death was extremely painful, the process seemed to last less than a second, but in truth it lasted a year.
León played with time and made the passage of time different, a year for them was a second for the rest of the world. Not enough with that, he took their souls and took them to his limbo people, he created some shadows and sent them after the family of both police officers, he will make sure to exterminate the entire bloodline.
Once the garbage was discarded, León generated two shadows that took the form of the dead officers, and continued with the show, all this happened in 5 seconds, that's called efficiency.
Meanwhile, they were reading and Cai Yan was still chatting.
-"Mrs. Lán, I'm sorry about his son."
-"You can call me aunt, if you want, I have no problem."
-"Thank you, Aunt Lian, her child is troublesome."
-"You can't imagine it, but deep down, he is a good man, I hope you have patience with him, and treat him well, this old lady would be sad if something bad happens to my son, I hope you understand me."
Cai yan couldn't help but feel sorry for the woman, she was a good person, and even a good mother, now she doubted about taking Leon, but she quickly disappeared that thought, she had to help her friend.
-"Don't worry, I'll watch you personally, nothing bad will happen, although I'll scare you a little, so you don't repeat it again."
-"That would be good, give my son a little lesson, maybe if he learns and I am on my way."
Cai yan patted her chest and said proudly.
-"Leave me my aunt Lian, her son will be a new person when she leaves my police station."
Lian stood up and smiled fondly, shaking Cai Yan's hand, thanking her for her consideration of her. Lian thought that she was a good girl, and she would be a good wife for Leon, although of course, she knew that the girl's future was murky.
With León, you never know, she could only hope for the best, and that she Cai yan does not offend him too much, not if she wants to live in peace.
-"Be nice to him."
Leaving one last piece of advice, she sat back down, to finish her coffee, before she got any colder. Cai yan turned and left, but not before looking back and seeing Lian's profile, she couldn't deny that she looked a lot like Rouxi's deceased mother.
Lian looked at Cai yan's back, and shook her head, now everything depended on the girl, if she was lucky, Leon would treat her well and not abuse her. If her luck is bad, Leon would take her by force and mentally destroy her, so much so that she won't be able to oppose her in the future.
Change of scenery.
Leon was in the interrogation room, with both hands handcuffed to the table. In front of him, a woman with eyes as cold as ice, didn't seem very happy, Leon didn't care, Cai yan was very hot, even more so with her uniform.
Her short skirt exposed her beautiful milky thighs, she couldn't believe that she worked with such a short skirt, as she would catch a thief if she ran away from her, she wasn't very helpful when it came to to work.
But who was he to complain, she could only enjoy the good fashion sense of the pervert who made the uniforms, he sure was a horny man.
Cai yan, who was looked at as a juicy and meaty lamb, got angry, she did not hesitate to hit the table hard to intimidate her convict, too bad for her, it was the opposite effect, when she hit the table, she leaned forward, exposing her breasts, she had a great cleavage.
-"Nice breasts."
Cai yan clenched his teeth, ready to pounce with a crazed beast, and gouge out the lustful man's eyes, he didn't expect him to be so perverted. If it wasn't for Leon's mother, she would have slapped him by now, but she promised to take care of him and treat him well, she didn't want to hurt him.
-"You..., I don't understand how such a good woman, she has such a bad son, she had to have done terrible things in her other life to have you."
-"I am a good man, and sincere!" Leon defended himself, Cai yan massaged his forehead, he had never seen someone so brazen before.
"You are a common thief, he admits that you stole and he might consider letting you go."
-"I have not stolen anything, if you want to accuse me of something, you must have proof, official Yanyan."
-"Stop calling me yes, I'm not your friend!" Yanyan yelled, pointing his finger at Leon, quite dazed.
Leon paid no attention to it and answered with certainty.
"Soon we will be more than that."
Yanyan shook his head vehemently, refusing.
-"I would never be your friend, much less more than that"
-"We'll see, now, bring the evidence or let me go, I know my rights."
Cai yan took out a credit card and put it on the table.
-"That's the proof, you stole a credit card, it was in your wallet."
Leon grabbed the card, and turned it over to look at it, then threw it on the table.
-"How do I know you didn't put it there? Whoever tells me you're not a corrupt official and you want to frame me, I'm not an idiot!"
-"We would never do that, besides, we have many cameras in the police station, if we check carefully, we can see that this card, it comes from your wallet, and that no one else touched it."
Leon narrowed his eyes, and looked at Cai yan suspiciously.
"Is it legal to go through my things without permission? That seems pretty suspicious to me."
-"It's legal, since it's suspected of theft."
Leon crossed the fingers of his hands and leaned forward, looking at the card, then looked at Cai yan, and smiled smugly.
-"It's from my lover, I borrowed it after we had a wild night of sex."
-"Impossible! Rouxi isn't that kind of girl..." Cai Yan covered her mouth, he didn't expect her friend's name to come out.
-"Oh, you know her, so this is a game, what if you let me go, hey Rouxi! You're behind that glass, how about we stop joking, I know we're sexual friends, but this is too much, use your influence to take me prisoner, that's too much." Leon said, as he looked at the one-way mirror.
-"Stop joking around, you may be handsome, but Rouxi wouldn't sleep with a total stranger." }
-"How do you know I'm a stranger?" Leon asked.
-"She is my best friend, we always tell each other everything." Caiyan replied.
-"Soon he will tell you about me, we met yesterday."
-"Less reason to believe you, Rouxi would not sleep with a total stranger, she is not like that."
-"You trust your friend too much, perhaps you don't find it strange, she calls you to ask you for a favor, and she asks you to arrest a stranger, because she would do it, what would be her motive?"
Cai yan thought about it for a second, she found some reason in Leon's words, but in the end she decided to believe her friend.
-"It's obvious, you stole her card, even, I doubt you know her, you're just playing, empty words."
Leon shrugged, and answered.
-"Yanyan, don't steal that card, she gave it to me after fucking as advice."
-"Lies, stop lying and admit it, you stole her card."
-"What a stubborn woman, how about a bet, if I show you that I had sex with your friend, you will set me free and give me your body."
Cai Yan crossed her arms, and laughed loudly.
-"Ha!, because she would."
-"Don't you trust your friend? Come on! Bet with me." Leon provoked, hoping he would take the bait.
"Okay, but if I win, you'll apologize on your knees, kiss my feet and I'll record it as a souvenir."
With the recording in his hands, Cai yan planned to make amends for Leon's crooked path, that was his way of helping Aunt Lian, he liked the woman very much, and he seemed very pitiful when he talked about his son, it was obvious that he loves him very much. .
Too bad her son is a lying and greedy bastard, thought Cai yan.
-"Deal done yanyan, bring me my phone, when you see it, you will surely be surprised."
Cai yan looked at Leon's confidence, and was a little scared, he was too confident, as if his words were real, but it couldn't be true, he knew his friend, she would never sleep with a stranger, much less let herself be recorded , that would be very dangerous for a person in his position.
With a knot in her heart, Cai yan went for Leon's phone, she trusted her friend, and believed it was a lie, but something gave her a bad feeling, and bothered her, what would happen if it were true, she would have to give up her body .
Shaking her head to clear the negative thoughts, he walked towards the place where evidence and objects confiscated from detainees were kept.
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