A few minutes after Leo left, Cai Yan was sleeping with his arms crossed on the desk, suddenly, he opened his eyes little by little, his long eyelashes moved slowly, a little saliva fell from his mouth, mixed with a white liquid thick, Leon cleaned her properly, but left her holes full of semen, she couldn't waste the opportunity.

I raise my head, while stretching out my hands like a lazy cat, her back curved in such a way that it seemed to remember what she did the night before, the girl was pure seduction, every move made you want to tame her, more so with that police uniform so tight and with a short skirt, revealing her fat milky thighs.

-"Hmm, what time is it..."

Cai Yan's head roared in pain, she couldn't help but grab on with both hands and bend over a little, the memories of her from the previous hours of her hitting her hard and raw. With each new memory of her, she gritted her teeth and uttered a thousand curses.

She barely kept her cool and resisted the desire to go for Leon, pull out her gun and empty it on the bastard, she couldn't believe all the things he did and was forced to do, shame and anger slowly building up on her.

But..., other than lust was added inside her heart, Leon was a heartless bastard in her mind, but her body said something else, they forced her to fuck, she doesn't deny that, the problem was that he's very good She also couldn't deny that León made her a very happy woman, sexually speaking.

His moans were rhythmic, his hips moved at will, even his mouth did not stop kissing him and testing every part of his body, he had to admit that León was a great lover, although of course, he could not compare him, since he was a virgin, only it was his selfish desire to think that no one was better than him.

That way, she doesn't feel so bad, after all, Rouxi was just as perverted as her, it was enough to watch the video to know. With a heavy sigh, she took the letter that was next to her, she hadn't seen it because of how distracted she was.

-"Leon..., leave me a letter, that's quite old, and a bit romantic, maybe it's not so bad..., no, no, no, Yanyan, don't be deluded, that idiot is a shameless pervert, manipulator, blackmailer, thc!, they have everything, you'll see!, people like him, sooner or later leave some trace of their crimes, when you put them together, I'll take him to prison."

After complaining and cursing for another hour, she decided to open the envelope and read the letter-

[Has my little pig woken up yet? If so, that's good, I thought you'd die of pleasure and I'd have to bury you, again...]

-"Damn bastard!, pig your mother and all your family, hmph..., wait, bury...?, that pervert!, he only has sex in his head, I sigh. I'm going to have a heart attack if I keep bothering me for every thing."

Cai Yan massaged her temple, and continued reading.

[Now that you've calmed down]

-"How do you know...!" He groaned, wondering if he could read her mind, she quickly dismissed it, it's a letter, it was already written and it can't be changed while reading. Cai Yan felt like a child who could be easily interpreted, which greatly annoyed her.

[I hope we can repeat it again, I knit my number xxxxx, leaving that aside, don't worry about your subordinates, they couldn't hear anything, I bribed them to stay away, they are good guys, they didn't hesitate to leave you to your fate, apparently you're not a good boss, she hates you a lot.]

Cai Yan squeezed the letter and crumpled it from how angry she was, now that I notice it, I was in her office, but none of her subordinates came near, now they are surely making fun of her, she wanted to go out and kick them all .

But she didn't dare, just imagine those eyes when she came out, she was so embarrassed, she lost all her face. She did not understand how he agreed to have sex in her office, as her defense, she can argue the fact that she thought that Leon would finish in minutes and would not get up again.

-"I'll call my father, and I'll ask him to change all these useless people, it's the only way to raise my face again at the station, I won't be able to bear his eyes for a long time."

Cai Yan shook her head, she didn't like using her family influences, but she had no choice, it was either that or lose her face.

[And that's it, not to bother you again, it was part of the deal, but if you want to come into my arms, you're always welcome.]

-"In your dreams!, arrggg, calm down Yanyan, calm down, you can't get angry about a letter, ah, fu, ah, fu, that, calm down"

Cai Yan did some breathing exercises, and continued reading.

[Finally, now yes, I'm leaving you a small gift, a pendant, not just any pendant, if you're in danger, press it and I'll be by your side in a second, you're already my wife after all, I have to take care of you, more so when you work is so dangerous.]

-"Your wife..." she said gritting her teeth, quite angry, she was not her wife, and she doubted that her necklace would save her.

Cai Yan closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, calming down is the only option, if she kept getting angry, she would get wrinkles. She looked at the letter again, there were a few last words left.

[PS: Your pussy is delicious, and if you can, invite your sister for the next one, she is very beautiful, and if you wonder how I know, check your cell phone.]

Cai Yan can't take it anymore, she jumped up and turned the desk over, the documents flew into the air, the pencils fell to the ground. She was furious, she hated Leon's confidence, and worse, that she knew of her family, she wouldn't like him to use a similar method with her sister, and force her to fuck.

She had to find a way to control León, for the good of her family and hers, in addition to Rouxi's, although she wanted to hit her best friend, she got her into a very big problem, the worst, León is a wretch scoundrel, he will not hesitate to use dishonorable means to take beautiful women.

She lifted the desk off the floor and began to order everything, a minute later, she corrected her dress and hair, which covered much of her face due to the previous outburst, she picked up the envelope where the letter came, and took her pendant.

Cai Yan held it in the air, it turned over on its own. She appreciated it with her eyes, the pendant seemed very expensive, the necklace is a series of silver-colored chains, at the end, hung a snake that devours itself, it was the same necklace that Roxi once received, from Moshoko Tensei .

"Not bad thc, I'll wear it because it's cute, not because he gave it to me" she said like a tsundere.

She did not know why it is justified, if she was alone, she put it on and looked in the mirror, she looked very elegant with her white collar, nodding slightly, she approached the door and went out, she stopped for a second with her hand on the door Well thought out your options.

If she went out, everyone would look at her strangely, judging her for her vulgar acts, but she couldn't live in her office either, besides there were no more exits, only a straight corridor with two officers at the end, with a resigned sigh, Cai Yan faced her fate.

Each step of hers was an agony, but she faced him like a great warrior, she raised her face and puffed out her chest, both guard officers looked at her and greeted her with great respect, something that surprised her, she didn't know. he could see mockery in her eyes.

"Boss Cai, her fiancé left 10 minutes ago, congratulations, he is a good man, he even gave us all gifts, he said he would send a wedding invitation to everyone in the department."

Looking at the officer, it is worth mentioning that they are both women, Cai Yan's mouth was open, she did not understand anything, fiancé?, wedding?, what the fuck are they talking about!

-"It's true, her fiancé is very handsome and manly, boss Cai, you're lucky." Said the other officer with a slightly blushing face, Leon was her type.

Seconds later, Yanyan put together the pieces of the puzzle, understanding what was happening, she is a police chief, she did not get to that place because of her pretty face, it was her merits and her great intelligence that led her to that place. .

Though some might deny her intelligence, she fell for Leon's trap after all.

- "Are you talking about Leon?" I ask, wanting to make sure the story was correct, and it was the correct man."

-"He That was his name, he was blond with red eyes, he seemed to be a good man, he even asked us to stay away, so he could convince more privately"

Leon used his powers to hypnotize the two officers, he didn't want idiots hanging around nearby, and unless they knew his dirty secrets, he still remembers several NTRs that started with the protagonist blackmailing the beautiful police, and this one ends up as a public bathroom because they discovered her, and other idiots also blackmailed her, it is a classic routine that is better not to leave open, you should always take care of your toys, not leave them alone so that nothing bad happens to them.

-"By chance, you heard something, or heard strange noises." she asked her out of curiosity.

Both guards looked at each other somewhat strangely, it was a guilty question, and the nervous tone of voice, but mysteriously, they did not find logic to show surprise, they shrugged their shoulders and answered in unison that nothing, as if they were programmed.

And that's right, the entire police department was controlled by Leon, to conquer Cai Yan, there was nothing better, that the hero saves the beauty, there was nothing left to wait a while before trying it, if he did it now, it would not work , Cai Yan's hatred for him, was too much.

First she had to wait for his lust to increase, Cai Yan will not be able to satisfy her desires alone, not when she tasted the forbidden fruit, her hand will never be her ally for sleepless nights, it will not even serve to reduce the stress generated by the job.

Looking for another man is impossible, León is already her man in her mind, girls like her give a lot of importance to their Virginity and their first man, it is a typical cliché in Chinese novels, just look at how many were raped by him protagonist, and then they love him as if nothing bad happened.

"So nothing huh."

Cai Yan looked at the faces and body movements of both subordinates, and did not notice anything strange, they seemed to be sincere, she could not help but shout with happiness inside her mind, apparently, she will not lose face, and no one knew what happened in her office.

She even thanked Leon for being considerate of her, but it only lasted a second, after all, it was Leon who put her in such an awkward situation, it was her fault, it was her duty to take care of her collateral damage.

-"Thank you, continue with your work, I have things to do."

One of those things is bathing, she couldn't help noticing her bad breath, she smelled like fish, she grabbed a mint and ate it, her walking was somewhat uncomfortable, due to the semen that began to come out of her pussy. her.

She wasn't wearing her panties, since they ripped, she had to run fast so she wouldn't keep falling down her thighs, and further down her skirt, someone might notice her liquid and embarrass her.

She grabbed her vehicle and went straight home, on the way she had to go to the pharmacy to buy a pill, she did not want to get pregnant by a bastard like León, although it was very embarrassing to buy it, she was about to give up several times.

But she had no choice, to be embarrassed for a few minutes or her whole life, how she could look at her parents if she had a child by an almost unknown man, by the husband of her best friend, she would be humiliated for life, she couldn't even have the child in her arms, she might even abandon him.

Some will say that abandoning her son is cruel, but it is not like that, Cai Yan would not be one of those girls, it is one thing to think about it, another to do it.

In the end, Cai Yan came home, luckily for her, there was no one, she went up to her room, took a bath, changed clothes, and went to sleep, she was too tired, she just lost her virginity, and her body ached like hell, it was good that he got a lot of exercise because of his job.

*scenario change*

Leon traveled to the mall, where his mother was with his daughter, some news had already arrived from his mother, he was not lucky enough to meet Yang Cheng's mother, and since Lanlan was bored, he went to buy some food and toys.

At home she had some toys, but they broke, Lanlan was a gross and gluttonous girl.

Lanlan sat on a stool while she ate an ice cream, she was the sixth of the day, her legs were swinging without touching the ground, she seemed somewhat impatient, almost 6 hours away from her father had her anxious.

-"Grandma, when is Papa León coming?"

Lian caressed her new daughter or granddaughter's hair, she had already lost count of how many times she asked her the same thing, she didn't understand how Leon could win the hearts of children so quickly, maybe he was secretly a lolicon, she came to think.

Ignoring those strange thoughts, she chided Lanlan for calling her grandmother, she didn't like that title.

-"I already told you, Lán, mama, mama Lán, older sister, you can use any of those names, but never grandma, never, you understand."

They shot her grandmother's serious look, and she shook her head.

-"No, dad said grandma, and I'll follow."

-"Aahh, how horrible, I feel so old..."

While Lián lamented for her new granddaughter, and León's words, several men looked at the couple, after all, Lián is beautiful, she doesn't even look her real age, she seems 20, with a unique touch of maturity, which comes with the process of raising and having children.

-"Grandma?, I thought you were her older sister" Asked a stranger, trying to flirt with her

Lian frowned, maybe they are blind, she didn't understand why men approach a woman if they know they will fail, looking at the idiot in front of her, she snorted annoyed. He was the typical young master, pompous, with his entourage behind him, thinking that women would always fall for his fine clothes and pretentious jewelry.

-"Don't bother Grandma!" Lanlan answered for Lian, showing his small canines, he looked like a furious kitten, instead of being scary, he was tender.

-"How cute..."

She couldn't even answer, remembering the teachings of her father, she got up from the bench and hit the young master in the balls, she could hear a very dangerous sound, it may be that she will never have children again in her life her.

Since Lanlan is small, the best place to hit is below her waist, Leon taught her some self-defense arts, the first one is the most valuable, if she is a man, right in the balls, without fear of success!

If other men heard that, they would look at him with hatred and call him enemies of men, scum, trash, how dare he be so cruel to his peers, but hey, Leon is an efficient man, if I could win with one blow, what? why do not do it?

Lanlan never disobeyed her father, León's teachings, they are her spiritual and life guide, they have known each other for two days, but her affection and obedience is extreme. And the other piece of advice Leon gave her was if a girl approaches her, she should immediately reach out to her father, and say how amazing she is.

The young master could barely breathe, and his minions, they couldn't even tell what was happening, he was so sorry not to go out with his protector, if he had been there, no one would dare to hit him, even without him, no one would dare.

He is very well known and powerful, he couldn't believe that a girl would hit her.

-"Well done Lanlan, that's how it's done! These idiots, they see a pretty woman and they don't hesitate to bother, I don't understand men, they see that I'm calm with my daughter, and they bother anyway, they should have a little of logic inside their minds." Lian ranted, quite angry with the young master, her lustful look almost made her kill him.

She doesn't shake her hand when it comes to doing it, she has Leon as her backup, even if she started a massacre, no one would say anything about her, with Leon by her side, no one can offend her or stop her.

-"Big brother! You're fine."

The entourage of the young teacher reacted, and came to help him, some called the ambulance and others went for some ice, even just seeing the blow, it hurt them, not only them, all the men in the mall covered up their masculinity You could see the fear in his eyes.

Men seem to be connected in that sense, if they see another get hit in the balls, they tend to feel sorry for him and suffer with him, even imagine the pain, that's how united men can be.

The young master could not answer, the pain kept killing him, his mind was in absolute chaos, although he did not forget the girl's face, I swear he would take revenge, no matter how small she is, he will feed her to the dogs, in As for her mother, she would play with her in front of her daughter.

The young master was trusted, he tortured and abused many women, he had money and power, for him, they were mere toys to satisfy his desires. Too bad for him, he met the wrong woman.

Lian got up and took Lanlan in her arms, she could feel Leon approaching. A little further, Leon walked as if nothing had happened, he saw the spectacle, but he did not plan to do anything, not for now.

He recognized the young master, his name is Xu Zihong, one of the first villains in the novel, he is supposed to have a meeting with Rouxi today, she would carry him as a meat shield, he was undecided whether to go or not, he could kill him now and rob him your company.

Xu zihong, quite bored, I won't kill him yet, I want to tease Rouxi a bit, she is quite beautiful when she gets angry. Leon thought.

-"León, León, you arrived, I bought you a present."

Taking a good look at Lanlan, she wasn't wearing normal clothes, she was wearing a tiger costume, something stained by ice cream, she looked very cute, her chubby cheeks made you want to pinch her, even Leon had to admit that she was cute .

Lanlan took the bag that was next to her, and handed it to Leon, he opened it, taking out what was inside it.

-"A tiger?

Exactly, it was another tiger costume.

-"No!, it's a lion(Animal)"

-"It's a tiger." Leon complained.

Lanlan clenched his fists and shook his head vigorously, denying vehemently.

-"No, no, no, León, it is a lion (animal) for León.

Leon sighed and looked at his mother for an explanation.

-"I already told her it was a tiger, but she is quite stubborn, she looks like you, and she doesn't even have your blood."

-"Well, it's a Lion." She resigned herself, they both had mustaches, he reflected.

-"Put it on, so we are equal, family."

Leon shrugged his shoulders, he didn't mind putting on the costume, it might be embarrassing for some people, for Leon it wasn't, he has too much self-confidence, besides, he doesn't care about other people's opinion, he lives his life like him wants.

He did not hesitate to put on the costume, ignoring the shouts and claims of the young masters, they did not enter his gaze, they were not worth it.

Lanlan helped his father to put on the costume, the women watched this act with affection, nothing better than a loving father, especially if he is handsome. Several wanted to get closer, it was too tempting, but a cold look stopped them, it was Lian.

They weren't out of jealousy, knowing León, none of the girls who looked at him entered his gaze, she did it so that he could enjoy himself in peace, he didn't want annoying flies interrupting such a beautiful moment, he even took some photos.

Leon turned to show off his costume in front of Lanlan, who was clapping his chubby little hands.

-"Did you buy one for Rouxi?" Leon asked.

"Hm, he's a cat."

Lanlan took out another costume from his bag, it was pink, nothing compared to a cat, unless it was the pink panther.

"Brat..., he's a pig." Leon seemed indignant, I never hoped that the girl couldn't tell the difference between animals, he wondered if he should send her to children's school, or let Agatha teach her the basics.

-"No, no, no, no, he is a cat, he has whiskers."

The little girl pointed to the pig's face, pointing to several lines, they looked somewhat blurred, as if they weren't part of the costume, and were added at the last minute.

-"There were no cats, and she painted whiskers with a marker."

Leon shook his head, the brat was myopic, she liked to see things the way she wanted, he wondered if it was an adverse effect of her brainwashing, or if it was part of her true personality.

I sigh and let myself think about stupid things, the brat was just a tool to annoy Rouxi, and get other girls, in addition to annoy the protagonist of the novel, and who knows, maybe it will be useful to stay with the mother of the aforementioned.

-"Well, never mind, a pig will be more fun." He said smiling, having fun with such small things was good sometimes.

León took Lanlan and Lán's hand, he planned to walk away, Yu Lei International was not far away, about 20 minutes walking slowly and enjoying the scenery, maybe I bought an ice cream, it's not bad to eat from food stalls from time to time .

That food has a unique flavor, it's strange, it's like something that is not the best in the world, but still you crave from time to time. Let's not forget that León has the best cook in the world, Amaya, one of the first girls, part of the orphanage where she was born.

Even Erina and Soma would be embarrassed by such food, thinking about that, Leon wondered if one day he could go to that place, and try his food, and women.

Leaving that aside, before leaving, Xu Zihong stood up and shouted with the little strength he had.

-"A, where, are you going, uggg, you have to, aaarrrggg"

Leon turned around and broke his nose, he didn't have time to waste it on a dead man, not now, maybe later. Xu Zihong fell to the ground, unconscious, his henchmen helped him up, they wanted to stop Leon, but they were very scared.

He wasn't as dumb as ordinary henchmen, they had a few brain cells left, plus Xu zihong was unconscious, he wouldn't know what they're doing. One even stole his wallet and credit cards from him, then he will say that the one who hit him stole it.

Leon didn't care about worthless flies, and he left.

Minutes later.

Leon was facing Yu lei international, Rouxi's company, next to him, his mother and Lanlan, his adopted daughter. With a firm step, he entered through the main door, before arriving, he called Rouxi to receive him.

He did not want to make the typical entrance of the protagonist humiliated by a simple goalkeeper, then show his strength and slap everyone, showing his superiority, he admitted that he was narcissistic and self-centered, but not to have to demonstrate his strength and perfection at every moment, the already I knew it was perfect, that was enough.

Although of course, if it is to conquer a girl, he would not hesitate to use similar tricks.

When I entered, a girl was waiting near the door, her suit was old-fashioned, her face and figure simple, not to mention her chest, it did not exist, it looked like an airport in the best of cases, León looked at her with pity, it was good that the girl did not notice.

How flat she is, tch, there is no other way, she always wants to play with an ironing board, luck for her, I will keep it, besides, she is easy to conquer, too much, best of all, she is a woman who will die for the man she loves, she won't even hesitate to betray her best friend for her man.

Leone knew the personality of Lin Rouxi's secretary, Wu Yue, she is a woman with an inferiority complex, she always followed Rouxi like a lapdog, until the man who stole her heart arrived.

It was not difficult, flatter her a little, and voila, the girl is easy. That was the main story, Leon thought it's a waste for another idiot to take her away, she'll be better off by her side, plus her sense of loyalty is very high.

-"Excuse me beautiful lady, I have an appointment."

Leon approached Wu Yue, and spoke to her with a smile, the girl turned around, and was surprised, she did not expect to see a man in a tiger costume, with a girl on his shoulders in the same costume, and the best of everything is very handsome.

Wu Yue looked away a little embarrassed, it was the first time her heart beat so hard, a strong heat came to her face, her cheeks flushed, she looked like a schoolgirl just in love with her.

-"She's fine."

"Oh yes, I'm sorry, how can I help you?" She said with much respect, ignoring the fact that she was wearing a costume, knowing her cold and staring personality at least, that's a lot, maybe if she was someone else, she would kick him out of the company.

-"Sure, his face is red, let me see."

Leon put his hand on her forehead, Wu Yue trembled with her emotion, it was the first time that she was so close to a man, usually everyone moved away from her, and looked at her with annoyance. But the man in front of her had a worried look.

"Uhm, she seems to have a fever, you should take care of her body, it would be bad if such a beautiful woman fainted suddenly, many men would try to take advantage of you."

"H-beautiful..., I..."

Wu Yue couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was pointing at herself, hoping that Leon would repeat her words, hoping that they would be the same ones she heard before.

-"You think I'm lying."

-"No, it's not..."

Leon smiled and touched her shoulder, showing part of her on her dominant side, the girl felt her legs go weak a bit.

-"Don't be nervous, and put on a smile, beautiful women should never stop smiling, a beautiful and happy woman lights up the hearts of men."

-"I light up your heart." I ask shyly, Leon couldn't believe it was so easy, it's okay to have low self-esteem and be eager for attention and compliments, but this is too much, if I took her to the bathroom and fucked her now, she wouldn't refuse, most likely.

-"Of course, cough, back to the beginning, I have a date with Miss Rouxi."

He wanted to fuck the girl, but it was better to wait, he could do it in Rouxi's office, it would be exciting to fuck your wife's secretary.

-"It was you! They just sent me to receive an important client, I didn't expect it to be you, I hope I didn't bother you and make you waste her time."

Wu Yue was a little scared, she didn't want to bother Leon, in her eyes he was the ideal man, it was love at first sight, although she felt a little bad, if the person in front of her was so important, she wouldn't have a chance, to unless it was her lover.

-"Don't say that, talking to such a beautiful woman is not a waste of time."

Wu Yue smiled with excitement, she wouldn't mind being the lover of such an amazing man. Love is blind, he didn't care about the disguise, he didn't even think she was lying, he believed every word Leon said, so naive he thought.

-"Thank you..., come on, I'll guide you to Rouxi... and the lady, she's coming with you."

Regaining her composure, the girl started with her secretarial work, she didn't want to lose face to Leon, she would show her professionalism and her feats as a woman, although there was a touch of zeal, the woman is more beautiful that she

-"She comes with me, her name is Lian and she is my mother."

-"MOTHER!?, But she is so young."

-"Everyone is surprised, she is very young."

-"Thank you, it's good to know that my youth doesn't end, Leon, she seems to be a good woman, I hope you marry one of her like her."

Lian was not stupid, she immediately understood Leon's intentions, she decided to help him, although she was surprised, the girl was not the most beautiful woman, she was simple, and flat-chested, far from Leon's common standards, almost all his women have big breasts.

-"Marriage..." Wu Yue seemed in the clouds, dreaming of her wedding dress, she couldn't help but look at Lian with gratitude, she even was about to call her mother-in-law.

-"We are going?" Leon asked, if he continued like this, he would be in that state for hours, even dreaming of his future children.

- "Oh, yes, let's go."

Wu Yue led them to the elevator, her face red, as they went up, she looked at Leon from time to time, with dreamy eyes, she sighed several times, she seemed very restless. Lian looked at her from the side of her, I never expected the girl to be so easy, in the end she sighed with resignation, she would soon have another daughter-in-law.

(To be continue)

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