Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 18 - Cap 18
Devil World, Paladin character, Nightmare difficulty.
after a day since I spoke and asked some women to stop the zombies for a month, and decided to go to the devil's world, it's time to train again and get stronger, it's not like I had powerful enemies to face, but it's fun As for the real world, I stopped time, just like Shizuka's world, I always do that when I go to another world, except for the world where my druid is, the world where Keiko and Basanti are, if I freeze time in that world, they would never grow up and could not help me in my future plans.
Now you will ask why to ask for 4 women, it is not that I only think with my lower head, they are one more nail in the coffin for world governments.
When I asked for 4 women, I specified that I did not want them to be infiltrated or have any tracker, if that happened, I would make them all pay, and clearly they will not listen to me.
And knowing them, and knowing how human beings act, you cannot trust anyone, less experts in lies such as these guys.
But they are also not idiots, they will not put spies among women, but if they used trackers, however, they themselves will not have knowledge of these.
I have recorded the conversation we had, once the girls were delivered, I will wait for these idiots to take credit that they managed to stop the virus and the zombies, and at that moment I will release the recording to the world, and I will show them how their government sells to his compatriots, innocent women who do not know what will happen when they are handed over to what they called a world terrorist, capable of everything, who must be caught and executed, but still they make a treaty with him and hide it from the world, to get all the credit.
After thinking about all these things, I decided to start my journey, now I was going to Andariel..
Jump time 6 hours.
The poison surrounds everything in my sight, my mercenary lies on the ground lifeless, and in front of me, Andariel, a succubus demon almost 3.5 meters high, with 4 rear legs like those of a spider, which are attached to its back, they are pointed and sharp at the end of this.
These tips attack again and again, while using the poison to weaken me, and it works, that damn poison, no matter how much resistance to poison I have, it continues to affect me, and I cannot take it off without using various antidote potions.
while I think, I see an opening, I use the sacrifice ability and manage to cut one of its legs, now I am at the end of act 1, and I use my paladin character, for me, a very balanced character in this game.
As I was thinking, Andariel attacks again after recovering from the cut I gave him.
He launched his poison again, to then attack me with the limbs that come out of his back, every blow he gives me, I defend him with my shield and I return a hit of sacrifice ability, I do not use hard, they are multiple blows, because I will not be able to defend myself, and it could give me a fatal blow, and I would have to use asar guardian angel to revive, but it is not the idea, it is not fun to die every so often, I am not a masochist.
Returning to the battle, I can notice the fatigue in Andariel, and little by little, I lose more life, I am about to pass this act, and I cannot miss the opportunity.
I use an attack to quickly approach her, and stab her abdomen, and then I use hard and hit her 5 times quickly in different parts of her legs, her scream of pain was heard by the monastery, but only I was a witness to that, all the demons around were dead, he would not start a battle against the fine boss full of subordinates, he would be an idiot if he did that.
Once the damage was caused to his legs, Andariel knelt, and his body trembled from the pain and anguish of knowing that he will soon die, once kneeling, he used the sacrifice skill and cut half of his neck, he used it again and the lifeline is beheaded. , once dead, the fire comes out from the floor and swallows her body and the body of the other demons, jump back quickly, because it would also cause me harm.
- "Sigh, how tired, this battle was very long, before I had already returned to the camp to recover myself and buy potions" And out of nowhere, everything begins to shake, and the rocks fall everywhere, all this will collapse, burying with it all the hatred and pain of the fallen in these catacombs.
I took a portal from the inventory and opened it, to return to the camp, without before collecting the items, including a unique ring, I already want to reveal it.
enter the portal and arrive at the camp, and everything remains the same, these NPCs are not very festive, but to the most important the ring, I use the identifier scroll.
Dwarf star, a good ring, although I have better ones, but I can give it to one of my women, this ring increases vitality and resistance, apart from absorbing magic damage, it will be useful for their daily life.
I prefer the peace of nature ring, which prevents my enemy from being healed, it will be useful if I meet an enemy that depends on its regeneration, that's why I think this ring is one of the best, I better continue with the rest of characters.
Druid character, nightmare difficulty. Time that has passed in this world 6 years, since I brought Keiko to this world.
I had already finished act 1, and almost completed act 2, I just had to kill Duriel, I did it while I was coming to visit and I saw how Keiko and Basanti were, I made sure he did not slow down, I have to admit that this Woman is tenacious, not for nothing I manage to continue advancing in her life, now I was heading towards where these two were, they stayed where the rest of the mercenaries are, perhaps they do not speak much and only forced dialogues, but at least they do not feel so lonely.
Pov keiko
Now I find myself returning to the camp, after going out to kill some demons that live in this world, I have been in this world for 6 years, I am already 16 years old, when I arrive everything was new to me, or rather old, everyone in this place uses Very old and worn clothes, the food is not very good, maybe because they do not know what taste is, when I came to this world, León explained to me that it did not matter what he did with these people, except for the vendors, after they are all people who do not have a soul, so to speak they are like zombie, but what do you think.
It is boring to live with them, until my dear daughter grew up, Basanti, a light in this dark world, since she began to speak and walk, she is very curious, her long brown hair, and her bright brown eyes, this daughter of mine makes me happy day,
At first I saw her as an Ojou-sama, who had to watch over and guide her on the right path, but slowly I began to see her as if she were part of me, I felt very proud when she started walking and talking, and every time I slept with her in my arms, I could sleep calmly and in peace, I no longer had those horrible nightmares, although I knew that those things would not happen to me again, I still had them, deep down, there was still a little fear, but hide it well About others, especially her, he didn't want her to worry.
It feels warm to be with her and teach her things, that's how it must feel to be a mother, that's why I came to the conclusion that the woman who gave birth to me was a demon, a mother cannot have so much hatred for her daughter, not her It was not my mother, it was a disgusting and dirty demon, those dirty beings that only bring hatred to the world, they are the ones to blame for my life being shit in my first years of life, the demons are guilty of taking away a beautiful future from me With him, perhaps if we met in other circumstances, it would not be just something disposable for him, to this day, I have not managed to make him look at me in a different way, a more romantic way, and I think it has to do with my past , but I can do nothing, just wait, I know that sooner or later I will be by his side like
something else, and my daughter will help with that, I don't like to manipulate her, I don't want to be like that thing that pretended to be my mother, but I know that he really cares about her, he doesn't show it much, but I know he does, And if I succeed in making her fall in love with him, I will be closer to him, also my little girl is already very attached to him, his first word was his name, he always asks when he will return, and asks me to tell him how we met, of course I do not fully tell him the truth, I tell him that when I was in danger, he arrived with a shining white armor riding a dragon, saving me on the spot, it is almost the same, only told as a children's story.
These 6 years I have also killed these demons, who only brought ruin to this world, I cannot deny that it is fun to see how their heads are crushed and their brains come out, next to their eyes, or how they explode when I throw explosion potions at them, Killing and watching them die is an art that is the most beautiful in the world, second only to my daughter and lion.
I have practiced different types of weapons, with the bow I am already the best in the camp, I can hit a demon on its head at more than 200 meters, although it is quite difficult to predict its movement.
I am also a killer par excellence, my steps are silent, and my daggers deadly, I have loved some men in this camp when I am bored, and I open their stomachs to see what they have inside, they are a good way to learn anatomy, I have to admitting since I came to this world and use the objects that Leon gives me, I have become smarter and stronger, and learning is easier.
While I was walking, I arrived at my home, in it you could see a little girl waiting outside her, with a coat from the real world, Leon brings them, in addition to the bed and other things to have a more comfortable life, after all the clothes of this world are very uncomfortable.
Next to the little girl, 5 white wolves, which are 2 times the size of Basanti, they are her guardians, although nothing will happen to her, this world where the people around us have no emotions, they will hardly cause evil, since Emotions are the beginning of human cruelty, but the happiness of it.
Basanti: "Hi mom, how was your trip."
Keiko: "It was quiet."
Basanti: "you are not hurt."
Keiko: "You are already checking me, you know nothing bad will happen to me, your mother is very strong."
Basanti: "I know, and I will be stronger than you and I will defeat all the demons."
She is so cute, I wonder where I get this precious Lion, maybe a war orphan, or a girl who was left behind in a basket by her cruel mother, but it doesn't matter, now you will be happy by my side.
Keiko: "and you will be the strongest and most beautiful, nobody will be the same as you."
Basanti: "mother is more beautiful"
Keiko: "How flattering you are, maybe you want something my daughter."
Basanti: "Yes, I want you to marry León, so we can live as a family."
Because I taught him about marriage and those things, since I told him that, there is not a day when he does not ask me, that is almost impossible, for now, perhaps in the not so distant future it will be possible.
Keiko: "I already told you that for now we have to train to be powerful enough to be able to travel with him through the universe."
Basanti: "mother I want to go to other worlds, and see what they are like."
Keiko: "and you can, but you must train, and be a dignified woman to be able to walk by his side."
Basanti: "I will be the best warrior in the whole universe, and the most beautiful, so I can be by his side and not embarrass him."
Keiko: "It will be so, but for now you have to grow up, you are very small."
Basanti: "I ate all my food and I will behave well."
Basanti: "if you do that you will grow."
He was that innocent at his age, if he was, he lived in a bubble of happiness, at that time I still didn't know what to expect.
Basanti: "mother, you're angry, I made a mistake." my daughter asked as she made a sad face, which makes me sad, I think I can't fight her tenderness.
Keiko: "It was nothing, it was just a memory, a bad one."
Basanti: "if someone bothered you, we can go and punish him mother, I will support you."
This girl will give me diabetes with her sweetness.
Keiko: "They were already punished, I did it personally, and I felt satisfied, if you don't have to worry about that."
Although she was inexperienced at that time, if she were the one now, she could spend days torturing them without them dying and losing consciousness from the pain.
Basanti: "is ...." he looked seriously out, and smelled with his nose.
Keiko: "What's up."
Basanti: "it's coming." It refers to a lion, I don't know how, but it can tell when it's close.
Kiko: "You are a dog, I wonder how you can detect it from so far away, it took me years of practice to detect presences."
Basanti: "I don't know, I only feel a link with him, I can know how close he is through that link, although I still don't fully understand it."
Keiko; "It's because you are special, never forget it."
Basanti: "but mother is also special."
We decided to wait for the lion outside, on the bench we have, I did it, I also learned many manual arts, such as carpentry, blacksmithing and weaving, which is my hobby.
Pov lion
As I got closer, I could hear the conversation and see them sitting outside their house on a bench, of these two women, one of the silver, 16 years old and with few curves, had a pitiful chest, but had a good butt, not as big as my other women, but passable, and the girl next to her was brown-haired and small for her age, 6 years old.
Leon: "both are special, you know, they are above any human." speaking between normal humans, if we go to other worlds, they would have problems in the world with beings more powerful than them.
Keiko: "you see daughter, we are both special."
Basanti: "yes mother."
A few years ago these two behaved like mother and daughter, they became very close, and that's fine, they will support each other, and they will grow.
Leon: "I'm just passing through, I won't be around much, I have a mission to finish."
Now I'm going to kill Duriel, that combination of mantis with a larva, his freezing aura makes me very slow, and his front legs that are very sharp, they can pierce my bear meat, and his grave is a very big shit.
Keiko: "you're leaving so fast, you don't want to eat."
The little girl gets up and runs to me
Basanti: "don't go I want you to tell me a story tonight."
I still have a lot of time, I have time frozen in the other worlds, although sometimes I forget, I could rest at least this day.
Also although her chest is pitiful, she is still an elegant and cold beauty, she has a little resemblance to Horikita Suzune, but with silver hair.
I should have fun with her tonight, although being sincere I do not feel much for her, I would not hesitate to replace if it was not useful, but she is very good at taking care of the girl, and the little girl already calls her mother, if I can not do that , I also doubt that I can sleep alone with her, the most likely is that the girl gets in the middle of both.
Leon: "I'll stay alone for today, and I'll sleep with you."
Keiko: "prepare everything." Keiko ran out and rushed into the tent.
Maybe he'll touch me tonight, I'll have to leave Basanti in another room, which I have to wear tonight, I don't have anything seductive, I just have to go with my underwear. Keiko thought as she ran to prepare everything for tonight, it hurts that her beloved daughter ruined her plans.
Basanti: "mother is very animated, and I like, I want you to tell me a story of your travels."
Leon: "Before going to sleep I will tell you a story so you can sleep."
Basanti: "I can sleep with you."
Read: "I said at the beginning, it will be a good way to improve our connection." I put my hand in her hair and ruffle it a bit.
Basanti: "And mommy can too." she asked while fixing her hair.
León: "yes, you can too."
Basanti: "thank you, I can ask something" is quite polite, respectful and I like that, for that reason, I try to treat them well, if they were arrogant shits, I would not hesitate to be cruel, and rectify their personality.
Leon: "yes"
Basanti: "how can I achieve my dreams."
León: "and what are your dreams."
Basanti: "secret." she said and put her little fingers to her lips.
León: "If so, to fulfill your wishes, first you have to be strong, so that no one denies you, second, never stop chasing him, try again and again, never give up. And third, never allow, that They tell you that it is impossible, the only limiter that can be in your life, is yourself, and your girl, you have no limits. "
Uff, what a good motivator I am, I should be giving online motivation classes.
Basanti: "yes, I will follow my dream and make it come true, and nothing can stop me."
lunch was nice, time passed, a little chat and it was time to sleep.
Basanti: "tell me a story"
Leon: "Of course, let me tell you the first time I killed an angel."
Basanti: "angels are not good"
Leon: "There are no good guys or bad guys, only people who refuse and insist on interrupting your desires, and Tyrael was one."
Basanti: "Then it's bad, because he doesn't want you to be happy." What a childish logic, but it is correct.
León: "you're right, he's evil, now let me narrate some of my adventures."
- "Itharia, you can come back, leave the rest to me."
- "But, we already won, that lion is missing."
- "a personal business with Tyrael, nothing important, come back." if he stays, he'll only get in the way, I can't protect her while I defend myself, and I already have an idea of how to defeat him.
- "But, let me stay, maybe I can help you."
- "come back now, it's an order."
- "I can be of help"
- "Now go, and I will not repeat." I looked at her angrily, showing that I was speaking seriously, I don't like that they are so stubborn, less when I deliver an order.
- "yes lion." With his face downcast and in a bad mood he enters the portal, I heard a slight whisper before he went through the portal, which said, I will tell Akara.
Now we are left with tyrael, my summons, and my person.
- "Because you remain mortal, now I will begin to destroy the stone of the world to bring the necessary balance to the world, if you stay you can be affected."
- "I understand, that's why I can't leave, that stone belongs to me."
-How I absorb it vip. ask vip.
-I will start the process, you just have to survive until it is totally consumed. Vip answered in my mind.
- Beginning of the process.
- "What are you doing mortal."
- "I just wanted to know what it feels like to become a god."
- "Stop, if you continue like this, you will be corrupted and perish."
- "I am a hero who saved the world from its destruction, how it could be corrupted."
- "It is not something you can bear as a human, I consider you a hero, but like all mortals, you cannot bear the price of your actions."
- "You are right, a mortal cannot bear to consume the stone and live to tell about it. But I am not normal, I am a superior being, and among the heroes, I am the best. All the rest is a hypocritical shit, they only know collect girls and not take responsibility for picking them up. "
- "They are idiots, they save women from their moment of misery, then they take care of her, they treat her well, to later act dense and not accept their feelings." Any woman who has a bad past and is then treated as the best in the world, most likely will take feelings for those who care for her and her.
- "But I don't, I do the same as them, only that I accept those women and I don't need 14 volumes to fuck her on top of a bed. You see, I'm not normal, I'm the true hero."
I told him in a high and confident tone of voice, I needed him to focus more on talking than on fighting.
- "You only saved the world to look for women?"
- "and for fun, like Saitama."
- "What logic is that, and who is Saitama."
- "You are stupid, I am not a hero, you do not understand it, everything I do is done for a reason, and it is to get the necessary power to fulfill all my wishes, without anyone opposing me, everything is for my happiness. "
- "I expected no less from a necromancer, beings who love death and bring calamity."
During our dialogue, I have been consuming the stone, apparently it is very talkative.
- "bone prison, bone spear."
it was time to kill him, using bone prison so that he doesn't escape, and bone spear to destroy his armor, I start my attack.
Although there was damage from being a surprise attack, it was not fatal, but it did damage his armor.
- "You cannot expect more than one mortal, to attack when I am to be unprepared."
- "victors write history Tyrael."
- "you're right."
and his attack begins, he uses his wings like sharp whips to attack me, to protect me I create walls of bone.
I throw my skeletons on the counter, but they were quickly taken out of the game when I cast an ability, which was called holy ground.
- "You don't think unfair."
But he doesn't stop to answer this time, he launches himself with determination towards me and brandishes his sword, I decided to create a golem to stop him, but it only lasted a second and the clay golem was split in two, it was a bad choice but still I managed escape without a scratch, he did not stop and kept brandishing the sword against me, but this time he changed for an iron golem, his sword only penetrated half before stopping, I seize the moment and stab him with a poisonous dagger, and poisonous nova , which is one of my abilities, the idea is to weaken it and slow it down.
But it is a long-term damage, already released his sword from the iron golem, he jumps back and attacks me with his wings, I create a bone wall again to protect myself, seeing that his attacks are not effective, he resumes his melee combat to body, but it is also ineffective.
almost an hour since the beginning of our battle, the field is full of walls of broken bones, Tyrael's armor is completely shattered, his torso was already visible, the blood ran through his body and his head, his body lay in the ground, his breathing was weak and between cuts, his sword was next to him, but it was not in his hand, he had released it, and that is death for any warrior, on the other hand, I was intact, my skill wall of bone and bone prison, it has no cooling, so I use it at all times, as I am behind covered by the wall and the one detained by the prison, I only had to use bone spirit, an ability that chases the enemy.
- "It's about time" I approach him, and I throw a bone spear just inches from his head, and it explodes.
- "And that's how a Basanti angel kills, you can also see that angels can also be bad, if you don't trust anyone, only me, I will never betray them."
- "Yes, I will only trust you and my mother."
- "that's good.2
5 minutes later she fell asleep, while hugging my body, and Keiko on the other side, I think I'll leave them like that, they deserve a small reward, especially when they listen to what I say and follow my orders.
I'll get up early and kill Duriel, that giant larva is disgusted when it dies, but there is no other choice.
after a day since I spoke and asked some women to stop the zombies for a month, and decided to go to the devil's world, it's time to train again and get stronger, it's not like I had powerful enemies to face, but it's fun As for the real world, I stopped time, just like Shizuka's world, I always do that when I go to another world, except for the world where my druid is, the world where Keiko and Basanti are, if I freeze time in that world, they would never grow up and could not help me in my future plans.
Now you will ask why to ask for 4 women, it is not that I only think with my lower head, they are one more nail in the coffin for world governments.
When I asked for 4 women, I specified that I did not want them to be infiltrated or have any tracker, if that happened, I would make them all pay, and clearly they will not listen to me.
And knowing them, and knowing how human beings act, you cannot trust anyone, less experts in lies such as these guys.
But they are also not idiots, they will not put spies among women, but if they used trackers, however, they themselves will not have knowledge of these.
I have recorded the conversation we had, once the girls were delivered, I will wait for these idiots to take credit that they managed to stop the virus and the zombies, and at that moment I will release the recording to the world, and I will show them how their government sells to his compatriots, innocent women who do not know what will happen when they are handed over to what they called a world terrorist, capable of everything, who must be caught and executed, but still they make a treaty with him and hide it from the world, to get all the credit.
After thinking about all these things, I decided to start my journey, now I was going to Andariel..
Jump time 6 hours.
The poison surrounds everything in my sight, my mercenary lies on the ground lifeless, and in front of me, Andariel, a succubus demon almost 3.5 meters high, with 4 rear legs like those of a spider, which are attached to its back, they are pointed and sharp at the end of this.
These tips attack again and again, while using the poison to weaken me, and it works, that damn poison, no matter how much resistance to poison I have, it continues to affect me, and I cannot take it off without using various antidote potions.
while I think, I see an opening, I use the sacrifice ability and manage to cut one of its legs, now I am at the end of act 1, and I use my paladin character, for me, a very balanced character in this game.
As I was thinking, Andariel attacks again after recovering from the cut I gave him.
He launched his poison again, to then attack me with the limbs that come out of his back, every blow he gives me, I defend him with my shield and I return a hit of sacrifice ability, I do not use hard, they are multiple blows, because I will not be able to defend myself, and it could give me a fatal blow, and I would have to use asar guardian angel to revive, but it is not the idea, it is not fun to die every so often, I am not a masochist.
Returning to the battle, I can notice the fatigue in Andariel, and little by little, I lose more life, I am about to pass this act, and I cannot miss the opportunity.
I use an attack to quickly approach her, and stab her abdomen, and then I use hard and hit her 5 times quickly in different parts of her legs, her scream of pain was heard by the monastery, but only I was a witness to that, all the demons around were dead, he would not start a battle against the fine boss full of subordinates, he would be an idiot if he did that.
Once the damage was caused to his legs, Andariel knelt, and his body trembled from the pain and anguish of knowing that he will soon die, once kneeling, he used the sacrifice skill and cut half of his neck, he used it again and the lifeline is beheaded. , once dead, the fire comes out from the floor and swallows her body and the body of the other demons, jump back quickly, because it would also cause me harm.
- "Sigh, how tired, this battle was very long, before I had already returned to the camp to recover myself and buy potions" And out of nowhere, everything begins to shake, and the rocks fall everywhere, all this will collapse, burying with it all the hatred and pain of the fallen in these catacombs.
I took a portal from the inventory and opened it, to return to the camp, without before collecting the items, including a unique ring, I already want to reveal it.
enter the portal and arrive at the camp, and everything remains the same, these NPCs are not very festive, but to the most important the ring, I use the identifier scroll.
Dwarf star, a good ring, although I have better ones, but I can give it to one of my women, this ring increases vitality and resistance, apart from absorbing magic damage, it will be useful for their daily life.
I prefer the peace of nature ring, which prevents my enemy from being healed, it will be useful if I meet an enemy that depends on its regeneration, that's why I think this ring is one of the best, I better continue with the rest of characters.
Druid character, nightmare difficulty. Time that has passed in this world 6 years, since I brought Keiko to this world.
I had already finished act 1, and almost completed act 2, I just had to kill Duriel, I did it while I was coming to visit and I saw how Keiko and Basanti were, I made sure he did not slow down, I have to admit that this Woman is tenacious, not for nothing I manage to continue advancing in her life, now I was heading towards where these two were, they stayed where the rest of the mercenaries are, perhaps they do not speak much and only forced dialogues, but at least they do not feel so lonely.
Pov keiko
Now I find myself returning to the camp, after going out to kill some demons that live in this world, I have been in this world for 6 years, I am already 16 years old, when I arrive everything was new to me, or rather old, everyone in this place uses Very old and worn clothes, the food is not very good, maybe because they do not know what taste is, when I came to this world, León explained to me that it did not matter what he did with these people, except for the vendors, after they are all people who do not have a soul, so to speak they are like zombie, but what do you think.
It is boring to live with them, until my dear daughter grew up, Basanti, a light in this dark world, since she began to speak and walk, she is very curious, her long brown hair, and her bright brown eyes, this daughter of mine makes me happy day,
At first I saw her as an Ojou-sama, who had to watch over and guide her on the right path, but slowly I began to see her as if she were part of me, I felt very proud when she started walking and talking, and every time I slept with her in my arms, I could sleep calmly and in peace, I no longer had those horrible nightmares, although I knew that those things would not happen to me again, I still had them, deep down, there was still a little fear, but hide it well About others, especially her, he didn't want her to worry.
It feels warm to be with her and teach her things, that's how it must feel to be a mother, that's why I came to the conclusion that the woman who gave birth to me was a demon, a mother cannot have so much hatred for her daughter, not her It was not my mother, it was a disgusting and dirty demon, those dirty beings that only bring hatred to the world, they are the ones to blame for my life being shit in my first years of life, the demons are guilty of taking away a beautiful future from me With him, perhaps if we met in other circumstances, it would not be just something disposable for him, to this day, I have not managed to make him look at me in a different way, a more romantic way, and I think it has to do with my past , but I can do nothing, just wait, I know that sooner or later I will be by his side like
something else, and my daughter will help with that, I don't like to manipulate her, I don't want to be like that thing that pretended to be my mother, but I know that he really cares about her, he doesn't show it much, but I know he does, And if I succeed in making her fall in love with him, I will be closer to him, also my little girl is already very attached to him, his first word was his name, he always asks when he will return, and asks me to tell him how we met, of course I do not fully tell him the truth, I tell him that when I was in danger, he arrived with a shining white armor riding a dragon, saving me on the spot, it is almost the same, only told as a children's story.
These 6 years I have also killed these demons, who only brought ruin to this world, I cannot deny that it is fun to see how their heads are crushed and their brains come out, next to their eyes, or how they explode when I throw explosion potions at them, Killing and watching them die is an art that is the most beautiful in the world, second only to my daughter and lion.
I have practiced different types of weapons, with the bow I am already the best in the camp, I can hit a demon on its head at more than 200 meters, although it is quite difficult to predict its movement.
I am also a killer par excellence, my steps are silent, and my daggers deadly, I have loved some men in this camp when I am bored, and I open their stomachs to see what they have inside, they are a good way to learn anatomy, I have to admitting since I came to this world and use the objects that Leon gives me, I have become smarter and stronger, and learning is easier.
While I was walking, I arrived at my home, in it you could see a little girl waiting outside her, with a coat from the real world, Leon brings them, in addition to the bed and other things to have a more comfortable life, after all the clothes of this world are very uncomfortable.
Next to the little girl, 5 white wolves, which are 2 times the size of Basanti, they are her guardians, although nothing will happen to her, this world where the people around us have no emotions, they will hardly cause evil, since Emotions are the beginning of human cruelty, but the happiness of it.
Basanti: "Hi mom, how was your trip."
Keiko: "It was quiet."
Basanti: "you are not hurt."
Keiko: "You are already checking me, you know nothing bad will happen to me, your mother is very strong."
Basanti: "I know, and I will be stronger than you and I will defeat all the demons."
She is so cute, I wonder where I get this precious Lion, maybe a war orphan, or a girl who was left behind in a basket by her cruel mother, but it doesn't matter, now you will be happy by my side.
Keiko: "and you will be the strongest and most beautiful, nobody will be the same as you."
Basanti: "mother is more beautiful"
Keiko: "How flattering you are, maybe you want something my daughter."
Basanti: "Yes, I want you to marry León, so we can live as a family."
Because I taught him about marriage and those things, since I told him that, there is not a day when he does not ask me, that is almost impossible, for now, perhaps in the not so distant future it will be possible.
Keiko: "I already told you that for now we have to train to be powerful enough to be able to travel with him through the universe."
Basanti: "mother I want to go to other worlds, and see what they are like."
Keiko: "and you can, but you must train, and be a dignified woman to be able to walk by his side."
Basanti: "I will be the best warrior in the whole universe, and the most beautiful, so I can be by his side and not embarrass him."
Keiko: "It will be so, but for now you have to grow up, you are very small."
Basanti: "I ate all my food and I will behave well."
Basanti: "if you do that you will grow."
He was that innocent at his age, if he was, he lived in a bubble of happiness, at that time I still didn't know what to expect.
Basanti: "mother, you're angry, I made a mistake." my daughter asked as she made a sad face, which makes me sad, I think I can't fight her tenderness.
Keiko: "It was nothing, it was just a memory, a bad one."
Basanti: "if someone bothered you, we can go and punish him mother, I will support you."
This girl will give me diabetes with her sweetness.
Keiko: "They were already punished, I did it personally, and I felt satisfied, if you don't have to worry about that."
Although she was inexperienced at that time, if she were the one now, she could spend days torturing them without them dying and losing consciousness from the pain.
Basanti: "is ...." he looked seriously out, and smelled with his nose.
Keiko: "What's up."
Basanti: "it's coming." It refers to a lion, I don't know how, but it can tell when it's close.
Kiko: "You are a dog, I wonder how you can detect it from so far away, it took me years of practice to detect presences."
Basanti: "I don't know, I only feel a link with him, I can know how close he is through that link, although I still don't fully understand it."
Keiko; "It's because you are special, never forget it."
Basanti: "but mother is also special."
We decided to wait for the lion outside, on the bench we have, I did it, I also learned many manual arts, such as carpentry, blacksmithing and weaving, which is my hobby.
Pov lion
As I got closer, I could hear the conversation and see them sitting outside their house on a bench, of these two women, one of the silver, 16 years old and with few curves, had a pitiful chest, but had a good butt, not as big as my other women, but passable, and the girl next to her was brown-haired and small for her age, 6 years old.
Leon: "both are special, you know, they are above any human." speaking between normal humans, if we go to other worlds, they would have problems in the world with beings more powerful than them.
Keiko: "you see daughter, we are both special."
Basanti: "yes mother."
A few years ago these two behaved like mother and daughter, they became very close, and that's fine, they will support each other, and they will grow.
Leon: "I'm just passing through, I won't be around much, I have a mission to finish."
Now I'm going to kill Duriel, that combination of mantis with a larva, his freezing aura makes me very slow, and his front legs that are very sharp, they can pierce my bear meat, and his grave is a very big shit.
Keiko: "you're leaving so fast, you don't want to eat."
The little girl gets up and runs to me
Basanti: "don't go I want you to tell me a story tonight."
I still have a lot of time, I have time frozen in the other worlds, although sometimes I forget, I could rest at least this day.
Also although her chest is pitiful, she is still an elegant and cold beauty, she has a little resemblance to Horikita Suzune, but with silver hair.
I should have fun with her tonight, although being sincere I do not feel much for her, I would not hesitate to replace if it was not useful, but she is very good at taking care of the girl, and the little girl already calls her mother, if I can not do that , I also doubt that I can sleep alone with her, the most likely is that the girl gets in the middle of both.
Leon: "I'll stay alone for today, and I'll sleep with you."
Keiko: "prepare everything." Keiko ran out and rushed into the tent.
Maybe he'll touch me tonight, I'll have to leave Basanti in another room, which I have to wear tonight, I don't have anything seductive, I just have to go with my underwear. Keiko thought as she ran to prepare everything for tonight, it hurts that her beloved daughter ruined her plans.
Basanti: "mother is very animated, and I like, I want you to tell me a story of your travels."
Leon: "Before going to sleep I will tell you a story so you can sleep."
Basanti: "I can sleep with you."
Read: "I said at the beginning, it will be a good way to improve our connection." I put my hand in her hair and ruffle it a bit.
Basanti: "And mommy can too." she asked while fixing her hair.
León: "yes, you can too."
Basanti: "thank you, I can ask something" is quite polite, respectful and I like that, for that reason, I try to treat them well, if they were arrogant shits, I would not hesitate to be cruel, and rectify their personality.
Leon: "yes"
Basanti: "how can I achieve my dreams."
León: "and what are your dreams."
Basanti: "secret." she said and put her little fingers to her lips.
León: "If so, to fulfill your wishes, first you have to be strong, so that no one denies you, second, never stop chasing him, try again and again, never give up. And third, never allow, that They tell you that it is impossible, the only limiter that can be in your life, is yourself, and your girl, you have no limits. "
Uff, what a good motivator I am, I should be giving online motivation classes.
Basanti: "yes, I will follow my dream and make it come true, and nothing can stop me."
lunch was nice, time passed, a little chat and it was time to sleep.
Basanti: "tell me a story"
Leon: "Of course, let me tell you the first time I killed an angel."
Basanti: "angels are not good"
Leon: "There are no good guys or bad guys, only people who refuse and insist on interrupting your desires, and Tyrael was one."
Basanti: "Then it's bad, because he doesn't want you to be happy." What a childish logic, but it is correct.
León: "you're right, he's evil, now let me narrate some of my adventures."
- "Itharia, you can come back, leave the rest to me."
- "But, we already won, that lion is missing."
- "a personal business with Tyrael, nothing important, come back." if he stays, he'll only get in the way, I can't protect her while I defend myself, and I already have an idea of how to defeat him.
- "But, let me stay, maybe I can help you."
- "come back now, it's an order."
- "I can be of help"
- "Now go, and I will not repeat." I looked at her angrily, showing that I was speaking seriously, I don't like that they are so stubborn, less when I deliver an order.
- "yes lion." With his face downcast and in a bad mood he enters the portal, I heard a slight whisper before he went through the portal, which said, I will tell Akara.
Now we are left with tyrael, my summons, and my person.
- "Because you remain mortal, now I will begin to destroy the stone of the world to bring the necessary balance to the world, if you stay you can be affected."
- "I understand, that's why I can't leave, that stone belongs to me."
-How I absorb it vip. ask vip.
-I will start the process, you just have to survive until it is totally consumed. Vip answered in my mind.
- Beginning of the process.
- "What are you doing mortal."
- "I just wanted to know what it feels like to become a god."
- "Stop, if you continue like this, you will be corrupted and perish."
- "I am a hero who saved the world from its destruction, how it could be corrupted."
- "It is not something you can bear as a human, I consider you a hero, but like all mortals, you cannot bear the price of your actions."
- "You are right, a mortal cannot bear to consume the stone and live to tell about it. But I am not normal, I am a superior being, and among the heroes, I am the best. All the rest is a hypocritical shit, they only know collect girls and not take responsibility for picking them up. "
- "They are idiots, they save women from their moment of misery, then they take care of her, they treat her well, to later act dense and not accept their feelings." Any woman who has a bad past and is then treated as the best in the world, most likely will take feelings for those who care for her and her.
- "But I don't, I do the same as them, only that I accept those women and I don't need 14 volumes to fuck her on top of a bed. You see, I'm not normal, I'm the true hero."
I told him in a high and confident tone of voice, I needed him to focus more on talking than on fighting.
- "You only saved the world to look for women?"
- "and for fun, like Saitama."
- "What logic is that, and who is Saitama."
- "You are stupid, I am not a hero, you do not understand it, everything I do is done for a reason, and it is to get the necessary power to fulfill all my wishes, without anyone opposing me, everything is for my happiness. "
- "I expected no less from a necromancer, beings who love death and bring calamity."
During our dialogue, I have been consuming the stone, apparently it is very talkative.
- "bone prison, bone spear."
it was time to kill him, using bone prison so that he doesn't escape, and bone spear to destroy his armor, I start my attack.
Although there was damage from being a surprise attack, it was not fatal, but it did damage his armor.
- "You cannot expect more than one mortal, to attack when I am to be unprepared."
- "victors write history Tyrael."
- "you're right."
and his attack begins, he uses his wings like sharp whips to attack me, to protect me I create walls of bone.
I throw my skeletons on the counter, but they were quickly taken out of the game when I cast an ability, which was called holy ground.
- "You don't think unfair."
But he doesn't stop to answer this time, he launches himself with determination towards me and brandishes his sword, I decided to create a golem to stop him, but it only lasted a second and the clay golem was split in two, it was a bad choice but still I managed escape without a scratch, he did not stop and kept brandishing the sword against me, but this time he changed for an iron golem, his sword only penetrated half before stopping, I seize the moment and stab him with a poisonous dagger, and poisonous nova , which is one of my abilities, the idea is to weaken it and slow it down.
But it is a long-term damage, already released his sword from the iron golem, he jumps back and attacks me with his wings, I create a bone wall again to protect myself, seeing that his attacks are not effective, he resumes his melee combat to body, but it is also ineffective.
almost an hour since the beginning of our battle, the field is full of walls of broken bones, Tyrael's armor is completely shattered, his torso was already visible, the blood ran through his body and his head, his body lay in the ground, his breathing was weak and between cuts, his sword was next to him, but it was not in his hand, he had released it, and that is death for any warrior, on the other hand, I was intact, my skill wall of bone and bone prison, it has no cooling, so I use it at all times, as I am behind covered by the wall and the one detained by the prison, I only had to use bone spirit, an ability that chases the enemy.
- "It's about time" I approach him, and I throw a bone spear just inches from his head, and it explodes.
- "And that's how a Basanti angel kills, you can also see that angels can also be bad, if you don't trust anyone, only me, I will never betray them."
- "Yes, I will only trust you and my mother."
- "that's good.2
5 minutes later she fell asleep, while hugging my body, and Keiko on the other side, I think I'll leave them like that, they deserve a small reward, especially when they listen to what I say and follow my orders.
I'll get up early and kill Duriel, that giant larva is disgusted when it dies, but there is no other choice.
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