Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 21 - Cap 21
Jump time 1 year, avatar world.
It has already been 1 year in this world, it never gave me back the original world, I have been traveling the world throughout my stay.
Now I am in the battle or siege of Ba Sing Se, it was still night, and the earthbenders had attacked the camp of the fire nation taking advantage of the night and the cold, I had a mask that covered my entire face, it is the that I always occupy, and in my hands El'druin, Tyrael's sword of justice, everyone is attentive to me, you cannot blame him, I appeared out of nowhere, in the middle of the battlefield, a strange entity, who do not know about which side is
Too bad for them, I'm not on anyone's side, I'm just here to kill some people to start my own kingdom and make my name known, that of king examine, and my kingdom, the kingdom of death.
I have as an idea that the spirits prophesy what my arrival means, speaking of these, I met them around my trip, I intimidated them all, and I told them not to talk about me until I give the order, I want the prophecy to be of a calamity that will destroy the world and they must unite to defeat me, I want to see if humans are capable of uniting in the face of a great threat, which can cause the end of their era, or will they continue with their enmity and allow the enemy to erase them from the world , besides having a little fun..
But the result of everything will depend on them, I do not intend to use all my power, it would be abuse and not at all fun, I will only use the weakest undead that I have, and I will not fight personally, I will use my shadow warrior, that a clone of me, and one of the abilities of the assassin, also this master of the shadow, which is also like a clone, but more powerful than the first.
Returning to the scene of war in front of me, I will begin my presentation.
-Today is a great day, because all those who remain alive, will be able to spread my name to the world, Leon, the King examine, king of the kingdom of the dead, lord of the scourge faction, and today I bring death to those present , but you should not worry, it will only be for today, and I will not return for years, until the spirits prophesy my true arrival in the world and the end of everything comes.
And the laughter filled the place, I think they found it funny, it is because my body is still small, and I do not see anything intimidating, and I still have the voice of a 12-year-old child, there were chances that this scenario happened , but I do not like that they rain on me, I thought I would kill a hundred, now there will be a thousand, I want to see if they laugh at that.
mob a: come back home and stop kidding or we'll kill you, no matter where you're from.
mob b: we'll be the enemy I'm talking to, but it's true, stop kidding around and go home.
- You asked for it.
I wrap my sword with fire, and I invoke some wolves, and I start with dragon flight, the ability of the assassin that transports me towards the enemy and gives him a kick, which was very powerful, the guy exploded and the pieces flew all over him, everyone was shocked, but as warriors, it only lasted a second before everyone threw their abilities at me, from fireballs, some fire whips, to giant stones.
Nothing came to me, I kept transporting myself through the battlefield, heads were flying, people split in two, others burned by the fire that I left behind when walking, flare was a skill of the sorceress that surrounded my body in fire and left a trail of this in passing.
When killing about 40, I used the necromancer's resurrection ability, and all the dead were resurrected, but their skin was pale and they were complete, without the previous wounds I inflicted on them.
Chaos flooded the place, they were facing an unknown enemy, who could control the dead, and flood the entire battlefield with fire, like all living beings, they were afraid of the unknown, they began to retreat and leave the field of battle.
But I would not let them go so easy, I created a wall of fire, which contained at least a thousand, the number that I said I would kill at the beginning, and it will be. I kept killing and reviving them, and those who revived kept killing. Many of these asked forgiveness on their knees and cried, others committed suicide, they thought that this way they would not transform into those creatures under my control, and the firebenders tried to control the wall of fire, but how could they control something that I believe and is under my control, they could do nothing, and within a few minutes, all within the circle of fire, were killed and revived like my henchmen, among them, I saw someone who died in this place, in the canon, it was Lu ten, son of Irho , He died for one of my wolves, if I did not see him when he died, even if I saw him, I would kill him anyway, because I should save him, I don't even know him, and he's not worth it in my eyes, I'll only save beauties, and if only I like them and I want them in my harem.
I never understood the fanfic characters who wanted to save everyone, and just to create a nation, in the personal world they asked for, a world for them and their women to be safe, how stupid, it doesn't matter that you save them and give them a home , there is always the possibility that they will stab you in the back, and who knows, as time passes, their women will spend a lot in that world alone, and the protagonist will be in others looking for more women, maybe they feel alone, and fall in love with the men he saved himself, because they treat them well and will always be close to them, of course this will not happen if you have my ability, but if not, it can happen, a single woman is very easy to conquer and only with paying attention to it may fall in love with you.
finished my monologue of complaints, I decided to leave, I had already achieved my goal, and dawn was coming, while I was running, I did not teleport I wanted to see if I found something interesting, also, azula still did not call, maybe she fell asleep, sometimes happens.
And I found something interesting, a girl of about 7 years old, was "watching" the mole badgers and learning, observing in quotes, because she was blind, she was Thop, Aang's future teacher, and first metal teacher, according to her story runs away from home at 6 years old, because she is oppressed by the excessive care of her parents, at the time she escaped she found these mole badgers and felt familiar with them, since like her they were blind, Over time he learned land control from these.
As for the tournaments that she participates, it seems that she has not joined yet, while I was watching her I decided to approach her, being honest it is not my goal as a woman, it just seems interesting.
- "Hi little girl." I told her after teleporting behind her.
- "who you are." This person is not normal, he approached and I did not notice it, maybe I did not step on the floor, but that was very difficult, Thop thought.
- "I'm nobody of importance, just a simple farmer." I said with the most humble tone possible.
- "your name, that's what I mean."
- "Introduce yourself first, how rude."
- "You're right, I'm Thop." she said like a young lady.
- "I am a lion, a simple farmer."
- "You already said it."
- "I wanted to repeat it."
- "What are you doing in this place?" He will have some information about who I am, he wants to kidnap me to get money from my family, if so, I will knock him out before he reaches me.
- "I just saw you, and I thought about saying hello, it seemed like you were in trouble, but I see that you are not, despite being blind, you can understand your surroundings, and that is very impressive." I said it with a flattering voice.
- "thanks." She is acting like the young lady that she was taught to be, by her family, not like herself, it is a facade.
- "You know your long and flowing hair looks good, you should leave it that way."
- "You think I look good." I ask with doubt.
- "Yes, you look good with that style, long and flowing hair, and your refined but dirty clothes give you a touch of an independent and adventurous girl." This girl likes freedom, and she hates that they think she is weak and needs help, she has lived all her life locked in a bubble of protection, the least she wants is to be worried about her.
- "It's not obvious, I don't depend on anyone, I'm very strong and independent." Children, how easy to win her good side, it's good that she is not an old lolicon, or she would be very screwed.
- "From what I see you learn earth control, and you are very good at it"
- "I am, I can be considered a teacher, do you want me to teach you?" he told me with pride, and his voice confident.
- "Are you sure, I'm just a stranger, I can be here for ulterior motives."
- "I don't think so, he seems like a good person."
- "hahahaha, you think so, maybe I'm here to kidnap you and ask your family for money, Thop Beifong." I laughed like a villain and spoke like one.
He stepped back and raised two mounds of dirt, ready to attack me.
- "who are you, how do you know who I am."
- "You gave your name, the rest is easy." It really wouldn't be that easy with just her name, her parents have her very hidden from others, few know about her, but she doesn't know it.
- "I see, I was careless, but I won't get caught so easily." he was on guard ready to attack me.
- "I'm kidding, I don't want to catch you, if I wanted to do that, you'd already be unconscious and in a sack."
He's right, he could have come close to me and I didn't realize it until I spoke, I just have to risk and trust. Thop thought.
Under the two mounds of earth and under guard.
- "then your real motive."
- "I said it at the beginning."
My phone rang and I knew that Azula had woken up, the idiot had fallen asleep, it was already noon. I'll leave her waiting.
- "what is that sound."
- "It comes from a communication device, I use it to communicate with my friend, who is from the fire nation."
- "nation of fire, you are from that place." He frowned when I said fire nation.
- "What's up with that pouting face, not everyone who lives in that place is bad, you know."
- "They are murderous barbarians."
- "They say the same about you, not everything you see is true, in your case everything you hear"
- "you're making fun."
- "a little, but do not judge without knowing the whole truth of a story, look at you, despite being blind, I can say that you are strong and very independent, there is no fear in your movements, I only see the security of an empowered girl. "
- "It's true, I'll believe you, and I'll be your friend." what a radical change that was.
- "Are you sure? Today you can be my friend, tomorrow, you might have to kill me."
- "That won't happen, like I said you seem like a good person."
- "You will regret those words in the future, I will repeat once more, you are sure that you want to be my friend, because if the moment comes where I am your enemy, for my part I will not hesitate to kill you."
- "Yes I'm sure, and if you become my enemy, I'll kick your ass and bring you back, and so we'll be friends again" she smiled sweetly, like the naive little girl that she is.
- "hahahahaha, how naive, but okay, I want to see if you can do it, I'll be your friend, I'll come to see you every time I can, don't ask for a fixed schedule, and I'll find you when I want to see you, don't worry about anything"
- "OK dude."
- "Alone, if you tell me friend it sounds very formal and distant."
- "Okay, Leon."
- "How about we eat something to celebrate this friendship."
- "You have food, I only have some dried meat left."
- "Yes, I have something left." I have to return to my world soon, I am running out of food that my women prepare for my travels, I have a few agate food left, the rest has already been devoured all.
While eating with Thop he asked me questions about the fire nation and elsewhere.
- "and how is the water tribe."
- "just snow everywhere, it is quite cold, but it is fun to play in the snow, and you can catch very big fish, and they are very delicious, just do not eat the koi fish that are in a pond, they are the spirit of the ocean and moon will bring unnecessary chaos if you do. "
- "I'm not a glutton who eats everything she sees."
- "It would be more convincing if you don't talk with your mouth full of food, you even ate my share."
- "Your food is very delicious and new, they have a unique flavor."
- "Thanks, I'll tell the cook."
- "Yes, and bring him, I also want to be his friend."
- "It lasted, and I was also in the great library of Wan Shi Tong, there was a giant owl guarding it, to enter I had to give knowledge or something of value to the library, also I had to promise not to use the knowledge for evil"
- "and you gave up."
- "allows you to stay alive"
- "you threatened him"
- "Yes, now I have a free pass, if one day you decide to go to that place and want to enter, just tell them that you are going on behalf of the king examine, my name is well known to the spirits."
- "You weren't called a lion." she asked doubtfully.
- "that's my title, idiot."
- "who you call an idiot, wants me to bury you." he said in a challenging way.
- "Try it."
And so we started a little battle, it was not very hard on her, she is still a 7 year old girl.
It didn't take me more than a minute to finish the battle, he's still a long way from reaching his canon self.
We continued eating and our conversation continued, where she asked me about the world, what it was like and when I could take her to those places, this very curious and adventurous girl.
And I decided to go, azula must be a walking disaster because of how angry she must be, it has already taken me 3 hours to go see her, she has called me many times, I turned off the phone on call 70.
- "See you later Thop, we'll see each other again."
- "See you later Leon, don't forget to come back."
- "No, and don't forget, that maybe you will regret the decision you made this day to be my friend."
- "I will not do it."
It all depends on the decisions I make, if I decide to follow the avatar and help him, the most likely thing is that it will end against me, since when I start my kingdom, the avatar will be the first to try to stop the approaching disaster.
Back to azula's room.
When I was transported to Azula's room, you can see that the entire Azula room is burned, and destroyed, Azula was on the bed with a furious look, the kind of wife's look who were deceived in her own double bed.
- "I'm back, it seems that you had fun little blue." He was already taller than her, and he used that to tease from time to time.
- "go dead." And the ball of fire was not lacking. Sometimes I wonder if that part of her never changed.
This woman through the years has changed a lot, I helped her free herself from those chains called Ursa and Ozai, Azula goes mentally crazy at the end of the story, at first because of Ozai when he seats the throne and he is crowned as a phoenix king , she feels like she's being treated like zuko after the debate she had with Ozai.
And her mother drives her crazier, with the constant visions that she had of her throughout the trip, telling her that she should change and being the lord of fire was not her way, these constant visions drove Azula crazy, and it is not That's the idea, so I slowly instilled that I didn't need the love and approval of anyone except my own.
Of course, she would not admit that she is seeking my approval, she is too proud, but it is better that she run after me, if I am the figure that inspires her and the one that pursues her, she will grow to become very strong, it is much better than a woman's future crazy in a sanatorium on an island, beauty like this does not deserve that fate.
She also became a loner, she no longer bothers Zuko, and she doesn't hang out with Mai and Ty Lee, she doesn't pay attention to Ozai, and she doesn't even talk to her mother, a real rebel, I wonder if they banish her, not even He even practices firebending, since I told him that mana is much more versatile and useful, he only focuses on that, I remember as if it were yesterday.
-"how do you do that."
- "what thing."
- "You don't move and you can control and absorb fire."
- "I understand, it's because I don't use fire control, I use mana, a universal energy, capable of controlling everything, and most importantly, creating everything, as long as you have mana, you can do anything, but you have to be strong enough to handle it and create what you want. "
- "Well, I have that."
- "You have nothing, not a bit, but you shouldn't feel bad, I'm the only one who has mana in this world."
- "the only one, I don't believe you, I have too."
- "you do not have."
- "You will see, learn to control it." he hardly takes no for an answer.
And he sat down and began to meditate, he is imitating me, I put myself in that potion when I do my internal monologues, maybe I thought that I do that to recover my mana, I am not going to correct it, a little of my mana leaks, maybe I can catch it and make it yours.
And he succeeded, at 5 months he managed to understand the mana, and make it enter his body.
It's not much, but now she can create her own fire, and use it with her firebending, others cannot use the fire created by her.
its flames are not yet the ones that characterize it, the blue ones, they are still common flames.
And so he began to understand mana, he can already make a small layer on his body and increase his defense.
I have to admit that azula is a genius.
End flash back.
- "Why are you angry little blue."
- "Because it took you so long, it was more than 3 hours."
- "My fault is not, who was the princess who fell asleep."
- "Hmph, but I called you and you didn't come, you should introduce yourself immediately, my mother came to bother me, since she knew I was in my room, I also had to eat her horrible breakfast."
- "They are the best cooks in the fire nation, how can you say that."
- "It doesn't matter, I want your food."
- "I will soon be left with nothing, and I will have to go home."
- "then go now and hurry."
- "I'm leaving for a blue month, today is the last day we see each other, then we won't see each other again for a month."
He stared at me for a few seconds, and got up, started looking for clothes, but it was all burned.
- "Wait for me, I'll go find clothes and we'll go."
- "I'm leaving, you just stay here and wait for me, like the good girl you are."
- "nooooo, we're going together or you're not going." Blue yelled, she was angry.
- "you will force me." I said calmly, I am not going to get mad at a bossy girl, I am an adult.
- "I will do it."
- "You have the strength to back up that clarification."
- "Yes, today I will beat you, come on, I'm ready, today you will finally be my faithful servant for eternity and you will never leave my side."
- "I wait to see how you do it, but first, change your nightwear."
- "Right, I need more comfortable clothes to beat you."
Azula is not the girl who turns red, just because I saw her in her pajamas, we even bathed naked, and it didn't bother her, but it was because it was me, she has a lot of confidence in me, if it were someone else, the most it is probable that he died burned.
Besides, we are still children, there are no lustful desires in our bodies.
Once she changed, I took her by the hand, and transported us to the carnival, a small carnival was taking place today, they are celebrating something of the sun, I don't know specifically why, I didn't pay attention to it.
- "what do we do in this place."
- "Here, put this on" I handed him a small mask that covers only the eyes, since I want to try the different food stalls, and why the mask, because I don't want to be recognized.
- "What do we do in this place, I want to defeat you."
- "Tomorrow, I'll stay another day, for now let's enjoy."
- "no, I want to defeat you now."
- "You know the secret to being very strong."
- "train a lot."
- "Mistake, it's the desire, because if you want something and you don't want to be taken away, you have to be strong."
- "I wish, only with wish I will be stronger." I wonder doubtfully.
- "As long as you have the desire to obtain what you want and a goal you want to achieve, these will drive you every day to move on in life. Because if you only train, to become strong, it will become boring and monotonous, and Soon you will get tired of what you do and you will lose motivation, and everything you do will lose meaning, in your case, it is to defeat me, that's why it is so much fun for you to train. "
- "Yes, it's fun to train."
- "but once you achieve that for what you train, what's up."
- "I don't know, train more"
- "Exactly, that's the point, you have to live the moments, that's why the first thing that came to your mind was training, once you understand why you do what you do, I'll ask you again why you train, I assure you that your answer will change. "
Street food has a certain taste that attracts me, but I still prefer the food of my women, I should look for someone who knows how to cook in this world, I do not expect any blue, most likely it will burn everything because it does not work for you He has no patience for that kind of thing, but to attack me, he has plenty, what a crazy woman.
- "That's not your friend you and lee."
- "they are not my friends."
- "sure."
Ty Lee has 5 identical sisters, I wonder what it will be like to have 6, although I do not know their personalities, I never saw much information about the rest of them.
As I was thinking, a flame explodes in my face.
- "Why was that blue, we are enjoying the carnival, not in battle."
- "then do not think of other people when you are with me, do not forget that you will be mine, only mine forever once I defeat you." This girl, you'll see when she grows up, I'll make her a total masochist.
Azula is very obsessive, possessive, and jealous, she does not like it at all when she sees me seeing other women, although she herself does not understand that part of her, they are things that she would never admit.
The day ended and it was quite calm, I tried many foods, although some were not to my liking.
I left azula in her bedroom, wait for her to fall asleep before leaving, I plan to leave her alone for a month, or she may become very dependent on me and my presence, they have to gain some independence, I prefer to do it now or it will be late when I grow up , this woman is difficult to deal with, she has many security and self-esteem issues that I have tried to fix over time, although there is still a long way to go.
It has already been 1 year in this world, it never gave me back the original world, I have been traveling the world throughout my stay.
Now I am in the battle or siege of Ba Sing Se, it was still night, and the earthbenders had attacked the camp of the fire nation taking advantage of the night and the cold, I had a mask that covered my entire face, it is the that I always occupy, and in my hands El'druin, Tyrael's sword of justice, everyone is attentive to me, you cannot blame him, I appeared out of nowhere, in the middle of the battlefield, a strange entity, who do not know about which side is
Too bad for them, I'm not on anyone's side, I'm just here to kill some people to start my own kingdom and make my name known, that of king examine, and my kingdom, the kingdom of death.
I have as an idea that the spirits prophesy what my arrival means, speaking of these, I met them around my trip, I intimidated them all, and I told them not to talk about me until I give the order, I want the prophecy to be of a calamity that will destroy the world and they must unite to defeat me, I want to see if humans are capable of uniting in the face of a great threat, which can cause the end of their era, or will they continue with their enmity and allow the enemy to erase them from the world , besides having a little fun..
But the result of everything will depend on them, I do not intend to use all my power, it would be abuse and not at all fun, I will only use the weakest undead that I have, and I will not fight personally, I will use my shadow warrior, that a clone of me, and one of the abilities of the assassin, also this master of the shadow, which is also like a clone, but more powerful than the first.
Returning to the scene of war in front of me, I will begin my presentation.
-Today is a great day, because all those who remain alive, will be able to spread my name to the world, Leon, the King examine, king of the kingdom of the dead, lord of the scourge faction, and today I bring death to those present , but you should not worry, it will only be for today, and I will not return for years, until the spirits prophesy my true arrival in the world and the end of everything comes.
And the laughter filled the place, I think they found it funny, it is because my body is still small, and I do not see anything intimidating, and I still have the voice of a 12-year-old child, there were chances that this scenario happened , but I do not like that they rain on me, I thought I would kill a hundred, now there will be a thousand, I want to see if they laugh at that.
mob a: come back home and stop kidding or we'll kill you, no matter where you're from.
mob b: we'll be the enemy I'm talking to, but it's true, stop kidding around and go home.
- You asked for it.
I wrap my sword with fire, and I invoke some wolves, and I start with dragon flight, the ability of the assassin that transports me towards the enemy and gives him a kick, which was very powerful, the guy exploded and the pieces flew all over him, everyone was shocked, but as warriors, it only lasted a second before everyone threw their abilities at me, from fireballs, some fire whips, to giant stones.
Nothing came to me, I kept transporting myself through the battlefield, heads were flying, people split in two, others burned by the fire that I left behind when walking, flare was a skill of the sorceress that surrounded my body in fire and left a trail of this in passing.
When killing about 40, I used the necromancer's resurrection ability, and all the dead were resurrected, but their skin was pale and they were complete, without the previous wounds I inflicted on them.
Chaos flooded the place, they were facing an unknown enemy, who could control the dead, and flood the entire battlefield with fire, like all living beings, they were afraid of the unknown, they began to retreat and leave the field of battle.
But I would not let them go so easy, I created a wall of fire, which contained at least a thousand, the number that I said I would kill at the beginning, and it will be. I kept killing and reviving them, and those who revived kept killing. Many of these asked forgiveness on their knees and cried, others committed suicide, they thought that this way they would not transform into those creatures under my control, and the firebenders tried to control the wall of fire, but how could they control something that I believe and is under my control, they could do nothing, and within a few minutes, all within the circle of fire, were killed and revived like my henchmen, among them, I saw someone who died in this place, in the canon, it was Lu ten, son of Irho , He died for one of my wolves, if I did not see him when he died, even if I saw him, I would kill him anyway, because I should save him, I don't even know him, and he's not worth it in my eyes, I'll only save beauties, and if only I like them and I want them in my harem.
I never understood the fanfic characters who wanted to save everyone, and just to create a nation, in the personal world they asked for, a world for them and their women to be safe, how stupid, it doesn't matter that you save them and give them a home , there is always the possibility that they will stab you in the back, and who knows, as time passes, their women will spend a lot in that world alone, and the protagonist will be in others looking for more women, maybe they feel alone, and fall in love with the men he saved himself, because they treat them well and will always be close to them, of course this will not happen if you have my ability, but if not, it can happen, a single woman is very easy to conquer and only with paying attention to it may fall in love with you.
finished my monologue of complaints, I decided to leave, I had already achieved my goal, and dawn was coming, while I was running, I did not teleport I wanted to see if I found something interesting, also, azula still did not call, maybe she fell asleep, sometimes happens.
And I found something interesting, a girl of about 7 years old, was "watching" the mole badgers and learning, observing in quotes, because she was blind, she was Thop, Aang's future teacher, and first metal teacher, according to her story runs away from home at 6 years old, because she is oppressed by the excessive care of her parents, at the time she escaped she found these mole badgers and felt familiar with them, since like her they were blind, Over time he learned land control from these.
As for the tournaments that she participates, it seems that she has not joined yet, while I was watching her I decided to approach her, being honest it is not my goal as a woman, it just seems interesting.
- "Hi little girl." I told her after teleporting behind her.
- "who you are." This person is not normal, he approached and I did not notice it, maybe I did not step on the floor, but that was very difficult, Thop thought.
- "I'm nobody of importance, just a simple farmer." I said with the most humble tone possible.
- "your name, that's what I mean."
- "Introduce yourself first, how rude."
- "You're right, I'm Thop." she said like a young lady.
- "I am a lion, a simple farmer."
- "You already said it."
- "I wanted to repeat it."
- "What are you doing in this place?" He will have some information about who I am, he wants to kidnap me to get money from my family, if so, I will knock him out before he reaches me.
- "I just saw you, and I thought about saying hello, it seemed like you were in trouble, but I see that you are not, despite being blind, you can understand your surroundings, and that is very impressive." I said it with a flattering voice.
- "thanks." She is acting like the young lady that she was taught to be, by her family, not like herself, it is a facade.
- "You know your long and flowing hair looks good, you should leave it that way."
- "You think I look good." I ask with doubt.
- "Yes, you look good with that style, long and flowing hair, and your refined but dirty clothes give you a touch of an independent and adventurous girl." This girl likes freedom, and she hates that they think she is weak and needs help, she has lived all her life locked in a bubble of protection, the least she wants is to be worried about her.
- "It's not obvious, I don't depend on anyone, I'm very strong and independent." Children, how easy to win her good side, it's good that she is not an old lolicon, or she would be very screwed.
- "From what I see you learn earth control, and you are very good at it"
- "I am, I can be considered a teacher, do you want me to teach you?" he told me with pride, and his voice confident.
- "Are you sure, I'm just a stranger, I can be here for ulterior motives."
- "I don't think so, he seems like a good person."
- "hahahaha, you think so, maybe I'm here to kidnap you and ask your family for money, Thop Beifong." I laughed like a villain and spoke like one.
He stepped back and raised two mounds of dirt, ready to attack me.
- "who are you, how do you know who I am."
- "You gave your name, the rest is easy." It really wouldn't be that easy with just her name, her parents have her very hidden from others, few know about her, but she doesn't know it.
- "I see, I was careless, but I won't get caught so easily." he was on guard ready to attack me.
- "I'm kidding, I don't want to catch you, if I wanted to do that, you'd already be unconscious and in a sack."
He's right, he could have come close to me and I didn't realize it until I spoke, I just have to risk and trust. Thop thought.
Under the two mounds of earth and under guard.
- "then your real motive."
- "I said it at the beginning."
My phone rang and I knew that Azula had woken up, the idiot had fallen asleep, it was already noon. I'll leave her waiting.
- "what is that sound."
- "It comes from a communication device, I use it to communicate with my friend, who is from the fire nation."
- "nation of fire, you are from that place." He frowned when I said fire nation.
- "What's up with that pouting face, not everyone who lives in that place is bad, you know."
- "They are murderous barbarians."
- "They say the same about you, not everything you see is true, in your case everything you hear"
- "you're making fun."
- "a little, but do not judge without knowing the whole truth of a story, look at you, despite being blind, I can say that you are strong and very independent, there is no fear in your movements, I only see the security of an empowered girl. "
- "It's true, I'll believe you, and I'll be your friend." what a radical change that was.
- "Are you sure? Today you can be my friend, tomorrow, you might have to kill me."
- "That won't happen, like I said you seem like a good person."
- "You will regret those words in the future, I will repeat once more, you are sure that you want to be my friend, because if the moment comes where I am your enemy, for my part I will not hesitate to kill you."
- "Yes I'm sure, and if you become my enemy, I'll kick your ass and bring you back, and so we'll be friends again" she smiled sweetly, like the naive little girl that she is.
- "hahahahaha, how naive, but okay, I want to see if you can do it, I'll be your friend, I'll come to see you every time I can, don't ask for a fixed schedule, and I'll find you when I want to see you, don't worry about anything"
- "OK dude."
- "Alone, if you tell me friend it sounds very formal and distant."
- "Okay, Leon."
- "How about we eat something to celebrate this friendship."
- "You have food, I only have some dried meat left."
- "Yes, I have something left." I have to return to my world soon, I am running out of food that my women prepare for my travels, I have a few agate food left, the rest has already been devoured all.
While eating with Thop he asked me questions about the fire nation and elsewhere.
- "and how is the water tribe."
- "just snow everywhere, it is quite cold, but it is fun to play in the snow, and you can catch very big fish, and they are very delicious, just do not eat the koi fish that are in a pond, they are the spirit of the ocean and moon will bring unnecessary chaos if you do. "
- "I'm not a glutton who eats everything she sees."
- "It would be more convincing if you don't talk with your mouth full of food, you even ate my share."
- "Your food is very delicious and new, they have a unique flavor."
- "Thanks, I'll tell the cook."
- "Yes, and bring him, I also want to be his friend."
- "It lasted, and I was also in the great library of Wan Shi Tong, there was a giant owl guarding it, to enter I had to give knowledge or something of value to the library, also I had to promise not to use the knowledge for evil"
- "and you gave up."
- "allows you to stay alive"
- "you threatened him"
- "Yes, now I have a free pass, if one day you decide to go to that place and want to enter, just tell them that you are going on behalf of the king examine, my name is well known to the spirits."
- "You weren't called a lion." she asked doubtfully.
- "that's my title, idiot."
- "who you call an idiot, wants me to bury you." he said in a challenging way.
- "Try it."
And so we started a little battle, it was not very hard on her, she is still a 7 year old girl.
It didn't take me more than a minute to finish the battle, he's still a long way from reaching his canon self.
We continued eating and our conversation continued, where she asked me about the world, what it was like and when I could take her to those places, this very curious and adventurous girl.
And I decided to go, azula must be a walking disaster because of how angry she must be, it has already taken me 3 hours to go see her, she has called me many times, I turned off the phone on call 70.
- "See you later Thop, we'll see each other again."
- "See you later Leon, don't forget to come back."
- "No, and don't forget, that maybe you will regret the decision you made this day to be my friend."
- "I will not do it."
It all depends on the decisions I make, if I decide to follow the avatar and help him, the most likely thing is that it will end against me, since when I start my kingdom, the avatar will be the first to try to stop the approaching disaster.
Back to azula's room.
When I was transported to Azula's room, you can see that the entire Azula room is burned, and destroyed, Azula was on the bed with a furious look, the kind of wife's look who were deceived in her own double bed.
- "I'm back, it seems that you had fun little blue." He was already taller than her, and he used that to tease from time to time.
- "go dead." And the ball of fire was not lacking. Sometimes I wonder if that part of her never changed.
This woman through the years has changed a lot, I helped her free herself from those chains called Ursa and Ozai, Azula goes mentally crazy at the end of the story, at first because of Ozai when he seats the throne and he is crowned as a phoenix king , she feels like she's being treated like zuko after the debate she had with Ozai.
And her mother drives her crazier, with the constant visions that she had of her throughout the trip, telling her that she should change and being the lord of fire was not her way, these constant visions drove Azula crazy, and it is not That's the idea, so I slowly instilled that I didn't need the love and approval of anyone except my own.
Of course, she would not admit that she is seeking my approval, she is too proud, but it is better that she run after me, if I am the figure that inspires her and the one that pursues her, she will grow to become very strong, it is much better than a woman's future crazy in a sanatorium on an island, beauty like this does not deserve that fate.
She also became a loner, she no longer bothers Zuko, and she doesn't hang out with Mai and Ty Lee, she doesn't pay attention to Ozai, and she doesn't even talk to her mother, a real rebel, I wonder if they banish her, not even He even practices firebending, since I told him that mana is much more versatile and useful, he only focuses on that, I remember as if it were yesterday.
-"how do you do that."
- "what thing."
- "You don't move and you can control and absorb fire."
- "I understand, it's because I don't use fire control, I use mana, a universal energy, capable of controlling everything, and most importantly, creating everything, as long as you have mana, you can do anything, but you have to be strong enough to handle it and create what you want. "
- "Well, I have that."
- "You have nothing, not a bit, but you shouldn't feel bad, I'm the only one who has mana in this world."
- "the only one, I don't believe you, I have too."
- "you do not have."
- "You will see, learn to control it." he hardly takes no for an answer.
And he sat down and began to meditate, he is imitating me, I put myself in that potion when I do my internal monologues, maybe I thought that I do that to recover my mana, I am not going to correct it, a little of my mana leaks, maybe I can catch it and make it yours.
And he succeeded, at 5 months he managed to understand the mana, and make it enter his body.
It's not much, but now she can create her own fire, and use it with her firebending, others cannot use the fire created by her.
its flames are not yet the ones that characterize it, the blue ones, they are still common flames.
And so he began to understand mana, he can already make a small layer on his body and increase his defense.
I have to admit that azula is a genius.
End flash back.
- "Why are you angry little blue."
- "Because it took you so long, it was more than 3 hours."
- "My fault is not, who was the princess who fell asleep."
- "Hmph, but I called you and you didn't come, you should introduce yourself immediately, my mother came to bother me, since she knew I was in my room, I also had to eat her horrible breakfast."
- "They are the best cooks in the fire nation, how can you say that."
- "It doesn't matter, I want your food."
- "I will soon be left with nothing, and I will have to go home."
- "then go now and hurry."
- "I'm leaving for a blue month, today is the last day we see each other, then we won't see each other again for a month."
He stared at me for a few seconds, and got up, started looking for clothes, but it was all burned.
- "Wait for me, I'll go find clothes and we'll go."
- "I'm leaving, you just stay here and wait for me, like the good girl you are."
- "nooooo, we're going together or you're not going." Blue yelled, she was angry.
- "you will force me." I said calmly, I am not going to get mad at a bossy girl, I am an adult.
- "I will do it."
- "You have the strength to back up that clarification."
- "Yes, today I will beat you, come on, I'm ready, today you will finally be my faithful servant for eternity and you will never leave my side."
- "I wait to see how you do it, but first, change your nightwear."
- "Right, I need more comfortable clothes to beat you."
Azula is not the girl who turns red, just because I saw her in her pajamas, we even bathed naked, and it didn't bother her, but it was because it was me, she has a lot of confidence in me, if it were someone else, the most it is probable that he died burned.
Besides, we are still children, there are no lustful desires in our bodies.
Once she changed, I took her by the hand, and transported us to the carnival, a small carnival was taking place today, they are celebrating something of the sun, I don't know specifically why, I didn't pay attention to it.
- "what do we do in this place."
- "Here, put this on" I handed him a small mask that covers only the eyes, since I want to try the different food stalls, and why the mask, because I don't want to be recognized.
- "What do we do in this place, I want to defeat you."
- "Tomorrow, I'll stay another day, for now let's enjoy."
- "no, I want to defeat you now."
- "You know the secret to being very strong."
- "train a lot."
- "Mistake, it's the desire, because if you want something and you don't want to be taken away, you have to be strong."
- "I wish, only with wish I will be stronger." I wonder doubtfully.
- "As long as you have the desire to obtain what you want and a goal you want to achieve, these will drive you every day to move on in life. Because if you only train, to become strong, it will become boring and monotonous, and Soon you will get tired of what you do and you will lose motivation, and everything you do will lose meaning, in your case, it is to defeat me, that's why it is so much fun for you to train. "
- "Yes, it's fun to train."
- "but once you achieve that for what you train, what's up."
- "I don't know, train more"
- "Exactly, that's the point, you have to live the moments, that's why the first thing that came to your mind was training, once you understand why you do what you do, I'll ask you again why you train, I assure you that your answer will change. "
Street food has a certain taste that attracts me, but I still prefer the food of my women, I should look for someone who knows how to cook in this world, I do not expect any blue, most likely it will burn everything because it does not work for you He has no patience for that kind of thing, but to attack me, he has plenty, what a crazy woman.
- "That's not your friend you and lee."
- "they are not my friends."
- "sure."
Ty Lee has 5 identical sisters, I wonder what it will be like to have 6, although I do not know their personalities, I never saw much information about the rest of them.
As I was thinking, a flame explodes in my face.
- "Why was that blue, we are enjoying the carnival, not in battle."
- "then do not think of other people when you are with me, do not forget that you will be mine, only mine forever once I defeat you." This girl, you'll see when she grows up, I'll make her a total masochist.
Azula is very obsessive, possessive, and jealous, she does not like it at all when she sees me seeing other women, although she herself does not understand that part of her, they are things that she would never admit.
The day ended and it was quite calm, I tried many foods, although some were not to my liking.
I left azula in her bedroom, wait for her to fall asleep before leaving, I plan to leave her alone for a month, or she may become very dependent on me and my presence, they have to gain some independence, I prefer to do it now or it will be late when I grow up , this woman is difficult to deal with, she has many security and self-esteem issues that I have tried to fix over time, although there is still a long way to go.
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