Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 30 - Cap 30
I was back in the real world, resting, it had been a few days until now, I was in a folding chair that was in the garden, I could see in front of me, the twins and Amaya looking at Riven doing her gardening, they have gotten along very Well, even by his side Lesya, the woman who forgave me even despite everything I did to her, was a big surprise, and the best thing, she won the bet.
What he was doing in the garden, he was waiting for Kiara, he volunteered to assassinate the president of his country, and his parents, for selling them and using them as human bombs, although his main motive is to save his pampered older sister, Sara, the Of the big breasts, what bad luck for Kiara, her sister took everything in that area, I plan to take her to the devil world with Keiko to train her, but I don't know if she will, although it seems that she has endured all her past , that is false, it is only in a state of constant latency, at any moment it can explode, but it is very difficult for it to happen in the world that leaves it, since it fully trusts me, and knows that this world is mine, nobody It will hurt you, you also understand that these people have no feelings, these people always have their eyes as empty, which is the beginning of human evil, and what leads humans to do horrible or good things, it all depends on the individual.
That is why I have not brought her back to the real world or to Shizuka's, she will react adversely to people who have, how to say, a light in their eyes, or feelings, because she knows they can cause harm, I'll see how she reacts with kiara.
As I said I was resting, and next to me was a beautiful blonde, with golden eyes, who was serving me an orange juice, it was Kayle who was watching what was happening in the garden.
- "You can trust her."
- "Riven? Of course she is reliable, and soon you will call her sister." I doubt that she betrays me, she is tied to me, and her loyalty is absolute, as for Lesya, I already occupy the knight's promise, but she still has free will, and her own thoughts, it is not that the object forces her to love me, even He can fall in love with someone else or already be when he occupies it in person, but he would not go for his lover either, he is totally faithful in that sense, also he would never betray me, or do something against me or my women, but I can also give them orders and she will be obliged to do them, but that would be boring, that's why I do not occupy it, I would if she were a bitch that I hate, for example, forcing her to kill what she loves the most, it would be fun to see that face she would make, but for now there is no Someone like that, we better get back to the topic.
- "It will be about three years later, I doubt she wants to be with someone so small, unless she has those tastes, I also say I am talking about Lesya, how do you know that she will not take them another way, the one she believes." If it is dangerous and can harm my family, I will have to put an end to it, but of course I will ask Leon for permission first, after all it belongs to him, but if it were not, I would not doubt it.. Kayle thought.
- "As for Riven, who knows, everyone has different tastes, but I'll wait and leave her alone for now, just small advances until she stabilizes her emotions and mind." Riven is still in a stage of acceptance towards her person and her actions, and I prefer to go the long way, there is a shorter one, but I will take my time with her, I can wait to see her in a bunny costume, I loved that splash art, and seeing her in real life, it will be so hot, we all wanted that, you can't deny it.
- "And Lesya will not try to take them or instill her ideals, and even if she tried, she would fail completely, the girls have absolute faith in me, and they would not betray me, she also understands the concept of evil and good." good and evil, a fairly long topic to talk about, but let's take an example, the world sees polygamy as bad, and I am a bastard for having many women at my service, but it is good people to make people happy. others, and I make each one of my women and future wives happy, then my actions are good or bad, you cannot say with certainty, but from my point of view, it is good.
- "you will refer to the concept of what is good or bad for you Leon." a Kayle said with a sarcastic tone.
- "I do not deny that Kayle, but do not forget that good and evil are relative, for example, in our family the good and the bad I dictate, whereas for Lesya it instills a stupid belief in the laws of man and morality, the same thing happens now with your justice, not so Kayle. " Although his ideal of justice has changed, to one where he only prioritizes his family, it would also help people, for example, if he saw that some people are trying to kidnap a child, or a woman is being violated, or robbed, perhaps intervene, as long as it does not bring bad consequences to the most important thing for her, the family.
- "It's true, but I'll still have an eye on her, and if she does something I don't like, I hope I have your permission to remove her from this place." his voice was very serious, and his eyes were steady, he wouldn't take no for an answer.
- "You can do whatever you want Kayle, but I doubt she will try, she knows that first they have to convince me, Lesya sees me as the leader of this sect."
- "first a clan, now we are a sect, make up your mind."
- "I was just kidding, we are a family, who take care of each other." I have to admit that I am a very bad comedian, as well as a cook, but what can I do, although I still have good moments as a comedian.
- "a rather strange family." Kayle said, but she said it with affection, she really loves all of us, although it is not the same love that she feels for me that she feels for the other girls.
- "It's okay to be weird, I mean, for being normal, it's quite boring, because following the ideal of the majority, it's better to follow the one that makes me happier, and of course, than you too.
- "I would be happy, if you had fewer women and dedicated more time to me, and less work, I want a vacation."
- "and we will, we should go to the beach again, every good anime has a scene on the beach."
- "almost everyone, and we are not an anime." He is right, all this is real, to think that I would have this opportunity, I can only be happy and accept what was given to me.
- "Speaking of anime, you didn't have a witch cosplay, we should use it for the next night session."
- "You're right, those role plays are fun to do, we already have the role of nurse, secretary, schoolgirl, ha, ha, ha ,." she started to breathe heavily when she was digging into her memories, even though I won't admit it, Kayle is a huge pervert, she always leaves her nails marked on my back, and they like to bite my neck and shoulders, she's a beast in bed, and she can't deny it.
- "And we could let Shizuka see us, maybe if she tempts and wants to join the fray, it would be great, don't you think Kayle." I said as I touched her butt a bit, as good as ever.
- "I have no problem that you have more women, but never, I will never let you be with another woman in the same bed as me, I already have to share my time with others, I don't want to share my private and intimate time." As I could share those passion sessions with others, I have to admit that my face is very lewd and I enjoy sex with Leon a lot, and I tend to do things that I normally would not do, I cannot let others see me grabbing these things, less Shizuka , and my daughters (Amaya and the twins, don't forget that I adopt them.), I would lose my status as a mother, Queen and older sister, that's why I will never be with other women, I have to maintain my image. Kayle thought.
- "How selfish you are, and I give my all for you, sniff, sniff." I said with a plaintive tone, at least you have to try, but I wouldn't force her if she doesn't want to, it's not that I force my women to do what they don't like, and we all have a selfish side, I have no problem with indulging Kayle's .
- "Those fake tears, I won't believe them, I won't fall for it." it never does, it hurts, I think it would serve in akara, and Itharia, soon I will bring them to this world, that will save me time, have time stopped in the world and then go, it is quite tiring, sigh, everything is to make them happy and spend the most time with all of them, what a good husband, no one can deny that.
- "I had to try it."
- "A question Leon, where will you take that kiara girl."
- "To train a place, you need to master the mana and art of murder, to fulfill your goal, you want to accompany me.
Speak in thought with VIP
-I once asked if I could take her, you said you couldn't VIP, now it's possible.
- You can, only you cannot receive their help in missions, you will not receive experience, and it will not count as finished if you receive external help.
- I understand, so I understood more that time, well, it doesn't matter, and I wondered why others could go and Kayle couldn't.
He ended the dialogue in his thought with VIP.
- "I was thinking of asking you, since I was curious, but since you offered me, count on me, for now I'll go find Kiara, it takes too long."
I had to bathe thoroughly, since I occupied it from all possible sides, until I was completely satisfied, this woman was a closet pervert, she constantly masturbated at home, she confessed all her sexual desires and fantasies while she was with her, she opened up pretty easy and not just legs.
- "I wait for you, I will continue to admire the beautiful women in front of me" a little more and they will be mature enough to harvest, it will be delicious.
As Kayle left, I saw her go while moving those hips in a seductive way, this woman is already tempting me, she was leaving, but she would not be alone, since Lesya approached me, maybe waiting for the moment when Kayle would leave, you know you don't like it.
- "Thank you, for keeping your promise, and I will keep mine, I will show you that the world is beautiful."
- "I lost a bet, one that I didn't think I would lose, to be honest, but sometimes, surprises are a spice for life, which makes it sweeter." unexpected things, sometimes they are good, but other times, a disaster can come out of that, you just have to remember what happened to me with that Xel'Naga, sigh, at least they go in a lot.
- "If you are so optimistic, why are you so cruel to the world, I don't understand, a person like you should love and appreciate, not hate and dismiss."
- "I never said I hated the world."
- "I don't think you have done it for fun, I see those people, and they all speak well of you, you are their idol, role model and future husband, I am surprised by the last part, that so many women have accepted that, a normal person I could do that, minus a villain. " she said with a soft and beautiful smile, I have to admit that she is quite beautiful.
- "The hero always stays with the girls, it is the common pattern, but as you said, a normal person, could not achieve what I, and you know that I am not, also I stay with the girl, I am the hero. "
- "It is true, creating a virus that can almost destroy humanity, and then make all those things disappear, that humans ate, in some days, you surprise me, but it surprises me that you do not use all that intelligence and power to save others, strong men protect themselves, the strongest protect others. "
- "hahahaha, that reference from that cow movie, if you want to convince me, invent something yourself, at least, where is the copyright when you need it, take this girl with you."
- "hahaha, you're very funny" his laugh was sincere.
- "You have to be a fool to laugh at my jokes."
- "Maybe I am, look at me I'm trying to convince a child that I murdered millions, just for fun."
- "I already turned 13, I would say a teenager, we can blame my hormones for the crazy things I did, don't you think."
- "Maybe that's more reasonable than just for fun, but I know you didn't do it just for that, I know that deep down there is a good person."
- "You are the only one who is looking for something, who does not fully understand, what is to be a good person, Lesya." I asked him, he wanted to know what's in that stubborn idiot head.
- "mmm, helping others, no, it's more than that, it's being able to empathize with others, and give a helping hand when you can, in your case, you could save others."
- "You are so sure, to save the world, you need absolute power." save others just because I have the power to do it, it is an idiot, it is not my obligation to save anyone, that is left to those who want to inflate their ego, and pretend to be good guys and attract girls, who later will not even touch, And the worst thing is that they choose only one, and it's the one that nobody wanted from the fandom, those bastards, my waifu always lost.
- "To save the world, you don't need absolute power, each little act adds up, from helping a grandmother to cross the street, to donating money to different charitable foundations, or going to poor countries to distribute food and clothes."
- "But Kayle's company makes donations, that makes me a good person, don't you think."
- "Even so, you can still give more, I believe in you, and what you have inside."
- "just guts and a heart, that's what I have inside."
- "hahaha," he laughed softly as he shook his head to the side, denying my valid argument. "I don't mean that, I mean feelings."
- "I know"
- "I know, you don't have a game to propose, if I win, meet one of my conditions."
- "You are in a position to ask for something, I don't think so, don't forget your position." I told him with a serious tone, I don't want him to forget where he belongs, just one more of my toys, if it were my wife, I would accept his proposal, although if I find something interesting, I could bet something.
- "I apologize for my intransigence, I was just excited to talk to you, and to get to the side, and I thought through a game I could." She said while bending down and apologizing, if there was regret in her gestures and she speaks, if it hadn't been like that, I would have punished her, but I'm in a good mood and she was sincere.
- "If I ever think of something funny, there might be a bet." What good game could I do, there is nothing interesting, I could also take her to bed and bet on that, mmm, or also this force her to go against her morals, force her to kill some poor idiot around there, tell her that he was a assassin to calm his mind, and then tell him that he was innocent and had a family to take care of, that would be a quick and easy game, but it is very tempting to break it in bed, but with that body that he has, he has a very balanced size, in breasts and ass, and that slim waist, I'll think about it and decide in time, I still have to think about her winning if she can beat me in the game. "
- "Thank you for thinking about it, and for forgiving me." I did not think to punish her at the beginning, but I want to please myself, I am an S, what can I do.
- "no, don't forgive you, you deserve a punishment."
- "I accept the punishment, it was my fault, I might know what it is." She was calm, and had firmness in her voice, she did not hesitate to receive punishment.
Shit, I can't even think of something, Leon thinks, thinks, it has to be fast because Kayle is coming and I have to go to the other world, but he has to remember it, but that would be good, sigh, let's go with something basic just, what every bad boy deserves.
- "Come closer, I will personally punish you."
She came over and I sat more comfortable in the chair, I was no longer fully leaning back, I took her and guided her to my lap, I began to caress her head, I had to raise my hand, she is bigger than me still.
- "this is my punishment."
- "This is not something to relax me." Her hair was soft and silky, it had already recovered from its previous state, I lifted her from the waist and moved her again, this time I placed her stomach on my lap, her head was towards my left hand and her ass towards my right hand She was wearing a black Victorian maid dress with a white apron, but the skirt only reached about 20 cm above her knee, if she bent down a little you could see her white panties, those clothes are the official in this house, but alone at home, they would not go out with that, because I would like others to see what is mine, when they go out they use something more demure, less Riven, she never goes out, and usually uses her planter, she spends more in the garden now that she has extra help, I just leave her, since I love her as my wife, why not spoil her.
- "Un, Mr. Leon, this is a bit uncomfortable, I can see everything, these skirts are very short."
- "Obviously I made this design, maybe you don't like it, it was handmade, cooked by Amaya, with the best fabric in the world, it could easily be worth 500 thousand dollars, to that to add the sentimental value, Amaya put a lot of effort into that "
- "How could I not like it, I am grateful that you gave me clothing, and that little Amaya did it personally." Little one, I wonder if that's the case, she's not that far from her age, and she has bigger breasts, in addition to her maturity.
- "It's good that I know that, but this is the way I will punish you." I took the hem of her skirt and pulled it back, until her panties were fully visible, more than they already were, then I proceeded to remove her white panties, and a smell of jasmine ran up my nose, it washes very well down there, It will be because he expects me to take it, how horny, or maybe it is my perverted delusions.
- "This, un, how to say, I could do whatever I want to do privately, the girls are watching me." It's true now everyone is looking at me, even Kayle and Kiara who had already arrived, Riven seemed curious, the others were a little red, how cute they look with shame, I like it.
-" Stay still." and then I began to spank their ass, in front of all the people, each blow I gave their ass, it was leaving it more and more red, I began to use magic, I began to stimulate their pussy, with each blow, In addition, a small electric current reached his body and stimulated all his erogenous zones, when he reached 20, he came, and a liquid began to fall from his legs, and everyone could see that, Riven was still looking curious, he had no idea what What it was, I did not have much knowledge about sex, on the other hand the girls did, and they were even redder, and worried, since I managed to get him to cum only with his hand, what would happen if he occupied the cock in them, they would not doubt anything , Kayle has been giving her sex education, that's why they know what happened, as for Kiara, she was envious, she wanted to be in Lesya's position, Kayle was looking attentively, she wanted to know how I achieved it and why I have not occupied it with her, I will surely occupy it tonight, this curious pervert, how can I refuse to do it when I'm sure he will ask me.
- "ha, ha, ha, ha" she was breathing heavily, and she was exhausted, Lesya, her face was red, and a little drool from her mouth, I took a down from my inventory, it was permanent and improved it with mana, so that what I would write would last at least 10 days, and I put on that red butt, punished for a bad maid.
- "Ready, your punishment is over, I'll keep these panties, and you can't use others for ten days, but don't worry, you won't go out to buy while your punishment lasts." I took her off to stand up and left her on the chair to recover, this is the first orgasm she has in her life apparently, she is still trying to assimilate what happened to her.
- "You are ready pervert." Kayle told me, she had changed clothes, and now she was wearing a floral dress, and a wide-brimmed hat, she looked very good, but I wonder if she thinks we are going on vacation.
- "All ready, and the pervert, we are both, I'll accept woman."
- "Come on, hurry up, when we return we are going to go to the beach for the day, we must take advantage of the fact that we are all.
- "you're right, you're ready kiara."
-" all ready." Kiara told me that she was wearing shorts, and a tight black shirt that marked her figure very well, it would be great, if it weren't flat, it seems that she noticed my look, because she is quite self-conscious at this moment .
- "Well let's go, but before, girls get ready we're going to go to the beach just for today, Riven helps that idiot in the chair, and then prepare everything, you will come with us.
- "prepare it immediately." And I transported us to the devil's world, where Keiko was, do not stop time in the other world, so I will not waste time and they will be ready for the trip.
We had arrived at the devil world, everything seemed as always, these NPCs around, who passed without giving us a second glance, if they were normal people, they would turn to look at Kayle and Kiara, two incredible beauties, and some brave ones would even dare to flirt with them, only to end up without manhood, if not dead, will depend on the attitude you take.
- "What a desolate place, evil and corruption are felt all over the place, and these Leon people have no souls." He had never brought Kayle to this place before, so he was shocked.
- "I will train here, surely I will not die" doubtful question
- "If you try hard, you probably won't die." I lied to him a bit and he gave pressure, clearly he won't die. "And if Kayle has no souls, this world is mine.
- "It's yours, wow, incredible, having a world of my own must be incredible, I will have my own if I achieve your strength." She seemed like a little girl who sees a lot of gifts.
-" Yes maybe." And there is the hook, to give them hope to achieve incredible things, it will help her move forward despite the pressure, that is self-motivation.
- "When you were thinking of telling me, sigh, the more secrets you have, I would like you to share them, I don't want to be blind, I'm just saying Leon, I won't force you"
- "Little by little Kayle." I also want to do the Meeting of all my Waifus, it will be a field of war or there will be total peace and harmony, anyone is good, that you have differences between them, it would be normal, there is no such thing as we all get along, factions will form, perhaps, As long as they all row to the same side, which is towards me, everything will be fine, the problem is blue, with her attitude and mentality, she will end up alone and isolated, I doubt she will get along with anyone, other than me, what a headache that idiot, and how soft I get with them, if they were others you would force them and I fuck them in bed until they get along, wait, it's a good idea, but, I don't know, I'll see what I do in the future, they are uncertain All I know is that I will never die, and I will have many beautiful women around me.
What he was doing in the garden, he was waiting for Kiara, he volunteered to assassinate the president of his country, and his parents, for selling them and using them as human bombs, although his main motive is to save his pampered older sister, Sara, the Of the big breasts, what bad luck for Kiara, her sister took everything in that area, I plan to take her to the devil world with Keiko to train her, but I don't know if she will, although it seems that she has endured all her past , that is false, it is only in a state of constant latency, at any moment it can explode, but it is very difficult for it to happen in the world that leaves it, since it fully trusts me, and knows that this world is mine, nobody It will hurt you, you also understand that these people have no feelings, these people always have their eyes as empty, which is the beginning of human evil, and what leads humans to do horrible or good things, it all depends on the individual.
That is why I have not brought her back to the real world or to Shizuka's, she will react adversely to people who have, how to say, a light in their eyes, or feelings, because she knows they can cause harm, I'll see how she reacts with kiara.
As I said I was resting, and next to me was a beautiful blonde, with golden eyes, who was serving me an orange juice, it was Kayle who was watching what was happening in the garden.
- "You can trust her."
- "Riven? Of course she is reliable, and soon you will call her sister." I doubt that she betrays me, she is tied to me, and her loyalty is absolute, as for Lesya, I already occupy the knight's promise, but she still has free will, and her own thoughts, it is not that the object forces her to love me, even He can fall in love with someone else or already be when he occupies it in person, but he would not go for his lover either, he is totally faithful in that sense, also he would never betray me, or do something against me or my women, but I can also give them orders and she will be obliged to do them, but that would be boring, that's why I do not occupy it, I would if she were a bitch that I hate, for example, forcing her to kill what she loves the most, it would be fun to see that face she would make, but for now there is no Someone like that, we better get back to the topic.
- "It will be about three years later, I doubt she wants to be with someone so small, unless she has those tastes, I also say I am talking about Lesya, how do you know that she will not take them another way, the one she believes." If it is dangerous and can harm my family, I will have to put an end to it, but of course I will ask Leon for permission first, after all it belongs to him, but if it were not, I would not doubt it.. Kayle thought.
- "As for Riven, who knows, everyone has different tastes, but I'll wait and leave her alone for now, just small advances until she stabilizes her emotions and mind." Riven is still in a stage of acceptance towards her person and her actions, and I prefer to go the long way, there is a shorter one, but I will take my time with her, I can wait to see her in a bunny costume, I loved that splash art, and seeing her in real life, it will be so hot, we all wanted that, you can't deny it.
- "And Lesya will not try to take them or instill her ideals, and even if she tried, she would fail completely, the girls have absolute faith in me, and they would not betray me, she also understands the concept of evil and good." good and evil, a fairly long topic to talk about, but let's take an example, the world sees polygamy as bad, and I am a bastard for having many women at my service, but it is good people to make people happy. others, and I make each one of my women and future wives happy, then my actions are good or bad, you cannot say with certainty, but from my point of view, it is good.
- "you will refer to the concept of what is good or bad for you Leon." a Kayle said with a sarcastic tone.
- "I do not deny that Kayle, but do not forget that good and evil are relative, for example, in our family the good and the bad I dictate, whereas for Lesya it instills a stupid belief in the laws of man and morality, the same thing happens now with your justice, not so Kayle. " Although his ideal of justice has changed, to one where he only prioritizes his family, it would also help people, for example, if he saw that some people are trying to kidnap a child, or a woman is being violated, or robbed, perhaps intervene, as long as it does not bring bad consequences to the most important thing for her, the family.
- "It's true, but I'll still have an eye on her, and if she does something I don't like, I hope I have your permission to remove her from this place." his voice was very serious, and his eyes were steady, he wouldn't take no for an answer.
- "You can do whatever you want Kayle, but I doubt she will try, she knows that first they have to convince me, Lesya sees me as the leader of this sect."
- "first a clan, now we are a sect, make up your mind."
- "I was just kidding, we are a family, who take care of each other." I have to admit that I am a very bad comedian, as well as a cook, but what can I do, although I still have good moments as a comedian.
- "a rather strange family." Kayle said, but she said it with affection, she really loves all of us, although it is not the same love that she feels for me that she feels for the other girls.
- "It's okay to be weird, I mean, for being normal, it's quite boring, because following the ideal of the majority, it's better to follow the one that makes me happier, and of course, than you too.
- "I would be happy, if you had fewer women and dedicated more time to me, and less work, I want a vacation."
- "and we will, we should go to the beach again, every good anime has a scene on the beach."
- "almost everyone, and we are not an anime." He is right, all this is real, to think that I would have this opportunity, I can only be happy and accept what was given to me.
- "Speaking of anime, you didn't have a witch cosplay, we should use it for the next night session."
- "You're right, those role plays are fun to do, we already have the role of nurse, secretary, schoolgirl, ha, ha, ha ,." she started to breathe heavily when she was digging into her memories, even though I won't admit it, Kayle is a huge pervert, she always leaves her nails marked on my back, and they like to bite my neck and shoulders, she's a beast in bed, and she can't deny it.
- "And we could let Shizuka see us, maybe if she tempts and wants to join the fray, it would be great, don't you think Kayle." I said as I touched her butt a bit, as good as ever.
- "I have no problem that you have more women, but never, I will never let you be with another woman in the same bed as me, I already have to share my time with others, I don't want to share my private and intimate time." As I could share those passion sessions with others, I have to admit that my face is very lewd and I enjoy sex with Leon a lot, and I tend to do things that I normally would not do, I cannot let others see me grabbing these things, less Shizuka , and my daughters (Amaya and the twins, don't forget that I adopt them.), I would lose my status as a mother, Queen and older sister, that's why I will never be with other women, I have to maintain my image. Kayle thought.
- "How selfish you are, and I give my all for you, sniff, sniff." I said with a plaintive tone, at least you have to try, but I wouldn't force her if she doesn't want to, it's not that I force my women to do what they don't like, and we all have a selfish side, I have no problem with indulging Kayle's .
- "Those fake tears, I won't believe them, I won't fall for it." it never does, it hurts, I think it would serve in akara, and Itharia, soon I will bring them to this world, that will save me time, have time stopped in the world and then go, it is quite tiring, sigh, everything is to make them happy and spend the most time with all of them, what a good husband, no one can deny that.
- "I had to try it."
- "A question Leon, where will you take that kiara girl."
- "To train a place, you need to master the mana and art of murder, to fulfill your goal, you want to accompany me.
Speak in thought with VIP
-I once asked if I could take her, you said you couldn't VIP, now it's possible.
- You can, only you cannot receive their help in missions, you will not receive experience, and it will not count as finished if you receive external help.
- I understand, so I understood more that time, well, it doesn't matter, and I wondered why others could go and Kayle couldn't.
He ended the dialogue in his thought with VIP.
- "I was thinking of asking you, since I was curious, but since you offered me, count on me, for now I'll go find Kiara, it takes too long."
I had to bathe thoroughly, since I occupied it from all possible sides, until I was completely satisfied, this woman was a closet pervert, she constantly masturbated at home, she confessed all her sexual desires and fantasies while she was with her, she opened up pretty easy and not just legs.
- "I wait for you, I will continue to admire the beautiful women in front of me" a little more and they will be mature enough to harvest, it will be delicious.
As Kayle left, I saw her go while moving those hips in a seductive way, this woman is already tempting me, she was leaving, but she would not be alone, since Lesya approached me, maybe waiting for the moment when Kayle would leave, you know you don't like it.
- "Thank you, for keeping your promise, and I will keep mine, I will show you that the world is beautiful."
- "I lost a bet, one that I didn't think I would lose, to be honest, but sometimes, surprises are a spice for life, which makes it sweeter." unexpected things, sometimes they are good, but other times, a disaster can come out of that, you just have to remember what happened to me with that Xel'Naga, sigh, at least they go in a lot.
- "If you are so optimistic, why are you so cruel to the world, I don't understand, a person like you should love and appreciate, not hate and dismiss."
- "I never said I hated the world."
- "I don't think you have done it for fun, I see those people, and they all speak well of you, you are their idol, role model and future husband, I am surprised by the last part, that so many women have accepted that, a normal person I could do that, minus a villain. " she said with a soft and beautiful smile, I have to admit that she is quite beautiful.
- "The hero always stays with the girls, it is the common pattern, but as you said, a normal person, could not achieve what I, and you know that I am not, also I stay with the girl, I am the hero. "
- "It is true, creating a virus that can almost destroy humanity, and then make all those things disappear, that humans ate, in some days, you surprise me, but it surprises me that you do not use all that intelligence and power to save others, strong men protect themselves, the strongest protect others. "
- "hahahaha, that reference from that cow movie, if you want to convince me, invent something yourself, at least, where is the copyright when you need it, take this girl with you."
- "hahaha, you're very funny" his laugh was sincere.
- "You have to be a fool to laugh at my jokes."
- "Maybe I am, look at me I'm trying to convince a child that I murdered millions, just for fun."
- "I already turned 13, I would say a teenager, we can blame my hormones for the crazy things I did, don't you think."
- "Maybe that's more reasonable than just for fun, but I know you didn't do it just for that, I know that deep down there is a good person."
- "You are the only one who is looking for something, who does not fully understand, what is to be a good person, Lesya." I asked him, he wanted to know what's in that stubborn idiot head.
- "mmm, helping others, no, it's more than that, it's being able to empathize with others, and give a helping hand when you can, in your case, you could save others."
- "You are so sure, to save the world, you need absolute power." save others just because I have the power to do it, it is an idiot, it is not my obligation to save anyone, that is left to those who want to inflate their ego, and pretend to be good guys and attract girls, who later will not even touch, And the worst thing is that they choose only one, and it's the one that nobody wanted from the fandom, those bastards, my waifu always lost.
- "To save the world, you don't need absolute power, each little act adds up, from helping a grandmother to cross the street, to donating money to different charitable foundations, or going to poor countries to distribute food and clothes."
- "But Kayle's company makes donations, that makes me a good person, don't you think."
- "Even so, you can still give more, I believe in you, and what you have inside."
- "just guts and a heart, that's what I have inside."
- "hahaha," he laughed softly as he shook his head to the side, denying my valid argument. "I don't mean that, I mean feelings."
- "I know"
- "I know, you don't have a game to propose, if I win, meet one of my conditions."
- "You are in a position to ask for something, I don't think so, don't forget your position." I told him with a serious tone, I don't want him to forget where he belongs, just one more of my toys, if it were my wife, I would accept his proposal, although if I find something interesting, I could bet something.
- "I apologize for my intransigence, I was just excited to talk to you, and to get to the side, and I thought through a game I could." She said while bending down and apologizing, if there was regret in her gestures and she speaks, if it hadn't been like that, I would have punished her, but I'm in a good mood and she was sincere.
- "If I ever think of something funny, there might be a bet." What good game could I do, there is nothing interesting, I could also take her to bed and bet on that, mmm, or also this force her to go against her morals, force her to kill some poor idiot around there, tell her that he was a assassin to calm his mind, and then tell him that he was innocent and had a family to take care of, that would be a quick and easy game, but it is very tempting to break it in bed, but with that body that he has, he has a very balanced size, in breasts and ass, and that slim waist, I'll think about it and decide in time, I still have to think about her winning if she can beat me in the game. "
- "Thank you for thinking about it, and for forgiving me." I did not think to punish her at the beginning, but I want to please myself, I am an S, what can I do.
- "no, don't forgive you, you deserve a punishment."
- "I accept the punishment, it was my fault, I might know what it is." She was calm, and had firmness in her voice, she did not hesitate to receive punishment.
Shit, I can't even think of something, Leon thinks, thinks, it has to be fast because Kayle is coming and I have to go to the other world, but he has to remember it, but that would be good, sigh, let's go with something basic just, what every bad boy deserves.
- "Come closer, I will personally punish you."
She came over and I sat more comfortable in the chair, I was no longer fully leaning back, I took her and guided her to my lap, I began to caress her head, I had to raise my hand, she is bigger than me still.
- "this is my punishment."
- "This is not something to relax me." Her hair was soft and silky, it had already recovered from its previous state, I lifted her from the waist and moved her again, this time I placed her stomach on my lap, her head was towards my left hand and her ass towards my right hand She was wearing a black Victorian maid dress with a white apron, but the skirt only reached about 20 cm above her knee, if she bent down a little you could see her white panties, those clothes are the official in this house, but alone at home, they would not go out with that, because I would like others to see what is mine, when they go out they use something more demure, less Riven, she never goes out, and usually uses her planter, she spends more in the garden now that she has extra help, I just leave her, since I love her as my wife, why not spoil her.
- "Un, Mr. Leon, this is a bit uncomfortable, I can see everything, these skirts are very short."
- "Obviously I made this design, maybe you don't like it, it was handmade, cooked by Amaya, with the best fabric in the world, it could easily be worth 500 thousand dollars, to that to add the sentimental value, Amaya put a lot of effort into that "
- "How could I not like it, I am grateful that you gave me clothing, and that little Amaya did it personally." Little one, I wonder if that's the case, she's not that far from her age, and she has bigger breasts, in addition to her maturity.
- "It's good that I know that, but this is the way I will punish you." I took the hem of her skirt and pulled it back, until her panties were fully visible, more than they already were, then I proceeded to remove her white panties, and a smell of jasmine ran up my nose, it washes very well down there, It will be because he expects me to take it, how horny, or maybe it is my perverted delusions.
- "This, un, how to say, I could do whatever I want to do privately, the girls are watching me." It's true now everyone is looking at me, even Kayle and Kiara who had already arrived, Riven seemed curious, the others were a little red, how cute they look with shame, I like it.
-" Stay still." and then I began to spank their ass, in front of all the people, each blow I gave their ass, it was leaving it more and more red, I began to use magic, I began to stimulate their pussy, with each blow, In addition, a small electric current reached his body and stimulated all his erogenous zones, when he reached 20, he came, and a liquid began to fall from his legs, and everyone could see that, Riven was still looking curious, he had no idea what What it was, I did not have much knowledge about sex, on the other hand the girls did, and they were even redder, and worried, since I managed to get him to cum only with his hand, what would happen if he occupied the cock in them, they would not doubt anything , Kayle has been giving her sex education, that's why they know what happened, as for Kiara, she was envious, she wanted to be in Lesya's position, Kayle was looking attentively, she wanted to know how I achieved it and why I have not occupied it with her, I will surely occupy it tonight, this curious pervert, how can I refuse to do it when I'm sure he will ask me.
- "ha, ha, ha, ha" she was breathing heavily, and she was exhausted, Lesya, her face was red, and a little drool from her mouth, I took a down from my inventory, it was permanent and improved it with mana, so that what I would write would last at least 10 days, and I put on that red butt, punished for a bad maid.
- "Ready, your punishment is over, I'll keep these panties, and you can't use others for ten days, but don't worry, you won't go out to buy while your punishment lasts." I took her off to stand up and left her on the chair to recover, this is the first orgasm she has in her life apparently, she is still trying to assimilate what happened to her.
- "You are ready pervert." Kayle told me, she had changed clothes, and now she was wearing a floral dress, and a wide-brimmed hat, she looked very good, but I wonder if she thinks we are going on vacation.
- "All ready, and the pervert, we are both, I'll accept woman."
- "Come on, hurry up, when we return we are going to go to the beach for the day, we must take advantage of the fact that we are all.
- "you're right, you're ready kiara."
-" all ready." Kiara told me that she was wearing shorts, and a tight black shirt that marked her figure very well, it would be great, if it weren't flat, it seems that she noticed my look, because she is quite self-conscious at this moment .
- "Well let's go, but before, girls get ready we're going to go to the beach just for today, Riven helps that idiot in the chair, and then prepare everything, you will come with us.
- "prepare it immediately." And I transported us to the devil's world, where Keiko was, do not stop time in the other world, so I will not waste time and they will be ready for the trip.
We had arrived at the devil world, everything seemed as always, these NPCs around, who passed without giving us a second glance, if they were normal people, they would turn to look at Kayle and Kiara, two incredible beauties, and some brave ones would even dare to flirt with them, only to end up without manhood, if not dead, will depend on the attitude you take.
- "What a desolate place, evil and corruption are felt all over the place, and these Leon people have no souls." He had never brought Kayle to this place before, so he was shocked.
- "I will train here, surely I will not die" doubtful question
- "If you try hard, you probably won't die." I lied to him a bit and he gave pressure, clearly he won't die. "And if Kayle has no souls, this world is mine.
- "It's yours, wow, incredible, having a world of my own must be incredible, I will have my own if I achieve your strength." She seemed like a little girl who sees a lot of gifts.
-" Yes maybe." And there is the hook, to give them hope to achieve incredible things, it will help her move forward despite the pressure, that is self-motivation.
- "When you were thinking of telling me, sigh, the more secrets you have, I would like you to share them, I don't want to be blind, I'm just saying Leon, I won't force you"
- "Little by little Kayle." I also want to do the Meeting of all my Waifus, it will be a field of war or there will be total peace and harmony, anyone is good, that you have differences between them, it would be normal, there is no such thing as we all get along, factions will form, perhaps, As long as they all row to the same side, which is towards me, everything will be fine, the problem is blue, with her attitude and mentality, she will end up alone and isolated, I doubt she will get along with anyone, other than me, what a headache that idiot, and how soft I get with them, if they were others you would force them and I fuck them in bed until they get along, wait, it's a good idea, but, I don't know, I'll see what I do in the future, they are uncertain All I know is that I will never die, and I will have many beautiful women around me.
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