Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 33 - Cap 33 (R-18)
What a good guy I have been these days, he has given me stress, my shoulders are stiff, I sigh, I need a vacation, but first, I think I deserve a reward, a double one, one is called Agate, and the other, Shizuka, I have been pampering too much, I am a good husband to have so much patience with him, no one can deny it, and it is time for her to fulfill one of her duties as a wife, it is not that she is going to force her, sex is like gravity, only a little is enough , push.
Shizuka POV
Another day at the university, I was with Ágata having lunch, she is always by my side, from the first day that León brought her, she is a pretty calm girl, and she likes to help me, she is a good friend, I would like her to leave the honorifics, but it won't, and I'm getting used to it, sigh, while we have lunch there are so many idiots who have that look, of perverts, I should hit them all, uff, but it would be too much annoyance, Agata also has a lot of that look on her, she is very beautiful It is obvious that she will have them, more with those huge breasts, but after what happened to her before she got home, she shows no interest in men, not even hatred, just indifference, the only man she shows any emotion for is León, but it is annoying and scary, if León did nothing to him, because he looks at him like that, and only at him, perhaps he feels something and refuses to accept it and it is his way of covering it up, it may be possible.
- "Shizuka-sama, she wants me to hit you, so that she is more comfortable." While I was in my thoughts, Agata interrupted me.
- "It is not necessary, no one will come to bother us, less after that beating I gave that annoying idiot."
- "you can tell lion, he will make them disappear." I forget that she is very violent when it comes to taking care of myself, if I didn't hit that guy myself, I think Ágata would kill him, she has incredible strength, I saw her boxing, and she broke the bag with only her bare fists.
- "That would be exaggerated, you also make Leon look like an evil mobster, and he is not.".
-"if it is not." he said with a sarcastic tone.
- "She seems unconvinced of that, besides, an agate question that has bothered me for a long time."
- "Tell me Shizuka-sama."
- "Why that hatred, annoyance and fear towards León, if he has not done anything to you."
- "It's what happened to me before Shizuka-sama, nothing to worry about." What a rehearsed answer on his part, maybe he knew I would ask him this question one day.
- "It's a lie, you don't look at other men like that, it just happens with him, and don't say no, you know how much I want to be a teacher, and I have a great eye and I'm very observant, useful for detecting children with problems or problems. "
- "Maybe just because it is with him that I spend most of my time, and I focus everything on him."
- "You're right, that must be it." although I think there is something else, I will not press, one day she will tell me, or maybe Kayle will know.
While I was thinking, something rang, it turned out to be Agata's phone, she seemed very uneasy when she saw the phone, I thought someone is bothering her, but who would dare, and I doubt that she will be intimidated.
- "Hello lion, I'm with Shizuka-sama right now, what do you want?" It was Leon, that's why that face, and because he calls her, I'm not his wife, I should be the first to call.
- "It's lion, what do you want." I asked for.
- "let him go with him, he needs me for something." He said very calmly, his attitude changed very quickly, I wonder what he's hiding, and why Leon didn't ask about me, he'll be angry, I'll ask him at home.
- "What would that something be?" I said with a questioning look.
- "Nothing important, but I'll have to leave her alone, I'll leave the car for when she leaves, drive carefully."
- "Ok, take care of yourself, and help him as much as you can, if you need me help, don't hesitate to call me."
- "I will certainly." Although I doubt that it is necessary, I already know what it is for, and you cannot help, to think that you are not yet eaten by that demon, your patience surprises me. thought Agata.
It had already been half an hour since Agata left, and I was too curious why those two were doing, I feel like the wife who is being cheated on by her best friend and her husband, but that would be impossible, since she has more women, It would be difficult for him to deceive me, since men do that when they feel dissatisfied with their wife, or ... sexually.
But it is agate, how could the two of them be together, even if it was, I would not consider it a cheating, since I know her, I even wish they were both together, it would heal Agate's heart and she would be happy, only that it would be good for me to They will talk about it, aaaaaah, this curiosity, I better go and check it.
Decided to leave early and go see what happens, I was driving a sports car of the year, it was from my grandfather's company, quite comfortable, how much it was worth, I don't care about that, Kayle and Ágata are in charge of the money and the company that he left My grandfather, I know that they will never hurt me, and Kayle is very overprotective, and Agate, I feel that I would give my life for me, and I would do the same for both of them, when my grandmother died I was sad, but then I realized I have a new family and I must move on, living in the past will only prohibit me from enjoying the present.
Look at my house, it was quite big for just the 3 of us, or 4 of us, sometimes a certain Effie stays, she's a personal maid from León, she stayed for a few hours, and she left, I don't know where, but that girl looked Leon as a hungry predator, it was the same look that those idiots give me, but much more obsessive, I was a little worried at first, but Kayle and Leon told me it was reliable.
Do not ring the bell and use the key, and enter very slowly, I did not want to be heard, I heard some screams, quite rare, more than pain it seemed pleasure, climb the stairs carefully, and look where the screams came from, the door had A small opening, it was not totally closed, and Agata was on top of León moving her waist while she had her hand on her chest, she had a quite happy face, there was not the osca face that Leon always shows, she even said harder, more Quick, I want you inside, seeing that, I knew that Agata had solved the problem with men, and because she looked at others indifferently, it was because she liked Leon, and she only had eyes for him, that would be the explanation.
Knowing everything I need, I went downstairs and went out, I waited a while outside, I would ring the bell in a few minutes, I wanted them to have time to fix everything, it seems that Ágata I don't want her to know this, maybe she feels guilty, I will not press the issue .
As for Leon, I sigh, I have been pampered, pampered, and supported in everything by him during all this time, and he did not demand anything in return, he does not even pressure me to have sex, just wait patiently, and I think it's time to give him something back, no, I have to admit that I have not been a great wife, always leaving him last, I have not even cooked something for him, is that I arrive very tired, and most of the time I am studying, and watching anime and manga with Kayle, I always talk to him about my problems and I haven't even asked his problems, shit, what an idiot I am, and he's never got mad, well, just once, I wanted to try a cigarette, I was curious, he saw me and slapped me and he said no, never try, he doesn't like that, it was the first time I'd seen him angry, even Kayle didn't say anything, I look from the side, she always defends me, but this time I just look down, and I don't want to go back to see that.
And if I continue like this, there is not only the possibility of angering him, again, there is also the possibility that he will leave me, so I must pay more attention and care, and the first step is to make us one in bed, no more shame , no longer cowardice, I wanted to be the perfect wife, but failed, being honest, Agata succeeded, did what I could not, I should ask her for help to learn to cook later.
POV Leon
Looking at how the girls slept after the hug, I transported them to their room, cleaned them, changed their clothes and put them in bed, tomorrow they will know the result, and their destiny, what will I do with them if Keiko dies, I think I will leave them to them to kiara, although I have to train her a bit before she can take over, I sigh, I think I've been really good lately, and I feel stressed, my shoulders hurt, I have to release a little tension, and I already have a good way, first Ágata, the freckled redhead with large breasts, that woman, I will make her accept her true self as a masochist and addicted to pleasure, and then, my precious Shizuka, I have pampered her too much, and she has not given much in return, and I think it Time to enjoy her beautiful body, it's not that I'm going to force her, I really love her, and as they say, sex is like gravity, just a little push is enough.
Seeing that my next course of action is already decided, I was transported to the world of Shizuka, I returned home and sat on the couch, I'm tired, I picked up the phone and called Ágata.
- "Hi Leon, I'm with Shizuka-sama right now, what do you want." naming her to escape me, but it won't work.
- "Hi Agate, you miss me, I do, and I need you to come home I'm waiting, and there is no answer. Hanging up the call wait for it to come, it shouldn't take you long.
5 minutes later the door of the house rings, and a sensual woman named Ágata, was entering, already wearing her maid uniform, she knows what is coming.
- "I'm here, you want to eat something."
- "Yes, to you, let's get straight to the point" I teleported to his back and gave him a slap on that hard butt, and with the other I grabbed his huge chest, giving him a kiss on the neck.
- "You can't even wait a while, you're a perverted wretch, that's why I hate you."
- "What about those words, you know you want it, you want me, you love me." I kept kissing her neck and started taking off all of her clothes.
- "How could I love my abuser."
- "How resentful, enjoy, that is much better than hating, if you live hating, you will not understand what it is to live." Removing the uniform from her body, which was one piece, only her panties and bra remained, she was not wearing, her breasts are anti-gravity, they did not fall, perfectly standing.
-"are you crazy." I turn her over and hold her in front, I kiss her on her mouth, then I pass over her cheeks that had some tears, I follow her neck, and down to her breasts. "
- "So tasty, especially those tears, you know I like to see you suffer, and you know that the best way to win me is to enjoy yourself, why don't you do that."
- "Any decision you choose, you will enjoy the same."
- "But one suffers less."
- "...."
- "You know how many women are abused in the world."
- "I do not know."
- "Not me, and who cares, nobody in the world cares about you, you are just another number, only a number of millions, billions throughout history."
- "Shizuka-sama and my lady Kayle care about me, that's enough."
- "and not me, look I'm just trying to make you happy." I move my hand towards her pussy, and use mana to stimulate, I move my hand quickly, her surprised face that changes to one of pleasure and her pussy getting wet very quickly, indicates that she is excited, and she would soon reach orgasm.
- "aaaaaah, ha, ha, ha, what, it was, that." she moaned loudly, and gasped as she recovered from the strongest orgasm yet, it really stimulated her more than normal.
- "It's you accepting everything, accept it, you're a masochist, and you like it."
-"not impossible."
Seeing that she was stubborn, I take her by the waist and make her cling to mine with her legs entwined to me, I penetrate her with my cock, and I start to move her butt with my hands that grabbed her, I accelerated quickly so that she reached Another orgasm, he couldn't let her fully recover.
her moans sounded in the dining room, and her pussy was dripping with her juices, so I decided to teleport to the room and throw her on the bed, to corrupt her.
- "bastard, stop, rest."
I lifted her legs up to my men and I put my cock inside her pussy again, it sounded a lot with all the liquid that came out of the place, it was a natural lubricant, and Ágata, her face was very lewd, she was already lost in pleasure.
While she was still grinding that pussy, and waiting for her to orgasm, she had begun to bite her erect nipples, her moans were suppressed, she did not want to fall, but her gestures were the opposite, she began to move her waist on her own, before she reached orgasm, I stopped, it was time.
- "why" I ask very tired, but very hot.
I got out of her pussy and lay down on the bed.
- "It's your turn, move and take pleasure on your own, I know you want to do it,"
- "no, I do not want to."
- "Agata, there is no one else in this room, and in this house, do what you want, no one, apart from the two of you, will know this, who do you want to lie to."
She frowned, but realized she was right, just me and her, seeing her little indecision left, I bit one of her nipples while stimulating her with mana.
- "aaaaaaaaaaah" he shouted, he had come, his mind and desire can no longer hold, I ride and began to move like the best cowgirl in the world.
- "Yes, yes, yes, Leon, hateful bastard, give me hard, move at my pace and make me a woman, I want this pleasure, I can't stand it, every time you touch my pussy, I can't help but remember that day that you tortured me and I succeed , I'm a masochistic bitch, hold my neck lion.
At this moment, I had noticed that Shizuka had arrived and was looking at us, that was the idea, you will ask how Agata did not notice, because I blocked her senses, but pleasure, she was only interested in satisfying herself, let Shizuka listen to everything, except the parts that weren't necessary, like when he said torture.
Since she had fallen, I turned her over and put her in four on the bed, I took out a strap and put it on her neck, while giving strong slaps on her ass.
- "You like it, yes, you like it hard right, you love to feel how I hit your ass hard."
- "Yes, give me more, put that hard cock up my ass, I love that place and when you take your big cock down my throat."
I grab her by the cumshot and put it up her ass, which was highly lubricated, ready to penetrate.
- "Yes, yes, yes, Leon, tighten the strap, stronger, I want to feel like it suffocates me."
Squeezing her tighter, while I continued grinding her ass, I reached orgasm again as a large jet came out of her pussy wetting the entire floor, and I decided to stop, because Shizuka was ringing the bell, which Agata realized when she finally came back on Yes, she had a scared face, she didn't want to be caught like that.
- "What's up Agata, you look like the bad maid who seduced her wife's husband, wait, that's what happened."
- "Damn, it's your fault, but it doesn't matter, I better clean up and go open."
He dressed quickly, but not before cleaning himself with magic to do it quickly, we generally do not use that, since bathing is one of the pleasures of life, especially when the bathroom is huge, and you have so many beauties to enjoy it.
Time passed, and he ate something, while Shizuka was a little restless, surely deciding what will happen tonight, Ágata was sweating, thinking that she was caught, surely she feels guilty.
It was already night, and I was in my room, when I saw how the door opened and a beautiful and seductive woman entered, it was Shizuka, what a beast, white leggings with garter belt, and a white bra, the same as on the wedding day , her black hair shone, and her gray eyes, they looked at me shyly, her white skin was red, I'm surprised she didn't faint on the way, she approached moving her butt sensually, well, she was trying, it seems like it's her first time trying , should have practiced before at least.
- "You like what you see Leon, he was trained and polished for this day."
- "I know, you have a perfect body, and very marked curves, your butt grew a little" is much more beautiful than the canon, since it is in contact with my mana, which is purifying it and removing impurities, surely many idiots They wish, but it's only mine, and anyone who dares to do something is dead and their soul tortured for eternity.
I was alone in my underwear, it was a hot day, my whole body was visible, and Shizuka was delighted with the eyes.
- "You like Shizuka, it's all yours"
- "I know, and I'm glad."
He approached the bed, and when he arrived he began to crawl, approaching my face, on the way I stepped on my hand, but I did not tell him, why ruin the moment, he approached me, and began the kiss, while I carried my hand towards her brooch to remove this annoyance, which prohibited looking at those beautiful white breasts, with pink nipples.
- "so cute, I like them."
- "They are only yours."
I turned her over and put her against the bed, and I kept kissing her, then I started kissing her neck, and slowly down her collarbone, taking a bite.
- "Ouch, be softer, it's my first time."
Leaving his collarbone, I lowered myself to his chest and began to suck them.
- "you like them, you're like a lion child." he said as he touched my hair with his hands.
- "Yes, I love them, they are so rich, it has a strawberry flavor."
I continued for about 10 minutes until I kept going down, I had some bites on his chest, while he gave small moans, now he kept going down her navel, and reaching her pussy, there was a stain on her panties, slowly I started to lower them, and I continued kissing until reach her pussy.
- "es-es-pera León, that place is dirty." he said stuttering.
Ignoring the warning, I began to bite and use my tongue while with my hands I opened the opening more, to reach the bottom, slurp, slurp, it sounded as I sucked its delicious liquids.
- "Leon, stop, something's coming, LEON, stop I'm peeing, paraaaaa, aaaAHHHHH" he let out a groan, as he grabbed my hair with his hands and buried my face more with his pussy, his juice entered my mouth, and they were delicious .
-"you like me."
- "ha, ha, ha, you, ha, ha, I said, ha, ha, stop, I feel very exhausted now, what was that." she said between gasps, her forehead was sweating, it made her look more erotic, but with those eyes clouded with pleasure.
Seeing my opportunity, I opened her legs and settled down I saw cock and penetrated to the bottom, breaking everything, Shizuka's eyes widened and she was going to scream, but before I choked her scream with a kiss, and I began to move so that she could enjoy and forget the pain, with one of my hands I came to stimulate one of her nipples, which was already standing, stop kissing her lips, to bite her ear.
- "ha, a, yes, Leon, don't stop, this is incredible, yeah" he yelled when he touched the bottom of her pussy.
- "With women like you, I don't have to give the ad for hot mature women in the area"
- "ummmmmmm, what kind of announcement is that LEOOOOOON" shouted the last part when I bit hard on his ear.
-"you would not understand." I said as I kept moving my waist.
- "Yesiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, more, more, Leon, I'm sorry, I feel that again, don't stop I want to feel it again."
seeing that she would soon reach her orgasm, I picked up the pace and started kissing her.
- "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, with a moan suppressed by our kiss, I reach orgasm again, letting her recover, I continued kissing her."
- "ha, ha, I'm, exhausted Leon."
- "but not me, I have to take the opportunity."
I separated from her, and stood next to the bed, Shizuka had messy hair and wet with sweat, like her body, and it was very exciting, I could not stop, I took her by her waist and adjusted her by putting it in 4 .
- "Now Shizuka, spread your legs more, and put your head on the pillow in front of you." I gave the order, he settled down, and put his head against the pillow as he spread his legs.
- "Raise your ass a bit Shizuka, you have to get your back a little for that."
Before he was with his sword curved out, now it was an inward curve, managing to get more of his beautiful ass, I moved my cock and he began to insert it through his tight ass.
- "Leoooon, that place is not wrong" he said in a hurry and panic.
- "No, it's the right one, and without hesitation, I put everything to the bottom" his hands tightly grasped the sheets and his back arched out trying to hide that ass.
- "Leon, stop, stop. It hurts, ugggg."
- "it will pass."
Do not let her hide that ass and hold her tightly on her hips and I continued to penetrate her so that she began to feel pleasure, I used a little hand to stimulate her pussy in the meantime, so that she would forget the pain, after a few seconds of complaining about the pain, she began to moan as before, while she moved her hips back to increase the pleasure, her legs were more open now, knowing that she was enjoying teasing her, and I began to give it harder.
- "ugggg, it still hurts but don't stop Leon, I'm coming back, that feeling so addictive, why are you waiting so long for this." Shizuka wondered.
- "I'm about to finish anyway, get ready."
- "Yes, inside Leon, give me your son, I love him so much."
Because they all want that, be something of a woman, and who am I to deny it, although I doubt it, I'm giving her in the ass, moving my waist faster, I could feel the maximum pleasure, just like her, running out of time I paint its interior in white.
- "ha, ha, that, it was, incredible Leon."
- "I know, I'm the best, no woman can resist me."
- "You are the greatest narcissist in the world, but I still love you Leon." She said tenderly, looking into my eyes, how beautiful she looks, it was worth the wait.
- "I know, I'm beautiful and very masculine, and it's okay to be a narcissist Shizuka, to love others, you have to love yourself first."
- "I can't deny that, Leon, I want to tell you something."
- "just say it, you can also sleep if you want, and ask tomorrow"
-"I'm sorry."
-"Why?" ask curious.
- "I have not been a good wife these months, I have left you aside, I did not even prepare a single meal for you, being honest, Agatha has been playing the role of wife, and I feel bad about that, for that reason, I'm sorry, I swear I'll give you more time, and I'll worry about you more. "
I was going to make some jokes and tease her, but seeing that she really felt guilty, it wasn't the best option, so I kissed her forehead and started stroking her hair, still wet, it was a bit uncomfortable, but she was relaxing, that was what that it mattered.
- "Do not feel bad, you yourself realized the error, and you want to fix it, that is already good, also, it is good that you follow your dreams Shizuka, I will always support you in that, we have an eternity for that."
- "an eternity, I wish it were true."
- "And it is, Kayle will explain everything, it's time you open your eyes, and see how big the world can be."
-"What do you mean." Using a little mana, I put her to sleep, until now I remembered that I had not told her about magic, mana and other worlds, she would surely get angry, that's why I'll leave it to Kayle, it's simpler, I didn't want to be the Queen from the harem, it's a good job for her, hehehehe, surely Kayle will be angry too.
Looking at her sleeping face, she looked very tender and seductive, and I realize that I am still not satisfied, and I have the perfect candidate, my favorite Ukrainian, Lesya, she wanted a game, and I know what it will be, we will play it later hanging out on the beach will be a lot of fun and enjoyment for both of you, and the winner, it doesn't matter, at the end of it all, will win anyway
Shizuka POV
Another day at the university, I was with Ágata having lunch, she is always by my side, from the first day that León brought her, she is a pretty calm girl, and she likes to help me, she is a good friend, I would like her to leave the honorifics, but it won't, and I'm getting used to it, sigh, while we have lunch there are so many idiots who have that look, of perverts, I should hit them all, uff, but it would be too much annoyance, Agata also has a lot of that look on her, she is very beautiful It is obvious that she will have them, more with those huge breasts, but after what happened to her before she got home, she shows no interest in men, not even hatred, just indifference, the only man she shows any emotion for is León, but it is annoying and scary, if León did nothing to him, because he looks at him like that, and only at him, perhaps he feels something and refuses to accept it and it is his way of covering it up, it may be possible.
- "Shizuka-sama, she wants me to hit you, so that she is more comfortable." While I was in my thoughts, Agata interrupted me.
- "It is not necessary, no one will come to bother us, less after that beating I gave that annoying idiot."
- "you can tell lion, he will make them disappear." I forget that she is very violent when it comes to taking care of myself, if I didn't hit that guy myself, I think Ágata would kill him, she has incredible strength, I saw her boxing, and she broke the bag with only her bare fists.
- "That would be exaggerated, you also make Leon look like an evil mobster, and he is not.".
-"if it is not." he said with a sarcastic tone.
- "She seems unconvinced of that, besides, an agate question that has bothered me for a long time."
- "Tell me Shizuka-sama."
- "Why that hatred, annoyance and fear towards León, if he has not done anything to you."
- "It's what happened to me before Shizuka-sama, nothing to worry about." What a rehearsed answer on his part, maybe he knew I would ask him this question one day.
- "It's a lie, you don't look at other men like that, it just happens with him, and don't say no, you know how much I want to be a teacher, and I have a great eye and I'm very observant, useful for detecting children with problems or problems. "
- "Maybe just because it is with him that I spend most of my time, and I focus everything on him."
- "You're right, that must be it." although I think there is something else, I will not press, one day she will tell me, or maybe Kayle will know.
While I was thinking, something rang, it turned out to be Agata's phone, she seemed very uneasy when she saw the phone, I thought someone is bothering her, but who would dare, and I doubt that she will be intimidated.
- "Hello lion, I'm with Shizuka-sama right now, what do you want?" It was Leon, that's why that face, and because he calls her, I'm not his wife, I should be the first to call.
- "It's lion, what do you want." I asked for.
- "let him go with him, he needs me for something." He said very calmly, his attitude changed very quickly, I wonder what he's hiding, and why Leon didn't ask about me, he'll be angry, I'll ask him at home.
- "What would that something be?" I said with a questioning look.
- "Nothing important, but I'll have to leave her alone, I'll leave the car for when she leaves, drive carefully."
- "Ok, take care of yourself, and help him as much as you can, if you need me help, don't hesitate to call me."
- "I will certainly." Although I doubt that it is necessary, I already know what it is for, and you cannot help, to think that you are not yet eaten by that demon, your patience surprises me. thought Agata.
It had already been half an hour since Agata left, and I was too curious why those two were doing, I feel like the wife who is being cheated on by her best friend and her husband, but that would be impossible, since she has more women, It would be difficult for him to deceive me, since men do that when they feel dissatisfied with their wife, or ... sexually.
But it is agate, how could the two of them be together, even if it was, I would not consider it a cheating, since I know her, I even wish they were both together, it would heal Agate's heart and she would be happy, only that it would be good for me to They will talk about it, aaaaaah, this curiosity, I better go and check it.
Decided to leave early and go see what happens, I was driving a sports car of the year, it was from my grandfather's company, quite comfortable, how much it was worth, I don't care about that, Kayle and Ágata are in charge of the money and the company that he left My grandfather, I know that they will never hurt me, and Kayle is very overprotective, and Agate, I feel that I would give my life for me, and I would do the same for both of them, when my grandmother died I was sad, but then I realized I have a new family and I must move on, living in the past will only prohibit me from enjoying the present.
Look at my house, it was quite big for just the 3 of us, or 4 of us, sometimes a certain Effie stays, she's a personal maid from León, she stayed for a few hours, and she left, I don't know where, but that girl looked Leon as a hungry predator, it was the same look that those idiots give me, but much more obsessive, I was a little worried at first, but Kayle and Leon told me it was reliable.
Do not ring the bell and use the key, and enter very slowly, I did not want to be heard, I heard some screams, quite rare, more than pain it seemed pleasure, climb the stairs carefully, and look where the screams came from, the door had A small opening, it was not totally closed, and Agata was on top of León moving her waist while she had her hand on her chest, she had a quite happy face, there was not the osca face that Leon always shows, she even said harder, more Quick, I want you inside, seeing that, I knew that Agata had solved the problem with men, and because she looked at others indifferently, it was because she liked Leon, and she only had eyes for him, that would be the explanation.
Knowing everything I need, I went downstairs and went out, I waited a while outside, I would ring the bell in a few minutes, I wanted them to have time to fix everything, it seems that Ágata I don't want her to know this, maybe she feels guilty, I will not press the issue .
As for Leon, I sigh, I have been pampered, pampered, and supported in everything by him during all this time, and he did not demand anything in return, he does not even pressure me to have sex, just wait patiently, and I think it's time to give him something back, no, I have to admit that I have not been a great wife, always leaving him last, I have not even cooked something for him, is that I arrive very tired, and most of the time I am studying, and watching anime and manga with Kayle, I always talk to him about my problems and I haven't even asked his problems, shit, what an idiot I am, and he's never got mad, well, just once, I wanted to try a cigarette, I was curious, he saw me and slapped me and he said no, never try, he doesn't like that, it was the first time I'd seen him angry, even Kayle didn't say anything, I look from the side, she always defends me, but this time I just look down, and I don't want to go back to see that.
And if I continue like this, there is not only the possibility of angering him, again, there is also the possibility that he will leave me, so I must pay more attention and care, and the first step is to make us one in bed, no more shame , no longer cowardice, I wanted to be the perfect wife, but failed, being honest, Agata succeeded, did what I could not, I should ask her for help to learn to cook later.
POV Leon
Looking at how the girls slept after the hug, I transported them to their room, cleaned them, changed their clothes and put them in bed, tomorrow they will know the result, and their destiny, what will I do with them if Keiko dies, I think I will leave them to them to kiara, although I have to train her a bit before she can take over, I sigh, I think I've been really good lately, and I feel stressed, my shoulders hurt, I have to release a little tension, and I already have a good way, first Ágata, the freckled redhead with large breasts, that woman, I will make her accept her true self as a masochist and addicted to pleasure, and then, my precious Shizuka, I have pampered her too much, and she has not given much in return, and I think it Time to enjoy her beautiful body, it's not that I'm going to force her, I really love her, and as they say, sex is like gravity, just a little push is enough.
Seeing that my next course of action is already decided, I was transported to the world of Shizuka, I returned home and sat on the couch, I'm tired, I picked up the phone and called Ágata.
- "Hi Leon, I'm with Shizuka-sama right now, what do you want." naming her to escape me, but it won't work.
- "Hi Agate, you miss me, I do, and I need you to come home I'm waiting, and there is no answer. Hanging up the call wait for it to come, it shouldn't take you long.
5 minutes later the door of the house rings, and a sensual woman named Ágata, was entering, already wearing her maid uniform, she knows what is coming.
- "I'm here, you want to eat something."
- "Yes, to you, let's get straight to the point" I teleported to his back and gave him a slap on that hard butt, and with the other I grabbed his huge chest, giving him a kiss on the neck.
- "You can't even wait a while, you're a perverted wretch, that's why I hate you."
- "What about those words, you know you want it, you want me, you love me." I kept kissing her neck and started taking off all of her clothes.
- "How could I love my abuser."
- "How resentful, enjoy, that is much better than hating, if you live hating, you will not understand what it is to live." Removing the uniform from her body, which was one piece, only her panties and bra remained, she was not wearing, her breasts are anti-gravity, they did not fall, perfectly standing.
-"are you crazy." I turn her over and hold her in front, I kiss her on her mouth, then I pass over her cheeks that had some tears, I follow her neck, and down to her breasts. "
- "So tasty, especially those tears, you know I like to see you suffer, and you know that the best way to win me is to enjoy yourself, why don't you do that."
- "Any decision you choose, you will enjoy the same."
- "But one suffers less."
- "...."
- "You know how many women are abused in the world."
- "I do not know."
- "Not me, and who cares, nobody in the world cares about you, you are just another number, only a number of millions, billions throughout history."
- "Shizuka-sama and my lady Kayle care about me, that's enough."
- "and not me, look I'm just trying to make you happy." I move my hand towards her pussy, and use mana to stimulate, I move my hand quickly, her surprised face that changes to one of pleasure and her pussy getting wet very quickly, indicates that she is excited, and she would soon reach orgasm.
- "aaaaaah, ha, ha, ha, what, it was, that." she moaned loudly, and gasped as she recovered from the strongest orgasm yet, it really stimulated her more than normal.
- "It's you accepting everything, accept it, you're a masochist, and you like it."
-"not impossible."
Seeing that she was stubborn, I take her by the waist and make her cling to mine with her legs entwined to me, I penetrate her with my cock, and I start to move her butt with my hands that grabbed her, I accelerated quickly so that she reached Another orgasm, he couldn't let her fully recover.
her moans sounded in the dining room, and her pussy was dripping with her juices, so I decided to teleport to the room and throw her on the bed, to corrupt her.
- "bastard, stop, rest."
I lifted her legs up to my men and I put my cock inside her pussy again, it sounded a lot with all the liquid that came out of the place, it was a natural lubricant, and Ágata, her face was very lewd, she was already lost in pleasure.
While she was still grinding that pussy, and waiting for her to orgasm, she had begun to bite her erect nipples, her moans were suppressed, she did not want to fall, but her gestures were the opposite, she began to move her waist on her own, before she reached orgasm, I stopped, it was time.
- "why" I ask very tired, but very hot.
I got out of her pussy and lay down on the bed.
- "It's your turn, move and take pleasure on your own, I know you want to do it,"
- "no, I do not want to."
- "Agata, there is no one else in this room, and in this house, do what you want, no one, apart from the two of you, will know this, who do you want to lie to."
She frowned, but realized she was right, just me and her, seeing her little indecision left, I bit one of her nipples while stimulating her with mana.
- "aaaaaaaaaaah" he shouted, he had come, his mind and desire can no longer hold, I ride and began to move like the best cowgirl in the world.
- "Yes, yes, yes, Leon, hateful bastard, give me hard, move at my pace and make me a woman, I want this pleasure, I can't stand it, every time you touch my pussy, I can't help but remember that day that you tortured me and I succeed , I'm a masochistic bitch, hold my neck lion.
At this moment, I had noticed that Shizuka had arrived and was looking at us, that was the idea, you will ask how Agata did not notice, because I blocked her senses, but pleasure, she was only interested in satisfying herself, let Shizuka listen to everything, except the parts that weren't necessary, like when he said torture.
Since she had fallen, I turned her over and put her in four on the bed, I took out a strap and put it on her neck, while giving strong slaps on her ass.
- "You like it, yes, you like it hard right, you love to feel how I hit your ass hard."
- "Yes, give me more, put that hard cock up my ass, I love that place and when you take your big cock down my throat."
I grab her by the cumshot and put it up her ass, which was highly lubricated, ready to penetrate.
- "Yes, yes, yes, Leon, tighten the strap, stronger, I want to feel like it suffocates me."
Squeezing her tighter, while I continued grinding her ass, I reached orgasm again as a large jet came out of her pussy wetting the entire floor, and I decided to stop, because Shizuka was ringing the bell, which Agata realized when she finally came back on Yes, she had a scared face, she didn't want to be caught like that.
- "What's up Agata, you look like the bad maid who seduced her wife's husband, wait, that's what happened."
- "Damn, it's your fault, but it doesn't matter, I better clean up and go open."
He dressed quickly, but not before cleaning himself with magic to do it quickly, we generally do not use that, since bathing is one of the pleasures of life, especially when the bathroom is huge, and you have so many beauties to enjoy it.
Time passed, and he ate something, while Shizuka was a little restless, surely deciding what will happen tonight, Ágata was sweating, thinking that she was caught, surely she feels guilty.
It was already night, and I was in my room, when I saw how the door opened and a beautiful and seductive woman entered, it was Shizuka, what a beast, white leggings with garter belt, and a white bra, the same as on the wedding day , her black hair shone, and her gray eyes, they looked at me shyly, her white skin was red, I'm surprised she didn't faint on the way, she approached moving her butt sensually, well, she was trying, it seems like it's her first time trying , should have practiced before at least.
- "You like what you see Leon, he was trained and polished for this day."
- "I know, you have a perfect body, and very marked curves, your butt grew a little" is much more beautiful than the canon, since it is in contact with my mana, which is purifying it and removing impurities, surely many idiots They wish, but it's only mine, and anyone who dares to do something is dead and their soul tortured for eternity.
I was alone in my underwear, it was a hot day, my whole body was visible, and Shizuka was delighted with the eyes.
- "You like Shizuka, it's all yours"
- "I know, and I'm glad."
He approached the bed, and when he arrived he began to crawl, approaching my face, on the way I stepped on my hand, but I did not tell him, why ruin the moment, he approached me, and began the kiss, while I carried my hand towards her brooch to remove this annoyance, which prohibited looking at those beautiful white breasts, with pink nipples.
- "so cute, I like them."
- "They are only yours."
I turned her over and put her against the bed, and I kept kissing her, then I started kissing her neck, and slowly down her collarbone, taking a bite.
- "Ouch, be softer, it's my first time."
Leaving his collarbone, I lowered myself to his chest and began to suck them.
- "you like them, you're like a lion child." he said as he touched my hair with his hands.
- "Yes, I love them, they are so rich, it has a strawberry flavor."
I continued for about 10 minutes until I kept going down, I had some bites on his chest, while he gave small moans, now he kept going down her navel, and reaching her pussy, there was a stain on her panties, slowly I started to lower them, and I continued kissing until reach her pussy.
- "es-es-pera León, that place is dirty." he said stuttering.
Ignoring the warning, I began to bite and use my tongue while with my hands I opened the opening more, to reach the bottom, slurp, slurp, it sounded as I sucked its delicious liquids.
- "Leon, stop, something's coming, LEON, stop I'm peeing, paraaaaa, aaaAHHHHH" he let out a groan, as he grabbed my hair with his hands and buried my face more with his pussy, his juice entered my mouth, and they were delicious .
-"you like me."
- "ha, ha, ha, you, ha, ha, I said, ha, ha, stop, I feel very exhausted now, what was that." she said between gasps, her forehead was sweating, it made her look more erotic, but with those eyes clouded with pleasure.
Seeing my opportunity, I opened her legs and settled down I saw cock and penetrated to the bottom, breaking everything, Shizuka's eyes widened and she was going to scream, but before I choked her scream with a kiss, and I began to move so that she could enjoy and forget the pain, with one of my hands I came to stimulate one of her nipples, which was already standing, stop kissing her lips, to bite her ear.
- "ha, a, yes, Leon, don't stop, this is incredible, yeah" he yelled when he touched the bottom of her pussy.
- "With women like you, I don't have to give the ad for hot mature women in the area"
- "ummmmmmm, what kind of announcement is that LEOOOOOON" shouted the last part when I bit hard on his ear.
-"you would not understand." I said as I kept moving my waist.
- "Yesiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, more, more, Leon, I'm sorry, I feel that again, don't stop I want to feel it again."
seeing that she would soon reach her orgasm, I picked up the pace and started kissing her.
- "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, with a moan suppressed by our kiss, I reach orgasm again, letting her recover, I continued kissing her."
- "ha, ha, I'm, exhausted Leon."
- "but not me, I have to take the opportunity."
I separated from her, and stood next to the bed, Shizuka had messy hair and wet with sweat, like her body, and it was very exciting, I could not stop, I took her by her waist and adjusted her by putting it in 4 .
- "Now Shizuka, spread your legs more, and put your head on the pillow in front of you." I gave the order, he settled down, and put his head against the pillow as he spread his legs.
- "Raise your ass a bit Shizuka, you have to get your back a little for that."
Before he was with his sword curved out, now it was an inward curve, managing to get more of his beautiful ass, I moved my cock and he began to insert it through his tight ass.
- "Leoooon, that place is not wrong" he said in a hurry and panic.
- "No, it's the right one, and without hesitation, I put everything to the bottom" his hands tightly grasped the sheets and his back arched out trying to hide that ass.
- "Leon, stop, stop. It hurts, ugggg."
- "it will pass."
Do not let her hide that ass and hold her tightly on her hips and I continued to penetrate her so that she began to feel pleasure, I used a little hand to stimulate her pussy in the meantime, so that she would forget the pain, after a few seconds of complaining about the pain, she began to moan as before, while she moved her hips back to increase the pleasure, her legs were more open now, knowing that she was enjoying teasing her, and I began to give it harder.
- "ugggg, it still hurts but don't stop Leon, I'm coming back, that feeling so addictive, why are you waiting so long for this." Shizuka wondered.
- "I'm about to finish anyway, get ready."
- "Yes, inside Leon, give me your son, I love him so much."
Because they all want that, be something of a woman, and who am I to deny it, although I doubt it, I'm giving her in the ass, moving my waist faster, I could feel the maximum pleasure, just like her, running out of time I paint its interior in white.
- "ha, ha, that, it was, incredible Leon."
- "I know, I'm the best, no woman can resist me."
- "You are the greatest narcissist in the world, but I still love you Leon." She said tenderly, looking into my eyes, how beautiful she looks, it was worth the wait.
- "I know, I'm beautiful and very masculine, and it's okay to be a narcissist Shizuka, to love others, you have to love yourself first."
- "I can't deny that, Leon, I want to tell you something."
- "just say it, you can also sleep if you want, and ask tomorrow"
-"I'm sorry."
-"Why?" ask curious.
- "I have not been a good wife these months, I have left you aside, I did not even prepare a single meal for you, being honest, Agatha has been playing the role of wife, and I feel bad about that, for that reason, I'm sorry, I swear I'll give you more time, and I'll worry about you more. "
I was going to make some jokes and tease her, but seeing that she really felt guilty, it wasn't the best option, so I kissed her forehead and started stroking her hair, still wet, it was a bit uncomfortable, but she was relaxing, that was what that it mattered.
- "Do not feel bad, you yourself realized the error, and you want to fix it, that is already good, also, it is good that you follow your dreams Shizuka, I will always support you in that, we have an eternity for that."
- "an eternity, I wish it were true."
- "And it is, Kayle will explain everything, it's time you open your eyes, and see how big the world can be."
-"What do you mean." Using a little mana, I put her to sleep, until now I remembered that I had not told her about magic, mana and other worlds, she would surely get angry, that's why I'll leave it to Kayle, it's simpler, I didn't want to be the Queen from the harem, it's a good job for her, hehehehe, surely Kayle will be angry too.
Looking at her sleeping face, she looked very tender and seductive, and I realize that I am still not satisfied, and I have the perfect candidate, my favorite Ukrainian, Lesya, she wanted a game, and I know what it will be, we will play it later hanging out on the beach will be a lot of fun and enjoyment for both of you, and the winner, it doesn't matter, at the end of it all, will win anyway
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