Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.

Chapter 44 - Cap 44 (R-18)

Third POV León- Sara.

In one room he found, a woman who was surrounded by a white dome, had large breasts, brown hair and brown eyes, she was not sleeping as she had been in recent months, she had awakened and wondered how to get out of that place, she It was Sara Magdonel, Kiara's sister, but soon the way out was revealed or something like that, the bubble of light where she was had disappeared, causing her to be scared because she fell to the ground and did not feel her body correctly, due to all the time that he wore without moving. But she did not crash as expected, a blond man with red eyes catches her and took her like a princess, causing her to blush, she never spoke with men, much less being so close, she was always a spoiled girl, who he liked being at home.

- "calm down, everything is fine." Leon said very warmly, as he pressed her tighter against his body.

- "un" she just nodded, she didn't understand the situation very well, several of her memories were failing, and everything was confusing, the last thing she remembered was that her parents abandoned her and they didn't love her anymore, they even put a bomb to finish with her and her enemy, she was just bait.

- "Do you remember the last thing that happened to you". Leon said as he lowered her and sat on the nearest bed, at the moment they were not in the normal world, they were in passionis, the world dominated by the zerg.

- "my parents abandoned me, they even wanted to kill me." she said very sorry, she couldn't believe that, her eyes were crystallizing, and small tears ran down her cheeks..

- "Sometimes it's life, everyone betrays you and abandons you." Trying to comfort her, he sat down next to her and patted her back gently.

- "but I didn't deserve it, sniff, whaaaaaaaaaaa." Sara began to cry, every time she did not like something she cried, that forced her parents to pamper her to shut up.

- "Now, now, now, calm down, I'm here, you can trust me." Leon hugged her, and began to comfort her while stroking her hair, the crying slowly began to stop.

- "How do I know, sniff, I can trust you, I don't know who you are." Although the girl is naive, she still has common sense, and she asked an obvious question.

- "It is my fault, León ouroboros, they also knew me as an enigma, to whom they sold you."

- "No, I cannot trust you, you intimidate the weak, you are evil" although I was in front of the most dangerous man of all, the girl still reproached him for his actions, something strange for this spoiled girl, but the answer is Leon, that gives her the feeling of security and comfort, the one that makes her feel good and speak her mind.

- "If you hate me for intimidating the weak, rather than killing millions, you have to do with the fact that you were intimidated when you were little, it is not like that sara"

- "Yes, they made fun of my breasts, they were bigger than the other girls, and they didn't like it." her pained face showed that she wasn't strong enough to get angry and confront them, causing them to just keep bullying her.

"That's normal, they envy you, like governments do to me, they make me look like the bad guy, but that's not true, you see, we're not that different." Trying to find the girl's sympathy, Leon compared their situations.

-"we are not the same"

- "Of course we are, it wasn't the same with you, they envied you, and that's why they made fun of you, and created false stories, right."

- "shii (yes), they always said bad and false things about me, they said that I was sold to the hobresssh (men), whaaaaa." Crying again for remembering the bad times, she told what was happening to her, and hugged Leon, it made her feel good, and calmed her down, without knowing it she already trusted him, just by being a few minutes by his side.

- "Now, now, calm down, don't cry, if you do, you will make them win and be happy." He took the girl's head with his hands and began to wipe her tears.

- "then what can I do." he said with an anticipated look, she thought he knew the answer.

- "the same as me, don't be intimidated, and seek your happiness."

- "I am no longer intimate, but happy? How can I be."

- "simple, which is what you always dreamed of."

- "I wanted to be a teacher, and make sure that children don't hurt those who are different." Below the spoiled and spoiled girl, who got everything crying, there was a person, with dreams, but that person was buried, by mockery and fear, and slowly Leon pulled her out.

- "You can still do it, if that's what you want, I'll help you."

- "because you are so good to me." She said confused, she didn't understand why such a bad man would be so considerate of someone she saw for the first time, but she liked how he was with her, the rest of the things little by little no longer mattered.

- "Because I like you, you are very beautiful." He grabbed the girl's chin and looked into her eyes, which made Sara blush, Sara was shocked by the sudden confession.

- "I, I, I want to see my sister." Sara said stammering, she didn't know how to answer that, she felt strange inside, that's why she asked about her sister, who was smarter, maybe she has the answer.

- "Your sister, I have bad news for you about her, I did not want to tell you, so that you do not believe, that you cannot trust anyone." Leon said with a sad and sorry face, if he were an actor he would win an Oscar.

- "What happened to her?" He had a worried face, and was afraid of losing the only thing he was left with and who he trusted.

- "She's fine, she works under my command."

- "Okay, that's good, can I see it?" With a hand on her chest, sighing in relief, asked a very polite Sara, which never happened, even she was surprised how well she treated Leon, maybe it had to do with that feeling so warm and safe that it gave her, she thought sara.

- "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your sister betrayed you, she was the one who sold you to me, and I blame your parents."

- "no, no, no, nooo, she wouldn't do that, she never would, we were always very close." Sara yelled, refusing to believe that.

- "I didn't want to show you this, but, there is no other choice, come, follow me." Taking Sara's hand, Leon guided her to another room, where there was a television, he approached it and turned it on, putting the video where Kiara kills her parents, just before she did, when her parents beg for her life , was edited so that loen would not appear.

Sara was in shock, she didn't believe what she saw, kiara, her sister, the one who was always with her, she killed her parents without hesitation, there was no guilt on her face, she was cold as ice, Sara couldn't believe it was her sister, she even saw how her parents begged for her life, how they said they loved her, and the tears began to flow from her eyes, Sara had nothing left, and she could not trust anyone, her world was collapsing, which Leon I was looking for.

- "It can't be, she doesn't, she, kiara, I abandon myself." Sara said very confused, while looking at Leon, searching for an answer.

- "They all did it, nothing is left for you, only loneliness, and a dark world full of sadness and bitterness." Leon whispered in Sara's ear, like a demon that was amused by the suffering of others.

- "What do I do, I no longer have anything." Sara said very sad, looking at the ground, and falling to her knees, her tears did not stop, she was lost, and the darkness consumed her.

- "However, you still have something left, I will always be by your side, I like you" he said tenderly, the previous demon disappeared.

León approached her and kissed her, I don't doubt it, with women so weak-minded and shy, the best way is to be direct and give them confidence, so you will easily reach their hearts.

Sara had a red face and her heart was beating very fast, it was the first time she kissed someone, and she did not know how to respond, it was also the first time that someone confessed to her and told her that they liked her, but she did not feel bad, she liked that feeling that the kiss gave, and how Leon's arms held her tightly, telling her never to let go.

- "ha, ha, ha, never, will you leave me." She asked shyly as she caught her breath, after separating from Loen's lips, even though she already wants to feel that emotion again.

- "never, you will always be by my side, you just have to swear to me to be faithful forever."

- "I, Sara Magdonel, swear to be by your side forever." If he will always be by my side, I don't need anything else. thought Sara, who had fallen in love in just a few minutes of conversation.

- "Sara very confused from now on."

- "un, yes" she answered very shy, but happy, it was like a marriage proposal for her, the one that made her happy.

POV Leon. -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

This girl has incredible breasts, and they are easy to fall in love with, I have to admit that I like this girl, I have nothing against her, she has not done anything wrong to me, and if she does everything right, I have no problem making her my wife, but Let's think about that later, now the main course.

While hugging her I started to lower my hands to her hips and touch her butt, she gave a little jump, surprised, I was going to say something, but I kissed her, and I kept kneading her plump ass, which was so rich to the touch, she was wearing a short shorts and a loose shirt, which left space to put my other hand under the shirt and touch her breasts directly, she did not wear a bra, and her large breasts hung, they were a bit sagging, but that still gave her charm, I took some of her breasts, and I began to squeeze her nipples, and with my other hand, I began to remove the button to the shorts, causing them to fall to the ground.

- "aaah, ummmm, I feel weird, for Leon, give me a minute." I wanted to separate to understand what was happening, but since I would leave her, my libido was already at maximum, and I wanted to make her mine.

- "enjoy it, feel it, love it." I said in her ear that she was already biting, she only responded with a groan.

Stop fondling her nipple and take out her shirt to show those two beautiful breasts, which had a big aura a little brown, I picked her up while she instinctively held onto my hips with her thighs so as not to fall, I took her against the table and supported her So that she would not force herself, she is still new, directing my face to her breasts, I bit them and used my league to taste them, with my free hand I put my fingers in her pussy through her panties and stimulated her moving fast, she went in and out , her pussy was moistening rapidly, splash, splash sounded the liquid from her pussy that brushed with my fingers and began to wet her panties that she was still wearing.

- "ummmm, yes, yes, if it continues like this, it feels good lion." With a red face, like the rest of her body, and her raised nipples, Sara indicated her desires, which were consuming her.

Pleasing her desires I kissed her and with my free hand I continued massaging her breasts, with the other I played inside her pussy, from so much stimulation, she was reaching orgasm.

- "mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" he yelled with pleasure, as he hid his head in my neck and bit my shoulder, and his fingernails tried to tear the skin on my back.

Taking advantage of her orgasmic state, I ripped off her panties and shoved my entire cock into her tight, wet pussy, reaching the bottom in one go, taking her virginity and gaining another bite on my shoulder, stronger than before.

- "Aaaastgggggg" he yelled, this time of pain and pleasure, some tears came from his eyes that were closed, he was still processing everything that had happened until now.

-"hurts." He hissed, still biting my shoulder.

When I felt her breathing calmed down, I started to move my hips, she kept biting her breasts, she was holding one of my arms while biting it over and over again, it seems she had a bite fetish, or was it the way to relax from her, I let her do it, it's not that it hurts, I feel that it excites more.

I kept moving my hips and penetrating her tight pussy, and she had reached orgasm again, getting her to bite me harder as she hugged me tightly.

Let them finish their orgasm, to free me from their arms that were squeezing me, and took us to the nearest wall and pressed against it, her breasts pressed against the wall and slid to the sides, which made her more erotic, His ass was ready for me, and he lifted it inviting me to enter, and his look that he gave me back was lustful, I put my hand in his mouth and I put my cock again, but this time through his ass, it was much tighter than her pussy, but it was lubricated, I did not hesitate to move my hips while with my extra hand I passed her in front of her, touched her stomach and came down to play with her pussy.

- "aaaammmmmmmmmmmmmm." It started with a loud cry, which turned into a suppressed moan when I do not hesitate to bite my hand that was in his mouth, if it was a normal human, it would have hurt me, it is good that it is not, because every time it bit louder, while I kept moaning like an asthmatic.

The minutes had passed in this position and I began to bite her too, and the sensation felt incredible, of course I was gentle with her, that bite only succeeded more, and the drool ran from her mouth, proto would finish and change hole and I guided my cock to her pussy, which had wet the entire floor where we were, it looked like a broken key with all the juices that fell down her legs, I put my cock in and pumped it faster than before, until I could feel my semen entering In that pussy that before had no owner, now I had painted it with my name indicating that it was my property, as for the girl, she had fainted from pleasure, and her eyes were white.

Finishing what I came, to fuck this beauty with big breasts, I would return with kiara, to finish the job, but first, obviously I cleaned Sara and let her sleep, this girl is very naive, so I'll keep her, it is not worth it. It is worth breaking her, she is very weak of mind, I think that only insults would be enough to make her cry and make her hide in her shell, as she has done all her life.

She had investigated her, she suffered a lot of bullying, because of her physical appearance, the girls did not like that, and they bothered her, with the typical, throwing water in the bathroom, breaking her notebooks, dirtying her backpack, etc., and also the men, they screamed cow breasts and stuff, real idiots, what about kids nowadays, not even kids, they were teenagers, they shouldn't all be hot, I really don't get it, really, why bother the pretty girl, me I see a beautiful woman with big breasts, and I already want to fuck her, because I would insult and bother her.

Well, with everything that happened to her, she decided to stay home and become a spoiled girl, and every time they wanted to send her to school, she would throw a tantrum and cry, she understood that it worked, since her parents would not have time for her, and To make it easy, and not waste time, they gave her private tutors to teach her, that's how she finished her education, as for her tutors, none bothered her, they were quite professional, also this girl's family had influence and power, well, what They had.

Leaving her story aside, she transported me to where Kiara was, she was still sleeping on the bed in the room, next to her Lesya, who was taking care of her, Lesya has always been soft, and naive, but I like her.

- "Leon, you're back." Lesya said with a sincere smile, happy that she was back, but I don't have time for her.

- "If I'm already home, now go I need to talk to her alone." I spoke very seriously, I did not want to waste time with her now, it hurts for me that she is not easy to intimidate.

- "forgive her and don't continue, she suffered enough, I already pay for her mistakes." Lesya pleaded, she leaned closer and looked me in the eye, indicating that she wouldn't leave without an answer.

- "That's for me to decide, now it's Lesya." I pointed to the door and told him to go away.

- "Let's play a game, if I win forgive her." Please have one so I can help my friend, I don't know what he did, but we all deserve a second chance. was Lesya's thought.

- "Sigh, I know you won't leave me alone and bother me every day if I don't give you a solution, I don't understand how I didn't kill you." I have to admit that I have a lot of patience with this girl, is it because she amuses me, or I just want to have someone who always goes against me.

- "It's because you are good deep down, and you love me." He said with a shy smile, and looking at my feet, trying to avoid my sight, something that was interesting to me.

- "I love you, ooooh, you love me." Lesya had turned red as tomato, and her heart was beating fast, her little secret had been discovered by me.

How interesting, although it is something that sooner or later would happen, that happens when you put two people together for a long time, they begin to form some time of feeling about the other, it could be love or hate.

Time that he did not use this ability. Status I told vip looking at Lesya.

- (VIP) Lesya, in love, seeking the redemption of her loved one.

For the reason it is so annoying, there is nothing left but to tease me a little about it.

- "This, hehe, I think so." She said very shyly, looking at the ground, she even moved her feet a lot and held the hem of her dress, but she did not hesitate to admit her feelings.

- "How does it feel to fall in love with what you swore to erase from the world, because I doubt that I would have been your dream as a lover, it is not like that my dear Lesya, I would say that you are the type of woman who was looking for the knight in shining armor, that he saved everyone and was good to people, with a perfect, chivalrous smile, that knight who would sacrifice himself for the good of others, or something like that. " I told him as he took his little face and spoke hatefully, releasing it when he finished speaking.

Lesya looked at me, and gave me a loving look, took both of my hands and said the following.

- "I never dreamed of that type of Lion man, I never idealized with any type of man, I have always believed that love is uncontrollable, it only comes from nothing and wraps you in its arms to tie you up and not let go, and drive you crazy with that that feeling that makes you so happy, and so sad at the same time. " He had a genuine and pure smile on his face as he confessed all his feelings, which he had dragged on for a while.

- "You don't lie, you never do, that always seemed interesting to me." It is a part of her that I like, never lie to me, and tell me what you think.

- "I'll never lie to you, I promise you." I am glad that you like my qualities and not only my physique. Lesya thought.

- "I admit your value, that's why I'll give you a chance, although it's not a game in itself, it's something simpler, give up something to win something else, a simple decision" I know what decision to make, and by the time I do it, I will have finished with Kiara.

- "Tell me, I assure you that I will make the decision that makes everyone happy." Too bad for her there is no win-win.

- "You have to cancel the 2 previous bets, if you do, I will forgive it."

- "That, that's it." Lesya was dumbfounded, it was something very cruel from her point of view.

- "What are you saying, it is worthy of a heroine like you, to sacrifice millions to save one, that's what heroes do, just think about the situation where the princess is kidnapped, the heroes embark on an incredible odyssey just to save her, while both the demons devour the rest of the cities, that they lost the protection of the hero and his team, now Lesya, the question is, the life of a princess is worth so much for that of millions of innocents, think about it, the two previous bets, save billions of people, a cure for cancer, and the other where I do not harm the world, decisions, decisions, which is yours Lesya. " I said very seriously to Lesya, don't stop looking into her eyes and let her understand that it was not a joke.

Taking Lesya, who seemed quite complicated, I removed her from the room, and went to Kiara, who was sleeping, taking her out of the dream magic I gave her, she was slowly waking up, but I didn't want to waste any more time, so I took her out of the room. bed and threw against the wall to wake up quickly.

- "puaagg." he spit out a lot of saliva, he hadn't been too harsh on her, or he would have spit out blood.

- "Now Lesya, I have something to show." I took a video out of my inventory and put it on the TV, where you could see how your sister was desecrated by many men at the same time, and she had a face of pleasure while they did it, of course it was false, I got the video online from a woman who had the same body specifications as sara, and as for the face, a little magic and kiara would believe that she is her sister, that simple.

- "cough, cough, sara, cough, why, she is not to blame." she said with a sad face, and crawling to the TV, she was still in pain.

- "That doesn't matter, for me both are guilty of the same crime."

- "Help her, save her, I'll do what you want." Sister I'm sorry, I'll save you and pay for my mistakes. Kiara thought.

- "I don't know, I sold it at a good price in a red light district in Africa, those Africans did appreciate having such good merchandise, a virgin and white girl, what better, but that big breasts, they can't always taste that kind of woman. " I said with a smile.

- "no more, what do you want." She looked tired, she didn't want any more fight.

- "Simple, I'll forgive you both, you just have to do something very simple, you have to kill everyone on this list, in a week." I told him as I handed him a folder, with people to kill.

- "This is it, you're crazy." Kiara told me incredulously when she saw the list, on the list there are several children, their names, where they live, what they normally do, their family and photos, between 10 and 12 years old, all of them would be murdered, it will seem cruel, but I'm just saving the world, all of them, they were famous serial killers, rapists, corrupt, thieves, I'm just cleaning up society.

- "Are they or your sister, I would hurry, who knows if your sister becomes pregnant, or get a sick as deadly as AIDS, or another."

-"They are children." he said with a pained, complicated face.

- "Kiara, you've already killed children, ha, you really don't know." I said with a malicious smile.

- "I would never do such a thing." She looked at me angrily, she didn't like that I called her a child killer.

- "When you killed your mother, you killed your future little brother, yes, she was pregnant." This is a lie, but I found it fun to tell you this. "

- "He did not know". She seemed incredulous, she didn't think she had done it, and more regret was added to what she already had.

- "You and I are not so different you know, you killed to protect your family, I did the same, think about it, it is the last thing you have left, you will let her suffer for your mistakes" that is true, in part, I murdered to get the Enough souls, to buy items from the system lol, more than anything guardian angel, it is always good to have insurance, I care a lot about what I love.

- "promise me it will be fine, and I will." he said without hesitation, making up his mind to murder to save what's left and make amends for his mistake.

- "I promise, I will even erase his memory and heal his body completely, he will start from scratch, much better than having all that mental and physical damage, you don't think I'm compassionate kiara" I told kiara, so that he would try hard and not lose hope, until the end, since I put a little trick on her soul, every time she kills someone, that soul will join hers, and torment her at night, not only that, anger fragmenting this, giving her a very strong pain, and gradually losing everything that she is, until she is like a doll without emotions, or almost, dependence on her mental and soul strength, I think this is a worthy end, for a disobedient servant.

- "I'll go now, I don't have time to lose." He stood up quickly and began looking for everything he needed, for his goal.

- "my shadow will follow you, when you finish I'll know."

left the room, let him prepare for his mission, now I would go to the avatar world, it is time for Agate to return to Shizuka, and I devour Mayumi.

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