POV Leon

The morning sun hit my face, it was the synonym of another day, I was trying to move, but the weight of three women made it difficult for me to get up, I would like to stay in this position all day, but there are so many things to do, they have already happened One month from my visit to my mother, I would soon visit another relative, but it will be for later.

Look to my right, a blonde woman, with big breasts, was sleeping on top in one of my arms, it was Charsi, this masochist likes rough sex, just look at that perverted smile and face of satisfaction, but not only is she, To my left is a woman with red hair like fire, I used my arm as a pillow, I liked to caress her soft hair, while she sleeps so peacefully, and above me, a woman with silver hair and very large breasts, who is spilled over my body, her face was very tender and she rested it on my chest, which was full of drool, she was sleeping with her mouth open.

They were the 3 girls I had in the devil world, I had brought them to the real world a few months ago, I thought it was time for them to get together with the other girls, besides there were several new things, for them to have fun, especially akara, who liked the subject of potions, there are many books that would help her improve, in addition to technology that would help her, to reinforce the quality of her work.

As for the meeting, it was quite enjoyable, I remember as if it were yesterday.

Third person POV ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

A group of several women, they found themselves admiring each other, it was the first time they saw each other, but both groups knew of the existence of the other, they all looked at each other, Leon only watched from one side, with all the maids around him, Only Agata and Sara were missing, everything was silent, until Lina ran up to Akara and stood in front of her, exchanging her gaze between her breasts and her face, which confused akara a bit.

- "You can say ara-ara and put your hand on your face, pleaseorrrr." Lina put her hands together and gave him a tender look..

Akara did not understand what this girl wanted, but since it was a simple request, she decided to make it, she did not want to start the first meeting with her other sister and family on the wrong foot.

- "ara-ara."

- "Great! Now with a slightly sexy tone, and narrow your eyes"

- "Ara ~ ara ~" Akara said, with the sensuality that occupied him to attract lion on the bed.

- "Yesiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I'm keeping it." Lina yelled as she hugged her and buried her face in Akara's breasts.

- "What are you doing Linaaaaa!" Line yelled and began to grab her sister by the neck, trying to separate her.

- "nnoooooo, leave me, don't you see we have Onee-san, I have to show her how one acts, you don't have Line culture." Said Lina, who had reluctantly separated from Akara, was with her arms on her hips, angry with her sister.

- "Sigh, I'm sorry for my sister, she's a bit sociable." why can't it be more calm, it always leaves me ashamed, we are also twins, it's easy to get confused if they don't know us well. thought Line.

- "no need to worry cutie, I like children." What a fun duo, I already liked the atmosphere, Akara thought, she began to hug Lina, who was sticking her tongue out at her sister.

- "Hi, I'm Mary, and I have a question for you."

- "Don't hesitate to ask honey" said Charsi, who wore a planter, liked that kind of clothes, also adored children, Mary was turning 10 this year.

- "That evil man, I force them to be by his side, because if so, I will rescue them from his clutches" said Mary who was pointing at Leon, who was looking at everything carefully, but did not refute anything.

- "What a cute and funny girl, I look forward to you, that you can save me from that villain." Charsi took Mary in her arms and held her against her chest.

- "un" agreed Mary, who was choking on her breasts.

- "It's true, Leon is a villain, just look at him, he has a villain face." Kayle asserted.

- "villain pose." Akara said with a small smile, she understood that they were only teasing Loen.

- "expresses himself as a villain." Itharia said, who was from the side observing everything, she was not very talkative with the people she just met, even if they were family.

- "hated by the world as a villain."

- "Look at all the girls around him as he sits with a typical villain pose, if you tear his clothes, it would be the typical cover of a heroes and villains novels, they don't believe it."

-"It's true." they all agreed.

The girls looked at each other, and began to laugh, apparently they would get along very well, meanwhile Leon, he was happy that they got along, it did not matter that they all joined in, unless they called him a villain, he just wanted them to have fun .

- "It seems the demon king's reign is running out, hehehehe." Said Effie, who was sitting sideways on Leon's lap, peeling some grapes and feeding them.

- "I think a man who can make so many women happy cannot be the villain, don't worry Leon, I still trust you and I know you're good." He was supported by Lesya, who never loses faith, that León is a good person, even after all the years, without a doubt a woman, who does not give up easily, an attitude that León likes.

- "okaa-sama is right, danna-sama is the best, and he always cares about us, he is not a villain." Kiara said as she combed June's hair, Kiara had become very humble, and obedient, always aware of others, she was trained by Lesya, which caused her to see her as her mother, and her role model.

- "don't worry darling you always have me, it doesn't matter if you are the demon king, or a villain." June said while hugging the lion's neck, After León trained her, she fell madly in love with him, she even won a strange fetish, she likes to be tied up and seeing how León has sex with other women, it generated immense pleasure not being able to Touching herself, that alone made her reach orgasm and cum like crazy, although she also liked when he was rough with her mouth, she was a fan of oral sex.

- "Thanks for your support, that's why I'll take them all together today."

- "ummmmm, me, ha, go, ha, tie, ah, right." June said between gasps, just thinking about tonight, she was already getting wet.

- "damn pervert June."

- "Effie, you're one too, I feel like my leg is a bit wet."

- "It's your fault, who made me such a horny woman, who gets wet just thinking, you." Effie pinched Leon's cheeks, she knew he was in a good mood, and it could annoy him a bit.

- "eshh velhasad. (it's true)."

León was calm, talking with his servants, and seeing that of his other women, who were already seated, helping themselves to the snacks that Amaya prepared for this occasion, they also laughed while they recounted the varied experiences they have had, many or all of them with León , which was the target of their conversation.

End Flashback Follow 3POV

What a good day that was, while I had an orgy with all the maids, they made a sleepover to get to know each other even better. Leon thought.

Leon did not want to wake the girls, so he moved slowly between all of them, and managing to get out, then took a bath, and changed clothes, ready for the day, Leon came down the stairs, while a rich aroma attracted him to the kitchen , where Amaya was preparing breakfast for Leon, next to her was Kiara, who had a worried look.

Leon approached Amaya and took her in his arms and kissed her.

- "My dear Amaya, you look so beautiful when you cook."

- "Un, thank you Leon" Amaya nodded, increasingly red, since Leon was touching one of her plump breasts with one of his hands and with the other, he was massaging her ass.

- "Danna-sama, she always mentions to Amaya-sama to let us do our work, but she doesn't want to, she must say something."

- "You always get up early to the kitchen, you know it's not necessary."

- "Yes it is, because it makes me happy." But it would make me happier if he takes me to his bed and takes my first time, being so perverted he has been delayed, I can only be patient. Amaya thought.

- "So I'm not complaining anymore, don't worry kiara, you can prepare the rest of the breakfast." I have to admit Lesya trained Kiara well, she became good at all housework, and very obedient and loyal, it was a good decision to let her live.

- "Then I will continue with the rest of the breakfast danna-sama." Now that there are more people in the house, Amaya doesn't cook for everyone, only for León, although she takes turns with akara.

- "I'll do it in a few minutes, you can sit while you wait Leon."

- "No, I prefer to watch you while you do it, I like to watch you cook."

Leon stared as Amaya moved gracefully into the kitchen, moving her broad hips, and her breasts swaying with every step, clearly doing so on purpose to tempt Leon, which it turned out, since Leon was already drooling. , waiting for the moment to devour it, which was already near, Amaya was still cooking and her cuts were precise, and her ingredients were first-rate, to make the best meal she could, since it was the first meal of the day for her lover.

After trying Amaya's breakfast, and the rest also had breakfast, we were all ready to go to study and their respective jobs.

Leon was at the exit, waiting for everyone to come out to say goodbye, meanwhile, he began to look at Basanti, who was waiting for Mary, he was going to call her, until two of his women approached from behind, they were Kayle and Akara, who noticed Leon's gaze.

- "Are you sure it is your daughter León, they do not look anything like you, she is tender, affectionate and obedient." Kayle said mockingly, hugging Leon from behind, passing her arms around his neck.

- "He's right, I don't even take out your eyes or hair color." Akara stood to the side, and commented, she did not understand why Leon did not get anything, not even the color of his eyes, which are what children inherit from their father, almost 100% of the time.

- "I'm very sure, when I took that NPC, he was a virgin, NPCs appear out of nowhere, they are not born."

- "I believe you, for now, and the way you looked at her, you plan to talk to her." If so, I hope Basanti takes it well, and don't think they hid it from her because Leon didn't love her, or didn't recognize her as his daughter, that would be painful for her. Kayle thought worriedly.

- "I will talk 2 important topics with her, so you can leave while, I will talk to her alone." the issue of being his father is secondary, there is another that interests me more.

-"I wish you luck." Akara kissed Leon, and left to find a car to leave.

- "Don't say anything stupid, and don't make her cry, or you'll see when I get there."

-"I will not do it."

- "You better, I'll wait for you this moche." Kayle said in Leon's ear, as she bit her, and squeezed Leon's butt, tonight it was only Kayle's, and she wanted to remind her.

Leon stood waiting at the entrance, while his women left and said goodbye, even Mary, who always fights with him. They were used to Leon not going to study, he was always missing, Basanti was the last to say goodbye, it was always like that even if he arrived first.

- "Basanti, you don't go, you stay with me, we have something to do."

- "Okay, and what will we do."

- "You'll see, come with me."

I took her hand, and I went down the hall, until I reached the back garden, where Riven had a lot of flowers, plants, vegetables, fruits, without a doubt she loved her job or hobby, because it was very well cared for, and the future and Vegetables had a first-rate flavor, back to the topic, there was a table with two chairs, akara and Kayle occupied it to have tea and talk.

I motioned for Basanti to sit down, and took the other seat.

- "Basanti, you know what family is, a family is not about having a blood relationship, or having the same surname or because that's how the papers or the law tell us, the family, the concept, it is much more than everything. That, is trust, I can sleep next to you, and turn my back on you, and I know that nothing bad will happen to me, I know that you will never betray me, it is union, we are all one, and we row for the same side, always together defending ourselves, we cover the Another is empathy, when the other is wrong, you are able to feel their pain, and you are able to do what is necessary, so that pain disappears, it is affection, we seek to be happy, and to others, we want to laugh, share, see the another win, and celebrate their victories. Basanti ..., you got something from me, unite virtue, and it is the love of the family, but you do not apply it to yourself. Basanti, I want to ask you something, How do you see yourself, Who do you think you are.?"


- "Let me help you, you see yourself as a weapon, who you are, just a weapon, you live your whole life training in the morning, in the afternoon, I am not saying that it is wrong, but, you have seen yourself in the mirror. "

- "! NO, I'm not a weapon, I'm the one who will defend you in the future, that's why I train hard every day." Basanti was upset, she didn't like that whoever did everything denied her effort, but Leon didn't do that, it was just a misunderstanding.

- "Basanti, raise your head, what do you see." Leon said calmly, while looking at the sky, Leon did not care about the outburst, everything was necessary to reach the end that he wants.

- "the sun" she said without hesitation, she didn't know what this whole conversation was about.

Leon took a breath, and began to speak with the kindest tone he could give.

- "Error, you see the Basanti sky, clouds, sun, airplanes, birds. That is your problem, you only focus on one thing, you are like a race horse. Sigh, in that you look like your mother, who was a simple NPC, an emotionless woman who only followed orders, that's not life, Basanti. When you train, you don't smile, you do it like a machine without emotions, and the idea is that you enjoy what you do, you always say that you want to be my sword, and At this rate you will achieve it, but not as you think, you will only become an object, bored and emotionless, that I will use from time to time to decimate my enemies, you will be ... another NPC, like your mother. " Leon looked at Basanti, who only had her head bowed, she looked very discouraged, because in front of her, was the man she admired, reprimanding her. for what she believed was the right thing to do.

- "..." I have feelings, if I had them, those words would not hurt me, I don't like you to compare me with something lifeless, I am a person. Basanti thought, but did not dare to say it, she was afraid of angering him, and that he would abandon her, that she was no longer useful for him.

- "Nothing? So no words, Basanti, I do not deny that you love your family, but, you do not love yourself and that is a step, to really call yourself family, you carry my blood in your veins, and you have to get that part of me out now, seek to satisfy your desires, everyone in this family has that, we all want something badly. If someone saw this conversation, they would see a father teaching his daughter a lesson, which was true.

- "..." I'm not part of the family? So what am I, and since I carry his blood, he couldn't be my father, right? We don't have any resemblance. Basanti thought, still looking at the ground, trying to understand everything, as Leon kept looking at her, there was only tranquility in him, who continued with his speaking.

- "Riven and her plants, you know that Riven asked me to create a place with different types of climates, from hot to polar, to have different vegetation from all over the world, Akara likes to come up with new formulas for her potions, and it is good at it, she also likes to drive, but she's the worst driver in the world, Kayle ended up buying her cheaper cars as punishment. "

"Amaya and her food, I traveled the world getting her the best ingredients, do you remember when I told you about the devil's world, Amaya asked me to get devil meat, I wanted to taste what the lord of terror tasted like, the damn devil! that when the devil dies, his corpse rots, it was necessary to cut a piece and save it while I was alive, alive! I lost many parts of my body because of that, but don't tell him, he will surely feel bad. " Leon, he observed, and realized that Basanti had a small smile, it seemed funny to him to know all those things, that she did not know.

- "..." seriously does all that, but I never ... saw it. and Basanti if he realized why he never saw those details, it is because he only trained, and did not talk too much with the others.

- "Lina, she makes me travel in the middle of the night, to find her a manga that still does not end in this world, the other where it is already complete, because she did not want to sleep without knowing the end, Line, she is super strict and serious, but she has a secret, she loves stuffed animals, I made her a secret room with stuffed animals from all over the world, when she sleeps alone, they sleep in that place, don't tell anyone, it's a secret, shh. " Leon put his fingers to his lips, to make a gesture of silence, but Basanti kept looking at the ground, although not as depressed as before.

- "Charsi has destroyed thousands of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, looking for a way to put them together and have the hardest material in the world, you know, I better not continue, because you understand no, we all have something, a wish, and that's fine, because I will always try to please them, and the others alike, Basanti, trust us. "

- "..." so I didn't trust them, apparently not so much, but, it is no longer necessary to hesitate. thought Basanti, who had raised his face and was looking at Leon with tears in his eyes. Leon got up from his seat and took Basanti from his arms, looking directly into her eyes and yelled at her.

- "You are not a weapon, you are Basanti ouroboros, member of this great, unique, and strange family, now Basanti, shout your wishes, free yourself, be happy, give me a fucking smile and be part of this family!"

- "waaaaaaaa, waaaa, waahhhhhhhhh" Basanti threw himself against the lion's chest, and began to cry, and release his frustrations, lion hugged her, and began to caress her head, while waiting for her to calm down to speak.

- "Easy, easy, just say it, you don't have to be ashamed."

- "I want a hug, I want you to go to my room at night and tell me stories, and a good night kiss, I want to sleep with you, I want you to give me a bath, I want you to tell me I love you every day, I want that you make me a sandwich, even if it tastes bad, I know you don't know how to cook, and I want more than anything, that you give me back Mama Keiko, please revive her, father! "

- "You see, it wasn't that difficult, he couldn't please everything in one day, but, I assure you I'll do one of those things a day at least, besides, you got the hint, huh." What better way to say that you are his father, than with hints, it is softer. Leon thought.

-"Yes father."

- "only Leon, I don't like that title."

- "Yes, Father does not fit you, hehej." Basanti was laughing, she was very happy, she felt liberated and comfortable, in León's arms.

- "You're right, it's not my style."

- "Leon, you are my hero, you cannot be a villain"

- "You're wrong, it's good to be the villain, the hero will sacrifice himself, and even if it is not what he wants, also his family to save the world, but I, the villain, will kill everyone and destroy the world, for saving my family. "

While León had his conversion with Basanti, akara took Mary to school, the others went with Kayle, they did not want to crash again, that her body even supported missiles, it does not mean that she would like to receive one.

- "the demon king captured Basanti, I should have stayed." said Mary, who was throwing Akara a tantrum, wanted to go back and bring Basanti, but Akara had already refused.

- "Un, you'll save her later, now go and study."

- "How boring, I know all that, and Basanti did not come, who will I talk to"

-"you do not have friends?"

- "hmph, they're all idiots, they're not worth it." Mary crossed her arms, and she was frowning, she was upset that she was going to be alone, and she did not like the other children.

- "I can't deny that, too many envious and perverted people, which makes it difficult for this family to find friends."

They were women who were very beautiful, which made them only look at them with envy from other women, which complicated the idea of ​​trusting someone who was not from their family, and worse with men, who only looked at their breasts. , especially those of akara.

- "Now that I notice, why do you use mana to strengthen your body."

- "hehe, security above all." because you always crash, that's why nobody wants to travel with you, but how do you tell him that, he likes to drive, this wouldn't happen if that stupid Leon told him to get better, but he just laughs, he finds it funny that such a capable and intelligent woman is clumsy at something, and doesn't even realize it.

When they arrived, akara dismissed Mary but before leaving, the school principal approached, and beckoned to her.

- "Akara-san, it's a pleasure to see you, if I had time I'd like to talk to such a beautiful woman." An overweight man came over and greeted her, clasping his hands, as if anticipating something good.

- "oh, if it's not Headmaster Kenji, you need something." akara is not Japanese, therefore, she does not tend to use honorifics, something that some people may misinterpret as confidence, to which is added that Akara has a friendly attitude, for which many would see her as easy prey, a serious mistake.

- "If you would be so kind to come to my office for a moment."

-"is fine." At last he will show his true face, I will have to solve it myself, although Leon likes these things, I will not bother him, he had more important matters.

When akara and the director arrived, there was already a lady in the room, she was 30 years old, she looked pale and trembling, akara looked at her with sorrow, she knew that the girl in front of her had fallen into a trap, but she is not Her fault, so I don't take it over, just a little sympathy that came and went, since he was an accomplice, obligated, but an accomplice.

- "Then akara-san, would you like a drink, it's one of the most sophisticated and fine in the world." Said the director, who took a bottle from the shelf, and began to draw glasses to serve the drink,

- "I don't drink, thanks for the invitation." Akara looked at the drink, and knew that it was adulterated, although a drug would not affect her, it was not necessary to drink it.

- "Come on, don't be like that, you won't leave me as a bad host." Just one sip, and we won't have to be so harsh, jojojojo. thought the director.

- "I'm sorry, but my husband doesn't like me to drink with strangers."

- "If we already know each other, besides, I didn't know that I had an otou-san."

- "Yes, look at the ring, I'm married." akara showed the ring she wore on her ring finger.

- "that does not appear in the records." She's lying, but what does it matter, once we tax her, ho, ho, ho, she will be ours just like the other girl sitting next to her. thought Kenji, who had a doubtful face.

- "It's just a role, the way we got married was different." Akara and the other girls from the devil world had a wedding in their world, according to their traditions, so she didn't care much about marriage in this world.

- "They live together and are not married, that's very ugly, you know, it would look bad if others knew." The director had an ugly smile, he was looking for a way to make the woman in front of him get trapped, in some of his traps, so he shot a look at the woman who was next to akara.

- "It does not matter, we are not guided by the rhythm of normal people, since my family is not normal at all."

-"please help." The girl next to Akara, stood, and knelt asking for salvation, it hurts her, no girl from León, she was so naive not to know she was an accomplice, even Lesya.

- "How can I help you, ma'am?" Akara asked.

- "They have a photo, you will compromise me, if you help them they will free me, and I can continue with my life." I'm sorry Onee-san, but it's you or me.

- "I'm not going to help you, and I don't have time to play with you, I'm not a Lion who likes to have fun" akara had stopped, bored with the show.

- "I see you're not as easy as I thought, guys go out, we'll do it the hard way." The director, took the phone, and called the other accomplices, apparently he was too anxious, and did not want to continue with the show.

The door opened, and three people began to enter, who were part of a blackmail group, they had already done many times before.

- "Onee-san, we're going to break you like you can't imagine." said one of the new thugs.

- "I thought these were just stories, to think that they really happen, but it is no longer my concern, I just lost too much time, bone prison!" Akara launched one of her skills and locked up all the subjects who were ready to have fun again, what they did not know is that today was their last time, the screams began to come out of their mouths, and many were afraid, and others were not. They knew what was happening, since it was something that only happens in horror movies.

- "I wish you luck, you will die in a few hours, and your bodies disappear forever, do not worry about being saved, no one will come, oh truth, and may the great eye forgive you if you repent of your sins. Iron Maiden. ! " Using that last ability, the bone prison closed completely, and began to fill with sharp bones that began to enter the skin of the captured, but they were not very deep enough to cause pain and they bleed out slowly, Akara did not She liked to torture people, she was very kind to that, but she did not see them as humans, but as the demons that caused so much chaos in her world.

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