An old man, or so you could see, since he was younger than he appeared, his undernourished face and dark circles, gray hair, old and dirty clothes, all that made him look like an old homeless man, although he was not like that, he was feng, that after killing his wife, during the last week he has been tormented by her soul, in addition to having to constantly escape from the police, if it were not for old acquaintances, who still owed him something, he could not get that far without get caught.

At this moment feng was in front of a huge building, it was a renowned company in China, and within this was the target of Feng, CEO Lian, who was his last hope to get out of the hole he was in.

Feng looked around worried about being caught, besides not knowing how to get in, he had lost his phone, so he couldn't call her, and if he came in saying he knew her, just because of her clothes they would kick him out like crazy.

That bastard of my son, how can he be so miserable with his father, sigh, just wait boy, you'll see what awaits you, Lian would definitely choose between you or me and help me put a leash on you, and I'll become the man most powerful and richest in the world, having many women will not be a dream, especially the foster mother of that bastard, and see what awaits him. Feng thought longingly.

- "Hello Feng, I feel that you speak ill of me, and I came to see you."

Feng jumped back scared, when an icy and scared voice spoke to him, his heart was beating like crazy, but when he realized it was his son, he quickly calmed down, Feng was not afraid of Leon, he believed that soon he would be in your hands.

- "Ungrateful bastard, how dare you scare me." Feng said angrily..

- "HAHAJ, is that how you talk to me? And I wanted to help you climb that building." Leon replied with a laugh, he found it funny that Feng was so bossy in his state.

- "You wanted that, well help me quickly." Feng seemed dissatisfied with his son's slow acting.

- "I will, although you don't even thank me, now take this box, inside it is the next person you must kill, if you want me to fulfill my part of the deal, and with this stone that will be activated in 15 minutes You can teleport directly to Lian's office, well, I wish you luck on your last trip. " Leon said, with a Subtle smile.

Feng stared at the stone and sat down, waiting for the moment to finish everything and win his prize.

Meanwhile León teleported to where Yung was, Lian's current husband, who was at home harassing one of his employees who had watery eyes, Yung had not left the house since he was hit by León, he was ashamed to see his face with all the bruises and the broken nose, even missing some teeth.

-"Hi how are things." Leon said touching Yung's shoulder.

- "I already told them to leave me alone, damn it" Yung ordered, who was still harassing the employee.

- "It would be difficult, since I want to have fun."

- "Listen ..." When he turned around to see who it was, he was speechless with surprise, but he quickly regained his composure.

- "Remove that mask from your idiot face, you know that it is prohibited in China, you better have a good excuse."

Seeing that Yung would not take him seriously, Leon grabbed him by the neck and pulled him away from the maid, and raised him up in the air, Yung grabbed Leon's hands trying to get loose, but couldn't, as he would match Leon's strength. When he was about to lose consciousness, Leon released him and Yung fell to the ground, holding his neck and coughing for air.

- "cough, cough, who, are you, Cough." Yung said, glaring at Leon.

- "I am who you think I am, but that is not relevant now, but before, you leave the place and take an indefinite vacation, this idiot pays it right." Leon said pointing to the maid.

- "Yes it's true, now go." he said reluctantly, he didn't know if the person in front of him was the real Enigma that was all over the news, but he didn't want to risk it either.

- "I'm here to give you very good news, although it depends on where you look at it, but for me it is good, since it amuses me." Leon smiled behind his mask, meanwhile the employee left the scene in a hurry.

-"Get to the point."

- "How boring, I wanted to talk a little, but hey, if you want to suffer so much, take this" Leon said amused, who began by passing him some papers, including some photos of Lian kissing Feng.

- "What are these photos and this paper, it must be a lie, she is mine, she is my wife, she owes me respect." Yung looked at the papers angrily.

Damn, I knew there was a possibility that he would cheat on me, but when I heard behind the door that he had a hidden son, but seeing him is a real shit. Feng thought.

- "If you cheat on your wife, who prevents her from doing it, nothing, so don't be so whiny and hypocritical." Leon rebuked Feng, as if he were the most faithful of men.

- "But still! She is my wife and I have a right to her." Yung yelled angrily, who kept going through the rest of the documents.

- "Okay, and how about the rest of the papers."

- "It's a lie, he's my son, he can't have raised a bastard who wasn't mine, he would be a ..." Yung shook his head, refusing to believe reality.

In the other papers that Leon passed to Yung, there were DNA tests, where he said that he was not yang's father, his son, it was clearly false, Leon had adulterated everything to laugh at him and screw himself.

- "A true disgrace, all China would laugh at you, if all this were published, you would be the king of leather, the only way to keep your honor, would be by dying."

- "You are blackmailing me or telling me to die." Feng said annoyed, as he crumpled the documents and looked at Leon, who had sat down.

- "No, I'm just saying that you should end this in the bud, also, why would I divulge it?

-"How I can believe you."

- "It is not necessary to believe me, but at the moment Feng, is with Lian, who knows what they will do later, when they are alone" Leon said maliciously.

Leon made a very suggestive gesture of what would happen, making a circle with his fingers and with another he entered and left it, which further enraged Yung

- "Is the bastard in the company?" Yung asked.

Yung didn't know that the police were looking for feng, since he's been locked up all this time.

- "Of course, it's now or never, kill him and put an end to your disgrace, I'll even help you." Leon said handing Yung a gun, which he did not hesitate to receive, the guy was burning with fury because they saw his face, and he would not take it anymore.

Yung got up from the ground and picked up the papers, he had to burn them, but first his cheeky wife would show them to him to put a strap on him, Leon approached

- "You don't want to be faster, there are you going." With a snap of his fingers, Lon teleported Yung in front of Lian's office door, Yung was surprised, but he had something better to do right now, he kicked the door hard, and it opened as it was not secure. .

- "You damn bastard, how dare you fool me behind my back. Yung yelled angrily.

To think that I saw this traitor as a friend, we always drank together when our families got together, but behind my back they wallowed, I will not let this pass easily.

minutes before.

Feng had the stone in his hand, when it began to shine, and he squeezed it, it was time to recover everything.

Lian was reviewing several documents about the company, she read them over and over again and did not understand them, since she had a disorder in her head with the latest event that has been bothering her, all these days she has been looking for a solution, and I try to find his son, but he had disappeared as he appeared, there was no trace of him at any airport or border.

While thinking about that, a dirty man with worn clothes shouted his name, which made her raise her head from the documents in surprise, and when she saw, she was surprised by another, although he looked different, he still recognized him, and anger flooded his face when he got up and approached Feng slapping him in the face.

- "Murderer !, you killed your wife, and your daughter disappeared now you better have a good explanation"

Lian grabbed Feng by the neck and glared at him, Feng raised his hands innocently.

- "Calm down Lian, you know that I would not be such an idiot to do something like that, it was forced believe me please believe me." Feng begged, tears in his eyes.

- "Forced ?! Even if it were, what happened to your daughter, little Shui." Lian shook Feng hard, asking about the little girl.

I'm not interested in the woman to be honest, but the girl for me was like another daughter, I even saw her as my future daughter when she married my son Yang. Lian thought.

- "He took it and asks me for money to get it back, please help me." Feng said, who managed to shake off Lian's grip.

Lian took a few seconds to relax, she understood that she needed to be calm to understand the whole situation.

-"The WHO?" Lian asked, somewhat calmer.

- "He was, you ..sadsadjsahdi" Feng said, with unattainable words.

What happens because I can't finish the words. Feng thought, he wanted to say it was his son, but he couldn't say it.

- "Stop babbling and joking, this is serious, everyone is looking for you" Lian said with a tinge of anger.

- "It was your skdlajsd, I can't fucking say it! That bastard had to do something Lian, well it doesn't matter, it was the one with the mask, Enigma that guy who terrified the world, he forced me, you have to believe me Lian, I need your help."

Again he, why does he do all this, not understanding it, but if so, he is not lying to me, I will have to give him the benefit of the doubt a little.

- "Okay, and if I believe you, how can I help you."

- "It's easy, I need money, if I give it to him, he will give me back the girl, it's only 10 million yuan"

- "Well I'll give them to you, let me make a call, but you better have that girl come back, or I'll hand you over to the police."

- "Thank you little Lilia." Feng said that he approached and gave him a hug, Lian reciprocated, even though he wrinkled his nose in pain.

When suddenly, the door was thrown open, and an irate Yung entered holding a pistol, aimed at the infidel couple who were watching his face.

- "You damn bastard, how dare you fool me behind my back"

When Feng saw him come in with a weapon, he was immediately on guard, ready to jump and take it away, Feng spent some time trained with the military.

- "Yung!" they both said at the same time.

- "How could you feng unfortunate, we were friends, I even let you call me big brother and your bitch, you even made me raise a son that was not mine." Yung said in disgust, as he interspersed them both.

- "What are you talking about, yang is yours, I didn't fool you" Lian tried to reason with Yung, as he slowly approached, Feng did the same.

- "And what is this damn thing!" Yung threw the documents at Lian's feet, when Lian picked them up and narrowed his eyes, when he saw the name of the hospital, which said Enigma, he realized that it was all a very well-crafted trap, and they had all fallen together, and he knew who was the culprit.

- "Yung, they are false, it is your anger that does not let you see it, pay more attention and you will see that this hospital does not even exist" Lian showed the hospital's achievement, but Yung did not see reason.

Damn this guy always gets carried away, if he weren't so mad, he would realize they are fake. Lian thought.

- "Don't come with lies, you won't see my face again." Yung said.

- "Yung I can explain it, it is not what it seems" Feng said anxiously, while taking another step closer to Yung, who noticed his intentions and couldn't take it anymore.

- "Die bastard" Yung raised the gun and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened, Yung was so angry that he forgot to remove the safety of the gun, feng taking advantage of this ran with all the strength he had and knocked him down to the ground, Feng took the gun and hit Yung's head, knocking him unconscious.

- "What did you do feng!" Lian screamed in panic, when he saw the blood pouring out of Yung's head, he didn't want another dead man in his office.

- "I just knocked him unconscious, if he didn't we would die, it's good that he was angry and forgot the insurance." Feng said, relieved to be saved, as he got up and put the gun on the ground.

At that, clap, clap, clap, the sound of applause and the entrance of the puppeteer from the whole show gave his entrance to the show, with his full black suit and tie, in addition to his faithful mask.

- "They say that if you want a job well done, you have to do it yourself, sigh, think that I would forget the insurance, what kind of murderous avenging husband is this, tch, and I just wanted to look." Leon appeared from the shadows in the corner, speaking in disappointment, of Yung's failure.

- "It's you again, why are you doing all this" Lian said tiredly from everything that has happened to him since he met León.

Leon watched her, and just snorted as he continued speaking without giving it much importance.

- "Love, a complex emotion that can bring chaos to life, if not well managed, it can be a mistake, fatal, do not believe it, one that is easily destroyed.

- "What are you talking about?" Feng said irritably, he already wanted to finish everything, he was not waiting for the moment where he could take the chew from Leon and reveal who was behind her.

Leon raised his finger and shook it so that they would not speak.

- "Pa, pa, pa, wait your moment, let me tell a story, almost like a soap opera. There was a man, he fell in love with a beautiful lady and he wooed her, resulting in her falling in love with the man, but because of the differences between their status, their families would not let that love be possible, each one already had a marriage arranged by their parents ..., and this should be when both fight for this love and manage to win and live happily ever after ...

Leon looked at both of them, who had a complicated look remembering the past.

- "But as I said, it was almost like a soap opera, here comes the almost, the man was a coward, that at the single word of his father, he only backed down and abandoned his love, there was not a great fight, if not a defeat devastating." Leon took a doll similar to Feng, and crushed it against his foot, he wanted to give more drama to his story.

- "As for the woman, she became pregnant and was forced to abandon the poor child, and instead of fighting for this ..., the woman fully obeyed her father, and did not hesitate to throw him away, she did not even fight for him. What a cowardly woman. "

- "What do you know your bastard!" Lian yelled angrily.

- "I understood that your love is not so much and not as strong as it seems, and it is time for you to see your true face, and see what you are capable of doing for your own love, a different love for each one, And what better with a game, now Feng opens that box. "

Feng opened the box, and looked inside it, when he saw it, his face turned pale, inside it the photo of Lian, he already knew what it meant. If he wanted her honor and everything back, killing her was the only option.

-"Is seriously?" Asked Feng, he didn't lose anything trying.

Feng looked at the gun on the ground, and picked it up, although he knew what he had to do, it was still a very complicated feeling, the question was, his honor and pride, was it stronger, than what he felt for Lian?

- "It is, as for you Lian, I have a surprise for you." Leon said maliciously and a smile behind his mask.

Leon snapped his fingers, and a copy of him he appreciated tied in a chair, it was one of his shadow masters, he was wearing a bomb jacket that had a timer, but it was not activated, yet.

-"Lion!" Lian said in panic, as he tried to get closer to him, but was stopped by a barrier of bones.

- "No, no, no, Lian, now let's play, feng you know what to do, as for you Lian, when that timer starts, you will have 1 minute to shoot feng, if you do it you save your son from exploding in a thousand pieces "

Leon handed another weapon to Lian, and stared at her, he didn't like everything that was happening, even so, he turned around, and looked at Feng, he had to make a decision, she knew that Leon would not let her escape, her or Feng.

- "And to make it more fun, if neither does what they have to do during this minute, both will die, since this bomb will blow up the entire building, now, play. said Leon cheerfully, who took out some popcorn and drinks to enjoy the show.

The stopwatch started and both people looked at each other, they were 10 meters away, each with a gun, the sweat ran through both of them, it was the most difficult decision of their lives, every second was eternal, you could hear the sound of the second hand of the clock run , sentencing each one, for every move he made.

Leon saw that he was doubting, and tried to add fuel to the fire.

- "Come on feng, what are you waiting for! Do it kill this bitch, don't forget that she even slept with me, and you know what that means, imagine when she finds out, save her from that pain and kill her for love, or you can also do it for love to your honor and pride, which I think is stronger. " Leon said cheering for Feng.


Lian paid no attention to Leon and Feng's conversation, she was in her own world, until Leon teleported behind her, and brought his mouth close to Lian's ear. Leon had removed the part of the mask that covered his mouth. Leon began to caress Lian's cheek, as he spoke to her.

- "And you Lian, you shouldn't worry about that, kill that unfortunate man who doesn't even hesitate to murder his own wife, why? For an empty promise from a stranger who only plays with him, a lunatic like me, not only that, he sold his daughter to a brothel to pay his debts, destroy this miserable scum, or is it worth more than your love for your son, maybe you were just preaching lies Lian. " Leon added some lies about Shui, to tempt Lian more, and shoots.

- "What do you know how to love?" Lian said, while removing Leon's hand.

- "Well I'll give you another incentive, if you shoot, I'll save little Shui from that brothel, I'm a benevolent man, don't you think so, besides, there are only 10, 9 left" Leon began the countdown.

Everything was moving in slow motion for both involved who had to finish off the other. Feng thought about everything that had happened, and had made his decision, maybe he loved the woman in front of him, but he loved her pride more, and everything he would have if he won the game, women, money, every time he was tempted but for the future life I might have, I raise the gun and pull the trigger.

Lian gave Feng a disappointed look as he raised his weapon, and she quickly raised hers. When Feng pulled the trigger, nothing happened, something that even surprised Lian.

- "Ah! I forgot to tell you Feng, I took the bullets out of that weapon, I don't think you care or if you also like to kill women with your own hands, as I remember, ha ha ha" I know Lion laughed at Feng's stupid and angry face.

Feng was angry, but he knew he had to do something before anything else, so he ran quickly and lunged at Lian, Lian had his weapon raised, and he no longer hesitated pulling the trigger. Bang !, it was loaded and the bullet was fired, bolus straight towards the head of feng, a second later, Feng fell to the ground, with a hole in his head that flowed blood, and with an incredulous look, he did not think he would die, But everything has its end.

- "What a terrible woman, to kill the man you once loved." Said Leon, who approached Lian and looked at Feng's corpse.

-"It's not what you wanted?!" Lian yelled, while shooting Leon, she knew it wouldn't work, but she wanted to release her frustration, as for the bullets, they all crushed when they hit Leon and bounced off the ground.

- "I just said to shoot, it was enough that it was in the foot, but hey, when people are in crisis, they tend not to understand everything that happens, don't you think?"

Lian was stunned for a few seconds and then anger flooded her, she couldn't believe that she was falling into a pun, something that wouldn't happen if she wasn't in a moment as much stress as before, something that I paid dearly for. Lian took a deep breath, and tried to calm down, but before she knew it herself she lunged at Leon and they both fell to the ground, Lian on top of him as she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close to give him a death glare.

- "Unhappy bastard, did you ever love someone, you don't have a heart, besides what would have happened if my son died and explodes."

- "How cruel you are, I am married for your information I love her very much, and what happens with that irrational hatred, you killed him not me, also, that was not your real son" said Leon. He snapped his fingers, making the shadow he had placed on the chair disappear.

- "What did you do with the bastard?"

- "I already told you, it wasn't the real one, besides, stop being such a liar."

-"Liar?"! asked Lian

- "It's not obvious, you don't really love your son, everything you do is to show yourself that you have your own will, you always hated your father, that's the truth, and even more so when I take away your freedom, that's why you want the child you lost years ago, just to say, look father, I am no longer your pawn. " Said Leon, who watched, as Lian made faces for each of his words, which had a tinge of truth.

- "That's not true" Lian said, hesitantly and with a muffled voice.

- "You cannot deny it, you want to reveal yourself to your father, but he has already died, so you cannot go to his house and spit it out and say how much you hate him and that you will no longer listen to him, so your only way of revealing yourself to his orders, is having your son back, the one he denied you. "

- "..." Lian was silent, as he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

- "You don't say anything because it's true, I don't know why you keep trying to lie to me and lie to yourself, it's no longer worth it, it's just the two of us, and your husband who is unconscious." Leon pointed at Yung who was still on the ground, but Lian didn't even give him a glance.

- "What do you know about love for a child?" She said indignantly, she would not allow herself to be lectured by someone, who might not even have a child to raise.

- "I have two, although they do not resemble each other much, one I get a lot of my personality, is a little crazy and the other is calm and helpful. And yes, I love them in case you wonder, I know what love is, but Unlike you, nobody can take it away from me. " Leon said with conviction and affection.

So even a monster like him can have a child, and warmth and affection can be heard in his voice when I talk about them. Sigh, I have to admit, that deep down in my heart, there was not only love for my actions towards my lost child, there was ... something else.

Lian released León, and stared at him, she knew that the man under her, already knew her from head to toe, he could just accept everything, lie to who knows the truth, he will only lengthen things, giving a strong sigh, and relaxing her body, Lian stopped pretending.

- "You're right, I always had someone guarding the orphanage and giving money regularly, you know why he did it, in a sense, because I loved that child, but also, when I realized that my father was bothered by that, but even so, he didn't say anything to me for fear that I would do something stupid, I stopped sending money just out of affection to that child that I only held in my arms for a few minutes, I sent it more to annoy my father, I wanted to see him angry. " Lian said a little wistful, remembering the past.

- "You hated it, huh, but still, you obeyed"

- "He was my father, I owed him respect" Lian replied.

- "How stupid that sounds, but each one with their customs."

- "It's true, now that I hear it from my mouth, it sounds stupid." She said with a small contemptuous smile, I didn't think she was such an idiot at that time, but even if that happened on time, Lian would continue to obey her parents, it was something ingrained in her, and she knew it, that's why she despised herself .

- "You know what is the best way to reveal yourself against all that, have fun with me." Said Leon, who grabbed her waist and got up, Lian rolled her feet around Leon so as not to fall.

- "What are you doing !, mmmmm." I can not finish his words Lian, when a tongue invaded his mouth.

Leon did not stop with the kiss and squeezed Lian's butt, getting a small moan of pleasure from her, although he gave her an angry look, she wanted to do it too, she wanted to release all the accumulated stress, and what better thing to do with someone that left her unconscious of pleasure.

- "You don't know how much I hate you, but I really need this." Lian said, wanting to forget all this horrible day, which was caused by the same person holding her in his arms and squeezing her big butt tightly, but she didn't care about anything anymore, and just sank into pleasure, just like Lion.

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