Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 57 - Cap 57 (R-18)
A house made of clay, and dirt floors, the windows were covered by wooden boards that could be removed so that the sun enters in the morning, and at night the cold does not enter, inside the house, a little girl with hair silver and purple eyes, her clothes were old rags, she was hidden behind the door watching her parents, who were talking about her.
Her mother had a scared face, there was fear inside her, fear of her daughter, the father was in a similar situation, he even had a religious figure in his trembling hand.
- "We have to leave her in the forest, if she continues by our side, misfortune will follow us." Said the girl's mother, her voice trembling.
This woman's husband held her by her shoulders and brought her closer to hers, to reassure her.
- "Woman, listen to me, I understand you, that girl is a demon, and I would like to abandon her in an isolated place and far from humanity, but we cannot, she could throw a curse on us, we can only stay with her, until we find a better solution."
- "And what can we do with the rest of our children, she can curse him or worse."
- "Do not worry woman, we will keep her isolated from others, she also reduces her food portions, we must keep her weak, so we will not be in danger"
The woman nodded, still trembling and with teary eyes, as for the girl, she was crying, sad because of what her parents said, they made her look like a monster, something that she was not..
- "People fear what they cannot understand, don't they, Syndra"
Leon was the one who spoke, and he asked Syndra, they both looked at the scene from the side, and saw the girl cry and her parents with fear.
- "Well, what do we do here" Leon said, since Syndra didn't answer, she just looked at him curiously, until she said:
- "Better said, what are you doing here, besides, who are you?"
Leon, put his hand on his chest and made a sad face, and said resentfully:
- "How cruel, you almost killed me out there, and you don't even remember me"
Syndra thought for a few moments trying to remember her, until a strong pain in her head seized her, and forced her to crouch on the floor, filling her with the last memories of her, from the time she killed her master to the battle with Leon.
- "What a pain!, Uggg, my head" Leon approached Syndra, and massaged her back.
- "Calm down, inhale and exhale calmly, it will help you."
Seconds later, she was better and got up from the floor, while she moved her shoulders and relaxed her body.
- "I'm sorry I attacked you, but, you weren't very soft either, that kick hurt a lot now that I remember it" Syndra said with a grimace, as she touched her hair.
Leon smiled at this, he thought she looked cute, and it had nothing to do with the crazy woman who wanted to kill him, he came to the conclusion that perhaps she had a double personality.
- "I'm sorry about that, but it was necessary, now, let me introduce myself, I'm León, and you."
- "I'm Syndra ..., a demon from what you can see"
Syndra said, pointing her finger at the little girl, who was herself, some 10 years in the past.
- "I did not choose this power, I do not know how it came to me, but I did not choose to be ... different."
Syndra said sadly, and looked at the girl for a few more seconds, until she became a black shadow that melted into the ground, the same happened with the parents, the walls and everything, only darkness remained surrounding the two.
- "What happened? Asked Syndra.
- "What are you asking me, this is your mind, your memories, only you have the power of what happened in this place."
Syndra looked at Leon curiously, and with her hand, she began to touch her cheeks.
- "Are you a product of my imagination? But if you look so real"
Leon looked incredulous, thinking that maybe Syndra, she was an idiot, sigh. "
- "No, I am one hundred percent real, as I said, you brought me to your mind.
Syndra cocked her head, and put her finger in her mouth as she frowned.
- "Why would I do something like that?
-"Do not know"
They were both silent, and although the darkness enveloped them, they could still admire each other, so they stayed a while, in silence, until the darkness began to form again, giving shape to a huge tree, a girl, and several children throwing stones and branches at it, and the image began to take on color, movement, and voice.
- "Stupid girl, stupid girl"
- "look at her, talk to the trees, hahaha"
The brats yelled at the girl, who was Syndra, but now older, 10 years old, her clothes were still rags that covered her knees, she was huddled against the tree and crying.
- "That's you ..., again, all your memories are of harassment and crying"
Syndra wrinkled her eyebrows, she didn't think it was that bad, of course she was crying, but at that time, she had found someone to talk to.
- "It's not so sad, that tree was my only friend, I always talked with him, he was the only one who did not judge me, nor despise or hate me, like you, you don't look at me strangely, nor did you laugh when you saw me talk to him tree, thank you for that, maybe, that's why I let you into my mind, besides, you are a magician, like me, right? "
-"I am"
Syndra smiled, a very beautiful one, she looked at the smallest version of her and approached her, with a movement of her hand, erased the children who threw stones, when she was next to the girl, she asked her.
Leon looked at this with pleasure, Syndra learned to control the images in her mind very quickly.
-"It's okay?
- "Um, thanks, but you shouldn't approach me, others will despise you for that."
- "You shouldn't worry about that, I know what it feels like to be despised and treated like a plague, I won't let that happen again."
Said Syndra, who sat next to the girl and hugged her, gently caressing her head, at the same time changing the clothes of the small Syndra, for a pure white dress, which countered with the black dress of the older Syndra, so They remained, the seconds passed, the minutes, and an hour had passed, Leon was waiting patiently, he didn't mind waiting an hour, until he decided to speak.
- "Your dress, one white, the other black, represents the girl's purity, that naivety of believing that one day she would be accepted. As for your black dress, it represents the woman who has already discovered the darkness of the world, and realized, that he is only a monster, that he will always be alone "
She looked at him for a moment, and looked away from her, she continued to caress the smaller version of her, that she had a smile while she slept.
- "Now what, what are you planning to do, stay here for eternity, giving yourself comfort"
- "I'll do that, you can go if you want, I'll stay here forever, you said, it's my mind and I can do whatever I want, here I'll never be judged, I'll never be alone again."
- "You will live in an illusory world, in a fictitious happiness, do you really want that? Don't you feel a grudge?
- "Yes !, resentment, that feeling of causing harm, that strong feeling that drives you to cause harm to those who did it to you, you don't feel it"
- "Because I should feel it, they are right to reject me, I am a monster"
Syndra didn't really think that, but thinking about it gave her comfort, believing that her suffering was justified, and that she made others happy, was her only comfort, something quite twisted about her.
As for Leon, I thought: I have to release Syndra's personality, but it has to be both, to achieve a balance, that sweet and naive girl who accepts that she is just a monster, and that she deserves everything that happened, and the lunatic that wants freedom and not to be controlled again, and to show all its power.
- "Syndra, think about it, sometimes you hurt someone"
Syndra shook her head.
- "Have you ever put a curse on the crops?"
- "But even so, all those bad things happened, and they are not your fault, but people, when something goes wrong, and they don't want to feel bad about themselves, the first thing they do is blame others, that's what that they have done their whole life, and they do it with you, you are only, the scapegoat.
- "Why would it be?" Syndra said, darkness beginning to seep from her body.
- "It's obvious, you are different, and no one will defend you, you are defenseless, alone, you are the easiest prey Syndra, as you can see, you have not done anything wrong" said Leon, who bent down and began to caress Syndra's face, she didn't care about me, and I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought about that.
- "If I didn't do anything wrong, I don't understand why, everyone hated me, despised me, nobody wanted to be my friend"
More, and more darkness came out of her body, and from her heart, the little girl in her arms had disappeared, as was the whole place, which was beginning to turn all black.
- "As I told you, you are different, and only that is necessary."
-"THAT IS NOT FAIR!!" Syndra yelled, her voice having a small echo.
- "I never said that the fair world, instead I tell you, it is cruel, harsh, and if something stands out, try to crush it so that they do not appease it, look at me, Syndra." Leon took Syndra's face and brought her closer to his, her breaths colliding, her noses touching.
- "I'll ask again, you don't feel resentment, you don't hate them, you didn't hurt them, but even so, they wanted to hurt you, you couldn't be happy ... because they took it away from you"
Syndra's purple eyes looked at Leon, and she saw sincerity, she felt that he cared for her, that's why she believed everything he said.
-"It's true"
- "Yes, that's why, shouldn't you take it off too? I assure you something, your heart is dark, evil ..., it's your happiness, everyone says you're a monster, then, get up Syndra and be one! I promise you something, if you do, you will find happiness2
- "Will I be happy? Will I really be?" I ask Leon hopefully.
- "I promise, give me your hand, and let's go back to the real world, it's time for you to free yourself from your chains that you forged yourself"
Leon thought that Syndra chained herself, she had the power to do whatever she wanted, she could play with people's will and minds, but she didn't, so it was time to bring out her cruellest side, her Another personality, who is manipulative and vindictive, a true monster, and who releases all the hatred gathered for years, is the first step, so that he finds stability, that was the plan that Leon had.
When Syndra took Leon's hand, they both returned to the real world, it was in a place that looked like a volcano, it was a hell of heat after the battle cruiser. launched his attack, even small rivers of lava formed.
The two were surrounded by a group of Terran soldiers, who had descended from the battlecruiser, were armed and pointed at them.
- "Surrender, and you will be saved" Shouted the soldier, who seemed to be in charge of the platoon.
Leon still hugged Syndra and brought her mouth to her ear, began to whisper to her like a little demon, trying to convince her to join the dark side of her.
- "Look at all of them, you see the terrain, you see that ship in the sky, you understand it, right? You know what they want, kill us, death."
- "I know, now I understand everything, part of my power, is to feel the feelings and I will use them" Syndra breathed the air, and she closed her eyes meditating for a second.
- "I can feel it, all of them are seen as evil, as a monster, as an object to be used, as my old teacher did, he wanted to use my powers, he wanted them for him, but once he knew that he could not keep them, he gave up, and envy followed him, and began to hinder me, to deny me the possibility of growing, I could feel it, but I ..., I refused to believe, I wanted to think, that there was someone, who really cares about me, but ... it was just a dream "Syndra said regretfully.
- "Forget about that Syndra, now is not the time to regret, no! It's time to unleash the power!" Leon surrounded Syndra and stood in front of her, gave her an affectionate look and began to caress her cheek.
- "Can you feel it? That resentment, that hatred for all living and insignificant beings lacking in power, that looks at you and judges, because you are better than him, because you are, you are better than them, you are special Syndra. "
Syndra closed her eyes allowing herself to be caressed, she began to feel her power growing, her dark aura enveloping her in her embrace, and showing her the way.
I can feel the power, I, my true self, I am a monster, and it's okay, because I have power, everyone should be at my feet, I have the power to control people, because I never used it or how naive I was, but no but, no one will use me, from today, everyone will be my toy.
Leon released Syndra from her arms, let the darkness swallow her, and accept who she was, the dark sovereign, a queen who loves to trample others, a woman, manipulative.
While all this was happening, the Terran soldiers were slowly approaching, their mission was to capture both of them, and since they were only hugging and not responding, they thought they had given up, serious mistake, Syndra raised one of her hands and pointed at a group of soldiers, darkness emanated from these soldiers who began to move awkwardly, until their movements became more natural, but little by little.
The other Terran soldiers were calling out to them over the transmitters, but only grunts and unrecognizable voices were heard.
The general in charge of the shield saw this, and realized that they were being controlled by psychic powers, so he gave the order to assassinate all who were controlled, as a preventive measure, and rush the rest of the platoons to capture the psychic, at first they wanted to kill them, but seeing that they endured a large-scale attack, it was convenient for him to keep them alive, and use them as his dogs, that is what the captain of the ship thought, you just had to put the neuro-transmitter, and everything would be fine .
When the Terran soldiers killed their comrades controlled by Syndra, she got angry, and pointed at another platoon, and hundreds of black spheres came out of the ground and from everywhere, at her command, they were thrown, all were massacred, her armor could not protect them and their heads flew, their bodies exploded, their guts spilled out and cries of anguish echoed throughout the place.
The other Terran seeing this, they recoiled in fear, they had seen psychics, but Syndra, surpassed all the previous ones, was terrifying and bloody, her power was much greater. When the lieutenant saw this, he yelled at them and rushed them, threatening to kill them if they returned without capturing the psychic, they had no choice but to try, although fear dominated.
Syndra could see and feel the fear in the hearts of all those men who wanted to kill her, she laughed at this, not at the soldiers, but at herself, so long she was afraid of people who despised her, but now she He realized that it was they who were afraid of his power, and that no longer will he be pressured by fear.
What a crazy woman, I think I should stay away from her, it seems like a bad influence, Leon thought hypocritically.
Syndra's spheres did not stop sprouting, and killing everything in her path, she rose to the sky, and Leon looked at this, he wanted to see if she wore underwear, to his liking, Syndra was not wearing anything, he could see her pussy, and her nice round butt, not that Syndra didn't remember that she wasn't wearing anything and was an exhibitionist, she had covered that part with magic, normal humans wouldn't see anything, but Leon, it wasn't normal.
Returning to Syndra, she no longer cared what was happening on the ground, she looked at the cruise in the sky, her hands together, and thousands of black spheres appreciated from everywhere and joined the one they had in their hand, but it did not grow, meanwhile, the soldiers on the ground had surrounded León, well, the ones that remained, but he was not interested in playing with them, so he threw a nova of frost, which is like a cold wave that spreads to the surroundings like a circle, with Leon at its center, and everyone in the area, they were frozen and killed on the spot.
Syndra finished her sphere and launched the ship, everyone on the edge of it laughed at the small sphere that would attack it, the sphere was going at breakneck speed, in just 10 seconds it reached the ship, and went through the thick metal of the little bucket with ease, reaching the center of the ship.
Everyone inside was surprised, even Leon, who was looking from below, but was more surprised, when Syndra snapped her fingers, and the mana exploded in the sphere, causing it to expand inside the ship that began to explode from within little by little, and its descent was inevitable, it fell slowly towards the ground, condemning the whole area to an enormous catastrophe where everyone would die.
Syndra saw her entire act with a smile, they enjoy her release, not caring that she has just killed more than 7000 thousand people, which are necessary to man the battle cruiser, and let's not forget those who would perish when it falls and causes an explosion. , which could be considered in earth standards, like a nuclear bomb or more.
Those eyes, there is no contempt, I hate, I fear, like a normal person, I have already decided, he will be mine, only mine, even if I have to use force. Syndra thought, watching Leon as he descended.
-"You are mine!" Syndra yelled, Leon raised an eyebrow at this.
I think I got over it, I got her too excited, Azula's time bomb is enough for me, having another one will be a pain in the ass, well, I'll solve it later. Leon thought leaving everything for the future, while he got closer to Syndra, and he put her to sleep, while he took her like a princess.
Minutes before, Riven had been running for several minutes through the facilities of the complex, many ghosts and Terran soldiers, tried to eliminate her, but all failed, her feet did not stop, and her sword did not stop swinging, slash, another cut and more fallen soldiers .
Turning another corridor to the right, Riven found the place where children with psychic abilities were trained, entered, and passed through several cells, but instead of a steel barrier, there was a blue barrier, which Riven touched. but he couldn't get through it, he was going to use his ki, but the barrier disappeared out of nowhere.
Inside each cell, there was her target, kerrigan, brown hair and green eyes, she was lying on the bed, her skin was sickly, Riven approached the girl, and touched her, she could feel her bones of how malnourished she was.
Riven gritted her teeth hard, and threw a punch at the wall through it with ease, she was furious, seeing this girl, it reminded her of her past in Noxus, when there was not enough to eat, and you had to steal, I win many hits for that.
Shaking her head, Riven came out of her memories and hatred, she took kerrigan in her arms to take her, chik-chik-chik, the sound of several weapons sounded behind her removing the safety, but it was not aimed at her, if not kerrigan .
These slags, I promised not to kill again, but they take away the desire to keep the promise. Rivne thought, she wasn't interested in having the weapons pointed at her, she didn't want to waste any more time, she was worried about Leon.
- "Shadow, take me back to Leon"
Leon's master shadow appeared, nodded, and Riven was teleported to Leon, who had Syndra in his arms, Leon was not wearing a shirt, he had lost it during the battle with Syndra, he also had some bruises and cuts, when Riven He saw this, he got very angry, and his heart ached.
- "Riven, I knew I could trust"
- "But I'm not in you, you said you'd be fine, but look at you."
- "Oh, this is nothing, prayer." Leon activated one of his abilities, his body completely healed in a few seconds, but it did not remove the dried blood and dirt.
Riven looked at this, and she could only sigh, she wanted to scold him, but it was not the right time, she had realized that a ship that covered the sun was going directly to them, but she was not upset by it.
- "Don't worry about the ship, we weren't going anyway."
León walked towards Riven and brought his face close to hers, a bit uncomfortable because they both carried someone, and kissed her, when Riven closed his eyes, like León, they were teleported to a house, quite normal, outside of this you could see a large plantation of sunflowers.
This was the house that VIP had prepared for them, Leon knew when I asked him what her story was in this world, but we will see that later, let's go back to the beautiful couple who separated and abandoned their kiss.
Leon gestured for Riven to follow him, he climbed the stairs and entered the room inside it, a small bed, which with a click of Leon, was replaced by a king-size bed.
He gently laid Syndra on the bed, so did riven with Kerrigan.
-Riven, we're alone, the two of us, and these girls won't wake up for days, do you know what it means? "
Riven tilted her head to the side, and thought for a moment, until she turned red, she understood what was to come, something that I waited for a long time, and today, it was her turn.
León approached Riven, and took her by the waist, but first, he cleaned her body and Riven's with magic, then he kissed her with passion, she did not hesitate and kissed the lips of her lover, she used her tongue to enter his mouth, and fully savor his being, this was not his first kiss, Leon always kissed all his women in the morning.
Even kissing Leon who was hugging her tightly, Riven began to take off her clothes herself, I always wait for this day, and she would not hold back and use all her charm, so that her husband would not forget her, let's not forget that although Riven wears a suit maid or his gardener, she is his wife and we servant
The sweet lips of her, flooded the mind of Leon, who already had his little Lion standing, flaming with force. Riven felt something hard begin to hit her a little higher than her intimate parts, Riven was smaller than Leon.
Riven jumped on her beloved and hooked her beautiful and fleshy thighs, which were exposed since her skirt had risen, and as for the top, it no longer existed, her breasts were shown to the world, which according to Leon, were one of the best, he began to massage them, they were not very big or small, it was the right term that balanced with his body, they were round with a small pink halo and a mole higher on the right chest.
Her nipples were erect, showing that her owner was already aroused, in addition to her sheer white panties showing wet spots.
Leon had his hands full, massaging Riven's breasts and holding her back, so he destroyed her pants and underwear with magic, leaving him as he came into the world. He began to walk and look for another room, while he continued kissing her, but he did not get very far, until he found a very clean table with flowers, he approached it and sent the flowers to fly with the hand that held Riven's waist, and put her ass in it.
- "uuummmm" a small suppressed moan came out of her mouth when she felt the cold of the table on her ass, but that did not make her separate from the lips of her lover, she did not get bored of the taste and to entangle her tongues.
Riven opened her eyes and moved them down when she felt something moving near her pussy, it was Leon's hand, that was sliding her panties and preparing his cock, and with force he plunged it inside her, which made Riven open up bigger. her eyes, she was a warrior, and she was not afraid of pain, but she had never felt pain so strong and pleasant at the same time.
León began to move his waist, "squeak-squeak", the table squeaked threatening to break due to the force of the thrusts, and Riven slowly closed her eyes, when pleasure began to dominate her, she wanted to feel all of León's cock inside of her body, which moved in and out and opened her tight pussy, which was slippery from the natural lubricants that she released when she was so aroused.
- "Stronger Leon, stronger, I can bear it more, harder.!" Riven yelled, who had freed the lips of the lover from him, he listened, and did not hesitate to thrust even harder.
- "um ~ um ~ um ~ um ~ um ~ ahhhhhh". Riven moaned with the movement of Leon's hips, until she reached his first orgasm, and his scream echoed throughout the house.
- "Ha, ha, ha, that was incredible, Riven said, resting his head on Leon's shoulder.
- "It's just the beginning." Leon took her again by her waist, and dragged her to the room, where another small bed was waiting, Leon cursed VIP in her mind for being such a bad host, so he had to change her.
He threw Riven on the bed, but she got up, and threw Leon on the bed this time, and moving her hips with sensuality, she climbed on it, and took the cock with her small hands, she got up a little and was He sat on it, making it disappear little by little, until he reached the farthest corner of her belly.
- "aaahhh ~, umm, Leon, leave me this time." Riven lifted her head and looked up at the sky, and with a yell "aaaaaaa", the ki flooded her, filling her with energy.
He put his hand on Leon's chest and slowly leaned over him, while lifting his butt, and then slowly going down, up and down, each time he went down, he put Leon's cock deep in her pussy, pa ~ splahs ~ Pa ~ splahs, sounded the pounding of Riven's ass against Leon's thigh and his cock; and his wet cunt dripped with a lewd sound with every swing.
- "I'm done Riven! Leon yelled euphoric.
- "Inside Leon, inside, give me a son, aaaaahhh!" Riven yelled, moving her hips faster, and leaving fingernail marks on Leon's chest as he reached another orgasm.
Leon threw all the burden of her inside her as Riven begged, who was all sweaty and red-faced, she looked at her husband with love and happiness.
Those two perverts were worth hanging out with, Riven thought, remembering June and Effie, who always talked about what they did in bed, they even had some recordings that guided Riven.
- "Are you ready my pretty wife"
Riven nodded, and again moved her hips like the best dancer in the world, and for 2 days, they fucked like rabbits.
Her mother had a scared face, there was fear inside her, fear of her daughter, the father was in a similar situation, he even had a religious figure in his trembling hand.
- "We have to leave her in the forest, if she continues by our side, misfortune will follow us." Said the girl's mother, her voice trembling.
This woman's husband held her by her shoulders and brought her closer to hers, to reassure her.
- "Woman, listen to me, I understand you, that girl is a demon, and I would like to abandon her in an isolated place and far from humanity, but we cannot, she could throw a curse on us, we can only stay with her, until we find a better solution."
- "And what can we do with the rest of our children, she can curse him or worse."
- "Do not worry woman, we will keep her isolated from others, she also reduces her food portions, we must keep her weak, so we will not be in danger"
The woman nodded, still trembling and with teary eyes, as for the girl, she was crying, sad because of what her parents said, they made her look like a monster, something that she was not..
- "People fear what they cannot understand, don't they, Syndra"
Leon was the one who spoke, and he asked Syndra, they both looked at the scene from the side, and saw the girl cry and her parents with fear.
- "Well, what do we do here" Leon said, since Syndra didn't answer, she just looked at him curiously, until she said:
- "Better said, what are you doing here, besides, who are you?"
Leon, put his hand on his chest and made a sad face, and said resentfully:
- "How cruel, you almost killed me out there, and you don't even remember me"
Syndra thought for a few moments trying to remember her, until a strong pain in her head seized her, and forced her to crouch on the floor, filling her with the last memories of her, from the time she killed her master to the battle with Leon.
- "What a pain!, Uggg, my head" Leon approached Syndra, and massaged her back.
- "Calm down, inhale and exhale calmly, it will help you."
Seconds later, she was better and got up from the floor, while she moved her shoulders and relaxed her body.
- "I'm sorry I attacked you, but, you weren't very soft either, that kick hurt a lot now that I remember it" Syndra said with a grimace, as she touched her hair.
Leon smiled at this, he thought she looked cute, and it had nothing to do with the crazy woman who wanted to kill him, he came to the conclusion that perhaps she had a double personality.
- "I'm sorry about that, but it was necessary, now, let me introduce myself, I'm León, and you."
- "I'm Syndra ..., a demon from what you can see"
Syndra said, pointing her finger at the little girl, who was herself, some 10 years in the past.
- "I did not choose this power, I do not know how it came to me, but I did not choose to be ... different."
Syndra said sadly, and looked at the girl for a few more seconds, until she became a black shadow that melted into the ground, the same happened with the parents, the walls and everything, only darkness remained surrounding the two.
- "What happened? Asked Syndra.
- "What are you asking me, this is your mind, your memories, only you have the power of what happened in this place."
Syndra looked at Leon curiously, and with her hand, she began to touch her cheeks.
- "Are you a product of my imagination? But if you look so real"
Leon looked incredulous, thinking that maybe Syndra, she was an idiot, sigh. "
- "No, I am one hundred percent real, as I said, you brought me to your mind.
Syndra cocked her head, and put her finger in her mouth as she frowned.
- "Why would I do something like that?
-"Do not know"
They were both silent, and although the darkness enveloped them, they could still admire each other, so they stayed a while, in silence, until the darkness began to form again, giving shape to a huge tree, a girl, and several children throwing stones and branches at it, and the image began to take on color, movement, and voice.
- "Stupid girl, stupid girl"
- "look at her, talk to the trees, hahaha"
The brats yelled at the girl, who was Syndra, but now older, 10 years old, her clothes were still rags that covered her knees, she was huddled against the tree and crying.
- "That's you ..., again, all your memories are of harassment and crying"
Syndra wrinkled her eyebrows, she didn't think it was that bad, of course she was crying, but at that time, she had found someone to talk to.
- "It's not so sad, that tree was my only friend, I always talked with him, he was the only one who did not judge me, nor despise or hate me, like you, you don't look at me strangely, nor did you laugh when you saw me talk to him tree, thank you for that, maybe, that's why I let you into my mind, besides, you are a magician, like me, right? "
-"I am"
Syndra smiled, a very beautiful one, she looked at the smallest version of her and approached her, with a movement of her hand, erased the children who threw stones, when she was next to the girl, she asked her.
Leon looked at this with pleasure, Syndra learned to control the images in her mind very quickly.
-"It's okay?
- "Um, thanks, but you shouldn't approach me, others will despise you for that."
- "You shouldn't worry about that, I know what it feels like to be despised and treated like a plague, I won't let that happen again."
Said Syndra, who sat next to the girl and hugged her, gently caressing her head, at the same time changing the clothes of the small Syndra, for a pure white dress, which countered with the black dress of the older Syndra, so They remained, the seconds passed, the minutes, and an hour had passed, Leon was waiting patiently, he didn't mind waiting an hour, until he decided to speak.
- "Your dress, one white, the other black, represents the girl's purity, that naivety of believing that one day she would be accepted. As for your black dress, it represents the woman who has already discovered the darkness of the world, and realized, that he is only a monster, that he will always be alone "
She looked at him for a moment, and looked away from her, she continued to caress the smaller version of her, that she had a smile while she slept.
- "Now what, what are you planning to do, stay here for eternity, giving yourself comfort"
- "I'll do that, you can go if you want, I'll stay here forever, you said, it's my mind and I can do whatever I want, here I'll never be judged, I'll never be alone again."
- "You will live in an illusory world, in a fictitious happiness, do you really want that? Don't you feel a grudge?
- "Yes !, resentment, that feeling of causing harm, that strong feeling that drives you to cause harm to those who did it to you, you don't feel it"
- "Because I should feel it, they are right to reject me, I am a monster"
Syndra didn't really think that, but thinking about it gave her comfort, believing that her suffering was justified, and that she made others happy, was her only comfort, something quite twisted about her.
As for Leon, I thought: I have to release Syndra's personality, but it has to be both, to achieve a balance, that sweet and naive girl who accepts that she is just a monster, and that she deserves everything that happened, and the lunatic that wants freedom and not to be controlled again, and to show all its power.
- "Syndra, think about it, sometimes you hurt someone"
Syndra shook her head.
- "Have you ever put a curse on the crops?"
- "But even so, all those bad things happened, and they are not your fault, but people, when something goes wrong, and they don't want to feel bad about themselves, the first thing they do is blame others, that's what that they have done their whole life, and they do it with you, you are only, the scapegoat.
- "Why would it be?" Syndra said, darkness beginning to seep from her body.
- "It's obvious, you are different, and no one will defend you, you are defenseless, alone, you are the easiest prey Syndra, as you can see, you have not done anything wrong" said Leon, who bent down and began to caress Syndra's face, she didn't care about me, and I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought about that.
- "If I didn't do anything wrong, I don't understand why, everyone hated me, despised me, nobody wanted to be my friend"
More, and more darkness came out of her body, and from her heart, the little girl in her arms had disappeared, as was the whole place, which was beginning to turn all black.
- "As I told you, you are different, and only that is necessary."
-"THAT IS NOT FAIR!!" Syndra yelled, her voice having a small echo.
- "I never said that the fair world, instead I tell you, it is cruel, harsh, and if something stands out, try to crush it so that they do not appease it, look at me, Syndra." Leon took Syndra's face and brought her closer to his, her breaths colliding, her noses touching.
- "I'll ask again, you don't feel resentment, you don't hate them, you didn't hurt them, but even so, they wanted to hurt you, you couldn't be happy ... because they took it away from you"
Syndra's purple eyes looked at Leon, and she saw sincerity, she felt that he cared for her, that's why she believed everything he said.
-"It's true"
- "Yes, that's why, shouldn't you take it off too? I assure you something, your heart is dark, evil ..., it's your happiness, everyone says you're a monster, then, get up Syndra and be one! I promise you something, if you do, you will find happiness2
- "Will I be happy? Will I really be?" I ask Leon hopefully.
- "I promise, give me your hand, and let's go back to the real world, it's time for you to free yourself from your chains that you forged yourself"
Leon thought that Syndra chained herself, she had the power to do whatever she wanted, she could play with people's will and minds, but she didn't, so it was time to bring out her cruellest side, her Another personality, who is manipulative and vindictive, a true monster, and who releases all the hatred gathered for years, is the first step, so that he finds stability, that was the plan that Leon had.
When Syndra took Leon's hand, they both returned to the real world, it was in a place that looked like a volcano, it was a hell of heat after the battle cruiser. launched his attack, even small rivers of lava formed.
The two were surrounded by a group of Terran soldiers, who had descended from the battlecruiser, were armed and pointed at them.
- "Surrender, and you will be saved" Shouted the soldier, who seemed to be in charge of the platoon.
Leon still hugged Syndra and brought her mouth to her ear, began to whisper to her like a little demon, trying to convince her to join the dark side of her.
- "Look at all of them, you see the terrain, you see that ship in the sky, you understand it, right? You know what they want, kill us, death."
- "I know, now I understand everything, part of my power, is to feel the feelings and I will use them" Syndra breathed the air, and she closed her eyes meditating for a second.
- "I can feel it, all of them are seen as evil, as a monster, as an object to be used, as my old teacher did, he wanted to use my powers, he wanted them for him, but once he knew that he could not keep them, he gave up, and envy followed him, and began to hinder me, to deny me the possibility of growing, I could feel it, but I ..., I refused to believe, I wanted to think, that there was someone, who really cares about me, but ... it was just a dream "Syndra said regretfully.
- "Forget about that Syndra, now is not the time to regret, no! It's time to unleash the power!" Leon surrounded Syndra and stood in front of her, gave her an affectionate look and began to caress her cheek.
- "Can you feel it? That resentment, that hatred for all living and insignificant beings lacking in power, that looks at you and judges, because you are better than him, because you are, you are better than them, you are special Syndra. "
Syndra closed her eyes allowing herself to be caressed, she began to feel her power growing, her dark aura enveloping her in her embrace, and showing her the way.
I can feel the power, I, my true self, I am a monster, and it's okay, because I have power, everyone should be at my feet, I have the power to control people, because I never used it or how naive I was, but no but, no one will use me, from today, everyone will be my toy.
Leon released Syndra from her arms, let the darkness swallow her, and accept who she was, the dark sovereign, a queen who loves to trample others, a woman, manipulative.
While all this was happening, the Terran soldiers were slowly approaching, their mission was to capture both of them, and since they were only hugging and not responding, they thought they had given up, serious mistake, Syndra raised one of her hands and pointed at a group of soldiers, darkness emanated from these soldiers who began to move awkwardly, until their movements became more natural, but little by little.
The other Terran soldiers were calling out to them over the transmitters, but only grunts and unrecognizable voices were heard.
The general in charge of the shield saw this, and realized that they were being controlled by psychic powers, so he gave the order to assassinate all who were controlled, as a preventive measure, and rush the rest of the platoons to capture the psychic, at first they wanted to kill them, but seeing that they endured a large-scale attack, it was convenient for him to keep them alive, and use them as his dogs, that is what the captain of the ship thought, you just had to put the neuro-transmitter, and everything would be fine .
When the Terran soldiers killed their comrades controlled by Syndra, she got angry, and pointed at another platoon, and hundreds of black spheres came out of the ground and from everywhere, at her command, they were thrown, all were massacred, her armor could not protect them and their heads flew, their bodies exploded, their guts spilled out and cries of anguish echoed throughout the place.
The other Terran seeing this, they recoiled in fear, they had seen psychics, but Syndra, surpassed all the previous ones, was terrifying and bloody, her power was much greater. When the lieutenant saw this, he yelled at them and rushed them, threatening to kill them if they returned without capturing the psychic, they had no choice but to try, although fear dominated.
Syndra could see and feel the fear in the hearts of all those men who wanted to kill her, she laughed at this, not at the soldiers, but at herself, so long she was afraid of people who despised her, but now she He realized that it was they who were afraid of his power, and that no longer will he be pressured by fear.
What a crazy woman, I think I should stay away from her, it seems like a bad influence, Leon thought hypocritically.
Syndra's spheres did not stop sprouting, and killing everything in her path, she rose to the sky, and Leon looked at this, he wanted to see if she wore underwear, to his liking, Syndra was not wearing anything, he could see her pussy, and her nice round butt, not that Syndra didn't remember that she wasn't wearing anything and was an exhibitionist, she had covered that part with magic, normal humans wouldn't see anything, but Leon, it wasn't normal.
Returning to Syndra, she no longer cared what was happening on the ground, she looked at the cruise in the sky, her hands together, and thousands of black spheres appreciated from everywhere and joined the one they had in their hand, but it did not grow, meanwhile, the soldiers on the ground had surrounded León, well, the ones that remained, but he was not interested in playing with them, so he threw a nova of frost, which is like a cold wave that spreads to the surroundings like a circle, with Leon at its center, and everyone in the area, they were frozen and killed on the spot.
Syndra finished her sphere and launched the ship, everyone on the edge of it laughed at the small sphere that would attack it, the sphere was going at breakneck speed, in just 10 seconds it reached the ship, and went through the thick metal of the little bucket with ease, reaching the center of the ship.
Everyone inside was surprised, even Leon, who was looking from below, but was more surprised, when Syndra snapped her fingers, and the mana exploded in the sphere, causing it to expand inside the ship that began to explode from within little by little, and its descent was inevitable, it fell slowly towards the ground, condemning the whole area to an enormous catastrophe where everyone would die.
Syndra saw her entire act with a smile, they enjoy her release, not caring that she has just killed more than 7000 thousand people, which are necessary to man the battle cruiser, and let's not forget those who would perish when it falls and causes an explosion. , which could be considered in earth standards, like a nuclear bomb or more.
Those eyes, there is no contempt, I hate, I fear, like a normal person, I have already decided, he will be mine, only mine, even if I have to use force. Syndra thought, watching Leon as he descended.
-"You are mine!" Syndra yelled, Leon raised an eyebrow at this.
I think I got over it, I got her too excited, Azula's time bomb is enough for me, having another one will be a pain in the ass, well, I'll solve it later. Leon thought leaving everything for the future, while he got closer to Syndra, and he put her to sleep, while he took her like a princess.
Minutes before, Riven had been running for several minutes through the facilities of the complex, many ghosts and Terran soldiers, tried to eliminate her, but all failed, her feet did not stop, and her sword did not stop swinging, slash, another cut and more fallen soldiers .
Turning another corridor to the right, Riven found the place where children with psychic abilities were trained, entered, and passed through several cells, but instead of a steel barrier, there was a blue barrier, which Riven touched. but he couldn't get through it, he was going to use his ki, but the barrier disappeared out of nowhere.
Inside each cell, there was her target, kerrigan, brown hair and green eyes, she was lying on the bed, her skin was sickly, Riven approached the girl, and touched her, she could feel her bones of how malnourished she was.
Riven gritted her teeth hard, and threw a punch at the wall through it with ease, she was furious, seeing this girl, it reminded her of her past in Noxus, when there was not enough to eat, and you had to steal, I win many hits for that.
Shaking her head, Riven came out of her memories and hatred, she took kerrigan in her arms to take her, chik-chik-chik, the sound of several weapons sounded behind her removing the safety, but it was not aimed at her, if not kerrigan .
These slags, I promised not to kill again, but they take away the desire to keep the promise. Rivne thought, she wasn't interested in having the weapons pointed at her, she didn't want to waste any more time, she was worried about Leon.
- "Shadow, take me back to Leon"
Leon's master shadow appeared, nodded, and Riven was teleported to Leon, who had Syndra in his arms, Leon was not wearing a shirt, he had lost it during the battle with Syndra, he also had some bruises and cuts, when Riven He saw this, he got very angry, and his heart ached.
- "Riven, I knew I could trust"
- "But I'm not in you, you said you'd be fine, but look at you."
- "Oh, this is nothing, prayer." Leon activated one of his abilities, his body completely healed in a few seconds, but it did not remove the dried blood and dirt.
Riven looked at this, and she could only sigh, she wanted to scold him, but it was not the right time, she had realized that a ship that covered the sun was going directly to them, but she was not upset by it.
- "Don't worry about the ship, we weren't going anyway."
León walked towards Riven and brought his face close to hers, a bit uncomfortable because they both carried someone, and kissed her, when Riven closed his eyes, like León, they were teleported to a house, quite normal, outside of this you could see a large plantation of sunflowers.
This was the house that VIP had prepared for them, Leon knew when I asked him what her story was in this world, but we will see that later, let's go back to the beautiful couple who separated and abandoned their kiss.
Leon gestured for Riven to follow him, he climbed the stairs and entered the room inside it, a small bed, which with a click of Leon, was replaced by a king-size bed.
He gently laid Syndra on the bed, so did riven with Kerrigan.
-Riven, we're alone, the two of us, and these girls won't wake up for days, do you know what it means? "
Riven tilted her head to the side, and thought for a moment, until she turned red, she understood what was to come, something that I waited for a long time, and today, it was her turn.
León approached Riven, and took her by the waist, but first, he cleaned her body and Riven's with magic, then he kissed her with passion, she did not hesitate and kissed the lips of her lover, she used her tongue to enter his mouth, and fully savor his being, this was not his first kiss, Leon always kissed all his women in the morning.
Even kissing Leon who was hugging her tightly, Riven began to take off her clothes herself, I always wait for this day, and she would not hold back and use all her charm, so that her husband would not forget her, let's not forget that although Riven wears a suit maid or his gardener, she is his wife and we servant
The sweet lips of her, flooded the mind of Leon, who already had his little Lion standing, flaming with force. Riven felt something hard begin to hit her a little higher than her intimate parts, Riven was smaller than Leon.
Riven jumped on her beloved and hooked her beautiful and fleshy thighs, which were exposed since her skirt had risen, and as for the top, it no longer existed, her breasts were shown to the world, which according to Leon, were one of the best, he began to massage them, they were not very big or small, it was the right term that balanced with his body, they were round with a small pink halo and a mole higher on the right chest.
Her nipples were erect, showing that her owner was already aroused, in addition to her sheer white panties showing wet spots.
Leon had his hands full, massaging Riven's breasts and holding her back, so he destroyed her pants and underwear with magic, leaving him as he came into the world. He began to walk and look for another room, while he continued kissing her, but he did not get very far, until he found a very clean table with flowers, he approached it and sent the flowers to fly with the hand that held Riven's waist, and put her ass in it.
- "uuummmm" a small suppressed moan came out of her mouth when she felt the cold of the table on her ass, but that did not make her separate from the lips of her lover, she did not get bored of the taste and to entangle her tongues.
Riven opened her eyes and moved them down when she felt something moving near her pussy, it was Leon's hand, that was sliding her panties and preparing his cock, and with force he plunged it inside her, which made Riven open up bigger. her eyes, she was a warrior, and she was not afraid of pain, but she had never felt pain so strong and pleasant at the same time.
León began to move his waist, "squeak-squeak", the table squeaked threatening to break due to the force of the thrusts, and Riven slowly closed her eyes, when pleasure began to dominate her, she wanted to feel all of León's cock inside of her body, which moved in and out and opened her tight pussy, which was slippery from the natural lubricants that she released when she was so aroused.
- "Stronger Leon, stronger, I can bear it more, harder.!" Riven yelled, who had freed the lips of the lover from him, he listened, and did not hesitate to thrust even harder.
- "um ~ um ~ um ~ um ~ um ~ ahhhhhh". Riven moaned with the movement of Leon's hips, until she reached his first orgasm, and his scream echoed throughout the house.
- "Ha, ha, ha, that was incredible, Riven said, resting his head on Leon's shoulder.
- "It's just the beginning." Leon took her again by her waist, and dragged her to the room, where another small bed was waiting, Leon cursed VIP in her mind for being such a bad host, so he had to change her.
He threw Riven on the bed, but she got up, and threw Leon on the bed this time, and moving her hips with sensuality, she climbed on it, and took the cock with her small hands, she got up a little and was He sat on it, making it disappear little by little, until he reached the farthest corner of her belly.
- "aaahhh ~, umm, Leon, leave me this time." Riven lifted her head and looked up at the sky, and with a yell "aaaaaaa", the ki flooded her, filling her with energy.
He put his hand on Leon's chest and slowly leaned over him, while lifting his butt, and then slowly going down, up and down, each time he went down, he put Leon's cock deep in her pussy, pa ~ splahs ~ Pa ~ splahs, sounded the pounding of Riven's ass against Leon's thigh and his cock; and his wet cunt dripped with a lewd sound with every swing.
- "I'm done Riven! Leon yelled euphoric.
- "Inside Leon, inside, give me a son, aaaaahhh!" Riven yelled, moving her hips faster, and leaving fingernail marks on Leon's chest as he reached another orgasm.
Leon threw all the burden of her inside her as Riven begged, who was all sweaty and red-faced, she looked at her husband with love and happiness.
Those two perverts were worth hanging out with, Riven thought, remembering June and Effie, who always talked about what they did in bed, they even had some recordings that guided Riven.
- "Are you ready my pretty wife"
Riven nodded, and again moved her hips like the best dancer in the world, and for 2 days, they fucked like rabbits.
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