POV ???? Year ?????????

A child of about 5 years old ran through the garden, he had a smile from ear to ear, obviously he was not alone, a few meters away a lady who was very similar to the little one, most likely the mother, had a fat belly that indicated that she was pregnant, this woman looked with warmth and maternal love at the little one.

- "Look Mommy, I'll be a hero who will save everyone" Said the little boy, who was fluttering his cape.

- "You will be, you will be the greatest, even your father will be ashamed by your side, but don't forget, you must protect your little sister, do you understand?" The mother said with a smile.

The little boy ran to her mother and hugged her gently as he touched her belly lovingly.

- "Don't worry, no one will hurt her, not her or you mother"

- "Are you forgetting my son?" Said a man, who had the same eyes as the little boy.

- "I'll protect you too" Said the little boy who ran to hug his father, he grabbed him by the waist and hugged him while he spun him around.

What a beautiful child I have, he will surely help everyone, he will bring prosperity and stability, he will surely be a hero who brings justice.. Thought the mother.

It was a beautiful family scene, but who would say, this would not last forever.

(Author's note: This is like a beta, don't take it too much into account for now, maybe I'll delete it if I don't like it or don't want to go that way)

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The war had just started and the whole area was a disaster, missiles, bullets, plasma beams, everything was in chaos, and what paid the most price were the civilians who saw how a missile fell on their houses and blew them to pieces, some were not that lucky and flew home and everything.

Leon was still in the crater that generated all those explosions, the Protoss looked on cautiously, and gruaaaag, another roar sounded as a bear came out of the crater and fell on the Protoss fans and probes that joined the battle.

The smoke and steam came out of his body that was full of wounds, he was even missing an arm, which began to regenerate rapidly, Leon active prayer increased the regeneration of life.

The Protoss observed this with annoyance, they did not know how to stop that healing, and killing him became a distant dream, as for using the plasma beam that they used at the beginning that killed Leon, they could not, it took them a lot of effort to accumulate so much energy, they had to sacrifice some of their own to achieve them.

Gaaarrggg! A scream was heard when a Protoss fanatic was killed by one of his ally, and he didn't stop with that, more Protoss screamed in pain when they died at the hands of their allies, but these allies had something different, they were from black and white color, exact, Leon had resurrected them to make them his soldiers.

Although he wanted to free his swarm of resurrected zerg, he could not, the spatial sealing would not let him, but Leon felt how this seal was different from the first one, it was weaker and would soon fall.

Leon thought that after this he should learn to better understand the concept of space time, of course he could teleport, but he did not understand the concept behind it, it is like flying and not understanding the concept of aerodynamics.

- "Volcano, meteor, carnivorous liana, tornado" Leon pronounced, and the earth began to shake and rise, a small mountain was generated in the area, and there was a hole in the middle of it that threw lava and dozens of burning stones, dozens of Protoss died only falling into that pool of burning lava, but it did not stop with that, more volcanoes were born and the area was literally hell, the temperature easily passed hundreds of degrees.

The area began to darken when hundreds of meteorites began to fall from the sky, affecting thousands of kilometers, even the Terran who were further away did not escape from that, boooom, the first Porta ships fell, and then the second, the sky was not safe, and the land was no safer.

The Protoss noticed how the ground began to move, they were going to move away thinking that another volcano would grow, surprise for them a giant plant came out of the ground, it opened its mouth that was full of sharp teeth, and it devoured them, this plant not only ate them , also recovered part of Leon's life.

This was no longer a war, it was a real carnage, but the Protoss did not back down, they were proud warriors and would not surrender until the last of them fell, that ideal led their home planet to extinction and history turns to repeat, but this time they will not die in their land, and will be eaten, or burned to ashes, or mere skeletons or resurrections of Leon, they will not have an honorable death.

Zeratul saw all this with pain, until he felt a spatial disruption at his side, apparently, the space had opened, the space seal was created by the Protoss, it could not be compared to the original made by the Xel'Naga where they even used his life to create it, thus managing to seal Leon for a year.

Tassadar appeared from the portal, Zeratul considered him a friend, and he thought it would be an honor to fall beside him.

- "Zeratul, the stars show our defeat, I hope this helps to change the miserable destiny of our race" Tassadar said, taking out two blued blades, they looked so majestic and sharp.

- "With this, I will go through the butcher" Zeratul said as he took the blades and replaced them.

- "They were created by our parents, it is the last thing we have left to stop it, listen my friends! This is the decisive moment. We may not all survive the next conflict. But perhaps death will be a blessing if we fail here. Our objective is to destroy an enemy who will try to destroy everything in his path on his way through the universe, get up and fight "

Tassadar began to grow and turn bluish taking his archon form, Zeratul nodded, and teleported giving an accurate cut to León who was fighting against persecutors, who did not stop appearing and disappearing all the time, León at that moment felt the annoyance of fighting with someone like that.

Leon shook his head and avoided the cut, but he still lost his right shoulder and his arm, he doesn't care, in half a second it had already grown back.

- "Today you will fall before my blade!" Zeratul said clashing his twin weapons, blue sparks were detached, Leon was going to respond, but a blue ray hit him, he protected himself with his arm, but the lightning made him retreat while he affirmed himself with his claws to the ground, Zeratul did not waste this , he teleported again and attacked Leon from behind, but he just smiled and disappeared, letting the plasma beam attack Zeratul, who had to cross his blades to protect himself and teleport again.

- "Zeratul, today you will see the extinction of your race and galaxy, do not expect less than that to harm my wife!" Leon said, the aura of this change, a sinister and dark aura surrounded him, and thousands of portals opened, his swarm made an appearance, thousands of Hydralisks, Mutalisks, Ultralisks, among others began to come out, even thousands of skeletons, and skeletal wizards were summoned, the Protoss began to retreat, they couldn't fight the Terran and Leon at the same time.

Zeratul's face was grim, he did not like everything that happened, his allies could not help him, it was him and Tassadar against Leon, who had a fierce smile in his bear aspect.

Another assault began, Leon teleported near Tassadar and attacked him, Tassadar was as big as a Mutalist but despite their height difference, he flew out and part of his body disappeared, Leon was not weak, he could kill Zeratul ago a lot, he was just releasing all that hatred and anger that he had inside him.

Ignoring Zeratul who threw himself at him, another blow fell on Tassadar, another part of his body disappeared, but he was recovering quickly, at the moment Tassadar was like a mass of energy, it would be difficult to destroy that, Leon was annoyed by that level regeneration, which was so high even though it occupied the executioner's call, an item from lol's shop that decreased healing by 40 percent.

Slash, Leon jumped to the side avoiding the cut that Zeratul threw, and when he was going to throw another cut, Zeratul was attacked from the side, another Lion had appeared, it was a shadow that gave a kick.

Leon did not stay still, and turned on Tassadar, who fired a beam of plasma, but it was easily avoided. Tassadar looked everywhere, he could not find his enemy, that worried him, and gggaaarggggg, a loud cry escaped him, he could feel how his life was leaving him.

And it was true, Leon appeared behind his head, and penetrated his claws into that mass of energy, a blue energy began to come out of Tassadar, and entered Leon, it was stealing life, the skill that he previously practiced, but as Tassadar was pure energy, this energy was blue and replenished Leon's mana.

Clankg, clankg, clankg, the clashes of blades were music in the combat dance that had the shadow of León and Zeratul, who saw how his old friend was slowly losing his life, he wanted to help him, but this shadow did not stop attacking, and throwing a variety of traps that activated as soon as sharp, fire and lightning flew across the battlefield.

Zeratul was losing, and he was very hurt, something that bothered him, he did not understand how a copy of his rival, he fought better than the original.

Returning to Tassadar, he could only scream and disappear, each time he became smaller and his body that radiated light, dimmed, when he reached the size of a Lion, Tassadar's original body appeared, he could no longer maintain his previous shape, but Leon did not stop, now the blue energy was greenish, and the life of his rival began to disappear, his body was peeling and becoming dry as a raisin, seconds later, Tassadar disappeared into small ashes.

Leon stood on those ashes, and kicked them, looking mockingly at Zeratul.

- "You saw that Zeratul that you feel what it is to lose a friend, think about it and multiply it by a thousand, that's how I felt with my wife"

Unlike the original story, Tassadar and Zeratul got along very well, they were friends forever, and Zeratul's face said it all, sadness for his old friend, and hatred for his still living enemy.

Leon's shadow disregarded, he wanted to enjoy this personally, when he was going to launch the attack, a strong shock wave made him back up and cover his face, myrtle between his fingers and he could see it, a mushroom-shaped cloud was responsible for everything The Terran had dropped a nuclear bomb, they were very crazy, Leon thought, there were still hundreds of thousands of civilians who could not evacuate, but that thought was short-lived, he did not care much how many people died.

Zeratul saw that his enemy was distracted, but he did not attack, he began to teleport a short distance, since he could not take it anymore, I have tried to find a ship in good condition, he had to admit that all the years of planning were a failure, but they would not stop that all those deaths were in vain, but as Leon would allow him to go away, I do not hesitate to run after him, he did not teleport immediately, he wanted to see his prey run, that gave him a unique pleasure.

- "Run, run, hahahahaha, run for a Lion to devour Zeratul" Said Leon, who began to transform into the animal with his name, a mane, tail, two hairy ears and sharp teeth.

Some time ago he was practicing transforming into other animals, since one of the twins insisted that he wanted to touch a dragon, it is not necessary to say which one it is, but Leon could not do it for now, so he practiced with other animals.

While the prey and the predator ran, the three armies faced each other, the zerg invoked by León, they had no mercy, they attacked and killed everything they saw, they did not differentiate Terran and Protoss, León would have no mercy with the Terran because they are the same race, they alone joined the war and should accept the consequences, although it is not that the Terran wanted war, it is that they invaded their world, there was no other choice but to defend themselves, even so, Leon did not give a shit about everything.

Booooom! Booom !, Tummm !, Tumm !, the ships began to fall, and the explosions were not expected, the ground shook and the fire did not flood the earth, every second regardless of race, they died, at the end of This, there would be no winners or losers, only those who lost fewer people, of course, if the planet is not destroyed in the process.

This war was already spreading to the rest of the world, they were not the Protoss, they were Terran rebels and Sons of Korhal who wanted to capture the planet and obtain its resources and weapons.

For the human being, it does not matter how much their peers suffer, if they see that they can win something, they will not let it go, greed has no limits, even if it led to the death of the innocent and the extinction of their race, it is in these moments, in the most difficult and cruel moments where you can see the true faces of the people, you can see how the friendly neighbor turns into a greedy being who stabs you in the back and rapes your wife, you see how the mothers held their dead children, as the parents tried to stop the men who wanted to desecrate their daughters, and died in the attempt, they could only observe with misery the misery of their family, the houses were burned, the cattle were uprooted in all directions, the large plantations were only ashes.

And all this for a prophecy, for a vision of a future that did not yet exist, this is actually a senseless war.

Leon who saw this through his revives and invocations, sighed sadly, he couldn't believe that waste of beautiful women, and above all, milf, so another portal appeared, and millions of zerling, those super-fast little creatures began to appear, Leon gave the order to kill all the renegades and son of khorlar, since the protoss do not do that kind of thing.

The hours passed, and the war continued, but Zeratul and León was coming to an end.

Leon left his bear transformation, now he wore a full black armor, two horns adorned his helmet, and his shoulder pads had some sharp points, in his hand, a fairly large and heavy sledgehammer or mallet, a golden aura surrounded him, it was the effect which caused the immortal king's complete set to be equipped, a set of items from the devil world.

Pumm !, the stones were flying when Leon launched himself and attacked Zeratul, who was panting from how exhausted he was from the continuous chase, he no longer had energy left to teleport, now both were fighting only with speed.

But Leon was already getting bored, and he would give it an end soon, and he became blurry, his muscles bulged, blow, lunge, sacrifice, three combined skills were exercised in that attack, Zeratul raised his two wrist blades to protect himself .

Zeratul could feel how a force more than a human can exert forced him to retreat and fly a few meters, his arms went numb, if they were not broken they were because of the weapons that were of high level, Leon had to admit that the one who I forged them, it was very good, but Charsi was much better.

Crack, crack, crack, the blades began to crack, and crack, one last sound before breaking completely, only fragments were left on the ground, Zeratul saw this, and knew that there was nothing to do, defeat came and the death awaits her.

He was left sprawled in the rubble, waiting for the inevitable end of him.

Back to top---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

Leon who had put on the helmet and had his sledgehammer on his shoulder, was ready to join in the fun, but he stood still, looking at the sky, under his helmet he had a complicated look, he kicked the stones at his feet, and he released one last I sigh, making a decision.

- "VIP, take Riven out of inventory"

With that said, the beautiful silver-haired woman appeared in her arms, she slowly opened her eyes as she stretched her body, then rubbed them as if she had had a long dream.

- "Leon" She said with doubt, seeing the being that was covered in black armor.

-"Who else?"

León gently lowered Riven, she stared at him worriedly, and grabbed León's helmet, slowly raised it, until her entire face was exposed, a beautiful smile appeared on Riven's face, she knew it was León, but she was worried because he had armor, she believed that he had been left with injuries after that attack.

- "You're fine, sniff, she was so scared, sniff" Riven did not hesitate to hug him and hold him tightly against her plump chest "

Riven wore her planter, which was quite baggy and her breasts were visible, in addition to not wearing a bra, that only made Leon feel that softness that he loved, it was like touching cotton, but despite this, he was not so happy, yes we could see that face that was buried in those breasts, we would see that he was sad, since he felt like a few drops of water fell on his head.

Leon broke free from the hug and looked at her face, Riven had tears running from her cheeks to her chin, she had battered puppy eyes.

- "I'm sorry Riven, if only I had let you take your garden, none of this would have happened, even now everything is destroyed, I'm sorry for that too" Leon said, caressing his wife's cheeks, and wiping the tears, she didn't she complained even though she was wearing her gloves, she just looked tenderly at Leon's every gesture.

- "It is not necessary to ask for forgiveness, you told me so yourself, we should not live in the past and in the one that would have happened, let's move on and go home"

Leon nodded, he wouldn't turn the matter over if she didn't want to.

Both of them put their foreheads and hands together, they stared into each other's eyes, both red eyes had absolute peace, and love.

- "Who did all this Leon, do you have powerful enemies?" Riven asked concerned.

- "Not at all and I can assure you that it was just an oversight, besides you don't see me, I'm intact."

Riven was staring into his eyes, trying to find some indication of lying, but there wasn't, so she was satisfied, although that doesn't mean she wouldn't lecture him, so she pulled away a bit, and crossed her arms as he spoke. she gave her idiotic husband a serious look.

- "Listen to me Leon, don't ever do this again, besides, if we go to other worlds, you must tell us if you have an enemy capable of causing such chaos, don't hide things like this from us, if you do, it will catch us off guard and it can cause a disaster, like the one now "

Leon wasn't upset because she was admonished, he knew she deserved it, besides, he thought that Riven looked very charming when she was serious, she was only missing a teacher's outfit, a ruler, and it would be perfect. He had to shake his head from her to get those thoughts out, which were getting more and more perverted.

- "I understand, I already said it was an oversight, if they had not sealed the space, we would have already returned home"

- "I believe you, now ... are we going?" Riven said, but he shook his head.

- "You will return home, I will be in that place in a blink of an eye"

Riven shook her head immediately, and furrowed her eyebrows, and asked in a reproachful tone:

- "What are you going to do Leon?"

- "To end everything" Leon said angrily.

Riven looked at all the disaster caused, and what was happening beyond the barrier, and she looked sadly at her husband, she did not want this to continue.

- "No Leon! We will return home, you will not continue to stain your hands with blood, I do not want that for you."

Leon was left thinking, go home and enjoy his women, and all the pleasure that comes with it, or finish killing all the Protoss that remain on earth ..., the answer was easy, but something took him out of his thoughts. It was Riven, who began to remove the gloves he was wearing, while giving him a provocative look.

He looks so indecisive, he sure wants to go and remove all his anger because they attacked me, I cannot blame him, if I had seen him die, I break my promise not to kill, and I would decimate every being on this planet, or rather, those who caused it. All this. But despite this, I don't want to see Leon have more blood on his hands, not while he sees it, there is nothing left to use, my charm and these 3 years of practice that we had. Thought Riven, who brought her mouth to Leon's ear, and he bit her.

This woman, I really want to do it in this situation, with such an apocalyptic atmosphere, all so that you do not stain my hands, even so I did not really think to do it, I wanted to go home, but it is not necessary to tell her, we better enjoy my lovely wife . "Leon thought, he got carried away.

Riven began to remove Leon's gloves and brought his hand to his chest, Leon did not hesitate to squeeze it and feel those twin orbs.

- "That you prefer Leon, get your hands dirty with blood, or with my body" Riven said in her ear, while she still held Leon's hand against his tits.

Leon did not answer, he grabbed her by the head and kissed her, I tasted those soft and sweet lips, their tongues met and both tasted each other, their fluids met, their eyes closed, and they said everything they had to say with that kiss, how hot they both were, those concerned about the other's safety, and how many loved each other.

- "ha, ha, you left me breathless, but before we get dirty, what if you let me take some pictures, I never saw you in armor before, it will be a good memory"

Leon nodded and walked away a little, he took his sledgehammer and was going to put on his helmet, but Riven said no, he wanted to see him with his hair down and wild, after a photo session, which Riven looked at with joy, they both stayed watching, waiting for someone to make the first move.

After a session, they were both lying on a bed, which was on the floor thanks to how hard they did it, Riven was curled up on Leon's chest, who intertwined his fingers with Riven's loose hair, touched and caressed it, he loved how soft it felt to the touch.

- "Who would think, that that girl with dead eyes, who with luck ate, would be a beast in the och !."

Riven took a playful bite into Leon's chest.

- "It's your fault I'm so active in bed, I was making sure your body worked well, you should thank me." Riven said very seriously.

Leon was smiling, he knew Riven wasn't lying, although there was still a part of her that wanted to have fun.

- "Thank you, that exercise was very good, I needed it to clear my mind ... do you miss the Riven family?"

Riven was not very friendly, she was mostly a lonely girl, she liked to hang out in the garden or next to Leon, not that she got on badly with the others, she even got along with Kayle, and sometimes they went out together.

- "Of course I miss them, especially those two twins, and their loud screams in the morning, those two have a lot of energy"

- "ha ha ha, it's true, it's quite noisy in the morning"

- "Do you like noise?" Riven asked curiously, while she still had her face buried in Leon's chest.

- "I like that type of noise, it is something that brightens the house, and wakes us up, I don't even have to set the alarm with those two, they are very punctual with their scandals. Leon said, remembering every morning with joy, and with a smile like that of a child.

Although I also like them when they moan loudly, the best is the asthmatic moan. Leon thought.

Every time I look at that smile and look, I wonder how León can be so cruel at times, and have fun with it, but make no mistake, I do not judge him for that, that is his life and ideals, and I respect them, just like He respects me, and my things, I feel that this is the most important thing for a relationship to work, although I do not think it is wrong, to try to make the other change, as long as it is for the better, of course. Riven thought.

- "Leon, you can promise something" Riven said, raising her head and looking Leon in the eyes.

-"What thing?"

- "Do not kill again"

Leon stared into Riven's puppy dog ​​eyes for a moment, and replied unfazed by that:

- "If you know the answer, why do you ask?"

- "I just wanted to try, who knows if my pretty eyes would make you change" Riven said, hiding her face on Leon's chest again.

They both stayed for a while hugging, in that rain of fire that covered the sky, it was good that they had a barrier, 10 minutes later, and it was time to go home.

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