POV Leon.

- "Ahhhh, wonderful!" Scream, already quite far from Hanabi's house, I made the decision to walk to the house, to enjoy the scenery, and who knows how to meet some idiot who provokes me, and torture him a little.

- "Shut up, we want to sleep, you fucking idiot!" And the volunteer appeared.

The person who yelled at me was between 30 to 45, short hair, and even though he said he wanted to sleep, he had big dark circles and still wore his tie. He would say that he was a typical office worker who works overtime for free. What a pathetic and mediocre way of living his life.

People who only live to exist, only to fulfill their pathetic purpose of working all day, until the day they die, and only following orders like a robot. They are not even capable of seeking a romance, or starting a family. And in the end, they die alone, in the solitude of their four walls, which they ironically call home.

People like that don't deserve to live.. Since they are not able to savor life, they do not deserve life.

- "You are so pathetic, you don't deserve to live."

- "Shut up unhappy!"

Raise my hand, and form a claw, the guy looked at me like he was crazy, but that look did not last long, when his neck was held by me, since I teleported him.

- "You were saying?"

- "....."

The office worker was quite surprised, and I cannot blame him, imagine, you are calm in your house, yelling at someone, and suddenly, you appear next to him, and grabbed his neck.

- "W-wh-what was that!" He said shaking with fear and shock.

I looked around me, and there it was, a bottle, with telekinesis I drew it to my hand, and I broke it into pieces, with my defense, it was impossible to cut myself, but for a normal human.

- "Say ahhhh !."

His eyes widened, and he refused to open his mouth, of course he saw the broken glass he was holding, I'm surprised he wasn't surprised because I didn't cut my hand, but let's put that aside. I squeezed one of the nerves in his neck, and his mouth fell open.

I put my hand to his mouth, but the idiot moved a lot, so it took me a bit, I must have paralyzed another nerve.

- "aaaaagr, aggr, aaaagggg!"

His screams of pain flooded all over the place, but no one came to help him, since he had put up a barrier. Then cover his mouth with my hand, as well as his nose.

Since he couldn't breathe, he instinctively swallowed, it was the body's desire to breathe again, something almost impossible for a normal human to stop. Of course, with every swallow he took, his throat and mouth cords tore apart, filling him with blood, blood that ran straight into his lungs.


His eyes were full of terror, and he was sweating like crazy, it was quite pathetic and disgusting. Red veins began to appear on his neck, and all over his body, it seemed, the glass was already causing internal injuries.

The minutes passed, and his body began to convulse, blood came out of his eyes, mouth, and from the back of him, I stopped holding him by the neck, and threw him to the ground, so that he would finish dying. Other minutes passed, where there were several screams of agony, and attempts to seek help, I saw him crawl a few meters, so I stepped on his head and stopped him.

And then he died, maybe drowned, or from pain, who knows.

- "Le-Leon." A nice voice called my name, although it was nice, there was a little fear in it.

I turned around, and there she was, red hair, and stunning curves, it was Agata, one of my personal servants.

- "Ágata? What are you doing in these places?" I asked the redhead.

She took the time to answer, I saw how she took a lot of air to relax, and calm her nerves, like blaming her, when she tortured her so much, but she deserved it.

- "Shizuka-sama asked for you, because it took so long, and my lady Kayle asked me to come and get him."

- "Hm, I understand" She sighed relieved when I said it, she sure thought I would get mad at her, as she interrupted my little act.

As for Shizuka, I have a feeling, that she tells me that she is upset, but why is it her? Hmm, well, I'll find out. But first, I'll make fun of this girl a bit.

I took out a handkerchief and I wiped the blood that splashed my face, I should have put a barrier, but hey, I cleaned myself, and walked towards agate calmly, I looked around, and there was another bottle, I took it and broke it into several pieces of glasses that were left in my hand. I stopped in front of the redhead, who had a bit of sweat on her face, and brought the handful of glass that I had in my hand, towards her mouth.

- "Agate, how about you open your mouth"

She didn't like him very much, she frowned and rolled her eyes, her hands were shaking even more, but despite all those symptoms of being terrified, she still opened her mouth, showing how loyal she is, and how good she is. train to get there.

And since he showed to be loyal to her, I just walked up to her, and stole a kiss from hers, warm lips from her, and sweet tongue from her, although she was surprised, then she returned it, although I doubt that I did for love. Then I took her by the waist, and teleported us to the door of my home.

POV Shizuka.

The steam covered the entire bathroom room, it was already quite late, but I decided to take a bath, I was not alone, in front of me, my friend and maid, Agatha, her red hair was loose and floating in the water. She had quite beautiful skin, she was white and smooth, and breasts that make any woman envy, even me.

It's not that I like women, no, even when Leon asked me for a threesome, I had to refuse. To be honest, she was quite ashamed to do it with another woman. I mean, what do I have to do? Kiss the other girl? Touch the intimate parts of the other, and make her reach an orgasm, I'm sorry Leon, at least for me, it's impossible to do it.

- "She's fine, Shizuka-sama." Said Agata, pulling me out of my thoughts, which were a little perverted, I wonder if I'm a little red.

- "Hm? Yes, all right, I love bathing, it's so relaxing, and she helps you take care of your skin."

-"She is right."

And after that brief conversation, we were silent, until she got up and excused herself that she had to cook dinner. But I stopped her and asked her to approach her and turn her back on me, no, it wasn't sexual at all.

- "Agata, your scars are more than the last time."

I asked, on his back there were some scars, it was supposed to be due to his old life, but I began to realize, that new ones appeared from time to time, at first I did not pay attention, I thought it was my thing, and I saw bad, But now that I see well, these scars are recent.

- "Shizuka-sama, something's wrong." Agata said, ignoring my question, she sure wants to change the conversation, it seems an uncomfortable topic for her.

- "These scars are new, as they got on your back"

The scars were not the same as the others, they were more superficial, as if they were using a whip, in the older ones they are like being cut with a knife. Or so I think, I'm not a doctor to know.

- "Shizuka-sama is wrong, they were always" Agata said, very serious, I almost believed him.

- "I'm not an idiot Agata, I have seen how two new scars appeared, this one and this one." I told her, as she touched the skin on her back.

- "..." She just keeps silent, perhaps thinking of a logical answer.

- "Knowing León, I doubt that someone outside this house would do it, León is too possessive to let someone harm what is his, or his family, and Kayle is not one of the girls who would harm another, at least that provokes her, with all this said ... was it León who made those marks on you? "

- "Shizuka-sama, I think it's better not to continue." She said, as if begging.

I stared at her and despite the seriousness on her face, she couldn't hide that small tremor in her body, she was afraid of Leon, mmm, I don't know what these two are hiding from me, but I don't like it, I think I'll talk to him, I doubt that you are hiding something from me, if I ask you.

- "You can go, and if you can, look for León, it's late."

- "Right away Shizuka-sama." Agata put on the towel, gave a slight bow and left.

After she left, I sank back into the hot water, thinking things over. Actually, I don't want to know what happens with Ágata and León, because I don't know what to do, sigh, León has several secrets, and I know that if I ask him, he will tell me everything, but I'm afraid of finding things that I don't like. And if that makes me regret marrying him, or if I stop loving him, or worse, and if he starts to hate me, because to be honest, I love him very much, and that no one will change.

AHHHHH, this is shit ...!, Even so, I can not be my whole life in the fog, and walking blindly, I have to see all things hidden, since secrets are the beginning of misunderstandings , and the breakdown of many relationships.

That is what anime taught me, many couples were slow to form, only because of misunderstandings, and because they were not sincere. Or they separated because of it. I sigh, quite pathetic of me, that the only thing I know about love comes from anime. I'm already in my 20s, I should watch soap operas ..., but they are very boring, and I'm not that old either, soap operas are for married women with children.

Thinking about those harem animes, I don't think they are the best reference for my situation, that is, they only meet one girl, while the others are left crying, and without an ending that shows what happened to them. Sniff, how sad for them. In that I give the thumbs up to León, he stayed with us two, three if we count Agata, and no one was left sad.

Ugh, hot water makes me think so many things, I wonder if it only happens to me.

POV 3.

Leon returned home to find that everything was in order, dinner was ready, and his two lovers were waiting for him at the table. But even so, Leon was frowning, because his beloved wife, Shizuka, was staring at him with narrowed eyes.

That boded him badly, but still he sat up, and he began to eat as if nothing had happened. Kayle noticed Shizuka's gaze, and she wondered what the fuck Loen did, to screw Shizuka, since she's never her, but she's never mad at Leon. Not so with other people.

Shizuka exploded easily with others, and she was a punch without hesitation. Kayle still remembered the time Shizuka was ripped off by a vending machine, and she didn't give him her candy. In short, the machine ended up with broken glass, all the duces on the ground, and with Shizuka happy.

Coming back with dinner, it was pretty calm and quiet, until someone broke the silence.

- "Leon, you hit Ágata." Shizuka thought a thousand things, how to approach the subject, until in the end, she sent everything to shit, and she decided to be direct.

Leon stared at the plate for a second, and returned to eat, not that he was weighing things, he had already decided to be honest with Shizuka, and tell what kind of person he is, is part of it.


Shizuka just nodded, and she stared at Leon for a second, she didn't know how to continue the conversation.

Kayle who was looking at everything from the side, did not think to intervene, she could not, on one side was her husband, and on the other her sister, and friend of many years, both were worth a lot to her, and intervening, would only leave her in a bad way position. Besides, she knew, that Leon would find a way out, but it wouldn't be easy.

León continued to enjoy the delicacies that Ágata prepared, he had to admit that the girl was a good acquisition. After all, before he met her, they only ate prepared food or from different restaurants, since none of the three could cook.

- "So, you want to know something more Shizuka." Leon asked, finished with silence.

-"Because you did?" Shizuka asked, she wanted to know the whole scenario, before giving her criticism, or to know what to do next.

- "When I met Ágata, she was a trained military man, an assassin, she was sent with 20 other soldiers to catch me, once they did that, I would surely be imprisoned, tortured, and finally killed. It was them or me."

Shizuka stopped eating, and was trying to absorb all the information, after all, they told her, that her friend and maid was a murderer, and that her job was to capture her husband, she was very confused, upset, angry, she was a mess of emotions at that time.

- "Slower Leon, I don't understand, did they want to capture you?"

Leon nodded.

- "And because they would do that, are you involved in illegal business?" Shizuka asked, worried, and although on the inside, she was also upset.

- "Well, at that time, I trafficked weapons for different people"

Now that I remember, my grandfather told me about a lunatic who entered the JSFD and stole several weapons, but not only in this country, there were robberies in several more. Of course they withheld this information so as not to cause panic. Apparently that madman is my husband. Shizuka thought, biting her nails at how nervous she was.

- "You were? ..., the person who stole those weapons"

- "Yes, I stole and sold many weapons, and that turned on the alerts, it took very little time for them to track me down, and send an elite squad to finish me off, among them, Agata ...."

Leon was going to follow, for Shizuka stopped him, she wanted to hear everything, but she also wanted to process it. Also, she lacked to know the other side of the coin.

- "Ágata, everything that León tells is true, did you ... did you want to kill him?" Shizuka said annoyed and with a frown, she was angry with Leon, for hiding things from him, but she still cared about her well-being, and knowing that they wanted to kill him, annoyed her a lot.

Agatha was feeling pretty bad, after all, for her, Shizuka was a friend, and someone who loves a lot, but now, the same person that she holds dear, is finding out things that she did not want him to know. She knew that her past was stained with blood. Nothing to do with Shizuka, who was a normal girl, who lived a normal life, away from the cruelty of the world.

- "Yes Shizuka-sama, my team received a mission to capture León, and after that, we would torture him to get information, recover the stolen goods and the money. But, we failed, my team perished, and I was captured by León."

- "Wait ... your squad died?"

Agata nodded.

Shizuka already knew that Leon had his hands full of blood, after all, he sold weapons, and sneaked into dangerous places. But still, there was a little hope in her, that her husband, hers Leon hers, was not totally a monster.

- "Was it Leon?"

Agata nodded again.

Leon noticed that Shizuka looked at him, waiting for him to defend himself, and for him to say otherwise. But Leon wasn't going to do it. Shizuka, noticing that Leon, said nothing, shook her head, with some tears on her face, and some pouting. Leon felt bad, after all, he had made a promise when they got married, that he would always take care of his smile.

And he today he broke it. That made him wonder if it was necessary to tell the truth about him, she could hide it all, and leave Shizuka in a bubble forever. But he knew, that alone would be a cruel thing to do for his wife.

- "I can't deny it Shizuka, and even if you don't want to hear it, I killed many people, but I don't regret it."

-"why?" Shizuka asked.

- "Because I did it, a little fun, another little because it was necessary, all those I murdered were thieves, rapists, abusers, it is not to justify myself, but in my actions, they were correct."

- "Sniff, why, Sniff, why hide all this from me, why not tell me from the beginning that you were ..."

- "A monster, a villain, a terrorist." Leon said calmly, although he was upset and knew that in part, it was his mistake for not telling him, but Leon is not one of the people who would fix a problem with violence, well yes, but not against his own wife .

- "Yes, why didn't you mention it!" Shizuka replied indignantly, not so much for how she was, but for hiding it and lying to him.

Leon twitched his eyebrow, he did not like being yelled at, but he held on, he knew that if he raised his voice, that would cause a chain event, where he yells, and Shizuka yells louder, and in the end, both of them will say, what they don't mean.

- "For an idiot, but once this is done, we can't go back Shizuka, and now, what do you want to do?"

- "Shizuka, go rest." Kayle didn't let him answer.

- "Kayle ... wait! Did you know?" Shizuka said, reproachfully.

- "Yes, and no, I will not apologize, nor will I say that I regret it, because that does not change, go, but I will give you some advice, go to sleep, or watch a manga, distract your head a little, now you are very upset, you also received a lot of information ..., I tell you as advice Shizuka, if you make decisions in this state, they will only be bad. "

Shizuka looked at her sister, who also hid things from her, she wanted to complain a little to her, but in the end, he decided to listen to her. She knew, that Kayle, only wanted the best for herself.

- "Okay, I'll go to my room."

Leon watched as Shizuka left, and followed her with her gaze, until he passed through the door frame, at no time did she look behind her. He could only sigh, and wait, he needed to give her time to process everything.

Kayle looked at Leon, she was a bit upset, since she almost took him down with him, and she didn't want to get into the discussion, but in the end, she is also part of the problem.

- "Leon! Because of you, I'm also in this problem."

- "Yours is not so much so don't complain, I even hope you keep him company tonight."

- "Do you think he will let me in ?!" Kayle yelled annoyed, even so, Leon replied calmly.

- "Yes, she needs company now, so she eats, and go with her."

- "Sigh, I hope you'll fix the problem later, I don't want the situation to become uncomfortable, as for you, Agate."

Agata stayed glued to her chair, waiting for them to yell at her, but she was pleasantly surprised.

- "I already knew that you tried to kill Leon, and I was upset for some time, but I already forgive you, and I consider you a good helper, your food is delicious, and you take good care of the house, and Shizuka. For me, you already you paid for your mistake. "

Although you never had a chance to hurt Leon. Kayle thought, she knew that Agata had only fallen into Leon's trap, that's why she wasn't mad at her.

- "Thank you my lady." Agata answered, very grateful that they forgiven her.

- "I'll go with Shizuka, I trust you Leon."

Leon nodded, he would try to solve it, but he knew that he should give him time, meanwhile, he continued eating, Leon is not one of the people who gets bitter all day because of a mistake that has a solution. He will continue with his, and the conquest of him.

POV Leon.

A week has passed since Shizuka got mad at me, on the first day, she didn't eat anything, on the second, Agata had to cook all her favorite dishes, and take it away, she ate them all. On the third day, she was heard him laugh and everything, in addition, already reconciled with Kayle.

On the 5th day, he had already reconciled with Agatha, and had forgiven her. And today, well, she was pretty calm, but she still doesn't leave the room, although she has improved, and she doesn't seem so angry. After finishing my business for today, I will reconcile with her. I think she had more than enough time to think about everything.

But Well, now let's put that aside, now is the time to clear my mind.

Today was the second day that I will train Hanabi, the first day was mostly basic stuff, so I couldn't touch her too much.


Hanabi, the golden-eyed blonde beauty, had finished her workday, and although she should be tired from all the work, she was all happy and bouncing. Hanabi was heading towards the lower floor of the cafeteria, where a small training ground was located, it was something like a dojo changing with a gym.

The place was very well lit, they had heating and air purifiers, she even had a natural Onsen, when Hanabi saw that, her eyes were shining, she was not waiting for the time to get in.

- "Welcome, you look happy."

- "hm, it's always fun to be with you Leon-sama!"

- "I see, how about you change, and we start."

- "Um, Leon-sama.?"


- "Could you occupy the Onsen?" Hanabi asked.

- "Of course, we will finish earlier, and we can go in together."

- "Th-together.!" Hanabi said in panic, and all red.

- "Do you have a problem with that or are you afraid that it will do something to you?"

- "I, uh, I, mm." Hanabi tapped her fingers, a little undecided on how to respond.

-"Do not trust me?" Said Lion saddened.

- "Of course he trusted you! Is that ..., you don't mind me seeing him?" Hanabi didn't hesitate to answer.

- "It is not that we enter naked, we will use a towel."

Hanabi turned red, imagining how her boss would be in her towel, she almost bleeds her nose, from the warm image that formed in her mind. She had to admit that her boss was very handsome, besides, he was the only man, with whom she had had so much physical contact, and intimate. Except for her father.

Not that she complained, she trusted Leon a lot, after all he was married, and a grown man. She thought, that she would never do anything wrong to him.

- "You're fine Hanabi."

- "Y-yes, I'm fine, but-but, are you sure, isn't he married? She won't be mad at me if she knows I saw him with a towel." Hanabi doesn't mind seeing Leon in a towel, if not, that he was married, and she didn't want to cause him trouble.

- "You shouldn't worry about her (if not about you Leon thought, but he didn't say it worse), besides, I would be very happy, sharing the Onsen with a woman, as beautiful as you."

- "he-beautiful!" Hanabi said, hanging her head, trying to hide her blush and embarrassment.

Hanabi took a direct hit to the heart from him, after all, they never complimented her. It's not that men were blind, it's that her childhood friend you took them away from her. But he didn't do it on purpose, this effect passed, since he was very popular, and he had many friends besides the guy being the leader of the soccer team, and one of the best athletes in school.

That alone was enough to keep the idiots away from Hanabi, no one would dare to flirt with him.

Of course, this situation was a double-edged sword, since Hanabi, she thought that she was not very beautiful, since no one told her, not even her childhood friend of hers. Yes, not even him, since he was too shy to do it. Thanks to this, she Hanabi did not have herself on a pedestal, nor did she think that she was the prettiest, she was quite average.

And she always felt a little inferior with the other girls, since they did receive compliments.

Hanabi, who was red, ran to change, once inside her, she stayed glued to the door for a few seconds. In her mind the word beautiful sounded all the time, and it made her feel warm, and her heart was beating like crazy.

After a minute, the girl slapped her face to get out of the stupor, and she changed quickly, in just a few seconds, she was already in her underwear, wearing white panties that had a print of a bear on the front and back, and a white bra matching.

The training lasted 30 minutes, where León made Hanabi sweat quite a bit. Thanks to that, her sportswear, she paid even more to her body, accentuating her curves, showing her nipples, which for x reasons, were erect, and also she could see like the tights her sports shoes marked her pussy.

She was a very erotic figure, but she shouldn't be aware of her, she was so tired from the training, that she didn't notice, she just went straight to the bathroom, to enter the Onse. As for Leon, I enjoy the visual pleasure that Hanabi gave him, he had to admit, that it was more exciting to see a woman like that, than naked.

Leon kept the image of her in her memory, and went to the Onsen, which had a wash to wash his body of sweat. Before entering, he took off his clothes and threw them aside, he did not even order them, since he never did, Leon always threw his clothes everywhere, since he had many maids.

Once inside, he did not rush to bathe, grabbed a towel, and put it on his hip.

Hanabi was already ready to enter the Onsen. She only wore a towel that covered her breasts, and her pussy, which had a bit of beautiful blonde hair, was very short, it was hardly noticeable with the naked eye. She entered, and saw Leon that she was about to wash her back, he had done it deliberately, so that, for this.

Hanabi approached Leon, and she found no better idea than to wash her back, she did not find it strange at first, since she always cleaned her father's back when she was little.

- "Can I clean you back Leon-sama?"

- "It would be appreciated"

Hanabi nodded happily, as she felt that with that, she was giving back a little of everything that Leon, she has given him. She felt a bit indebted to him. She first looked for a bench, and she sat behind Leon's back, took the soap that was in a wooden soap dish, and began to wash his back.

Hanabi was very curious, so from time to time, she would touch Leon's back with her bare hand. But every time she did, she felt weird, a tingle shook the bottom of her. In addition to her, her eyes did not stop looking at Leon's butt, she did not know why, but she wanted to touch him.

Leon noticed every action of Hanabi, and was happy with the result, since with this, he aroused the sexual curiosity of the girl, one who is sleeping. That is enough for today, although if he wanted, she could go further, but that would not do, since Hanabi will feel too guilty if she crossed the line now, it was too much later.

So she decided to end the show.

- "Are you ready Hanabi"

- "Ah, y-yeah, sure!" Hanabi said, who quickly, took the hose and wiped all the soap from Leon's back.

Stupid Hanabi, what happens to you today that you are so distracted, and if I had caught a cold, I sigh, I do not understand what is happening to me, and what happens with those thoughts in my head, it is surely the fault of the heat, if that is. Hanabi thought, she decided not to think too much about her feelings, she didn't want to get entangled in something she didn't understand, and it seemed complicated.

To be continue.

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