After León had his passion session with Hanabi, he went and took a bath calmly, no words came out of their mouths, they just looked at each other in silence as time passed, and the water relaxed and refreshed his body and muscles .

Now both of them were sitting taking advantage of the delicacies that the golden-eyed blonde, who was very good at cooking, could create.

- "Before we devoured each other with passion, you asked how to know what you feel about your friend Takashi, I hope I have helped you arrive at the answer. Leon said, leaving his food aside for a moment.

Hanabi looked up, and set her food aside. And with a confident look, and firm posture, although he hesitated at the end and said.

- "Yes Leon-sama, what I feel for Takashi, is not love, it is more like a brotherly affection, and I only want to stay with you, that is my humble wish, but ..."

- "Surely you think my wife will make a complaint, if she discovers us.." Leon said, discovering that he was making Hanabi hesitate.

- "Yes Leon-sama, I don't want to cause problems for him, and I know we are doing it wrong, but even so, I want to stay by his side, even as a lover. (And who knows, maybe his wife will accept me, and I can enter at home under his support.) Hanabi said, thinking about the last part.

- "You don't have to worry about her, she's a good girl, she won't complain if there are more women, but let's put that aside for now, and let's talk a little more about your friend, sure everything is fine."

- "..." Hanabi seemed hesitant.

-"Just say it"

- "I feel a little guilty with him, I think he had certain feelings towards me, besides, he was always by my side. He was almost my only friend, apart from the classmates I had, but I never spoke to them outside from school."

Leon listened attentively, and all his thoughts ran to the maximum, and the gears came together, to form some kind of plan, one where Hanabi begins to hate her friend, and she agrees to break the boy's heart.

To think that such a brilliant mind only served to devise perverted and evil plans, surely the great scholars and scientists would mourn for such loss, which would help the advancement of humanity, a pity for all humanity, Leon had little interest in helping them advance , he just liked to destroy, and fuck like a rabbit.

- "I understand, but have you thought about it? Maybe he doesn't even feel something for you, maybe he just sees you as a sister."

Hanabi thought about it for a moment, remembering all the time she spent with Takashi, how he hindered her or how he helped her in her daily chores, and realized that Leon was right, after all, Takashi never dared to touch her improperly , don't even take her by the hand.

Besides her, her friend, he got along very well with her family, but no one ever spoke of Takashi as a good couple for her, they only said that they seemed like good friends, almost like brothers. Although this has an explanation, Hanabi's parents understood that Takashi was a very shy boy, and therefore, they never said something very inappropriate, or that caused any misunderstanding. That is another nail in the coffin, of their relationship.

And Hanabi kept remembering, now she remembered that time they went to the beach together, and he never gave her a compliment, and even asked her to cover herself up more, and that she not forget that she was a lady.

What Hanabi did not understand is that Takashi was jealous that other men looked at his friend, and great love, also Hanabi never saw how red Takashi's face was, at that time he was very ashamed, since he could see his beloved in a bathing suit. Takashi was a very pure and shy guy, he even took years to call his childhood friend by his first name. He was the typical Japanese protagonist.

And so the misunderstandings were building up against Takashi, forming a misconception within Hanabi. And not only that, all those misunderstandings led to Leon entering Hanabi's heart with ease, and she, was already in chains, there was no escape, not even a hero on her white steed could save her, even if that happened. . Did she want to be saved? Of course not.

Leon continued eating while Hanabi was sunk in his mind, until she opened her eyes again, and nodded vehemently.

- "Leon-sama is right, apparently, he saw me as a sister. Thank you, I don't feel so guilty anymore." Hanabi said, with a slight bow.

- "It's good to know, even, most likely, he already has a girlfriend, but he never told you, maybe because he felt guilty, for leaving you alone, you know how siblings are."

Hanabi opened her eyes in surprise, she thought how she could be so blind, and not see that, she could only admire her boss, that he was so attentive and she could see everything.

- "Right Leon-sama, as I did not realize, but how can I verify it"

- "I see that you are curious, but if you try to ask him, he will most likely deny it, if you want to know the truth, it is better to observe him from afar, and see if he has someone very close, if so, most likely be your girlfriend.

- "You're right, and with that, I will no longer feel guilty, I will even help him with his courtship, after all, he is my dear childhood friend, hmm ..., Leon-sama, it does not bother him that I remain a friend from Takashi, and help him. " Hanabi said, bowing her head a little, she looked very cute and tender.

-"Why do you ask that?"

- "I ask, because I do not want him to think that Takashi interests me, also I do not want us to have a misunderstanding, and get jealous. (Although I would like to see him jealous, and being possessive) Hanabi said, a little blushed, although she thought the last part.

León raised an eyebrow, it was impossible for him to be jealous of a fly, he knew there was no way she would betray him, she already belonged to him in body and soul, it only remained to take her virginity, but that was reserved to be the last dish, and the entrance to the last event.

- "Don't worry, you can talk to him without problem, just hide our relationship."

It's true, I can't talk about my relationship with León-sama, after all, it's not very legal and well seen by society, unless my parents approved of it, but of course it won't happen, my parents are traditional, and If they find out I'm just the mistress, and part of a harem

They'll lock me up at home, and they'll punish me for life, no ... they'll most likely kick me out of the house. Sigh, it's a difficult life, but everything is for my happiness. Hanabi thought.

- "Yes Leon-sama, I understand that our relationship is complicated, so nothing will come out of my mouth."

And with that said, they both continued with their food, and enjoyed their time together, what Hanabi didn't notice was the twisted smile that Leon had, and what that implied.

Time jump ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

1 week has passed since León and Hanabi had their conversation. Now Hanabi was behind a pole watching her childhood friend of hers was flirting with a girl she had never seen, albeit very normal, typical black hair and black eyes, normal face, and normal body, nothing out of the ordinary. the usual.

Except that she got along really well with her childhood friend. Hanabi did not care or make him jealous, she was happy for her friend. Since apparently she did have a girlfriend, but she did not tell him for fear that she would think that he was leaving her alone, just as her beloved Leon-sama said of her.

León-sama is right, now he has to help my old friend, although it hurts that we are no longer as friends as before, he distanced himself a lot from me, even now he does not call me, but that is normal, now he has a girlfriend. Not that I care so much either, now I realize, that I too will spend less time with him, now I have a…, boyfriend, lover, teacher, boss, husband? Hhhmmm? It still remains to be decided.

- "Slap. But let's put that aside, it's time to congratulate my old friend." Hanabi said, as she slapped her face, as if to encourage herself.

As Hanabi got closer, she almost tripped, but it was no coincidence, or that she was nervous, well a little, but not because of his friend and his girlfriend, if not because of Leon, since he has been fucking her hard every day, filling her hole butt of cum, then sealing it with an anal plug, forcing her to go with it to school.

She didn't complain about it, she even did it with pleasure, going to school while she had semen inside her, it made her feel turned on, like she was a bad girl, who would later receive a punishment from her master, when she got home.

As Hanabi walked towards them, Takashi chatted with the black-haired woman, who was a minor MOB or minor character. Actually the girl was a prostitute that Leon found in the street, with a little arrangement she the girl looked younger and she could quickly pass as a student.

Now as the prostitute and Takashi met, León put the prostitute in an alley, where there were two homeless people, which reeked of alcohol and that they had not bathed in centuries. Leon threw a strong aphrodisiac at the homeless people, and when they saw such a pretty girl, in school clothes, and alone, they could not hold back and threw themselves against her.

Of course the girl screamed and Takashi who happened to be passing by the place saved her, after that they became friends. The prostitute herself was a puppet, Leon the matter after his job ended and his job was to befriend Takashi, and influence him.

Returning to Takashi, he saw how someone greeted him, he immediately stiffened, and tried to give his best smile, he did not expect to see his childhood friend so suddenly, although I do not know what the boy expected, they both went to the same school.

Hanabi returned her greeting, and then sat next to her friend, the introductions were quick, and he told her who the girl was.

- "I see, although it is no longer necessary to lie to me Takashi, I am happy for you and her!" Said an excited Hanabi.

Takashi was stunned, he did not know what was happening, because his friend congratulated him, and because that congratulation felt bad in his heart, as if something was going through him.

- "I-I-I don't understand, what do you mean, Hanabi-chan?" He said nervously.

- "Isn't it clear? You two are dating, you don't have to hide that from me anymore, I've seen you these last few days, and I always see you together, you even accompanied her to her house, so it's not necessary to lie anymore Takashi, later of everything, I am happy for you, for having found your love. "

Hanabi's sincere smile only pierced Takashi's heart, plunging him into despair, because she mistook what was happening with the black-haired girl. Takashi may be a bit of an idiot and slow, but he quickly understood the meaning of Hanabi's words, she thought the black-haired woman was his girlfriend.

- "W-wait, it's not what it seems, besides, doesn't that bother you?"

Hanabi shook his head, and took his friend's hands, he would turn red with shame, and he would be jumping with happiness inside, for having touched his childhood love, but now he was desperate, and full of sadness.

- "No, of course not! Why would I?! I am happy because my friend found someone important to him!"

Takashi knew that Hanabi meant well, but those words broke his heart, because they were true. Takashi knew Hanabi very well, and he knew about her when she was lying, and now he knew that she was very sincere, and actually wished her well.

As a friend he should be happy, that his friend Hanabi wishes him the best, but he did not see her as a friend, he saw her as his future girlfriend, that's why it hurt so much that she supported him in their supposed relationship, after all, that meant one thing, and it was that Hanabi didn't love him.

That she never saw him as a man, and only saw him as a friend, or worse, as a brother, for that, for all that, Takashi felt horrible, since he knew, that he entered the frienzone, a place that many men detest and hates, a place few men want to go.

As for Hanabi, she was not so aware of the consequences of her words, and what they caused in Takashi to frown, and try to keep her smile, but her face darkened every second, entering a circle of depression.

The bell rang, and it was time to go back to class, Hanabi jumped suddenly and said goodbye to her friend, I did not even notice her dark complexion and dead fish eyes, she just left while she said goodbye to her with hand. It wasn't that Hanabi didn't want to spend more time with her friend, she left quickly, as her pussy was starting to shake, and she would soon reach an orgasm.

But how did we get to such a situation? It was when Hanabi sat on the wooden bench, in which there was a small lift, which touched her anal plug, causing her to enter a little more, and stimulate herself, Hanabi managed to feel it and got warm , and although he wanted to get out, the pleasure was greater.

Therefore, she had to rush to the bathroom, since she noticed a lot of liquid she wanted to get out of her, so she rushed to the bathroom, to be able to masturbate and reach orgasm. As for someone discovering her it was impossible, she already had a shadow of Leon, who took care of her and made sure that nothing bad happened to her.

Returning to Takashi, he looked incredulous, as his friend left him just like that, and his face became increasingly ugly and wrinkled. Her attempt to get up and run after her friend to stop her, and explain everything to her.

But another hand stopped him, it was her friend, her prostitute, although he did not know it. She still saved her from those bullies. From that day on the woman did not move away from him, for fear that something bad would happen to him, and since Takashi was a good boy, he consented to her, and helped her with everything.

The prostitute, now a student, looked at Takashi and told him through tears in her eyes that she should not leave her, that the bad guys could come and hurt her. Takashi who saw those tears, was biting his lips helplessly, his feet and eyes wavered as they saw his friend Hanabi run straight to his class.

Takashi wanted to run, yell at his friend that it was a misunderstanding, and that he actually felt something for her, but ..., when he looked again at the prostitute he saved, who was trembling with fear, and almost crying, he did not he could hold on. Takashi clenched his fists, and shook his head from her, he thought he would have time later to fix the misunderstanding.

Now, he had to help his other friend, who needed his help. Takashi was very soft with other people, especially with women who cried, another trait that shows that he was the typical protagonist of Japanese novels.

Takashi hugged the girl, and began to comfort her, saying that he would never leave her, the black-haired girl was crying uncontrollably on his chest, while hugging him tightly, but all this was an act, the act of a puppet, which had as its objective, make Takashi unable to get away from her.

Leon who was aware of everything, and looked at everything with a smile, could not be more satisfied with everything, actually he could get into the minds of Hanabi and Takashi, and solve everything in a faster way, but that had no charm Leon wanted to take his time, and see the whole process.

The hours passed and Takashi went back to his house, his walking was heavy and he had a pout, thinking about how he did not have the time to talk to his friend Hanabi, and resolve the whole matter. Since the other friend of his, he refused to let go and forced him to take her home.

Time passed, and Takashi arrived at his house, entered and greeted everyone, putting on a false smile and trying not to notice that he was wrong, he did not want to bother his family, they already did a lot for him. Takashi was very respectful to his parents.

He got into his room, and threw his things on the floor, and threw himself onto the bed, while he rolled over, trying to get all the frustration and sadness out of him. But that didn't help, his heart was still heavy and his mind kept thinking about the girl he loved, about her blonde hair and her modest chest, he didn't care that she was flat.

Takashi also liked how demure Hanabi was, and that she was modest, and her angelic smile filled his days. Little does he know that that angel smile turned into a succubus smile every night, when he arrived with his beloved Lion of his, and this gave him a pleasure that he would never forget.

Hanabi was already a pervert and masochist, who liked to be dominated, by a strong man, and make obscene faces during sex, so much so that Takashi would be surprised if he saw it, but of course he did not know all this, not for now . To Takashi, Hanabi was still quite a refined young lady.

Takashi just wanted to sleep, and forget everything. After all, sleep is the cure for all ills, one where most people with depression hide, after all, in your dreams you are free, well, most of the time, sometimes you can have a nightmare.

As Takashi could not sleep, he began to check his cell phone, he checked Hanabi's contact, and he saw when the last call was, and it was almost two weeks ago, he opened his mouth and his eyes were very big in surprise, that made him realize, It left Hanabi very alone, and he hadn't even noticed.

At what moment did he start to move away from her, at what moment he left his friend so alone, and neglected her, nothing came to his mind, he had no reasons why he did not call her, surely he trained, but calling him would only take a few seconds, That is why he did not understand, why did he never call her?

As for thinking about Leon and his advice, he didn't give it much thought. Takashi shook his head to remove those thoughts, it was time to change, he looked for the button to call, but before pressing it, I doubt it, thousands of thoughts filled his head.

All negative, one of them was how he could tell her friend that it was all a misunderstanding, and that he loved her and that he loved her. But it would not be good to say it over the phone, he could be rejected, also, what if she really did not want him? After all, today I make everything clear, she saw him as a friend, as a brother.

If not, she would have cried and complained to him about having a supposed girlfriend, a girlfriend that she didn't really have.

Hesitating for several seconds, he decided not to call, it was not good to talk about these sensitive issues on the phone, these issues are discussed in person. Of course, Takashi was an idiot sometimes, but not so much that he didn't realize that calling on the phone to confess was a very stupid idea.

I mean, no one is such an idiot to confess over a phone call, or a text message, right?

Putting that aside, Takashi didn't know how to end his grief, so he looked at the cell phone and came up with an idea. One that all men have ever had, there is no exception, there is no man who did not do it, and whoever says no, is because he does not have it.

Exactly, Takashi entered the incognito mode, quite an intelligent child in that regard, although some exaggerate and use Thor, what the hell do these guys see, Martians fucking ?, Maybe, we will never know.

Returning to Takashi, he began to search for internet pornography, his search consisted of some hentai videos, he searched randomly and he found one that seemed interesting, the cover featured a pink-haired girl, with large breasts, and tied up.

He liked the cover, so he went in and let the video load a bit, he started looking for some paper, he leaned out the door and looked both ways, making sure there was no one, he closed the door with key, put on headphones, and voila.

Although he didn't drop his pants, not yet, Takashi was a pig like most men, but he was a decent pig, and he liked to watch the story in the videos before he started. So he put it on from the beginning and he found it interesting, it all started with a little pink-haired loli crying in a fountain, and a boy was coming up to him.

Everything seemed fine, at first, but Takashi was already getting bored, minute 3 and there was no sex, he was about to overtake it, until a message came to his phone, one that included a video.

Takashi was shocked and thought the FBI was watching him through the camera.

It was good that he still hadn't pulled down his pants, and fearfully he clicked on the message. The text message said, if you have a bad day and want it to get better, check out this, sent by his dear friend, Mr. Netori.

Takashi was confused, and he had doubts about opening the file, who knows if it was a virus.

But even so, human curiosity is great and he clicked on the file. I hope he downloaded and opened it. Takashi jumped in shock, as loud moans flooded his ears through the headphones, he even dropped the phone.

He quickly picked it up and made sure the headphones didn't come off and the moans were heard all over the room. Takashi sighed in relief, as nothing was heard.

He saw the video again, and was surprised, a pretty girl with black hair, who had her face covered by one of her hands, while she made a gesture of peace, was being fucked. But what surprised her the most was that she the girl wore the same high school uniform she was in.

The conclusion was quick, the video was of lagoons of her companions, but he could not believe it, that the girl would let herself be recorded while they fucked her, he could only say that she was a nasty whore. And that she would never befriend a girl like that.

Takashi kept watching the video, even though he hated the girl, for being a whore, he still got horny, and felt how his little brother got up, even though he just raised a tent, his little brother was very small.

The girl had black hair, and modest breasts, or so you could see, since the girl who was fucked was wearing her uniform, and you couldn't see her naked body. The video only showed her face, and how a man of hers was attacking her from behind, but nothing else, you couldn't see the man's face, or the girl's body.

Even so, the moans, which were very exciting, did not stop encouraging Takashi, who put his hand to his pants, ready for battle, but before he could, the girl in the video, shouted someone's name, maybe the name of the man who was charging her from behind.

Takashi thought the voice was familiar, but he didn't know from where, since it was too short, and the video was over.

Takashi wanted to restart the video, but it only said error, impossible to see. Takashi tried again and again, since he wanted to hear the voice to see if he recognized it, and also he wanted to continue masturbating, too bad, he couldn't do anything.

Then another message came to him, saying that another video would arrive tomorrow, but to have it, he had to send a certain amount of money.

At first he thought it was a scam, but still he sent the money, because he thought the girl's moans were fantastic, besides, he thought it was quite morbid and exciting to be watching a girl from his school making these videos, he thought that maybe he could find out who he was. Still, he wouldn't do anything to her, he's too gentleman to blackmail a girl.

But even so, it was difficult to find her, since there were many girls, and it would be difficult to discover only by hers you hers, less when it was so short, and her voice was distorted by pleasure.

In the end, Takashi put everything aside, and was unable to finish his work, as they called him to lunch.

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