POV Leon

After leaving Paul crying and lamenting, yes, he was crying as he swung his sword to calm himself, instead of crying he should run for Lilia. Although I am not interested, as for Rudeus, he was still hiding in his room, most likely he is crying for the present and the past.

Although I doubt that will stop him, I think he would rise from this fall, or so I hope, otherwise it would be too boring.

A few hours have passed, and Lilia managed to get a caravan to take her, several adventurers were guarding her, among them, some very beautiful women, but none of my liking, maybe I'll spend a night with them and have fun, but who knows, I'm too changeable with my desires.

The hours passed, then the days, and everything normal, many tried to flirt with lilia, and I can't blame them, the path was not the most optimal, and the cart was moving too much, now imagine how that pair of family-sized tits moved. Of course, they were all rejected harshly, I doubt that he will open his heart, less after what happened.

The landscape was beautiful, I have to admit that I love the nature, the birds, the trees and the bandits that lie ahead, my druid soul tingles. Although bandits suck, can't they bathe? I sigh, that's why the thieves in my world are better, they always wear a tie and a suit.

Plus they steal hundreds of millions, these guys a few gold coins, we can't compare them.

As I remember, I am not going in the caravan with them, or as a joke, I am not going to sleep in such hard and uncomfortable places. We better go back to the bandits who are located about 6 kilometers ahead, the adventurers still do not realize.

But the one who goes further as a guide is about to meet them. Pity for him, bandits have good cloaking skills. It shouldn't be the first time they steal, of course not, these guys make a living as bandits.

I do not blame them, I would still do the same if I were at this time, of course I would become the leader, and I would take the best women. And that of sharing them as loot, I would not do it, I would feel like a cuckold.

I once read about some bandit bosses who shared their spoils, even the women, well, each with their own tastes. 8 minutes later, we were already in the wolf's mouth, about to be eaten, the adventurers smile and chat like idiots, while trying to flirt with the beautiful women.

Sigh, they can't be such idiots, don't they realize that their guide did not return, and did not give his report, also, why did they send only one guide? It is common sense to send two, one after the other, well , nothing to do, I can only let some die and save them, if they can't.

An arrow flew from the nearest tree, and embedded itself in the head of a sexy adventure, damn, what an idiot bandit, women are supposed to be left alive, to bandage them as slaves later, you can also use them, but who am I me to judge their methods.

- "Formation, enemy attack!" Shouted the leader, he was a big and muscular guy, quite tan

But not everyone paid attention to him, some panicked and started, although it did not work, since they were killed, by the bandits who had surrounded the caravan, they could no longer run, they had to fight if they wanted to get out alive.

They were all still, waiting for whoever makes the first move, or maybe they want to start a negotiation, the bandits are exactly 35 people, the adventurers are 15, and 30 normal people, wait, Lilia was also like a kind of guardian, I remember working in the imperial palace, but she was fired for being inept, and letting the princess be poisoned.

- "Bastard" Shouted one of the adventurers, it seems that it was a couple from whom he died, he looks very sad and crazy. "

Surely he would not be so angry, if he knew that the girl who is dead, he was cheating on him with the one who looks like the boss.

- "Wait Lundo, calm down and train yourself if you don't want to die."

What a hypocrite! You were fucking his girl and now you want to comfort him, I'm not even that unhappy. Putting that aside, the bandit leader appeared, or I think he is leader. He was a big bearded man, he didn't cover his face and he sucks quite a bit, he would kill him now, but I want to have a little fun sooner.

- "See what to be the leader, they call me Otonon, what is your name adventurer" Asked the bandit leader.

- "Raim ..., listen Otonon, you should retire, the owner of this caravan and its goods, is a renowned merchant, if you attack us, you will earn the enmity of a powerful man, I don't think you want that, do you ? "

It's not for nothing, but everyone present is normal people, or worthless, if there was a major merchant, at least he would hire someone of renown, like a sword king or something. They are not merchants for nothing, they are smart guys who value their life and merchandise.

- "Oh, how terrible, if it's true, just stay and go."

Otonon was shaking playfully, while turning his back to Raim, Raim could only gnash his teeth and clench his sword, it was clear that he was being mocked, and Otonon knew that the caravan was only made up of normal civilians.

From what I see, Raim is angry, but inside, he sure is thinking about how to get out of this alive, I don't think he cares about a few minor civilians.

Third point of view ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Raim thought about the chances of winning, and they were zero, he looked at the people he had to protect, and then he looked at his team, weighing the losses and gains, it was better to run and save his friends, than to sacrifice by some strangers.

- "You seem nervous Raim, didn't I mention that he would let you go."

- "Stop joking, what do you want, maybe we can come to an agreement and let us go, just don't do anything to people."

Raim had no other choice, he wanted to make a deal and try to save civilians, he did not do it out of good will, Raim did not want to lose reputation in the adventurers' guild, plus they would earn a fine for not completing the mission correctly.

- "Deal, a deal to be for a person who has something to offer, and you, to have nothing."

- "We have some gold coins, and various goods that you can sell."

- "What to speak of, all that is my property, did you not see the sign, the whole place, being the property of the pink ball bandits."

When Leon heard his name, I can't help but laugh like an idiot, what kind of bandit, he puts pink balls on his group, he couldn't believe it, he almost thought about letting him go for telling such good jokes. As for Raim, he did not even wince, it was not the time to mock the enemy, especially when he could kill him.

- "I understand, how about this, let my people go, I don't think a fight is necessary."

- "Wow! You didn't hesitate to abandon those who pay you for protection, how little honor adventurers have, don't believe guys."

All his henchmen laughed and insulted, all the civilians had white faces and trembled, the women hugged their children, the parents stepped forward to protect them, and Lilia, Lilia held a small sword, ready to face, had a child inside of her, and even though it was unwanted, she would still care for him.

- "Tch! If it is what you want, we will fight to the end, and you are right, we will die, but how many men will it cost? Is it worth it? Also, look at us, we don't have much, if we fight, it will be more losses than gains. "

Otonon narrowed his eyes, and meditated for a few seconds, he had his hand on his sword, ready for combat, but he did not want to act, he found that Raim was right, if they fought, he would lose too many men, and the losses would be greater than the gains.

- "Okay, deal done cowardly, you can go."

Raim sighed, and began to withdraw the men from him, several of the civilians yelled at him, some crawled to their feet and begged for mercy, they knew they would not have a good ending. Others lost their desire to live and were pale, especially women, they were clear that their future was not good.

Of course, some were more cunning, like Lilia, she took her sword, and began to go back with the adventurers, to pass as part of her group. León was surprised, he did not think that the girl was so intelligent, but he knew that that would not work, Lilia was beautiful, more than most women, after all, she is the protagonist of the world, not the main protagonist, but she was part of the cast .

- "Quiet precious, you stay, you have a problem Raim"

- "It seems that we have a misunderstanding, she is not part of us."

- "Wow", not only beautiful! Also be intelligent, and strong. "Otonon began to surround Lilia, looking her up and down, measuring her movements, Lilia did not take her eyes off, ready to take the first cut , he would not get carried away so easy.

- "Today's bandits have no honor or codes, who even attack pregnant women." Lilia said.

- "Pregnant? Well, if you behave well, and serve me, that child will not suffer harm."

Lilia didn't answer, she kept looking at her opponent. She did not think to give up, she was already humiliated twice, although in the second she consented, so she does not count. As we said, Lilia would not let herself be humiliated, she planned to fight and give her best, even if she died trying, as for her son, she thought it better to go with her, to suffer in such a cruel world.

Leon watched attentively everything that happened, he wanted to see that he made the choice. Although he already had an idea.

Hmm, no matter what decision I make, I hate this woman, and I don't know why, I can't make her like her, I even thought about killing her after she had the brat, but I want to get the Greyrat family's "milf" trio together , Lilia Greyrat, Zenith Greyrat, and Hilda Greyrat, also these 3 have a son, triple oyakodon, I can't complain.

I hope they serve me properly, after all, I will save their lives and give them food and a home, of course if they do not behave, I will have to show them who's boss.

Leon's thought was cruel and perverted, several would think like that, but it's not bad either, Leon is thinking about the profits that the girl can bring him, after all, he will save her and give them food and a roof, he has to pay for what is given, nothing is free in life.

- "If you don't plan to decide, you can think about it later, you can't escape anyway, hahaha!"

The adventurers left, and only the civilians were left, now that they were far enough away, the bandits lowered their guard and came to collect the loot and tie the people, several were crying, the men tried to defend themselves. Although it was useless, they were civilians and the other bandits with long experience, after several died, the rest lost their morale.

Lilia was already tied up, all her courage and courage, it was useless, she could do nothing against several bandits, perhaps before she was a guardian of royalty, but that was a long time ago, and after that, I never raise a weapon again, for sure she is lamenting for being so careless over time, and forgetting how cruel the world was to weak women.

Leon got bored of waiting, and it was time to make his show, but before, he sent several wolves after the adventurers, he was going to kill them all, because they were not interesting, and they had no use for his eyes.

- "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing!"

They all turned and raised their weapons, the most veteran held their weapon tightly, and went into battle stance, Leon appeared out of nowhere, and approached them and they did not even notice him.

- "Who are you? Asked otonon.

- Who am I? It is a very difficult question to answer, in the end, that we are all, we are humans, beasts, living beings, how to know, the definition of who I am, of being, and of ... "

- "Enough with your shit! Show up or get killed"

- "How little talkative, and I wanted to enlighten you."

- "If you were a pretty girl, I would let you speak, but you wouldn't be, buahahahaha"

- "Hahahaha, you're right, I would do the same, and since you're an ugly man ...., we don't have much to talk about.

Leon took off his shirt and only wore shorts, the women couldn't help but exclaim and admire such a man, he was handsome and had a toned body. Even Lilia couldn't help but swallow, Paul had the charm of her, but the man in front of her was in another league.

Of course they did not fall in love with him, he just thought he was very handsome, León did not have the aura of a harem protagonist, the one that makes them fall in love only with the beauty of him. But he was not complaining, for León, falling in love with girls was an art that must be polished.

- "Buahahaha, if you think your body can intimidate me, ha! I can only say that being an idiot, don't you see that this is about numbers, one vs 35, what do you think you can do?"

Leon smiled, it was a very malicious smile that caused a chill in everyone present.

- "You're right, 1 vs 35, I think it's too much of an advantage for me, but hey, I don't want to waste a lot of time, so… we play."

Leon disappeared, and appeared next to any bandit, and then returned to his original position, everyone was stunned, until the bandit exploded into pieces, all civilians turned pale, some could not help vomiting, the scene was creepy, everything the floor was red.

But what happened, Leon killed the bandit with a blow to the heart, it was so fast that no one noticed it, then he used corpse explosion, a necromancer's ability, which as his name says, makes a corpse explode.

- "Now ... let's keep playing. His voice was so cold and boring, it paralyzed the hearts of all bandits."

Leon moved at great speed, and began his fight, or rather, massacre, each person he touched, died, and then exploded, causing great damage to the people around him, even some civilians were injured.

Leon was not very interested in collateral damage, even he thought they should thank him for saving them, and not complain about the little details.

Only 10 seconds passed, and 34 of the 35 were already dead, only the leader remained, who had long been on his rear on the ground, trembling with fear. He will be a bandit who has killed many people, but to blow them up and leave only blood stains on the ground, that was another story, even a rude man would vomit at the scene.

Leon did not have a single drop of blood, he came out unharmed and clean.

Quietly he approached the last man standing, the Otonon leader, and put his hand on his shoulder, giving him a normal smile.

- "It was pretty boring, but I was able to stretch my muscles a bit, so as thanks, I'll kill you slowly, what a good guy I am, don't you think."

A green mist began to enter Leon's hand, with each passing second the Otonon leader aged, his cheekbones hollowed out, his ribs stuck to the meat, his legs looked like noodles. Not a single cry could the poor guy let out, and seconds after he died, Leon drained all his life, leaving only dust and some bones.

- "Ufff, that was delicious, I have to admit that stealing the vitality of others is a bit addictive."

As Leon looked at his hands and smiled, one of the civilians approached, he was pale and trembling, but he still found the courage to speak.

- "G-g-thanks p-for saving us"

Leon could not help but look at the brave, it was amazing that someone approached a man who murdered in cold blood, and so brutally.

- "Save them?"

- "Yes, thanks for saving us from the ba-bandits."

- "hahahahaha !, me ?, save ?, ahahaha."

The poor man couldn't help but shrink, Leon was too overwhelming for him, especially when he laughed like a lunatic.

- "Well, let's stop the stupid things, put all your money in a bag, you should be grateful, I will leave you the food and your goods, since it does not serve me, take it as a small payment to save your lives."

- "B-but, we need it to live."

Leon turned around and looked at the idiot who spoke.

- "I see, and why didn't you say that to the bandits."

- "Because they would kill us." Said a woman with a child.

A stupid answer, now, because these civilians became brave, it was because they thought of Leon as their savior, and as ordinary people, they did not hesitate to take advantage of the situation and squeeze the most out of the poor hero.

- "The beautiful lady is right, we could not do anything against those bandits, but you do, and as is due, you do not believe that you should accompany us on our journey, to reach our home safely, we will pay you obviously." Said a fat guy, who was looking at the beautiful woman with lust, it was clear because he supported her.

Leon massaged his temples, he had a big headache, he couldn't believe that such stupid people existed, just because he helped them, they already believe that he should keep helping them.

- "I'll say this one more time, just one more time, put the money in the bag, or I'll kill you all." Leon said coldly.

Lilia acted quickly, she approached León, took the bag and began to run through the people and ask for their coins, of course not everyone agreed, but they quickly changed their mind, when they saw León kill one of them, like example of what would happen.

Lilia was not stupid, she understood that Leon was not a hero, he was more of a mercenary, that he would not do anything for free. León smiled satisfied, he only helped to see the girl's reactions, and so that he would know what kind of person she is, León had other plans before taking her, before he would take Lilia the way he wants, and thus ensure his extreme loyalty.

- "You, the redhead, look in the bandits' bags and take out all the gold they carry, I don't have to tell you what will happen if you try to fool me"

Leon closed his eyes, and looked at his wolves, they all ate like pigs, crazy about human flesh. All the adventurers had been captured, and devoured, not even the armor remained.

Minutes later, all the money had been collected, some had to help, as Lilia could barely get the bag. Leon received the money, and kept it in his inventory, took one last look at everyone, especially Lilia and her breasts, and left, he had nothing else to do, the rest would be left to his shadows.

Lilia watched as Leon left, she did not try to stop him, she was clear that if she did, her head would fly and she would not even know about seducing him.

Pov Lion. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

I'm not going to take Lilia to her house, let her laziness, I'll let my shadows take care of her. I created two shadows and sent them towards her, and I gave them instructions.

First of all, my shadows will take care of her, once they arrive at her house, they will let me know and I will make them hate her for being one, how to say, adulterate for sleeping with a married man, after that they will expel her from her house, and of course , your great savior will come.

But I won't save her right away, it's not worth it, I'll take my time, and wait for the worst moment from her. I will let my shadows take care of her, and make sure that she has enough food to live, and of course, that she does not have more men, I do not like overused women.

And then I'll take her away, and put a leash on her called loyalty, I just have to wait, now, we're going back, but sooner. She creates more shadows.

- "You, look for Hitogmai, but not this plane, Hitogami hides in a kind of dimensional rift, once you locate him, let me know, I will kill him personally."

Then she creates two more shadows.

- "You two, find Orsted, and keep his location, when I have time, I'll go get him."

Now, with everything ready, it's time to go home.

Third point of view ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Leon returned to the avatar world, and the first thing he did, he went to see Azula, who was already the new fire lord and phoenix king.

- "Azula, congratulations."

Azula approached Leon, and began to smell him.

- "It's a miracle, you don't smell like other women, should I be grateful?"

- "Really? And I congratulate you."

Azula huffed (HmpH), and sat back on the throne, crossed her legs and said:

- "You are not going to bow, now I am a Queen"

- "I do not bow to anyone, you also think that a title can control me"

- "No, I don't think so. But you should show at least a little respect." Leon lifted his shoulders, as a sign that I don't care. - "Aren't you afraid? Now I have the power of an entire nation in my hands" Azula said, noticing how little interested Leon was.

Leon walked over to Azula, leaned over her, took her chin and touched her soft lips.

- "That's how you talk to your man."

- "You will be when you put a ring on my finger, until then." Azula moved Leon's hand away- "You won't be able to touch me.

- "And what do we expect, where is the wedding dress."

- "Do you think it's that easy?" Azula got up, and pushed Leon away, his eyes burning, full of passion, madness, love, obsession, it was a look that she could at a beta man on his knees, but Leon was still firm, with a smile. - "It is not, listen well Leon, you can never touch me, not until you leave all your women, and I am the only one in your eyes, those are my terms, take them or leave me alone!"

Azula's angry scream was heard from every corner of the palace, all trembling with fear, praying for hell to fall on them, although some were still normal, such as Toph, Agata and Sara, who were preparing food.

- "Hahahaha !, well, well, now I will say my terms, you will be my wife, period, stop fucking the others, because I will never leave them."

- "So be it Leon, just keep in mind that I won't bow to your whims, I'm not that easy."

Leon smiled bitterly, wondering what happened to his ability to harem him. Harem was a skill that helped the women of León more easily accept the harem. And there the problem, it helps, it does not oblige, so in the end, it is not very helpful, not if León does not put on his side.

- "I hope so, now we are going to eat."

León walked a few steps, stopped and turned around, Azula was with open arms, waiting for León to carry her, not for nothing she was the most spoiled girl in León. Leon did not hesitate, he lifted her in her arms like a princess and took her away. Azula hummed and swung her legs, forgetting how furious she was before, that's how bipolar she was, blue, it was good that our protagonist was patient.

Leon was not angry, he was even in a good mood, it would be fun for him to take down the capricious and spoiled Azula. Although he was a bit to blame for her, since he always indulged her in everything.

The days passed, and the entire fire nation was aware of the news, the previous fire lord was dead and Azula, his daughter was the new ruler, there were great celebrations and a coronation, everything was very fast, since azula she was in a hurry to start with everything, she wanted to rule the whole world.

Azula is cruel, and a merciless murderer, everyone would think that she wants to bring chaos to the world, but it is not like that, Azula wants to rule and unite all nations in one, she only wants to be recognized and have power and control over everything, it is her way to feel safe.

Now azula was in the throne room, she had a listless and bored look.

- "Azula, how dare you murder our father!"

Who was screaming furious and angry, it was Prince Zuko, when he heard the news, he did not hesitate to return to the fire nation, and see with his own eyes if he was real. When he found out everything, he went straight to Azula to claim him, her uncle Irho hers was by her side. Of course, Irho tried to stop him, he even thought about not returning, fearing that Azula would kill the only one who can overthrow her, since he has royal blood, and he was the rightful successor to the throne.

Irho even thought about training Zuko, and reuniting him with the avatar, so that he could regain the throne, Irho did not trust Azula, he was afraid that his niece would go crazy for power, and end up causing death and chaos.

- "Zuzu, it would be nice if you calm down, I'm not a princess anymore." Azula said calmly, while she ate some nuts, she did not care much what her brother thought of her.

- "You killed our father, and usurped the throne!"

- "Same father who gave you that scar, why do you defend him so much? He did not even love you, for Ozai you were a disgrace, and a garbage, also, do not usurp the throne, take it legally under an Agnis kai."

Zuko gnashed his teeth, because it was true, his father did not love him, and he knew it, but he did not want to admit it, much less someone rubbing it in his face.

- "Niece, I think Zuko is a little out of his mind, due to the long journey"

- "Niece? Well, I'll let it pass, now uncle, no, retired general Irho, you and Zuko have a mission to do, and for that reason I call you, you will be in charge of taking Ba Sing Se"

Irho was surprised, he did not think that they would call him for a mission, less for this mission, to conquer Ba Sing Se, the same fortress where he lost his son, the same one that besieged for 600 days.

- "It's time to regain your honor, uncle, and zuzu, if you manage to capture Ba Sing Se, your honor will also regain and you will be welcomed to the palace, isn't that what you always wanted?"

Zuko wanted to complain, but Irho stopped him, it was not a good idea to anger her niece, not when she is surrounded by soldiers, and she can have them killed whenever she wants.

- "Although I want to serve my nation again, I'm still a poor old man, cough, cough ...,"

Azula raised an eyebrow, as if to say, may I ask you, Irho noticed and kept silent.

- "You can't refuse, now go and prepare everything, get out of here, I have other things to do."

Irho had no other choice, he grabbed his nephew, and he left, thinking about how to get out of this alive.

- "Man, why are you pushing me."

- "My dear nephew, life is long and beautiful, but for the second to be fulfilled, the first must be obtained."

- "Save your riddles for later, I need to talk to Azula."

- "Soon you will be able, for now, let's think about the mission, and about recovering your honor." Irho said, baiting his nephew to stop chasing Azula.

Zuko kept silent, he wanted to regain his honor, and be accepted, but even so, it was complicated, now it was Azula that he had to serve, and he didn't like her, he was the oldest, and he deserved the throne.. In the end, he clenched his fists and went to rest, he was too tired to make a decision, Obey Azula, or try to take the throne and fight in an Agnis kai.

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