Travel Through The Creation Sand Table And Start The Ancient Body!

Chapter 531 Is About To Enter The Conscious Civilization Of The Diversified Universe

In the world of Blue Star 01, the entire world has become barren, and human civilization has completely disappeared within the planet.

In the sky above the world of Blue Star 01, a huge baby is quietly floating in the sky, following the blue star for a revolution.

This huge baby looks to be one-tenth the size of Blue Star.

The baby is as white and flawless as white jade, exuding a holy breath.

Sacred deities.

Immortal star.

This is the independent satellite born from the Blue Star 01 world, Apocalypse.

"What a magnificent sight."

Even Lin Tian, ​​the owner of the creation sand table in the countryside of Lincheng, couldn't help sighing at this moment.

In front of Lin Tian is a huge deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. At this moment, there are hundreds of blue stars all over the deserted island.

These blue stars are gradually giving birth to civilizations, but especially the most central blue star planet 01.

"The speed of revolution is different, resulting in different time ratios of Blue Star's multiverse.

"The time flow in the world of Blue Star 01 is the fastest."

"It is also because of this that it can bloom a splendid flower of civilization."

Lin Tian looked at the Apocalypse in front of him. From the real world, in the center of the deserted island, a palm-sized pocket baby "Zero Twenty" was sleeping.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Just when Lin Tian was sighing, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Under his observation, the baby, whose eyes were originally closed, suddenly opened them.


In the baby's eyes, a bright and vast stream of consciousness bloomed, and these streams of consciousness directly penetrated the space barrier of the world of Blue Star 01, and began to spread towards other blue stars.

"Hey, this is..... is this ready to explore the multiverse world?"

Lin Tian couldn't help but gasped, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He didn't dare to imagine what would happen if the stream-of-consciousness civilization of Blue Star 01 really detected other Blue Star worlds.

"I'm afraid it's not a planar war."

"No, stream-of-consciousness civilization has infinite possibilities. Once the plane war really starts, the remaining blue stars may not need to develop."

"How to stop it?"

Lin Tian couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

And at this moment, within the Apocalypse of the Blue Star 01 world, above the earth of the consciousness world, there is a huge and sci-fi, cool and beautiful moon.

Inside the moon is the cutting-edge laboratory of consciousness established by Dr. Mo Yu.

At this moment, the player's mortal body appeared in the laboratory in a stream of consciousness.

"Brothers, let me show you the ultimate achievement of conscious civilization."

The player, with a mortal body, walked into the laboratory with ease, and then came to a huge laboratory similar to a football field.

"This is the consciousness invasion simulation room."

"It is the basic simulation room for consciousness invasion training."

The player's mortal body is like a tour guide at the moment, talking freely, and in the sandbox of the evolution paradise, thousands of players stare at the moment, looking at the completely different stream-of-consciousness civilization with curiosity.

"Consciousness invasion? Could it be... seizing the house?"

"Hiss, the consciousness invasion mentioned by all the gods, isn't it really a seizure?"

"Is stream-of-consciousness civilization so terrifying?"

Countless players looked at this huge laboratory. Hundreds of humans put a plug-like device on the back of own's head, and then their consciousness turned into a streamer, and began to invade the laboratory, using the consciousness chip simulated human beings.

Streams of consciousness silently penetrated the bodies of these simulated humans and entered the brains of humans.

Subsequently, the stream of consciousness turned into a complicated stream of consciousness network, which began to rapidly erode the human brain and seize control over the brain.

'Consciousness invasion failed, memory cannot be read. "

'The invasion of consciousness failed, and the control of the brain was lost.

'The invasion of consciousness failed, the subconscious mind of the brain was confused, and the consciousness network was disordered. "

'Consciousness invaded successfully, successfully obtained the control of the human brain, successfully read the memory of the human brain, and successfully obtained the control of the human body. "

In the laboratory, there were voices of failure one after another, occasionally mixed with a few voices of successful consciousness invasion.

"Consciousness invasion is to directly transmit own consciousness to the brain of intelligent creatures, and obtain all brain authority of intelligent creatures by establishing own consciousness network in their brains."

"Using our words, it is the dove occupying the magpie's nest."

"However, I prefer to use soul penetration to call consciousness invasion."

The player's mortal body skillfully pulled out the consciousness plug on the back of his head. In front of him, a simulated human being was speaking instead of the mortal body.

"Soul wear?"

"I'm so envious."

"Consciousness invasion, using your own consciousness to occupy other people's brains, isn't that the soul piercing routine in the novel?"

"I want to wear the soul, I want to seize the body."

The players are obviously full of interest in the consciousness invasion, especially when they know that once the consciousness invasion is successful, they can replace everything of the invaded, the players are full of envy for the player's mortal body.

"Brothers, stream-of-consciousness civilization can upload and download own memories at will, why do we need consciousness invasion?"

"Isn't this superfluous?"

Some players also expressed their doubts. The stream of consciousness civilization created by Dr. Mo Yu is very colorful. The upload and download of consciousness alone is enough to amaze the players.

Being able to download own consciousness to various robots at will, consciousness invasion is not superfluous.

"No, you are wrong."

The player's mortal body shook his head, and then began to explain.

"Consciousness invasion is the essence of stream-of-consciousness civilization."

"Consciousness uploading and downloading are just the most basic operations of stream-of-consciousness civilization."

"Think about it, when a material civilization and a stream-of-consciousness civilization start a war, how will a stream-of-consciousness civilization without a body fight?"

The rhetorical question of the player's mortal body caused all the players to fall into deep thought. Obviously, they were thinking about how to deal with themselves once their human civilization and the stream-of-consciousness civilization went to war.

"Consciousness invasion."

"The stream-of-consciousness civilization doesn't need any weapons or strategies at all. They just need to use their own consciousness to invade all hostile material civilizations and turn them into their own people."

The words of the player's mortal body bloomed in the hearts of the players like a bolt from the blue.

They didn't understand the stream of consciousness civilization until this time, the truly terrifying place.

Conscious invasion.

There is no need for any weapons, strategies, or strategic layouts. All you need is to let the soldiers of the stream-of-consciousness civilization directly invade the brains of the enemy and occupy their brains, "the war can be ended without bloodshed...

Simple and rude.

Killing invisible.

This is where the stream of consciousness civilization is truly terrifying. As long as the technology of human civilization cannot reach the level of affecting consciousness, the consciousness civilization of Apocalypse will be invincible.

"This is an invincible teacher."

"Moreover, the conscious body invaded by consciousness can leave the brain at any time and return to the conscious world when it encounters danger.

"The enemy won't even realize they're being invaded at all."

The mortal body of the player put the consciousness invader in his hand back to its original position, and there was some exclamation and admiration in his tone.

The stream of consciousness civilization established by Dr. Mo Yu has even surpassed the ancient civilization of Atlantis.

Even if the Atlantean civilization has returned from the blue sea, there is nothing they can do in the face of such a stream-of-consciousness civilization. They may even be invaded by consciousness warriors in just one encounter, and the entire Atlantis civilization will be transformed Become the own property of stream-of-consciousness civilization.

"In addition to consciousness invasion, there is also consciousness split."

"However, I don't like split consciousness, so I won't show it to you."

The player's mortal body smiled triumphantly, and said words that the players hated extremely.


Just when the player's mortal body introduced the core technology of the stream-of-consciousness civilization to the players in the sandbox of the evolution paradise.

A consciousness projection appeared, and then an old man's consciousness projection appeared in front of the player's mortal body.

"Three-eyed man, Dr. Mo Yu is here to invite you."

The old man glanced at the player's mortal body, his eyes stayed on his vertical eyes for a moment, and then he said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Dr. Gero, long time no see."

The player's mortal body didn't care about the old man's anger. He glanced at Dr. Gero, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

"Dr. Gero, let's give up your artificial man idea. The current civilization does not need your artificial man.

The calm words of the player's mortal body made the corners of Dr. Gero's eyes twitch 4.5.

Since the world of consciousness created by Dr. Mo Yu, Dr. Gero has uploaded his own consciousness to Apocalypse.

It stands to reason that Dr. Gero, as Dr. Mo Yu's initial assistant, will definitely develop a lot of consciousness technology after entering Apocalypse.

But obviously, this is not the case. After becoming a conscious body, Dr. Gero is still researching own mechanical engineering, researching machinery in the world of stream of consciousness, which makes Dr. Gero seem incompatible with the entire conscious civilization.

And Dr. Gero's personality is extremely extreme, so Dr. Gero, who frequently runs into walls in the world of consciousness, always feels that others owe him eight hundred square meters.

"Hmph, my artificial talent is the real future."

"If the stream-of-consciousness civilization cooperates with my artificial human, it will definitely glow with a different light of civilization, and I will also be recorded in the annals of civilization for people to admire.

Dr. Gero snorted coldly, and roared angrily.

"Unfortunately, Dr. Mo Yu doesn't care about your artificial human concept."

The player's mortal body shrugged, and gave Dr. Gero a disdainful look.


After mocking Dr. Gero, the player's mortal body didn't waste any time, and directly teleported his consciousness and left here. .

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