Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 100 The Light of the End

Endless swarms of insects poured out of the nebula, dragging the Eldar fleet guarding the craft world ship of Fordola into the quagmire of war.

The swarms of insects swimming toward the Arkworld at this moment were specially created by Koroniai according to the genetic characteristics of the Eldar after absorbing and analyzing the Eldar corpses fed to it by Russell. They were born with extreme characteristics to fight against the Eldar. type.

Hundreds of habitable planets that had been squeezed dry over the past few years were now turned into inexhaustible biomass. The transport worms with bulging bellies were continuously transported from various hidden galaxies to the mother ship, becoming the fuel that kept the war burning.

There is actually only one true hive biological mothership, which is expensive and complicated to manufacture, and it is hidden behind the scenes. The one responsible for continuously producing combat power for this war is a special unit that does not belong to the Tyranids: The "brood mother" biological mothership of Thorin's protozoa.

The structure of the broodmother ship is relatively simple and modular. There is no genetic engineering master like the Life Shaper Queen who can perfectly analyze and edit genetic information. Therefore, it cannot evolve and create according to the changes in the battlefield situation and the new information obtained. A new type of Zerg unit that is more suitable for the current battlefield.

The broodstock vessel can continuously produce pre-designed biological weapons according to several sets of pre-set finished product templates stored in it. Corresponding to the huge cost of giving up gene editing and evolutionary capabilities, the production efficiency of the broodmother ship in manufacturing biological weapons is very, very high.

To be precise, it is so high that even the Tyranids' biological mothership pales in comparison.

New adult battleships are constantly breaking through the nebula, loaded with insect swarm carrier-based aircraft and neatly arranged large-scale Scourge missiles, using their endless numbers to drag the heavily damaged Eldar of Fordola's Ark deeper and deeper into the quagmire of war.

As time goes by, a large number of Eldar warriors are silenced by the insects every second. The scarlet front continues to shrink, and the visual effect is somewhat like the shrinking poison circle in a battle royale game.

After paying heavy casualties to buy enough time, finally, the entire Arkworld of Fordola completely separated from the Webway and came to the real universe.

Several giant Leviathan ships that no longer needed to maintain the gates of the webway quickly put away the wraithbone structures on their bows and eagerly joined the battlefield.

The grief and hatred of their people being slaughtered drove every Eldar warrior on the ship to near madness, and not even war masks could put their angry personalities to sleep. If it hadn't been for the unpredictable and catastrophic consequences of forcibly closing the webway gate before the Craftworld ship had fully returned to the real universe, the warriors on the Leviathan giant ship would never have been able to endure it until now.

At this moment, they can finally let go and fight.

With the entry of the Leviathan giant ship, the one-sided battle situation was quickly stabilized. When the Ark World ship also entered the battle, a large number of nether structures and other entities that were originally sleeping in the deepest part of the Ark World were summoned from the depths of the Ark. It completely turned the war situation back to Fordola's side.

Because the Nether Constructs are essentially fighting robots driven by the souls of the dead rather than living Eldar, Zerg units that have all their genes and body structures extremely specialized to fight against the Eldar face the power of the Nether Constructs. The offensive was quickly defeated.

But unlike the sparsely populated Eldar, who are heartbroken every time a person dies, the Zerg swarm does not begrudge casualties. Every Zerg individual is just an unconscious consumable. After death, the body is recycled as raw materials, and will be used for breeding. A new war machine was made from the mother ship and put into the battlefield. Even if ten thousand sword insects killed one Eldar warrior, it would still be a bloody gain.

Even if a considerable number of Zerg individuals were killed by melting or other highly polluting weapons and the bodies could not be recovered, it did not matter. The hundreds of worlds that were drained were the capital of the Zerg swarm to fight a long attrition war.

What's more, the Spirit Clan simply cannot withstand the consumption.

"Have they never thought about evacuating?"

In the Gray Gu mothership, Gray Feng sat on the floor in front of Russell's seat, leaning his head on his knees, and asked with some confusion: "Their losses are too heavy. Combined with the low reproductive efficiency of the Eldar and the superior The quality of the population, such a loss is absolutely unacceptable.”

No matter how high the sunk cost is, it still cannot explain why the Eldar choose to fight to the death with the endless insect swarm here. That is too irrational.

Russell smiled and used one hand to twist Gray Feng's silver-grey hair into a messy chicken coop, and then said:

"The Arkworld ship is too large to navigate and is not flexible. It is actually very difficult to evacuate. It is difficult for them to abandon the Arkworld where they have lived for generations, just like humans who will defend their hometown to the death."

Gray Feng tilted his head and didn't mind that the marshal messed up his hair. He just felt that this explanation was still a bit far-fetched and lacked conclusiveness.

"Of course, this is just an emotional factor, one of many factors."

Russell continued generously: "There is another thing - have you noticed? The fighting style of the Eldar has become more conservative since before. They began not to pursue killing the enemy, but to roam and defend. For the sake of the Lord, the main combat goal became delaying time."

Gray Feng nodded, and while thinking, he slowly smoothed his messy hair with his fingers.

"Marshal, you mean that the Eldar have some means to solve the siege of the insect swarm? They are very confident in this method, but they just need time to prepare or implement it?"

It is precisely for this reason that the Eldar did not choose to evacuate but fought to the end to delay the activation of the final resort?

"Who knows? But I feel pretty much the same." Russell was noncommittal.

His intuition has always been accurate since he awakened his psychic powers, and this time it was probably accurate as well.

In the scarlet starry sky, the war between the insect swarm and the Eldar is still going on. Ships are taking off every moment on the Arkworld ships, carrying newly mobilized warriors to the battlefield. Although the insect swarms are being defeated by special units such as the Nether Structure, they can afford to be defeated and can be killed and killed forever.

Russell slowly raised his head, his gaze passing through the turbulent flames of war, through the specially-made psychic invisibility field and fully loaded shield, staring at the huge ring-shaped machine that was hovering over the craft world ship and accumulating energy.

It was a weapon of destruction called the "Colossus". Its construction specifications were larger than the Titan ships in the stars. Such a weapon had only one purpose: to destroy stars.

The same colossus has different uses due to the different Star Destroyer weapons it is equipped with. The colossus built by Russell is equipped with:

Colossus Weapon: Intelligent Beam

Moving his gaze away from the Colossus weapon, Russell turned his gaze back to the Eldar warriors who were fighting bloody battles in the swarm of insects.

In a little while, he would leave for the Arkworld in person to clear the way for the launch of the Colossus, but at this time Russell was still a little confused.

"I'm waiting for the Colossus to recharge, what are you waiting for?"

Available tomorrow at noon.

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