He felt that this was impossible and unreasonable, but the ever-changing battlefield would not wait for him to figure out all the problems.

While jumping out of the subspace, the "Pilgrim" fleet immediately turned around without stopping for a moment, and rushed madly towards the Orc Battle Moon hovering above the second moon. Countless ships dragged out countless A gorgeous flame tail is like a brilliant firework exploding in the star-studded space. Even the starlight is inferior by three points.

Human beings driven by faith are more violent than insects, more savage than greenskins, and more fearless than immortal demons!

"How could they charge towards the Battle Moon like that!"

On the space station, an old technical priest with no trace of biological tissue on his face exclaimed: "The Pilgrim fleet is full of fragile small and medium-sized ships. It is impossible for them to gain an advantage in close combat with the orcs! They You’re sending yourself to death!”

Who doesn't know the simple truth that when fighting orcs, you need to keep your distance and use your wisdom?

However, except for the Mechanical Society armored ship that came with it, they chose to rendezvous directly with the Martyrs Legion. This group of fanatics called Pilgrims all rushed towards the sea of ​​garbage of the orcs completely unreasonably, as if death was the only way to survive. It's their fate.

The fanatical pilgrims fought with the greenskins, and bright spots of light kept lighting up in the deep sky. They were ships that had self-destructed after destroying their energy cores and were trying to pull in a few more orc ships to perish together. Such explosions occurred one after another without stopping for a moment.

Even the most well-trained navy soldiers would feel intimidated by the prospect of heading into such a brutal battlefield.

If life is the Emperor's currency, then right now, the Emperor is spreading it in Falla.

But Gauss only felt that he had lost the ability to think.

What is going on here?

Why did the Empire assemble such a large fleet?

Why did the orcs who built the Battle Moon be chased by such a patchwork army and fled to Falla?

Why are the armored ships of the Legion of Martyrs and the Adeptus Mechanicus just parked in the distance, watching the fleet of pilgrims rush to their death with cold eyes, without any intention of helping;

What on earth is going on in this weird battlefield?

"The Seeker's maintenance has been completed and the weapons system has been completely repaired."

"There is no abnormality in the power system, and the energy core has returned to normal temperature."

"The self-inspection is completed. The machine souls of each module have varying degrees of weird chaos, and they are within control for the time being."

Various information about the space station flashed in front of Gauss. As the Seeker returned to state, it received an order from Commander Miraak on the battleship HMS Penitent Fire:

"At once move towards the orcs' battle moon attack."

Gauss raised his head, and what he saw was a silent space burning with raging war. Steel and flesh bloomed like flowers in the vacuum, exuding the bloody smell of faith and glory.

"He wants us to die with the Pilgrim fleet..." Gauss muttered.

He then refused the order without hesitation.

Unlike the Imperial Navy or the Astra Militarum, the Adeptus Mechanicus is not a subordinate organization of the Empire. One head of the double-headed eagle symbol represents the human home planet of Holy Terra, and the other head represents the Holy Land of Mars of the Adeptus Mechanicus. .

According to the ancient Olympian Treaty, the Mechanicus and the Human Empire are equal allies. Only the human Emperor who made the original treaty has the absolute authority to issue orders to the Empire and the Mechanical Society.

But the Emperor is dead... or almost dead?

In short, there is no superior-subordinate relationship between the Legion of Martyrs and the Space Station Seeker, and Milak, Chapter Master of the Flame of Repentance, has no authority to issue orders to him.

As for Gauss, his research on the ancient Titans has just begun. There is still so much wonderful ancient knowledge waiting to be discovered. How could he run to die with the orcs just because of an inexplicable order without knowing the motive?

It can even be said that if the Seeker had not yet been equipped with complete subspace navigation capabilities, he would have led the oil guy on Falla away long ago.

However, just as Gauss was thinking about how to deal with possible disputes or even battles with the Legion of Martyrs, and how to protect the space station as much as possible, the space station seemed to have some ideas of its own.

The Seeker's engines suddenly started on their own without warning.

Gauss's mechanical body was hit by the sudden inertia and was unable to move on the seat. He was stunned to see that the energy center of the space station was operating at full power, the power system was instantly fully loaded, and the entire space station was heading towards Falla like an out-of-control dump truck. The car drove all the way past the outer orbital battlefield.

There, the colorful greenskin fleet and the fanatical pilgrims were fighting inextricably.

On the battleship Fire of Repentance, Milak, the chapter leader, was a little confused: Why did the space station rush to the battlefield without hesitation even though his order had been rejected?

"Perhaps, the commander of that space station is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is still willing to burn his cherished life for His Majesty the God Emperor, and only complains a few words." Miraak watched the Seeker go away. flight path, I thought in my mind.

The psykers and Space Marines Honor Guard standing behind him also nodded, paying respect to the pilgrims who died so generously.

"What kind of loyalty is this..."

"...You are very disloyal. You still want to run away at this time."

In the main control room of the Seeker, a girl wearing full attire of an Anglican nun came behind Gauss at some point. Her warm and soft palms gently patted his cold and hard shoulders, and she kept scolding him:

"Not only here, but several galaxies close to Falla are now full of orcs. The seeker of knowledge is not equipped with a subspace engine. Where can you run to?"

Suddenly, cold sweat soaked the remaining scalp above the back of Gauss's head.

Because although the delicate little hand that was patting his shoulder was white and soft, with a warm body temperature, his prosthetic eye, which had just updated its sensor, could not detect even a trace of organic reaction from this hand.

Gauss turned his head stiffly and saw a bright smiling face.

"You! You are the one who always follows the Governor..."

Great fear enveloped his body and mind, but the strong emotional ups and downs made Gauss laugh almost crazily: "Haha, ha... I understand, I completely understand, so that's how it is, that's how it is! I completely understand!! "

A series of question marks slowly appeared on Gray Feng's head: "Huh?"

It hasn't said anything yet. What does this cyborg understand?

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