Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 292 Forced Conversion

The judgment of the gods came down on the planet Ophelia 7, and the green skins of the entire planet fell into a deep sleep like babies under the golden light.

On this day, the orcs on Planet 7 had a dream.

In the dream, there is a big, green Garden of Eden. In the garden, there is a group of green and waaagh!!! green-skinned orcs, and they are fighting happily.

The orcs believe that the soul of every orc who dies on the battlefield will go to Brother Go and Brother Mao, where everyone will have endless fights, and every orc can wrestle and play happily every moment. Brother Go and Brother Mao will also be together.

But today! Just when Brother Go and Brother Mao were fighting vigorously! A golden light! Suddenly broke into the afterlife paradise of the orcs.

A big golden guy wearing very little cloth broke into the orcs' Garden of Eden. He picked up a big stick, attacked from behind, and knocked out the cunning and cruel Brother Mao with one blow! Then he attacked from the front and knocked down with a strong stick. The cruel and cunning Brother was also knocked unconscious!

After beating Brother Gomao to the ground, the big golden guy waved the big stick in the Garden of Eden. Countless orc boys could only succumb to his lustful power and trembled as they looked at the unconscious Brother Gogo and Brother Mao. .

This horrific nightmare awakened the sleeping orcs on Ophelia 7. When they opened their eyes from the nightmare, they saw a dark sun hanging high in the sky, which was facing Ophelia. The planet Philia 4 launches the Gray Gu mothership of God's Judgment.

The nightmare came to reality.

So the green-skinned boys on Planet Ophelia 7 trembled and prostrated on the ground with their buttocks raised. The instinctive fear of the terrifying giant stick had been deeply ingrained into the subconscious of these orcs by the judgment of the gods.

The scary big golden guy! He is more cruel than Goge! He is more cunning than Brother Mao! He is more waaagh than Brother Go and Brother Mao combined!!!

Since then, there has been a group of green-skinned orcs who believe in the Emperor in the galaxy. This is the effect of Colossus Weapon·God's Judgment: forced conversion.

While Gray Wind was busy delivering divine judgments to the nine planets in the Ophelia system one by one, Magnus was still struggling to digest the soul fragments he had devoured before.

"The souls of the Dark Eldar are too dirty. I have a little indigestion." Looking at Russell who came to speed up the progress, Magnus, who was lying on the sofa, looked embarrassed.

"Aren't you the Demon Prince of Tzeentch? Chaos actually thinks that the Dark Eldar are dirty?" Russell walked to the sofa with a glass of freshly poured grape juice and joked: "Is there anything dirtier than Chaos?"

Magnus smiled helplessly: "Spreading cumin chili powder on someone's wounds would be a bit too immoral."

"I'm so greedy." Russell took a sip of grape juice and said with a smile: "It's just indigestion, it's not a difficult childbirth. I'm still waiting for you to help summon the Webway entrance in Ophelia... Otherwise, let me help you annihilate those disharmonious soul fragments?"

"Allow me to decline." Magnus climbed up, held his waist and walked out of the room: "Let's go, let's summon the webway."

"You've eaten a lot of dirty things, don't you feel sick to your stomach?" Russell asked politely, following behind the Red Devil.

"Compared to being cleansed by Guixu, the filth of the Dark Eldar is actually quite bearable."

"That's right."

Russell and Magnus passed through the four wings of the Lord together and came to the back of the giant steel bird. In the distance, the dark sun was still shining, and the light in Magnus's single eye changed slightly, as if Reminiscing about something.

"Miss your father?" Russell drank up the grape juice in the glass and handed the empty glass to Revatien behind him: "This is not far from the Sun Star Territory. Your mission will be completed after opening the webway. I can send you to Terra if necessary."

Magnus opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, just shook his head slightly.

"It's very hard to refuse..." Russell smiled: "Let's get started."

"here we go."

Magnus took a deep breath of non-existent air in the vacuum outside the Dominator's body. He opened his arms, and his long red hair was flying under the light of the central star of the Ophelia Galaxy.

"Let." He said softly.

"Both." He continued.



Bright red words floated from Magnus's long hair, and the obscure pronunciation was difficult to understand even for Russell, who was familiar with many Eldar classics. It must be the words of the ancient saints.

Dense words and flying blood dripped on the Lord's back, centered on Magnus's body, and seemed to contain some profound rules. As more and more words fell, the surrounding time and space became no longer calm.

Something that was originally locked by the powerful waaagh!!! force fields of the green skins on the 9 planets was shaken by the ritual of the original body. In an instant, the stars moved and the scenery changed rapidly.

Russell opened his eyes and saw Magnus half-kneeling in a pool of blood. Countless words melted into blood and gathered at his feet. It was vaguely like there were countless pairs of red palms struggling to climb up his body.

"Are you okay?" Russell asked.

"It's just some mental problems." Magnus shook his head and stood up firmly.

How could a mere mental illness shake the King of Wizards who was still living with a broken soul?

After confirming Magnus's status, Russell raised his head and looked into the distance, and saw two stars in the center of the galaxy.

Ophelia is a single-star galaxy system. As the name suggests, there should be one and only one star in the center of this galaxy. But now, Russell saw two identical stars, one above and one below, burning together in the center of the Ophelia galaxy.

"It's too close. Objects with stellar mass shouldn't be so close, so there should be a fake star." Russell thought to himself, and faint spiritual water waves rippled in his eyes.

Looking around, sure enough, not only the stars, but also the nine planets in the Ophelia galaxy have each turned into two identical twin planets, one above the other and very close to each other.

The 10 celestial bodies in the galaxy are like 10 glass beads scattered on a huge mirror, reflecting their own reflections.

"Mirror of time and space, I just wiped away the surface disguise left by a certain wizard organization in the Ophelia galaxy, allowing the mirror of time and space to shine again. This is its original appearance." Magnus breathed lightly , said: "Subspace is the mirror of the real universe. What you see now is the essence of this 'mirror'."

"That's it." Russell nodded with sudden realization: "You wiped the space-time mirror clean... Then where is the entrance to the webway?"

He didn't bring Magnus here to clean the mirrors for the Old Ones.

"The Webway is on the other side of the mirror, but the entrance to the node is sealed by some special arcane method. The sealing method is cruder than that of the Ancient Saints. It seems to be done by the Eldar."

Magnus gently wiped away the blood drops on his cheek and continued: "I know what you are thinking, but we cannot directly break the mirror. That will cause the curtain between the real universe and subspace to be damaged. The Ophelia Galaxy Swallowed by the Warp.”

"I don't care." Russell said casually.

"...After the mirror is broken, this webway node will also be washed away by the etheric turbulence and cannot be used." Magnus added.

"Okay." Russell finally gave up the idea of ​​'exploding me'.

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