Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 374 A snap of 6.8 billion years

From the moment they saw the organic Dyson Sphere in Falla, the Necron Oruska Dynasty began preparations for war with the Human Federation in the name of Arch-Emperor Hakmefit.

Unlike the violent and warlike Sautec dynasty, the war aesthetics of the Oruska dynasty appear more elegant and leisurely.

Hackmefit originally hoped to invade the Webway through the Tombstone Gate to transport his war machines, but when the Tomb Technicians surveyed the subspace of the Far Eastern Star Territory, they discovered that the Webway system in this star domain had long been broken, and the Ancient Saint's network The Tao was torn to pieces by some unknown force and was no longer usable.

The Oruska Dynasty had no choice but to send out a large Doomsday Scythe mothership and use graviton beams to drag the captured wormholes through the starry sky. This was one of the many physical super-light speed methods mastered by the Necron.

The safe super-light voyage that humans dream of is just a gadget that is easily available to the Necrons, who are even qualified to pick and choose which one is more elegant.

The Doomsday Mothership finally dragged the wormhole to the outer reaches of a galaxy called Nirvana and stabilized it. The other corresponding wormhole was located in Thanatos, the crown world of the Oruska Dynasty.

The ancient crescent-shaped machine was awakened on the Crown World, and came to the outskirts of the Nirvana galaxy through the stabilized wormhole. The time warlocks of the Oruska Dynasty controlled this huge machine called the 'Time Calibration Machine', and used it to control the time of the Emperor. In the name of beginning to calibrate the time of Nirvana.

At the same time, all human federal colonies, including Nirvana and Falla, received broadcast signals from the same target. The figure of King Hakmefit appeared in the atmosphere of these planets, condescendingly speaking to the humans who descended to earth. Give a speech:

"I am the ancient and glorious king of the Oruska dynasty, Hakmefit. In my own name, I sentence the human race to death."

"Your greed has offended the true master of this galaxy, and your arrogance has brought destruction to yourself. Some of you lucky ones may be lucky enough to survive in pain and fear, but only with my permission."

"I will start from the existence called Nirvana and bring you the fate of destruction. All this is not because of my cruelty, but because of my kindness."

Immediately afterwards, the undead figure projected on the atmosphere of the planets disappeared, and was replaced by a bright orange star projected on the atmosphere of the human colonized planets. Many people who had been to Nirvana for business or tourism were very surprised. He quickly recognized the identity of this star. It was the center of the Nirvana star system.

About 99.999...% of the matter in a star system belongs to the star in the center of its gravity. Therefore, when a Necromancer mentions Nirvana, if there is no specific reference, it should be the star of Nirvana.

In the projection, the spectrum of Nirvana's star changes rapidly. Its size becomes smaller and smaller as its own fusion burns. The spectrum it emits changes from orange to white and then to blue, until it triggers the fusion limit. The star is in a silent scene. It reached the end of its life in the collapse, and the supernova explosion began.

The violent gamma ray burst swallowed up the forge world of Musbel in the Nirvana system, and also swallowed up the capital of this star field: the hive planet Nifl. Nirvana did not transform into a black hole after a brief and brilliant explosion. Instead, it became a huge, fluffy, and very low-temperature red giant—about 60-70 times the size of the original Nirvana star.

The projection playback stopped here, and the voice of the French Emperor Hakmefit rang again:

"The star named Nirvana is in its prime, which is what it will be like when it dies about 6.8 billion years later, and the fiery red giant star is the swollen corpse left behind after its death, sad and filled with twilight energy."

“The process of death is painful and sad, so with compassion, I will selflessly help Nirvana skip that heroic and beautiful supernova explosion, so that its life will directly overlap with its distant death 6.8 billion years later. "

"Praise be to me for coming!"

After Hakmefit finished speaking, in the uninhabited sky outside the Nirvana galaxy, the time warlocks of the Oruska Dynasty had adjusted the time scale of the 'Calibration Instrument' to 6.8 billion years later, which was Nirvana's time. The time when a star dies.

The cold and deep eyes of the time warlock reflected a huge decaying giant star. It was the appearance of Nirvana after death, gradually overlapping with its current bright and vigorous appearance.

Following the Emperor's order, the time warlock activated the calibrated time meter. 6.8 billion years of time were directly deleted with just a wisp of his will, and Nirvana skipped its bright prime and decaying old age. , even the last heroic supernova explosion was skipped. The lifeless low-temperature red giant appeared in the starry sky, and its fluffy and soft corpses wrapped the planets in it and dissolved them into one.

This is the war aesthetics of the Oruska dynasty. They are not as violent as the Sotec dynasty, nor as cruel as the supporters of the Void Dragon. In the eyes of French Emperor Hakmefit, war should be as precise as a scalpel. It's fast, yet as beautiful and elegant as a poem.

With the fleeting birth and death of 6.8 billion years, Hakmefit paid the highest respect to mankind who followed the footsteps of the ancient saints.

"Only the most complete destruction is the highest level of respect." Looking at Nirvana swallowed by the death giant, the time warlock murmured to himself.

No one answered it, which was natural, for it was the only Necron in the clock.

"I agree with your point of view, but I don't respect you." A voice sounded from the time warlock's head without warning, and then, the sharp bone blade jumping with the psychic arc pierced its body made of living metal. Hard chest.

A dozen sarcastic banshees wearing invisible spirit bone combat uniforms appeared inside the school clock at some point. They walked in uniform steps and gathered around a human.

A young human wearing a white research suit, with implanted crystals in his eyes as bright as stars, stepped forward under the protection of the Eldar Banshee squad, and watched with interest as the mixture of electrolyte and coolant evaporated from the Time Warlock. It flowed out of the pierced chest.

He said: "Because I don't respect you, I will not give you the death you deserve. Your body will become the future research material of our department. To be honest, you are the second time warlock we captured, but my I don’t have enough authority, and I’m not qualified to study the last time warlock named Ourikan.”

"Thanks for your timely help, I really like you." The young scholar smiled sincerely, revealing two rows of white teeth. The bite relationship of each tooth has been carefully adjusted to fit perfectly.

The Time Warlock's throat flickered slightly. It wanted to say something, but the sound simulation organ had been damaged.

On the periphery of the time meter, hundreds of light guided missile destroyers belonging to the Federation Navy had just closed the psychic stealth field covering their bodies. The dead giant star has disappeared without knowing when, and the star of Nirvana is as strong and bright as ever.

"I'm curious, who gave you the courage to use time weapons against humans?" the young scholar asked with a smile.

His tone was understatement, as if the lost 6.8 billion years were just a squint during a nap.

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