"The armed forces sent by Gray Wind to rescue the remnants of the Iron Hands were also infected by the code-breaking virus, and a 'Formbreaker' class battlecruiser was forced to self-destruct."

With both feet stepping on the red earth of the Demon Realm of Khorne, Russell's expression became solemn: "The waste code virus has 'evolved' to a certain extent. In the past, the virus code that could only infect the machinery of this universe can now invade our system. The probability that wild code will naturally mutate to this result is extremely low. This is a weapon developed specifically for us by some insidious guy who has not shown up."

Who is this guy?

Russell guessed it was Vashtor, or Tzeentch, or maybe some extremely radical Dark Mechanicus group?

While Russell was thinking, four infected battleships had floated above the orbit of the giant sarcoma, and suspicious subspace disturbances came from the Emperor-class battleship in the center.

Russell, who was far away in the sky, could not really see the situation inside the battleship, but the human landing force that had just jumped into the ship could rely on the perception of the psykers and Eldar banshees in the team to judge that this strange The source of the disturbance came from deep within the belly of the Emperor-class battleship, where the subspace engine was installed.

——The gang members sent by Gray Wind to rescue the remnants of the Iron Hands were not completely wiped out. In the first wave of infection by the waste code virus, the mechanics wearing full sets of mobile armor were the first to die, and the wraithbone armor was not equipped. Any Eldar banshees assisting the AI ​​are not affected by the code-killing virus.

The banshees quickly destroyed all autonomous machines and processors of any nature in the team at the same time as the mechanics died, physically eliminating the vectors further infected by the virus, a small number of human psykers and melta weapons with purely mechanical structures. survived.

——Due to the huge lethality of melta weapons, the melta weapons produced by the Military Industry of the Order of Truth are not equipped with functions such as AI-assisted aiming. Even the triggers are locked by physical means. This kind of weapon is inherited from the era of World War I. The ancient safety mechanism is called 'insurance'. Since ancient humans created the first breech-loading firearm on earth, physical insurance has always been a safety protection method trusted by mankind.

Our loyal and reliable ancient insurance plugs far surpass those backward and uncontrollable dangerous electronic AIs. Under the virus infection, the melt launchers with physical insurance have become the only weapons that survivors can rely on.

On the way to escape, being continuously pursued by ship-based artillery infected by the waste code virus, the human soldiers held individual melta launchers and hid in the middle and east of the cabin, and counterattacked in time. They swore in their hearts: If they could get out alive, they would definitely To promote the loyalty and reliability of melta to everyone in the federal army, the auxiliary AI of plasma weapons with automatic overheating warning is a piece of shit!

If you are a man, use hot melt!

"The subspace disturbance coming from the engine room is becoming more and more intense, but the spectrum of psychic energy it emits is very messy. This is not the spectrum produced by the normal operation of the subspace engine of the imperial ship, but something else." Psyker 'La' closed her eyes and said: "The warp engine of this ship has been modified with pollution and blasphemy, and the machine soul has been completely corrupted."

The soldier crouching next to La held a gun in both hands, extended the nozzle of the melter out of the bunker, and sprayed a hot subatomic stream to the rear without taking aim at all.

This is an ancient shooting technique inherited from the ancient Terran earth era. It is called the sacred 'African pressure gun', which can effectively reduce the probability of being hit when shooting.

While Africa pressed the gun, the soldier said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense. Anyone with eyes can see that this ship is contaminated by chaos. What we need to know is what the ship's subspace engine has been modified into." , and how to escape.”

Since all parts of their bodies with computing and data storage capabilities have been destroyed, they have now lost even the structural scans of the battleship, and can only wander around the cabin like headless flies to avoid the pursuit of the fallen machine spirits. .

"It is an ultra-long-distance subspace positioning and transmission device. Its principle is similar to the 'Tuchucha' engine carried by the Mother of Torture. It is a poor imitation made by someone based on the ancient saint's technology." He said softly: "But even if it is an imitation, it is enough to open a large portal similar to the gate of the network in the body of this battleship, and teleport a large number of troops directly here."

While they were talking, a rapid beeping sound suddenly came from the bunker next to them: a large circuit integrator. Everyone had to move their positions immediately. During the transfer, several more people died from the indiscriminate bombardment of ship-based artillery fire.

The remaining soldiers did not know that the large forces had evacuated. They hoped that if they continued to fight tenaciously, they would be supported by the mothership. This was the biggest motivation for everyone to persist to this day.

The few hundred remaining members of the Tiao Gang fled all the way in the cabin, dragging the heavy armor with paralyzed systems through deadly corridors one after another. In this process, there was no blessing from the gods or any external force. For help, the only thing they can rely on is the melt gun in their hands and their own unyielding will. The new youth of the Human Federation have long been accustomed to believing in themselves in adversity, rather than worshiping the emperor.

During their escape, they encountered the last surviving Iron Hands Space Marines aboard the ship.

There are only 2.5 Iron Hands warriors who have survived, because one of them is already paralyzed. The waste code virus has infected the prosthetic body and cogitator processor installed on him. Ferrus Manus's fierce heir is dismantling himself with bare hands. These dangerous prosthetics left him with only about half of his body.

From the mouths of the survivors of the Iron Hands, the remnants of the Jump Gang learned the full story of what happened to them:

The Iron Hands killed a giant creature called the Poison Saint many years ago. The creature's body contained highly toxic radiation. The Iron Hands and the Mechanicus sealed it in Medusa's giant stasis force. Isolated storage in the field.

After Nurgle's death, the remaining followers of Nurgle gathered together and formed an extremist organization called the 'Plague Apostles'.

The Plague Apostles twice attacked the Iron Hands' home planet of Medusa, intending to snatch the sealed body of the Poison Saint. However, both attacks were repulsed by the Iron Hands' powerful firepower and impregnable defenses.

But in the third attack, the Plague Apostles received help from the traitorous legion "Iron Warriors". The original body Perturabo appeared on the battlefield in person and launched a large-scale invasion of Medusa.

The Iron Hand swore to the skull of Ferrus Manus that he would defend his home planet from the impact of Chaos and defend the glory of the Gene Father from being tarnished by the shameful traitor, but no matter how good Medusa's defense system was, Perfect, no matter how abundant the firepower is, the opponent they face is still a Primarch.

A god of war created by the emperor of mankind himself.

Perturabo commanded his troops to defeat the Iron Hands' defense. He spread the waste code virus in Medusa's orbit. The originally sturdy and reliable mechanical creation collapsed in the face of the evolved new virus. Ferrus Manus His hometown turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"We failed to preserve the glory of our genetic father, and we failed to protect our home planet..." The Iron Hands veteran 'Jotun', who only had half of his body left, was extremely frustrated.

While the survivors of the Iron Hands were telling the remnants of the gang what had happened to their home planet, in the engine room of the Emperor-class battleship, the subspace engine corrupted by unknown energy continued to run, creating a fake and shoddy version of the Internet. The door' was opened just like that.

Perturabo and his Iron Warriors emerged.

The Plague Apostle, who believed in the Beloved Father, groveled and followed the Primarch, saying flatteringly: "Thanks to the Primarch's majestic talent and strategy, we were able to obtain one of the many artifacts needed to resurrect the Beloved Father."

"Now that the 'Poison Saint's Throat' has been obtained, as long as we obtain the Root of Infinity, we have obtained 2 of the 3 materials needed to cast a body for our loving father. I hope you will work harder..."

Wearing heavy armor, Perturabo scorned the flattery of the Plague Apostle. He strode out of the subspace portal, and the iron hooves of the Iron Warriors stepped on the orbit of the Oregon star that had turned into twisted flesh.

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