Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 446 Heaven on Earth

The weapon research and development department of the Order of Truth has been working on improving the efficiency of energy weapons, how to increase the power of weapons while reducing the size of the equipment, improving equipment integration, reducing energy consumption and improving energy conversion efficiency, and Keeping the cost down... This has always been a classic topic in the history of the Order of Truth and even the entire history of human weapons development.

But now there is such a device. Its single energy consumption is far less than that of the Titan's main gun running at full power, but it can output a powerful psychic signal that is enough to penetrate the "Death Wail" storm. At the same time, its size is even larger than the latest models. The Nova Cannon is even smaller, and its extremely high energy utilization efficiency and integration allow it to be mounted in multiple numbers on a battleship to build a complete psychic weapon array. There is no doubt that this is the perfect standard weapon that countless navy captains have been searching for.

The only drawback of this equipment is that the energy consumed is too high. Such consumption is a bit exaggerated for scientific research equipment that maintains low turnover efficiency all year round, but it is just right for munitions.

The R\u0026D personnel of the Psionics Department worked hard under the limited budget and harsh usage scenarios. In the end, they failed to build a successful astronomical telescope, but they built a sufficiently good psychic cannon.

Then the only thing left to do is:

"Open the cannon and blast his mother!"

Gray Wind looked at Russell in confusion: "But orcs have no gender, so they don't have mothers."

"Bang his mother is a kind of artistic conception, not a literal statement." Russell explained: "This is a famous war sentence written by a poet from ancient Terra. It has far-reaching intentions and ambitious aspirations. Even if the other party does not have a mother, it can still provide You create a mother to kill. So you should learn more about similar words and background stories in the future, which can improve your cultural literacy."

"Oh..." Gray Feng nodded.

The monks on the ship are busy dismantling the ship's original laser weapon array with the help of the auxiliary AI. Then they are connecting the telescopes to the energy source and installing them. They are about to reach the edge of the green mood storm. What's next? They had to use cannon to clear the way.

"Wait a minute, there are several UFOs approaching us from the southwest." Gray Wind reminded: "I used the detector to detect their signal. It is a human ship. There are...many people on the ship, many, many more people."

Literally, lots and lots of people.

Those UFOs floating in deep space are old and crowded civilian ships. They are not equipped with large-scale military and commercial-grade weapons. They only have minimal self-defense weapons. The cabins lacking lighting are filled with gray-headed people. There were people everywhere, and the smell of putrid blood and excrement fermented into an unpleasant stench in the cabin. Under this stench, someone squatted in the corner and devoured a portion of sticky starch porridge.

"Several refugee ships probably escaped from the Armageddon star field." Gray Wind quickly came to the conclusion: "As the greenskin battle in Armageddon became more intense, this green storm also It’s expanding, and many planets have been swallowed up by Waaagh!!!”

The transportation capacity of the Human Empire cannot evacuate so many people. Except for the dignitaries and a few people with connections, the remaining residents can only fend for themselves.

On the side of the hull, the laser weapon array has been removed, and the Lingbo astronomical telescope has been installed.

Russell sent a warning to these refugee ships: "We are the expedition fleet of the Human Federation and are on a mission to break through the green skin-controlled areas. Don't come any closer, otherwise we will treat you as enemies."

But his warning not only had no effect, the refugee ship that received the news suddenly increased the power of its propellers and stumbled directly towards this direction, looking very excited.

"What's going on, these people are desperate for their lives?" Russell frowned: "And the direction they are heading in is also very strange. The first choice for ships escaping from Armageddon should be to escape to the Sun. In the hinterland of the Domain, we should go to Holy Terra to seek Guilliman’s protection. Why did it drift to the Moro Star Domain?”

The Moro star field is located southeast of Armageddon, while Terra is located southwest of Armageddon. These are two completely opposite routes, and it is not so confusing to get lost.

Unless these refugee ships had no intention of going to Terra in the first place.

Russell guessed correctly.

After knowing that the battleship in front of them was the expedition fleet of the Human Federation, several refugee ships showed unprecedented enthusiasm. The originally lifeless cabin suddenly became active. The dark crowd crowded to the portholes, waving and jumping desperately, shouting, " Words like "Heavenly Father" and "Savior" were danced around, and even the starch porridge to satisfy the hunger was spilled all over the floor, sticky on the soles of the shoes.

"What are you talking about? Could these people have been brainwashed by the Word Bearers?" Gray Wind pursed his lips and frowned, and connected to the communication channel with the refugee representatives in distress.

"Lords of the Federation, please listen to me. We are admirers of the Order of Truth. We have listened to the church of Saint Luojia and have been inspired by the true God. We are all loyal believers of His Majesty the Star Destroyer! Please let us go to the Far Eastern Star Territory! "

Excited voices came from the audio decoder, causing a big question mark to appear on Gray Feng's little head: "Huh?"

What's going on? Their feelings were really taught by Luojia and brainwashed by the Word Bearers.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, tell me what's going on. What the hell, what is Saint Luojia..." Russell quickly stopped the fanatical gathering of refugees. In just ten minutes, More than half a million people have died in stampedes on several refugee boats, and countless others have been trampled and scratched.

To Russell's surprise, the leader who led this group of refugees to escape from Armageddon and flee to the Far Eastern Star Territory was actually a low-level judge named Halquin.

From Halquin's mouth, Russell learned the basic situation of this group of refugees.

——Before the expansion of the Green Storm, the missionary team of Lorgar and the Word Bearers passed through the Armageddon star field. The Ascendant Primarch used his superhuman force to lead the Word Bearers and rescued more than one greenskin. The soon-to-be-fallen imperial planet began to spread the teachings of 'Far East Xing, King Russell' to those people who regarded him as their savior.

In Luojia's words, the Far Eastern Star Territory has been built into an earthly heaven by the followers of the Star Bombers, where lush and beautiful forests grow on the planets, clear fresh water flows in the rivers and lakes, automatic machines and people who believe in the truth The monks have completely solved the problem of food and clothing for the people. The interstellar-scale pure spirit field and the array of black stone obelisks protect federal citizens from the pollution of chaos.

From Luojia's preaching, this group of humanoid animals, who are hungry, poorly clothed, and struggling to survive under the torment of death and pain every day, seem to have seen a promised land flowing with milk and honey, even if human beings Even though the Emperor was sitting on Holy Terra, he could not change their course. They would rather die in pursuit of the Kingdom of Heaven.

After hearing this, Russell's eyebrows trembled slightly.

Gray Wind sighed softly and said to Halquin: "This may have been true in the past. The environment on the planet Gaia was indeed very good, and the living standard in the mechanical hive was indeed passable, but it is different now. "

As soon as these words came out, Halquin and the refugees around him suddenly became nervous: "What happened in the Kingdom of Heaven?"

"Faya has recently suffered a direct invasion from high-dimensional creatures called zealots. Chaos demons have joined forces with at least two demon-elevating primarchs. Falla and Favna are the main battlefields," Gray Wind explained.

Gray Feng clapped his fingers and said thoughtfully: "Under the wartime system, it is inevitable for ordinary people's living standards to decline. Except for the two major war zones, workers on other hive planets are forced to work overtime. For example, the rotation cycle The workers on the Nifl Hive, which is a 49-hour city, now have to work 16 hours a day, and there is a lack of entertainment options."

"Coupled with our previous strategic contraction, many agricultural planets have been decommissioned. Now the food supply is also somewhat tight, and the logistics system is almost paralyzed. Ordinary workers on some remote planets have even begun to eat baked potatoes to satisfy their hunger, and they cannot eat fresh vegetables. , can only be replaced by freeze-dried vegetables, let alone natural meat, artificial meat is enough..."

Gray Feng shook his head as he spoke, and sighed: "Luojia exaggerated too much. The Far Eastern Star Territory is not a promised land flowing with milk and honey. Now in order to cope with the war, there is still forced recruitment, and the soldiers' equipment and logistics supplies are also A big problem... All in all, the standard of living in the Federation is far from as good as described in Luojia's mythical stories."

After finishing speaking, Gray Feng remained silent for a moment, without waiting for a response from the other party.

"Um...what's wrong with you?" Gray Feng asked softly.

"Heaven...heaven." A slightly hoarse female voice came from the communication channel of Judge Halquin.

"This is the kingdom of heaven on earth that we have been looking for all this time." Halquin's eyes filled with tears. The other refugees around him were also excited, saying 'Heavenly Father', 'Savior', 'Messiah' and so on. Words kept coming out from the crowd.

Gray Feng blinked in confusion: "Huh?"

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