If the Milky Way is compared to a sandbox, then every star system is a grain of sand in the sandbox. But there are always a few unruly grains of sand that are no longer in the sand table, but floating alone in the boundless void outside the Milky Way.

What Russell came to was such an unknown galaxy hanging outside the river.

This galaxy is located in a dark void where the light of the star torch cannot be seen. There are three planets in the galaxy, orbiting an active pulsar that continuously radiates huge amounts of electromagnetic pulse signals. The entire galaxy is in an extremely "lively" state. state.

Looking into the Milky Way from here, one can directly see with the naked eye the star system that Gray Wind detonated not long ago to annihilate the insect swarm - just before the explosion.

If you want to see the dazzling spots in the starry sky caused by the stellar explosion here, you have to wait at least 180 years.

It was in such a bustling galaxy filled with electromagnetic pulses that a giant battleship covered in silver-gray and complex scaly armor was parked quietly in the orbit of Planet 2, not far from the pulsar.

That was the Gray Gu mothership, intact, with complex and delicate scale-like structures on its surface, flawless beauty without even a scratch.

"Everyone in the Mechanical Society thought you were destroyed in that big explosion, and they almost took me to court for damaging cultural relics." Russell sat in the center cabin of the small Gray Goo battleship and said half-jokingly: " I think now I should be able to turn around and sue them for false accusations.”

"It's better not to do it? Marshal, I finally took this opportunity to retreat behind the scenes."

Gray Feng was still frightened: "And I don't know why, but the violent reaction of the two stars after being detonated was a bit unexpected. The energy level of the explosion was much higher than the original estimate. It was so scary, I almost thought I was going to overturn."

Although the ether dragon is the ultimate creature that can withstand the Big Bang, it only imitates a weakened version of the ether dragon's scales. If he has to face the stellar explosion with this alone, Gray Feng is still a little uneasy. .

In addition, the explosion was actually out of control. If there were not drones from the Human Empire monitoring nearby at the time, it would have even been able to transform into an L-Star Dragon on the spot.

While one person and one machine were talking, the small Gray Gu battleship carried Russell and slowed down the speed. The energy shield ran at low power to resist the radiation of the pulsar, and cautiously approached the mothership located above Planet 2.

As he approached, Russell listened to Gray Wind's report;

"The main body of the Hive Fleet has been annihilated, but just like me who used dragon scale armor to resist the star explosion, the largest biological mothership in the Tyranid swarm still relied on its huge size to survive the destructive flare. I barely managed to save a piece of my body.”

"It's just that the corpse of the big bug is much heavier than expected. If I drag it, I can't even sail at sub-light speed. I can only crawl slowly like a snail... I lied to you. I just forced the jump engine to turn on at full power. , I took it with me and crossed here intermittently...but the hull was a little damaged on the way here, just a little bit! It has almost repaired itself now."

In fact, you don’t need to deliberately downplay your injuries...

Gray Feng's voice had a cheerful tone. Although he couldn't see its face, Russell still felt that Gray Feng looked proud at this moment, with his hands on his hips and an arrogant look of "Come on, praise me."

"It's been a big help, Gray Wind. You are indeed very reliable." Russell followed its lead and said.

For a large interstellar ship of the battleship level, as long as the three major conditions of energy, caliber, and time are met, detonating a star is not a big deal, especially for Gray Wind. The really difficult thing is how to escape intact after detonating the star.

To complete the Star Explosion mission while ensuring his own safety, Russell really couldn't find any other ship choice besides Gray Wind, which could simulate an ether dragon, and the Burning Sky Divine Weapon, which was temporarily unavailable.

Fortunately, Gray Wind is reliable enough.

"Do you know now that I am reliable?" Gray Feng's tone became even more floating: "Then you will have to rely on me more in the future."

It shouldn't be praised...Russell regretted it.

Then, Gray Wind continued to ask: "But Marshal, what use do you want the remains of this big insect?"

It doesn't quite understand why Russell went to so much trouble, so why not just let him make up for the bugs that slipped through the net?

Russell smiled and asked, "Do you still remember the characteristics of the Tyranid swarm?"

Gray Feng thought for a while and recalled the memory of listening to Russell telling stories from his main consciousness:

"The Tyranid swarm is a typical group of Gestalt organisms. They are dominated by the hive mind and driven by endless hunger, devouring all biomass they see.

...Although in terms of overall appearance, the Tyranid swarm is very similar to the Thorin protozoa, there is a fundamental difference between the two:

——Thorin protozoa are keen on transformation and assimilation. They will often exterminate all living things on a habitable planet, and then transform the planet into a planet unsuitable for any living thing except themselves, able to continuously support the insect colony. 'Incubation Planet'.

The Tyranid swarm is a completely ship-based organism. They eat wherever they go. They have no roots and no home. They are a nomadic group of hunters.

However, the Tyranid swarm is extremely adaptable. They will edit and optimize their own genetic sequence by devouring other organisms and seizing genes, becoming stronger and more dangerous in the endless devouring. "

Thinking of this, Gray Feng seemed to understand something: "Ah! Marshal, are you thinking..."

"Although I don't know what you guessed, I think you are right." Russell nodded and said.

He looked across the side of the ship, staring at the Gray Gu mothership that was getting closer and closer. A huge shadow slowly rose into view from the other side of Planet No. 2. It was a huge bug, or in other words, the remains of a bug hive biological mothership.

"In the Great Devourer's Hive Fleet, there is a core individual called the 'Life-Shaping Bug Queen'. It is the central node that connects the Hive Mind and the Tyranid synaptic network, and also stores the entire worm fleet. The genetic sequence of all the creatures that the Hive Fleet has devoured is the most important individual in a Hive Fleet."

Losing the insect queen is equivalent to losing the brain. As it should be, the life-shaping insect queen enjoys the strictest protection of the entire insect colony.

The charred remains of the biological mothership grew larger and larger in the field of vision. Russell told Gray Wind expressionlessly what he was going to do next:

"Previously in the battle moon, I saw the orcs living together with Bao. They exchanged genes to a certain extent, and each produced some benign mutations."

If his loving father hadn't mixed up to transform Bao into a great demon, he could imagine what kind of terrifying existence the orc warlord who had achieved perfect symbiosis with Bao would become.

The Orcs created through the ancient saint's genetic engineering technology have even exchanged genes with Bao, but what about the Tyranids?

What interesting changes will occur between this hive creature, which originally relies on devouring and evolving as its way of survival, and the Presolin protozoa, one of the three major natural disasters in the stars?

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