The Nano Dragon's single head is as big as the battle moon. When it opens its mouth to breathe, even the largest battleship will be overwhelmed by the rushing tachyon flow.

If the void shield system is intact and operating at full power, a large warship can barely resist such an attack.

So now, the void shield and other shields have been disabled by the Zero Storm, subspace navigation has been blocked, and regular navigation has been slowed down by astronomical disasters. Even the Chaos warship with the blessing of the evil god has nowhere to escape and can only use its own armor and hull to resist the breath of the nano dragon.

The consequences of this are disastrous.

The Nano Dragon relied on its incredible physical strength to ignore its huge mass and volume, and flexibly swam in space, swaying its tail, shaking its head, and its hot breath swept across the starry sky, engulfing countless large and small Chaos ships.

This first wave of attacks alone caused heavy losses to the Chaos Fleet, and many small pirate raiders were directly incinerated into cosmic dust in the dragon's breath.

Subsequently, counterattacks from the Chaos fleet came one after another.

The warriors who believed in Slaanesh completely ignored the small warband warships and space pirates who were bombarded by the dragon's breath and fled in all directions. They looked down on the imperfect rabble from the bottom of their hearts.

The Perfection War Gang, who pursue the perfect art of war, has been polished to the pinnacle in both boarding operations and naval warfare. The Ark of Elysium and the Oracle of Truth controlled by them can still remain stable after suffering huge damage. Holding their position, the warships controlled by them still looked comfortable and elegant even under such a devastating blow.

They maintain a perfect formation that cannot find any faults. To perfection, people have calculated extremely accurately the movement speed of their own hulls that have become difficult due to astronomical disasters, the interference to their weapons, and the action patterns of the nano-dragons. Splashing elegant and beautiful torpedoes and light spears at the star beast in front of him.

The huge size of the nano dragon became the first flaw they caught, and the first wave of attacks hit the tail of the giant beast as expected.

Then - nothing happened.

No matter it was the blazing energy weapons or the exploding solid ammunition, they failed to leave any trace on the dragon scale armor that shone with azure light. Only the wave cannon blessed by the chaotic energy of the subspace can cause a certain degree of damage to the giant beast.

But the Nano Dragon seems to have extremely powerful self-healing capabilities, and the damage caused to it by the weapons blessed by Chaos quickly healed itself.

The warriors of the Perfect Man soon discovered that the power of this giant beast was somewhat beyond their expectations. It was very fleshy and dealt high damage at the same time.

The movement is also very cool.

The injured Nano Dragon quickly gave up on a Chaos Barge that it was originally chasing. Using flexible and fast maneuvers that were completely inconsistent with its size and mass, it pursued the Ark of Elysium and the Oracle of Truth with revenge.

The Perfect Fleet escorting the two Chaos flagships soon crashed in the dragon's fury. The destructive power and aggressiveness of the nano dragon were far beyond everyone's understanding.

What makes Miraak and his officers feel fortunate is that this nano-dragon seems to be deliberately avoiding the imperial ships and only hunting the Chaos fleet with a purpose.

Soon, the Penitent Fire, which had been seriously injured in the previous fierce battle, received news from the command room of the Seeker Base: This nano-dragon that suddenly appeared was a friendly unit of the Imperial Fleet.

It belongs to the "Star Bouncer"...

Even Milak couldn't accept this ridiculous message that could be called a joke. But after seeing the name Star Destroyer, as well as the sender and guarantor of this urgent communication suffix "Bernatita", he immediately forced himself to adjust his mentality.

Miraak calmed down and began to coordinate his subordinates; driving away the surviving Chaos fleet, chasing the small Chaos ships that fled in a hurry, and preventing the dispersed Chaos forces from approaching the planet Falla...

The imperial fleet that had finished taking a breather cooperated with the nano-dragon's hunting operations from all aspects. They danced with the dragon in the starry sky, filled with awe and fear, and on tenterhooks every second.

Falla, which was blocked by the artificial storm, is now like a huge colosseum on the scale of a galaxy. The nano-dragons are swimming among the celestial bodies. With the cooperation of the imperial fleet, they are efficiently cleaning up the chaotic remnants whose morale has completely collapsed.

The ultra-long-range precision strike weapons carried on the Seeker base also participated in this hunting in the urn. Inside the base, when Bernadita tried her best to get rid of many state church priests and legal officers who tried to ask her various questions. After the team members secretly returned to the top of the tower, the star bomber was no longer there.

The Zero Storm Projector is operating as usual, and there are not many Sons of Change left hanging on the tower. The energy consumption required to maintain this artificial storm is terrifying.

There are only two Gray Winds left on the top of the empty tower, one is maintaining the operation of the system, and the other is looking after the reaction process of the remaining Chaos Astartes being burned into psychic dust.

"Um...has the star bomber left already?"

The two Gray Winds did not answer Bernadita's question, and their reactions to her arrival were not very enthusiastic.

Gray Wind quietly looked after the last Son of All-Change, and with a pair of eyes without any emotion, watched the Immutable Divine Priest struggle and burn out in pain, and then extracted the crystal dust that contained all the spiritual potential in his life. Collect it carefully and place it in the core cavity of the Storm Projector for later use.

After completing these tasks, Gray Feng turned around and saw that Bernadita hadn't left yet.

"The energy is somewhat insufficient. Can you provide me with some psykers that can be used as fuel?" Gray Wind asked.

"Yes, of course." Bernadita affirmed repeatedly, and then said with careful consideration of the words: "During this Chaos invasion, we screened and captured a large number of fallen navigators with fragile minds and bewitched by Chaos. I will arrange for people to be there immediately. I leave the interrogation value to you..."

"Thank you very much for cooperating with my work." Gray Feng raised the corner of his mouth and gave her a light smile.

"I don't dare to thank you. This is also helping ourselves." Bernadita immediately returned the favor.

The seriousness with which Gray Wind meticulously carried out the mission left by the Star Destroyer made her feel a lot more at ease. Bernadita had already made a preliminary judgment on the nature of the two humanoid fighting machines called "Grey Wind". : They are not artificial intelligence with self-awareness, but more rigid, automatic program-like existences that will only perform set tasks, and each action change requires the authorization of the star bomber.

That's right, as an ancient immortal who has survived from the dark age of technology to this day, how could the Star Bomber make such a stupid mistake and keep high-risk artificial intelligence by his side?

Bernadita felt that her previous suspicions were unfounded and a little offensive.

Throwing all these vague thoughts behind, Bernadita turned and left. She had to seize the time to send the new psykers here before the psychic dust of the Sons of Change burned out. The hunt in the field of stars maintains the field.

"Please wait a moment." Gray Wind stopped her.

Bernadita turned her head warily, only to see Gray Wind, who was originally looking after the operation of the storm projector system, leave his post and come behind her.

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