When you walk into the door of the control room, the first thing you see is the column-shaped computer located in the center of the hall.

There were several semi-enclosed cockpits lined up in front of the computer, and sitting on the one in the middle was a being who was very familiar to Bernadita.

His breath was infinitely close to nothingness, and there was no soul fluctuation around his body. There seemed to be nothing under the ancient black robe, only the illusory mist slowly flowing in his hood.

That's the Star Bouncer.

Next to the star bomber, sat a well-dressed young man. His appearance was so beautiful that it made Bernadita, a woman, feel a little guilty. His short gray hair was well taken care of, and every move he made was... It gives people a sense of calmness and elegance, and it can be determined at just one glance that this person comes from a well-educated aristocratic family.

However, such a person is only sitting on the side seat, and he can see some respect for the person sitting on the main seat.

As Bernadita learned, Falla's planetary governor, Russell, was indeed a follower of the Star Bomber.

"I am honored to have your appointment. Madam Judge, please take a seat."

Russell stood up and greeted Bernatita's arrival politely, and took her to another seat next to him - Russell sat between the star bomber and Bernatita.

This seating arrangement prevented Bernadita from having to directly come into direct contact with the star bomber, and she didn't dislike it.

When she sat down, Bernatita lowered her shoulders subconsciously to prevent herself from looking too taller than Russell and Starbouncer, which would make her appear to be taking the spotlight.

Details like this can always reduce others' dislike of her.

Governor Falla's hospitality was naturally not as arrogant as that of the Oil Guy. As soon as they sat down, a bionic servant placed the desserts and tea prepared in advance in front of the two of them - only two portions, because Gray Wind didn't drink it. Tea doesn’t like sugar either, and the “texture” level may be more interesting to the nanorobot swarm than the taste.

"I am no longer a judge, you don't have to call me that..." Bernadita showed appropriate restraint, and then said with a wry smile: "And, I'm sorry, due to some reasons, I can't enjoy your hospitality. I really I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Russell didn't say anything more, and didn't ask for the reason. He just asked the servitor to take away both refreshments.

Bernadita breathed a sigh of relief at his understanding.

But that's not the case with Star Slinger.

"As far as I know, you used to like to eat a lot of sweets in your free time to vent the mental pressure accumulated at work." The star bomber's voice came faintly from his seemingly empty black robe. out:

"Now you don't dare to have such enjoyment, and you have to refuse your favorite taste... To be precise, since you obtained that magic book, you have not dared to allow yourself to relax and enjoy in any way. ?"

The polite smile on Bernadita's face froze.

After all personnel were in place, the two battlecruisers parked in the orbit of Falla started their engines and sailed towards the Emperor's icon at the edge of the star's gravity well.

The beautiful starry sky passed over the side of the ship, making her look even more embarrassed.

"Exactly, just as you said..." Bernadita lowered her head.

The magic book in the mouth of the Star-Buster was taken from the followers of Slaanesh during an operation to suppress heretics.

This "Book of Pleasure" praises indulgence and enjoyment. Even if ordinary people just glance at the cover, they will be awakened by the power of the Prince of Pleasure to the evil desires hidden deep in their hearts. They will indulge themselves in self-deception over and over again. Towards degradation.

But the forbidden spells recorded in this joyful magic book have helped Bernadita survive in desperate situations several times, and also made her more capable in fighting heretics and chaos.

It also made her have to endure the temptation of pleasure all the time.

The power of chaos is never docile, just a book of joy is so, and as far as Russell knows, she is not the only demonic weapon.

Russell tilted his head slightly and looked at Bernadita's neck.

Her skin was moist, her hair was sticky, and her cheeks were slightly red from the heat rising from the power armor, as if she had just taken a shower.

"Don't be too greedy for the power of chaos, otherwise you will be lost one day. The temptation of the gods cannot be resisted by the will of mortals."

The star bomber said softly: "Too radical thoughts will only lead you to a path of no return - you know, the most popular faction in the Trial Hall is always the Purity Faction, and I hope you can also keep your heart pure. "

Bernadita naturally knew what the star bomber was talking about, and she also understood that the advice given by the other party was correct, but she did not waver.

"Every Inquisitor is a Purist when he first enters the profession."

She said: "But as time goes by, every Inquisitor will slowly discover a fact in his career: It is simply impossible to protect humanity and the empire in this crisis-ridden universe by relying solely on conventional means. Tan.”

Alien Inquisitors are keen on alien technology, and Heretic Inquisitors often need to master evil magic and witchcraft. These are things that cannot be helped.

The older the Inquisitors are, the more radical they will be, and the more they will try to use various unconventional methods to save the empire, and sink deeper and deeper into the radical path until they go astray and cannot turn back. Finally, he was punished by the Purity Judge who had not yet fallen...

This has been the case for thousands of years, from the creation of the Inquisition until now.

Bernadita took a deep breath and calmed down: "This is the fate of the judge."

"But you are no longer a judge." There was a slight smile in the voice of the star flicker: "At least your colleagues will no longer recognize your rose knot."

Suddenly, Bernadita's body tensed up.

It would be difficult for any high-ranking judge to suppress his anger when someone pokes a sore spot with such a mocking tone. The emotional intelligence of the star bomber is so low, like a god of chaos, without any respect for the personality of others.

But just a few seconds later, she forced herself to relax again and no longer showed any anger.

"In normal times, I would appreciate your self-control. Being able to contain your anger is quite rare."

The star bomber's voice deepened: "But I only feel pity for you now. Pity for the beast trapped in a cage made by himself."

Russell sat between the two and said nothing.

Bernadita lowered her head and said nothing.

Although the emotional intelligence of the star flicker's words is low, there is nothing wrong with it.

The reason why she was not angry at being humiliated in this way was not because of how good her personal cultivation was, but simply because Bernadita did not dare to let herself have any unnecessary unnecessary anger.

She took the anger away from herself like giving up her favorite sweet tooth.

Merchant ships and fleets coming and going can already be seen on the display, and the icon of the "Guide" is approaching. The emperor dressed as a scholar walked barefoot in the starry sky, the lantern in his hand emitting a fluorescent green light.

That is the L-Stargate.

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