Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 84 Fighting Party C

Unlike the Zelo Storm Projector, which needs to maintain a star system-scale psychic storm, the psychic invisibility field and psychic shield system activated by the Ark of Elysium only need to cover the range of a cruiser, plus the energy used today It is also of higher quality. Gray Feng estimates that the existing psychic dust can be consumed for a long, long time.

After passing an asteroid at the outermost edge of the galaxy, the tachyon sensor carried by the Ark of Paradise was finally able to get a glimpse of the entire galaxy under the interference of nebulae.

This galaxy located in the southwest of the Lost Dream Nebula was named "Dlomi" by the Great Sage. Planets 3 and 4 are both habitable planets.

Planet 3 of the Delomi galaxy is closer to the star and has a hot and humid climate. The planet's mainstream landforms are large wetlands and large tropical rainforests; Planet 4 has a very cool climate and a flat landscape with vast plains and mountains.

It is worth mentioning that, like the galaxy groups that appear in the Lost Dream Nebula, the types and distribution of celestial objects in the Delomi galaxy give people a very "deliberate" feeling.

"The star of this galaxy is an orange dwarf star in its prime, with a stable lifespan of at least 20 billion Terra years."

"According to preliminary sensor scans, Planet Delomi 2 has rich mineral resources, while Planet 5 contains a large amount of rare element storage."

"Planet 6 is a gas giant planet, and its trajectory exactly corresponds to that of planets 3 and 4. The giant planet's strong gravity can protect the two habitable planets from comets or meteorites that intrude from outside the galaxy."

In the control room of the Ark of Elysium, a young monk of truth wearing a white coat reported to Russell the detection results of the sensors, as well as some of his own conclusions:

"To sum up, the Delomi galaxy is a perfect habitable galaxy that is extremely suitable for intelligent life to settle: the star state is stable and has a long lifespan, the planet has a mild climate and abundant products, and you can find a resource-rich and exploitable planet by just one hop outside. , and gas giant planets protect the safety of the galaxy..."

"This galaxy is so perfect. If I were asked to design a galaxy from scratch for human habitation, I would make a similar design. It can even be said that this entire galaxy may have been designed and manufactured by humans."

After saying that, the young monk of truth put down the document in his hand and looked at Russell with expectant eyes.

This galaxy and the entire galaxy group are too strange, and he believes that his leader must know something. Alexey and other senior officials of Esbanese also felt the same way. It all depends on whether the star bomber is willing to reveal it to them.

the answer is negative.

“It’s good to have a thirst for knowledge, but not everything is suitable for getting to the bottom of.”

The star bomber ignored their expectant looks and began to arrange the next task: "Keep the psychic stealth field open and approach Planet No. 4. Don't be stingy with the psychic energy. We need to scan the biological status of the planet at close range."

"...Yes, leader." The young truth monk turned around and prepared to leave.

But when he just started to take steps, the voice of the star bomber suddenly sounded directly from his mind: "You will know the truth, but not now."

His movements paused for a moment, and then he trotted out of the battleship control room door briskly.

Under the continuous burning of psychic dust, the psychic invisibility field protected the Bliss Ark as it docked into the orbit of the planet Delomi 4.

The results of the ecological scan of the planet came out quickly, and the results were not unexpected.

"There is an alien species on Planet 4, but the level of civilization development is very low and it is still in the agricultural era... Strangely, the brain of this alien race is highly developed, and the body shape is also suspected to have been modified by some acquired genes..."

With doubts, the Ark of Paradise went to scan Planet No. 3, and the results were exactly the same. Even the intelligent creatures living on it were the same.

"All indications indicate that this alien race has survived on their respective planets for tens of thousands of years. During such a long time, they have not developed any degree of industry or other technologies. They have been stagnant in an agricultural society and... …Be content with the status quo.”

"Ignore them, seize the time to deliver ambush troops to the two planets and hide them. I have a hunch that the Eldar are coming soon." Russell gave the order.

Under normal circumstances, the first thing the human empire does after discovering an alien civilization is to completely exterminate it as soon as possible, and then move the population from the nearest hive to the newly purified planet to create a new human colony.

But now they are here to ambush the spirit tribe who come here to look for clues about the artifact, so they cannot act in a hurry.

Therefore, even the Astartes or the Exclusive Inquisitors who hate the aliens the most are able to suppress their hatred of the aliens and obey their longer-term strategic goals.

Of course, after the strategic goal is achieved, they still want to carry out genocide on the planet. The human empire felt uncomfortable when they saw the aliens.

After delivering all the prepared battle formations and corresponding mortal auxiliary troops, the Ark of Paradise crossed Planet 3 and headed towards the inner ring of the Dromi system.

The farther you go toward the core of the galaxy, the thinner the interference from the nebula becomes, until it is completely eliminated by the gravitational influence of the star.

After obtaining a clear field of vision, the Ark of Paradise immediately discovered the very conspicuous large mechanical device running in the orbit of the star.

Bernadita looked at the real-time projection displayed in front of her with some confusion.

She witnessed with her own eyes the step-by-step construction of the Seeker star base from its basic framework to its current scale.

Although the size of this mechanical device in the Delomi galaxy is far smaller than that of the Qingtian Castle-level seeker base, and the construction details are also very different from the seeker base, but in terms of the general framework and orbit, this thing is highly consistent with the star base.

"No need to guess, this is the star base."

Russell succeeded in getting Bernadita to stop thinking, and explained: "This is an outpost, a territorial claim left by the owner of the galaxy in the galaxy, but this outpost has not been maintained for too long and has been paralyzed for who knows how many years. ”

You can't expect the farmers on planets 3 and 4 to repair the star base.

There was some emotion in Russell's tone. He didn't expect that the once powerful "warring party B" would actually fall to such an extent, huddled in a cage he built and degenerated into a farming civilization... Not necessarily, this is just one of the galaxies. Maybe there will be branches with higher levels of civilization within the star cluster?

That's unknown.

The Ark of Elysium slowly approached the outpost. After confirming that there was no threat, a hatch immediately opened, releasing a "cloud" composed of nanorobots.

"The nanomachine cloud will renovate and maintain this outpost, and bring a little 'shock' to the Eldar in their subsequent investigation work." Russell said somewhat playfully.

After setting up the trap, the Ark of Elysium quickly left Dromi and headed to the next nearby star system.

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