Russell used all the resources he had and could mobilize to support this huge project.

However, not all nanorobots on the entire nanoplanet are used in the construction of quantum slingshots.

There are still a considerable number of nanorobots that are still faithfully executing Russell's previous instructions and building the giant weapons of destruction needed for his war in the orbit of the nanoplanet.

In the core of the galaxy at the critical base, the torsion lens that captures the energy of the pulsar and the cage-like frame that traps the star are being constructed methodically and simultaneously, driven by the powerful computing power of the Suzheng host.

The cage-like connection structure in the center of the galaxy grows slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye like some kind of vine. As the project progresses, the torsion lenses used to capture electromagnetic pulses are installed one by one.

Russell could feel that the lively electromagnetic pulse that originally filled the entire critical base galaxy was becoming increasingly thin.

Stars are imprisoned, pulses are captured, and huge amounts of energy on an astronomical scale are held in the palm of your hand for you to use.

This is the so-called "Miracle of the Galaxy".

Although, the quantum slingshot does not belong to the ascension category of Galaxy Miracle...

Koroniai, who is building a biological mothership for Russell on the incubating planet, is particularly sensitive to the weakening of electromagnetic pulses.

The fleets controlled by the Order of Truth frequently transported resources to critical bases inside and outside the star gate. Although they had never penetrated deep into the galaxy, they also noticed the weakening and disappearance of pulse signals from the outer reaches of the galaxy during their brief stops.

But this does not affect Russell's ability to catch fish...and catch bugs.

The life of an overseer was relatively boring, and Russell, who was extremely bored, had no choice but to go to the incubating planet with the Wattaum Reality Perforator to play with Coroniai, scaring it into confusion.

Apart from listening to what the Order of Truth collected through various channels every day, about the changes in the political struggle between various forces in the empire, both overt and covert in Faya, as well as the various battles in the Lost Dream Nebula, he had nothing serious to do.

From the mouths of the Truth Monks, Russell learned that since he left, the battle between the Empire and the Eldar in the Lost Dream Nebula had returned to the heroic narrative he was familiar with.

When the Arkworld ship did not dare to show up and its own force size was at a disadvantage, although the individual combat power was very high, the empire's endless army was still able to overwhelm the Eldar with absolute force. Their advantages have kept them in the predicament of being passively beaten.

But in fact, the Eldar tribe does not lack the combat experience of using small to make a big difference and defeating more with less.

Eldar prophets are good at observing the threads of fate and can predict the future. The Eldar troops are always able to appear at unpredictable locations of the enemy through ghostly and treacherous actions, launch a surprise attack on their vitality, and achieve maximum results at the minimum cost.

But these two advantages are not too great in the Lost Dream Nebula.

In this war in the Lost Dreams Nebula, the Imperial Navy showed incredible assembly efficiency and support speed for humans. They quickly spread their troops to every galaxy within the radiation range of the L-Star Gate, starting from every One direction blocked all exploration and investigation of the Lost Dream Stars by the Eldar.

The Ark of Elysium and the Oracle of Truth battlecruiser controlled by the monks of truth can ignore the fog of war after their own jump engines have cooled down, and carry a large amount of support force to jump to the galaxy where the war situation is most urgent to provide the strongest support in time. .

Battlefield information is unobstructed, tactical deployment is fast and accurate, logistics support is sufficient and stable, and support troops are on call...

Neither the Master of the Space Wolves nor the Chapter Master of the Crimson Nobles had ever fought such a war in their centuries-long service.

Compared to their previous years of unyielding struggle and solitary fight against the Orcs and Chaos in the starry sky, the war being fought in the Lost Dreams Nebula at this moment is simply a kind of enjoyment for the Space Marines, a completely satisfying game. .

Who could have imagined that the Astartes would one day enjoy war with the Eldar?

As the war progressed, a somewhat strange rumor began to quietly spread among the Imperial Army in the Lost Dream Nebula, namely:

The Starbuster craves the psychic dust gained from burning the Eldar.

As long as you can capture enough Eldar individuals or provide enough finished psychic dust, you can buy various advanced weapons, vehicles, armors and even precious STCs inherited from the Dark Age of Technology from the Order of Truth. …

It is said that the Great Sage Coster handed over all the Eldar Ranger prisoners captured by the Adeptus Mechanicus in the Droven System to the Order of Truth, thus obtaining the STC standard construction template for a powerful weapon called the "Ion Disintegration Cannon" .

It is unknown where this rumor originated, but the warriors and technical priests stationed on the two battlecruisers Ark of Elysium and Oracle of Truth confirmed it by observing the operation of the psychic shields and various psychic equipment on the ships. Psychic Dust is powerful as a source of energy.

Although no one in the Imperial Army has ever directly admitted whether the rumor is true or not; although the great sage Coster of the forging world Musbell claimed that this was an insult to his reputation, he vowed to find out who was spreading the rumor. and impose punishment.

However, whether it is the naval admirals who are busy mobilizing troops, the Inquisitors who travel around the battlefield as always and occasionally assist in the battle, or even the Space Wolves and Crimson Upstarts who are the Emperor's Angels of Death...

They all cruised back and forth in various star systems like sharks that smelled blood, maintaining a high degree of vigilance, looking for traces of the Eldar.

The Eldar of Fordola's Ark don't know why the human imperial army is so crazy, nor do they know where their extremely destructive weapons and equipment come from. The only thing they can be sure of is: as time goes by, the Star Bombers fight against each other. The impact of the bureau is gradually fading.

The Empire's military superiority in the Lost Dreams Nebula has existed for several years. Until now, the Eldar scouts and their prophets were finally able to discover the secret of the Imperial army's rapid gathering through risk-taking reconnaissance and psychic divination:

——There is also an L-star gate in the Lost Dream Nebula.

——There are two advanced warships in the Imperial Navy that are suspected to be able to ignore the influence of subspace and freely jump between galaxies.

Regarding this result, the Eldar tribe commented: This group of prodigal monkeys only eats the legacy of the past era...

The Eldar have witnessed the golden age of mankind and know what brilliant achievements and advanced technologies this group of vulgar monkeys they looked down upon have achieved. Especially the Eldar of Fordola's Ark have a deep understanding of this.

They naturally identified the L-Stargate and the two warships equipped with jump engines as the legacy of the dark age of human technology, and made a series of tactical plans for them.

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