Traveler Of The Multiverse

Chapter 300 - Don't sleep in class.

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A/N: 300 chapters!



A place that everyone dislikes despite the age of said person.

Only those who are masochists like going to school. Those who like their ass being glued to a chair for 6-10 hours five times a week.

Kayaba had sent Sora the uniform for the school the day prior while he was at Ryozanpaku. He was even given the necessary stuff for school, like pens, notebooks, and a backpack.

Sora even found a note on the backpack he was given by Kayaba.

On it, the paper said,

[Tomorrow is the entrance ceremony, the day school begins! You were lucky to begin on the first day of school!

April 7th!


Sora's face turned into one of despair as he thought that he would only have to go through 4-6 months of school before no longer needing it. Yet it turns out he is starting from the very beginning!

So, standing in front of the gate to the Ishiyama School, Sora was hesitating to enter.

He didn't mind the schools old and worn out looks, nor the fact that almost 120% of students are delinquents.

Sora just didn't want to waste the time he could be using to train and have s.e.x!

"You asshole! You entering or not!" grunted a delinquent behind Sora.

Turning around with a look of anger, Sora stared down at the man yelling at him.

"You want to enter?" asked Sora with his killing intent leaking from his body.

"Guh..." the delinquent quickly got quiet and just quickly tried walking around Sora. His life had flashed before his eyes and his pants were wet...

Sora looked at the delinquent leave with a weird look.

It was a tiny amount of killing intent, you're a delinquent for f.u.c.k's sake!

'Damn, I have to deal with this for a whole year?' thought Sora as he scratched his chin.

"Ooh! It's you!" a rather excited voice yelled far from Sora.

'Who?' Sora lifted his head and turned to look at who was calling him before seeing the young boy he saw a couple days ago and the underground arena. The one who everyone in the stands called his name out in cheers after taking down his opponent.


"You go to this school?" asked Sora as he looked at Baki with a look of interest.

"I applied here since I heard there were a lot of strong delinquents here," said Baki with a look filled with the thirst to battle. Yet despite that thirst, he had a sort of playful mature and calm look about him.

"That's nice," said Sora with a small nod. He liked seeing those who seeked to fight, yet kept their head cool.

"Why are you here?" asked Baki as he looked at Sora.

Baki would have never guessed that the boy he saw at the underground arena would be the same age. Even appearing at the same school was quite a bit of a shock to the young fighter.

"It's near a place I frequent," simply said Sora as he thought about Ryozanpaku. Although he had to admit that it was all just coincidence.

"Hou… my name's Hanma Baki," said the young boy as he stretched his hand to Sora.

Sora smiled and shook Baki's hand, "The name's Kamiyama Sora."

"I thought it was Serpent," said Baki with a teasing look.

"It's just a nickname I came up on the spot for the fight," chuckled Sora as he walked over to some boards with Baki.

"How about we fight after school," Baki asked in a carefree manner.

Sora looked at Baki from the corner of his eyes and said, "How about I train you instead?"

"... Hm, only if you defeat me without letting me land a hit on you," said Baki with a smirk.

"Deal," said Sora as he walked to the board that will tell him which class he's in.

Looking for his name, Sora found it in class 1-B.

Pointing to his name, Sora noticed Baki pointing at the same row he was pointing at.

"Guess we're in the same class," said Sora with a light chuckle.

Baki smiled as well and walked with Sora over to their classroom.

As they headed over to their classroom, Sora looked around the entire school. Taking note of everything around himself.

"For a delinquent school, it isn't very… delinquent-y," Sora commented as he saw the lack of fights at the school. There were even some places of the school that weren't worn-out and were instead rather well taken care of, like the teacher bathrooms. The floors were clean and all the windows were so clean you would believe there was no window.

Baki heard what Sora said and mentioned, "That's because the ones at school right now are all just low-level thugs. The true delinquents that fight will be appearing any minute now."

Sora nodded after hearing Baki explain how the 'top-dogs' won't come till later.

"Maybe we should start coming here late too," joked Sora.

"Then we wouldn't be going to school," smiled Baki, continuing to walk with Sora over to their classrooms. They ignored every delinquent that crossed them and made a beeline to their class.

Entering the classroom, Sora noticed the lack of people.

However, that didn't really interest Sora, what did was the familiar face. The face he had seen when he fought against the Bantou Master.

"You okay!"

A blonde girl stood up from her seat and yelled out cheerfully before running to Sora. She looked all over his body for any possible wound or scar before sighing in relief.

"It's you," said Sora as looked at the blonde girl.

"My name is Kirisaki Chitoge, but you can call me Chitoge, not 'you'." Chitoge looked at Sora with sparkling eyes and even a bit affectionately. Since Sora had saved her and Claude, she was extremely grateful for that.

She had fallen in love with Sora because of his looks and his heroic actions that had saved her that day. Every time she slept, she would dream of Sora and his valiant smiling face as he dashed into danger to save Claude and the other two guards.

Her heart pounded and her eyes grew wide as she looked at Sora with a face of admiration and love.

She treated Sora like if he was her knight in shining armor.

"Ahem..." coughed a boy behind Chitoge, snapping her out of her delusions as he tried telling her something with a nervous look. His eyes darted to the outside of the classroom before looking at Chitoge.

"Ah… Raku..." the girl's eyes quickly dimmed as she remembered that she had to pretend to be going out with the blue haired boy.

Chitoge felt like crying because her knight was standing right before her and the boy she was fake dating was right beside her.

If it wasn't for her father's gang and Raku's father's Yakuza group being at each other's throats, Chitoge wouldn't need to be with Raku at all.

Their parents wanted a way for the war between them to end, so they used their children to start their own Romeo and Juliet to end the war between both gangs.

Feeling the world was being unfair, Chitoge could only sigh and say, "Savior, this is Ichijo Raku… my boy… my... boyfriend. Raku, this is my grand and powerful savior… uh..."

Sora chuckled, not because he easily saw through her lie, but because she called him savior.

"The name's Sora," he said before patting Chitoge's head. He turned to look at Raku before smirking and walking past by him. "Nice to meet you too, Raku."

Taking a seat beside the window, Baki took the seat in front of him.

Chitoge blushed as Raku just looked at Sora with a surprised look. He looked at Chitoge and urged her to go to her seat.

"You know, this school won't be too boring," commented Baki with a laid back attitude.

"I guess you can say that," said Sora as he looked out the window, noticing a fight at the entrance of the school.

The fight didn't last long, a young boy with brown hair and sharp black eyes had taken down his opponent with ease. He was rather muscular with a widespread build, and his attire consisted of a worn-out shirt, a brown leather jacket, and plain pants.

Behind him was a silver haired boy wearing the high school uniform, following the brown haired boy like a pet.

"You know what I had just realized," commented Sora as he looked at the silver haired boy.


"There's almost no one wearing the uniform properly or at all," said Sora as he turned to look at his own clothes.

"That's true," said Baki with slight astonishment as he realized it as well.

Sora looked around before standing up and walking out of the classroom. Leaving Baki behind in the classroom, Sora headed off to the bathroom.

At the door of the bathroom stood a group of delinquents, making any other weak willed delinquent stop in their tracks and going somewhere else.

Without caring for those delinquents Sora strode right up to them.

"Hey kouhai, mind paying up to enter the bathroom? Only 5 dollars," said one of the five delinquents as he put out his hand and rubbed his fingers together.

"What?" Sora looked at the guy as if he stupid and moved the delinquent's hand away before marching into the bathroom.

"Oi, bastard!" barked Yuji in anger after Sora pushed his hand away and even ignored him.


Sora went on ahead and used the bathroom, making Yuji and his gang even more angry. They walked into the bathroom bringing out their weapons which only consisted of two pipes and a single wooden bat.

There were only four people in Yuji's gang not including Yuji himself, three of them were of similar build to the slim Yuji while one of them was a fat guy. The fat thug blocked the exit and Yuji and the other three surrounded Sora.

"You guys gay or something?" asked Sora as he looked at the guys behind him with cold eyes.

He finished his business and flushed before turning to look at them. Sora ignored the small fries and washed his hands.

"Stop ignoring us!" yelled Yuji as he launched the first attack with a wooden bat.

Not bothering to dodge, Yuji's bat fell on Sora's body.

With Sora's stronger and tougher body, being hit with a bat by an above average guy dealt him no damage or pain at all.

Sora dried his hands, still ignoring Yuji who had already struck him with his bat. After he was done drying, Sora just turned around and looked at the five guys coldly before grabbing the bat and breaking it with just his grip.

"Get out of my sight," said Sora as the bat broke into pieces onto the floor.

His cold eyes made Yuji feel like Sora could kill him with a single finger of his. Yuji's body trembled in fear under the cold gaze of the terrifying dragon he's waking from it's slumber.

With trembling legs, Yuji quickly scrambled to leave before yelling, "What are you guys waiting for?! Let's leave!"

"But…" one of his group members wanted to say something before being slapped on the back of his head by Yuji.

Sora looked at the five guys and left the bathroom before heading back to the classroom.

"Such annoying assholes."

Sitting back in his chair, the bell rang and all the delinquents sat on their chairs with perverted looks on their face. They looked to the door expectantly, their drooling coming out of their mouth.

"What's going on with these thugs?" asked Sora with a frown.

"A female teacher… and it's rumored for her to be quite a beauty too," said Baki with zero interest in a teacher when he has a girlfriend.

"..." Sora sighed and just laid his head down on the table.

Returning to school when you knew everything was the most boring process to go through. Sora was feeling annoyed having to go through this process, so he decided to sleep the boredom off throughout the entire school year.

"Good Morning class."

A tall woman with long black hair that falls over her shoulders and reaches her shins walked into the room. She has unkempt bangs that cover her purple eyes. She's wearing a lab coat over her work uniform: a black vest with a dress shirt underneath, black pants, and a tie that she wears loosely.

She walked into the room with a smile and a kind look on her face. Looking at every student in the class pay attention, she felt glad that they were eager to learn.

Just as the teacher was about to begin class, she noticed a student sleeping in her student. She frowned and walked up to the student before raising her hand to smack him.

Her hand was about to land on Sora's head before abruptly dodging the hit unconsciously.

"What.." the teacher looked at the still sleeping Sora with shock.

She tried hitting him once more, but this time Sora's had grabbed onto her hand. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;t-sleep-in-class._52174430125737649">#&apos;t-sleep-in-class._52174430125737649</a> for visiting.

"You..." the teacher frowned seeing her hand was being held and threw a punch at Sora.

With his other hand, Sora had stopped the teacher's attacks with ease. It wasn't until Sora had grabbed both hands that he woke up, his eyes opened slowly and looked at the teacher with a cold and heartless look.

'Hmm? What's going on,' Sora asked himself as he looked at the teacher with a weird look. He let go of the woman before giving a wide and happy smile to the beautiful teacher, "Morning sensei."

"..." The teacher frowned and looked at her own hands before gazing at Sora with an uneasy gaze.

Usually she had no trouble dealing with troublesome students, but the one before her was weird and exceptionally well trained. Her martial arts were not effective in dealing with the student before her.

"Don't sleep in class," said the teacher before walking away.

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