Traveler Of The Multiverse

Chapter 316 - TutorCompletion Rate

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Dropping off Saki, Sora waved her goodbye before running into Hiratsuka. Sora greeted the beautiful teacher before driving off to Argus.

Like the past four days, Sora was put to play and test out many new things before fixing more bugs and continuing to give life to the creatures, monsters, and NPCs in the game.

The damage system went through another change before settling on having a Proficiency System added to it.

This Proficiency System will make it so that the players truly have to learn how to wield their weapons to deal more damage. This will make the players need to perfect their skills in order to deal more damage.

If a skill is executed normally, meaning with the help of the system, the player will only display 75% strength of the skill. The players would have lost 25% of possible damage they could've executed on their target.

To deal 100% of damage from a skill, the proficiency of the attack needs to be at 85%. Of course, the higher the percentage of proficiency, the more damage is dealt.

After 85%, every x amount more of percentage of proficiency added will result in 2x + 100 damage dealt. So at 100% proficiency, a player would deal up to 130% more damage.

The highest proficiency a player could get is up to 102%. 101% of proficiency would deal 150% more damage whereas 102% would deal 200% damage of the skill. (A/N: Got the idea from Adrianix and from what I remember of Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God.)

If there was no cap to the proficiency, Sora might have broken through the 200% proficiency mark.

"That's it for today Sora, come back again tomorrow," said Kayaba as he let Sora rest.

Looking at the time, Sora nodded as he got up to leave. It was barely 6 PM, if he made it in time to Baki's house, he could treat Emi before heading off to his house just in time for Hiratsuka to teach.

"Yo Baki!" said Sora as he appeared at Baki's house.

"You're early today," mumbled Baki as he stopped practicing and welcomed Sora in.

"I won't have any work tomorrow, come by to the Dojo so that I can teach you a new skill," mentioned Sora as he brought out a white box.

Blanking out for a second, Baki smiled and nodded, "I will be there."

Heading into Emi's bedroom, Sora found Emi with her shirt off already. She sent a seductive smile at him as she rubbed her b.r.e.a.s.ts a little. She turned around and laid on the bed, revealing her beautiful back to Sora.

With a calm face, Sora walked up to Emi and placed the warm needles in her back before lowering his head and whispering into her ear. His Saintly Hands slid down the sides of her waist and massaged her lightly.

"Because of that little treat, I will perform a neat little trick for you," said Sora as he pinched right above her right hip, making Emi m.o.a.n.


Her face turned crimson and she quickly covered her mouth, worried that Baki might hear her and enter the room.

Sora smiled and continued moving his hands around Emi's back, slowly lowering them onto her butt.

"Mgh..." m.o.a.ned Emi as she struggled against Sora's amazing hands.

Whilst massaging Emi with an e.r.o.t.i.c technique, he continued healing whilst letting her experience an amazing pleasure.

Half an hour later, Emi was sleeping from the amount of relief she got from Sora making her orgasm.

With her asleep, Sora waved his hand as his Dream Energy went over the bed and cleaned up everything.

After cleaning everything up, Sora gathered his silver needles before leaving. He headed home where he found Hiratsuka just arriving at his house.

"You look beautiful sensei~," said Sora as he noticed the light make-up that Hiratsuka was wearing.

Blushing, Hiratsuka frowned and said, "I was just coming from a date my parents had set up."

So Sora wouldn't misunderstand anything about the date she was just on, she shifted the blame onto her parents who made her go. She blushed fiercely as she realized that what she was saying was so that Sora would continue to like her.

"Oh? Maybe I should have a talk with your parents and have them set up a date between you and I," said Sora, rubbing his chin with a thoughtful look.

"It will take a lot of time convincing them," said Hiratsuka as she gave a light smile and the red on her cheeks disappeared.

"Well, who cares about convincing them. It's not like if I'm asking for THEIR hands in marriage. The one I want is you," said Sora after parking his motorcycle and waving at Hiratsuka.

He headed into his house and opened the door, followed by Hiratsuka who looked at Sora with an interested look. A light smile was on her face as she looked at Sora with a light pink tint on her cheeks.

"Hi Sora!" exclaimed Saki as she stood at the entrance of the door.

After the girl had finished her homework and studied for a bit, she had gone downstairs to grab a snack. Whilst grabbing a snack, she heard the door swing open along with the voice that she had grown to like.


"Hey Saki, how was school," asked Sora as he led Hiratsuka in and closed the door.

"It was fine. Nothing interesting happened. Hello sensei," said Saki after seeing Hiratsuka enter.

Saki and Hiratsuka began talking after Sora told them that he will be heading up to take a shower.

He headed upstairs and took a quick shower. Sora changed into a new set of clothes before heading back downstairs for Hiratsuka.

"We'll talk in a bit Saki," said Sora before heading upstairs with Hiratsuka.

Entering Sora's room, Hiratsuka stood before the door as she inhaled deeply. Strangely, the room was filled with a wonderful scent, a scent full of life and nature. It made her head clear and she felt like she was amidst the stars.

The scent in the room came from Sora and his cultivation in his Taichi Sutra. If the previous Dongxuan Sutra gave Sora a natural scent that is soothing and filled with life, then Sora's Taichi Sutra scent was one full of life and nature.

It was both gentle and soothing to both the body and spirit.

Any who smelled the scent would instantly feel calm and their spirit would improve by a slight bit. Usually people would smell the scent because Sora layered his body with spiritual energy to keep the smell on himself. Since he didn't want to attract too many people because of his scent.

These were only the effects of Dongxuan Sutra and Taichi Sutra. If Sora could cultivate in his Nirvanic Taichi Sutra, he didn't know what the effects could possibly even be.

Too bad he couldn't cultivate it because he already went so far into his Taichi Sutra. If he tried destroying his Taichi Sutra cultivation, he would lose 70% of his strength because the sutra was embedded in all of his cells, leaving irreversible damage.

Though Sora feels like he will have a chance in the near future to be able to change the Sutra without losing strength. Instead, he would grow even stronger if he continued his Taichi Sutra to it's peak before using the chance to cultivate Nirvanic Taichi Sutra.

She turned to look at Sora momentarily before bringing out the textbooks and some other items. Hiratsuka went ahead and sat on the ground with her legs to the side because she was wearing a rather short skirt.

Unlike her usual attire, Hiratsuka wasn't wearing her lab coat and the suit that accompanies it. She had a black skirt that revealed her long legs that were wrapped by see through black leggings.

She had a simple white blouse that rested gently on her shoulders and her twin peaks.

Sora sat down in front of Hiratsuka and placed his elbows on the table before glancing at the books in her hands.

Maintaining the smile on his face, Sora felt like cursing as he wished he could just turn 18 already and no longer have to deal with highschool. The last time he was in highschool was in his past life when he was forced by his mothers to attend.

Respecting their wishes, he attended.

However, that's when the problems arrived and many transfer students appeared. Whether they were English, Chinese, Russian, or even Japanese, many transferred to his highschool.

Like if they were attracted to a magnet, they all tried picking fights with Sora.

"We will be taking a look at the test I handed out today," said Hiratsuka as she took out a packet of only 4 papers.

Grabbing the papers, Sora placed the test before himself. Taking out a pencil and looking up at Hiratsuka as a plan brewed in his head. With a sly look, Sora squinted his eyes into smiles, "Sensei, if I can score higher than a 98 on this test, go on a date with me."


Hiratsuka gasped and looked at Sora with a slight shocked look, not expecting this type of attack from her cute student. She coughed a little before looking at Sora seriously in the eyes, "I will not date my own student."

"Fine. As a male, would you like to go on a date with me if I pass this test with a 98 and above, Hiratsuka?" Sora looked at Hiratsuka with a sly smile, waiting for her to say something.


At a loss for words, Hiratsuka looked at that young student of hers that was sitting before her with a perfect smile. Those perfect and sparkling pitch black eyes, and that nice and soft skin that she wished to rub on her body…


With a light cough, Hiratsuka looked at Sora with a light blush on her serious face, "Only if you get a perfect score."

Sora remained quiet as he looked at the crafty look of Hiratsuka's as she stretched out her hand and grabbed Sora's test. With a light smile, she took out a pen and began to write some extra questions on the blank spots of the papers.

"You need to answer these questions as well, aside from the ones you already have," said Hiratsuka as she passed back the test to Sora with a smirk. 'If he can answer these 11th and 12th grade level questions, I will go on a date with him, no complaints.'

However, before she can place some hope on Sora, she saw Sora look at the questions she wrote with a frown. Hiratsuka gave a sigh as she realized that Sora can't answer the questions.

Sora, who was looking at the questions with knitted brows.

These questions…

Are too easy!

Sora had believed that Hiratsuka would add in something rather uncommon like 'When was milk discovered?' or 'Explain the Dichotomy Paradox?'

Yet the questions he was given were so easy he could solve them with his eyes blindfolded. Although it didn't really matter what the questions may be since Sora was really intelligent and had read all the books humanity and other races had ever produced.

He contained the knowledge of 5 worlds, Dragon Ball, Bleach, Highschool DxD, Tales of Demons and Gods, and Against the Gods. With his Eidetic Memory and his Memory Palace, Sora wouldn't ever forget a single thing at all.

Grabbing his pencil, Sora quickly wrote down the answer to every question with utmost confidence. With every answer being 100% correct!

Hiratsuka frowned as she watched Sora answer all the questions at a fast pace. It looked like Sora wasn't even reading the questions properly as he quickly moved the pencil over every question with a blur.

Feeling the urge to smoke because of frustration, Hiratsuka pulled out a cigarette and placed it on her pink lips.


Before Hiratsuka could light the cigarette, the cigarette was cut, leaving only it's butt on Hiratsuka's beautiful lips.

"Don't ruin your body sensei," said Sora as finished answering every question on the test, including Hiratsuka's questions.


Snorting, Hiratsuka grabbed the paper and casually looked through the questions before widening her eyes in surprise. The longer Hiratsuka looked at the questions, the more she realized that Sora was just really smart and could easily answer everything.

Looking up in disbelief, Hiratsuka shot Sora a suspicious look before putting a 100 mark in the score box.

Smiling, Sora leaned forward and gestured for Hiratsuka to lean in. Believing that Sora might want to whisper something to her, she leaned in with her ear closest to Sora.

Suddenly, Sora reached out his hand and turned Hiratsuka to face him as he planted a big kiss on Hiratsuka's pink lips.

"Now we have a date."

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