Traveler Of The Multiverse

Chapter 335 - BreakthoughDead

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The day ended with no mishaps.

Sora safely took everyone home and was asked by Raku if one more person could come over to the beta testing.

Not really caring how much people come, Sora agreed and was told that said invitee will only be available on the weekends since said invitee is a teacher.

Once everyone was sent home, Sora walked to his house. He passed by a park and decided to stay there for a small rest and meditation session.

Sitting below a tree, Sora basked himself in the light of the moon.

Whilst meditating, Sora felt what little Qi was left inside his body slowly move through his meridians. His blood began flowing along with his Qi and heating up his body.

Under the light of the moon and the night sky, Sora felt two mysterious lights of Qi enter his body and into his meridians before flowing into his many dantians.

One light was silver, cool, calm, and soothing, whilst the other light was a sunny orange that was destructive, warm, full of vigor, and fast.

On the outside, the both energies were coming down from the moon and the brightest star in the sky. The single strands of energy as thin as hair, slipped into Sora's body.


Like a damn breaking, the amount of energy Sora was absorbing increased. The two strands of energy got thicker and were now as thick as pencils.

The two strands moved quickly throughout Sora's body and in his meridians. Slowly, as they moved, they changed color and merged together. The finished product produced a powerful life force that slowly dove into every single cell in Sora's body.

The energy went on further by flowing into Sora's Sea of Consciousness and entering the Geno Armament in there.


As if another damn broke, the strands of energy grew thicker and more purer. The Qi produced by both energies merging was higher in Quality and Quantity, slowly entering his every cell and his Geno Armament.

Sora's Taichi Sutra had gone from Baron all the way from Viscount to Earl. It didn't look like the process was slowing down as the Qi went faster and faster, increasing the rank from Earl to Marquis.


The Taichi Sutra's powers became more powerful and their range was widened.

Sora felt his strength increase by a large margin before the sudden feeling disappeared in an instant. Since the core strength of Taichi is 'sealed', the strength gained from it was set aside, still contributing to his overall strength before gaining back his cultivation.

The realms of Viscount, Earl, and Marquis, all grant a power so strong that it could let Sora wipe this world off the face of the universe with a swat of his hands.


Just like that, Sora's strength continued to soar and grow in power.

Once Sora entered the level of Duke, Sora felt some gene locks in his body which he could now unlock. Although they only numbered three in total.

However, each gene lock grants a massive boost in strength to Taichi Sutra's power and Sora's strength.

As soon as Sora entered the level of Duke, Sora felt as if the entire world was different.

He saw the entire world in a different light, as if he could easily influence something and lead it whichever way he wants it to go with little effort. The power of life and death grew stronger and clearer.

Sora felt as if he could see through everything. The history and details of every item and person would be revealed to Sora with just a look under the effects of Taichi Sutra. Sora's life force was brimming and was of unbelievable quality, boosting Sora's lifespan by untold folds.



The gene locks within Sora's bodies were popping open one by one, increasing the potency of Sora's Taichi Sutra's power.

Sequences became clearer and Sora felt as if he could easily do whatever he wishes with any sequence.


With unlocking the last Gene Lock, Sora instantly saw the world change right before his eyes. The entire world seemed to instantly become many cogwheels that varied in size, thickness, and number of teeth.

Sora felt as if he understood the function of every cogwheel. What they could do and how they affected everything was revealed before Sora's eyes.

It was as if the entire universe had become a huge machine run by cogwheels.

Once Sora saw the cogwheels, Sora glanced into his body. He looked into his Sea of Consciousness before catching a glimpse of a huge and rusty cogwheel within his mind. He looked around and found that the Yin-Yang Image had turned into cogwheels as well.

Within the Yin-Yang Image, many cogwheels were spinning and producing spiritual energy. Yet, Sora was able to notice that in the center of the Yin-Yang Image, there was an isolated cogwheel that was pitch black and contained an Ancient air around it.

Sora guided the immense amount of Qi, created from both the moon and star, into the giant rusted cogwheel within his Sea of Consciousness. Yet it didn't budge a single inch.

Sora frowned and instantly used every single ounce of power withing his body.

Dou and Sei Ki…

Spiritual Energy…

Dream Energy…

Two Mysterious Qi…

Moon and Star Qi…

Tidal Push…

Wave Essence…

Instantly, with the intertwining of seven different types of energy, Sora increased their strength with Tidal Push and Wave Essence.

The power emanating from the intertwined energies was massive, shaking Sora's Sea of Consciousness. The intertwined energies slowly floated to rusted cogwheel.

It traveled slowly and looked like it carried no amount of power whatsoever.

However, as soon as the massive amount of power from the intertwined energies hit the cogwheel, the cogwheel moved an inch before the massive amount of energy dispersed.

After the cogwheel moved an inch, Sora's Sea of Consciousness turned quiet and dark.


All of a sudden, the dispersed energy came back together and stronger than before. It slowly spun in the Sea of Consciousness before slamming right into the cogwheel.






The cogwheel instantly began spinning at rapid speeds after the energy had slammed into the cogwheel. The energies didn't disappear, instead, they were absorbed by the cogwheel and were instantly used up to removed the rust and returned to cogwheel to top condition.

Once the cogwheel began to spin, a mysterious power seeped out from the cogwheel and into Sora's body. The cogwheel continued spinning, the faster it spun, the more power one would have.

After the cogwheel began spinning, Sora's Taichi Sutra was instantly brought to the pinnacle of the King level before the breakthrough process stopped.

The mysterious power instantly began to wane and disappear. The Qi Sora gathered from the moon and the brightest star quickly seeped out of Sora's body and into Earth.

Without wasting much time, Sora began running Taichi Sutra at full speed.

Once the Taichi Sutra was running, Sora felt the world slow down to a crawl. His perception and senses increased to insane amounts as the world instantly turned into cogwheels. Sora's body radiated a faint godly light that bathed the surroundings and increased the speed of growth of some plants and the tree behind him.

Jumping into his Sea of Consciousness, Sora focused on the Yin-Yang Image. Quickly, Taichi Sutra's power flowed into the Ancient and ink black cogwheel and made it spin.

Slowly, the black on the cogwheel was falling off the cogwheel before disappearing and leaving a mass of light behind. Once every piece of black was gone, the light cogwheel grew in size and fixed itself onto the cogwheels surrounding it.


An influx of unknown information entered Sora's mind and into his Memory Palace. Along with the information received from the cogwheel, Sora's Memory Palace turned more solid and stronger than before.

Once Sora finished with the Yin-Yang Image, Sora stopped running the Taichi Sutra and the Qi and Mysterious power had completely disappeared.

Sora opened his eyes and revealed a look of surprise.

The entire world was now filled with dense Qi, enough to last Earth for 1,000 years. Even if the Qi is used by cultivators or martial artists, it will still be lasting up to 900 years.

Standing up, Sora looked at his surroundings.

The plants and grass grew taller and richer in quality, and the tree behind him also rose in quality and height. It even looked like it had a silver of consciousness still developing. It would take 100 years before the consciousness can fully develop.

Sora stood and felt his body pop as he stretched his limbs around before heading home.

'Looks like the woman following me hasn't acted a single time since I left Chitoge and the rest at their homes,' thought Sora as he focused on a shadow following from afar.

Yawning Sora entered the restroom of the park.


"That scene earlier was weird," mumbled the shadow as it walked over to the area Sora was cultivating at.

The shadow looked at the grass and tree with shock and interest.

It's hand touched the grass and it's eyes widened with shock. Quickly grabbing a few blades of grass, the shadow stuffed them in it's pocket before heading on over to the tree.

Their hand slowly touched the bark and surprised once again flashed through their eyes. The shadow quickly waved it's hand and chopped off one of the tree branches with an ecstatic face.

Just as the shadow was ready to leave, a hand appeared on their shoulder stopping them from moving a single muscle in their body.

'What's going on?! How can I be restrained with such meager Ki!'

The shadow's eyes contained a bit of fear despite it's earlier calm and indifferent look before arriving at the scene.

The shadow couldn't even turn it's head to look at the owner of the hand, their eyes darted left and right, trying to find something.

"Wow! To think you're a beautiful woman."

A soft and manly voice reached the shadow's ears and made it shake with shock recognizing the owner of the voice.

'Kamiyama Sora!'

Feeling Sora's hand come off their shoulder, the shadow quickly jumped back and turned to look at Sora who was just standing there with a calm smile.

"How did you do this?" asked the woman as she pointed at the grass and tree.

"Using Ki," said Sora as he waved his hand and some Sei Ki left his body and gently fell on some grass.

The affected grass quickly began to grow and looked the same as the grass where Sora cultivated. The amount of energy contained in the grass was even the same.

After showing the woman a way to increase the growth speed of a grass and the energy within them, he gazed at the woman, inspecting her every curve and feature.

A rather tall woman of curvaceous and very well-endowed built who appears to be in her early 30's. She has long waist length black hair, wears an open Kimono to show off her bosom and wears a wooden bead necklace around her neck.

Sora could see the woman's poke through her kimono, giving her a naughty yet beautiful look to her.

'Now that I notice, most people in this world are tall,' thought Sora as he looked at the woman's height. 'I should probably increase my natural size without using Big Tiny Wishes.'

Naturally, Sora was already on the taller side, being 6 feet tall and all. However, he's been noticing that the people just continue getting taller throughout the many worlds he's been in.

'Wouldn't hurt to increase my natural height, I can even increase my strength this way,' thought Sora as he rubbed his chin. Although he thought about it, he didn't put the idea to work since he didn't have the means to currently use the technique to grow taller and stronger.


The sound of dirt being stepped on reached Sora's ears. He turned around and noticed a security guard entering the park, so he turned to the woman before him and picked her up in a princess carry.

Both their figures flashed and Sora appeared on top of a building's roof.

"Since you've been stalking me these past 5 days, you should already know my name. So, what's your name?" asked Sora as he set the woman down and he walked back, sitting down on the edge of the roof.

"My family name is Kushinada and my given name is Mikumo," said the woman as she looked at Sora with a calm look on her face.

"You must be a part of Yami. Probably here to find out what happened to the previous girl and a man from your group," said Sora as he looked at Mikumo with interest.

'He's pretty smart,' thought Mikumo before saying, "Yes. I don't need to know where that girl is anymore, but I need to know where that man has gone to."

"He's dead."

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