Traveler Of The Multiverse

Chapter 384 - Past Past Life? Suprise Lemon Visit?

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Sitting up on the bed, Sora gazed at Yui who was still soundly sleeping on the bed. He covered her with a blanket and left the room quietly to prepare some breakfast.

Whilst preparing food, Sora recreated the earlier dream in his mind. The computer the size of a house, the woman, and every other tiny speck of dust in the room.

As Sora recreated many items within the room, he found interesting words on the computer.

Dragon Ball: First Travel Location

Bleach: Second Travel Location

Mixed Worlds: 6th Traveling Location (Contains 10 worlds, have seen only 7 so far.)

[Blank] : 7th Traveling Location

Sora looked at the screen with a bit of shock inside his kind. Who knew that the godly woman was keeping track of the worlds he had traveled to.

That was his thoughts until he found golden letters at the top right of the computer and a vague female silhouette in the computer. The golden letters read 'System', giving Sora a mild shock.

Sora couldn't find anything about the woman, so he couldn't draw much about who she could possibly be. He rubbed his chin and instead looked at the silhouette inside the computer, who Sora believed to be The System.

His life was pretty weird now that he thought about it. The System was dropped on him unexpectedly, he didn't know why he was given the origin of all systems. He sure as hell knows that the primordial that granted him four wishes didn't purposely give him the System.

In fact, Sora believes The System is beyond the realm of the primordials. Stronger than anything he had ever come across or ever seen, which would probably explain why many items were being given to him for free.

And besides The System, the woman was someone he didn't know at all. It's a wonder as to why she was helping him. He wanted to know her motive as to why she was probably behind the reason he was getting help.

<Hello my son, it's such a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to finally see you once again.

I've left you a special present in the World you are currently in. A present that will help you out. I went through great trouble to get you these items, so I hope you put them to good use.

Now I bid you farewell and I hope you return home.>

Now that Sora focused on what the woman had said, he was at a loss.

Was the woman mistaking him as her son or someone dear to her?

Did he have another past life besides his already past life?

Was she his mother in this supposed past life?

Or was it just her way of speaking?

Sora was too sure, the woman's tone was very affectionate and even his soul felt stirred at the sight of the woman. It was like his soul was trying to call out to the woman.

It was more like refilling the broken parts with glue and other materials to make it look like new. Maybe those memories are gone forever, or they lay dormant.

Sora was too sure, this was his first time realizing that there's a possibility that he might have another past life as the son of a powerful woman.

Besides the questions surrounding the woman, there was also the questions surrounding the present she had supposedly left for him in this 'Mixed World'.

Besides that, there's still three worlds in this 'mixed world' he hasn't visited/met yet.

'Will this present appear in the storage if I enter it?' thought Sora as he finished preparing the breakfast and entered his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal quickly. He pulled out the Eternal Pagoda from his Sea of Consciousness before jumping into the storage floor and opening the Gate of Babylon.

Entering the Gate of Babylon, Sora searched every nook and cranny, ignoring the weapons and large amounts of books he had already read. And besides some Breathing Techniques, Meditation Techniques, and even cultivation techniques, Sora didn't find anything of any true value.

Everything else is something that originally comes from this world, something which probably wouldn't suit as a present from the previous woman, who might be his mother.

There were two reasons Sora believed as to why this present didn't appear in his Gate of Babylon. Either because the present couldn't be brought or duplicated into the Gate of Babylon, or there was more to this world than meets the eyes.

Sora thought about it for a bit before leaving the personal realm and returning to the kitchen and calling Yui to come and eat.

Today is saturday, Yui had no school and Sora had no work. They were both just going to relax and remain together for the entire day, enjoying each other's presence.

Yui and Sora played various games together throughout the whole day.

The night was approaching and Sora was going to head into his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal until he heard a knock on his door.

Opening the door, Sora found Chitoge standing there with a wide smile on her face.

"Hey, Chitoge. It's been years since I last saw you," said Sora as he invited her in.

"I would've come to visit you sooner, but I was in Europe with my mom. It's great to see that you're finally awake," said Chitoge as she looked at Sora's face.

"No worries. As long as you took the time to visit me, that's all that matters," said Sora as he gave her a cup of milk.

"Thanks," she said, taking the cup from Sora's hands. She kept her gaze on Sora's face, with expectation in her eyes.

Sora noticed that Chitoge was rather nervous and she had quite a cute and seductive feel to her.

"So what have you been up to?" Sora served himself some coffee, drinking it slowly as he paid attention to the blonde beauty.

Chitoge looked down and twiddled her fingers on the cup of milk, "I've been working as a fashion designer."

"That's pretty amazing," said Sora with a nod of his head.

Chitoge and Sora continued talking for a while until the skies turned pitch black.

"It's already so late?" Chitoge gasped when she saw the night sky, not expecting the night to approach so fast. She had come over to meet with Sora after two long years of waiting for him.

"You should stay the night," said Sora.

"Wh-what?" Chitoge looked at Sora with an embarrassed face, not knowing what to say. She covered her mouth and turned away with a red face.

And with a meek voice, Chitoge said, "… Okay…"

"Let me show you to your room," said Sora.

He stood up and led Chitoge to the guest bedroom. He gave her a set of blankets and told her where the bathroom was before leaving her in the room alone.

"Haa ~… he's still as dreamy as always," muttered Chitoge with a lost expression. She stared at the door where Sora just left as she felt her body get hot.

Her slender fingers roamed about on her own body, going over her smooth skin and over her erect

"Sora…" she called out quietly as she slid her fingers between her legs. Two fingers found there way into her wet cave that craved to be stuffed.

Chitoge began to imagine Sora touching her and m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e to her as she began to move her fingers faster. The squelching noises of her p.u.s.s.y and her fingers rubbing against them rang quietly within the room.

"F.u.c.k me Sora…" m.o.a.n.e.d Chitoge as she writhed on the bed. She bit onto her finger lightly after she drove her fingers deeper into her p.u.s.s.y.


Chitoge m.o.a.n.e.d after o.r.g.a.s.ming. She covered her face with her hand before slowly turning her body and feeling sad, "When will my fantasies become real…"

It was then that Chitoge heard the door open and felt her heart almost jump out of her c.h.e.s.t. She turned her head slowly and found Sora smiling at her.

"I only came by to see if you needed any more blankets since it will be cold tonight," said Sora, looking at Chitoge quietly. "I'm sorry to interrupt, I will be heading out now."

Sora stepped out and was closing the door until he heard Chitoge tell him not to close the door.

"What is it, Chitoge?" Sora stopped and looked at Chitoge with 'concern'.

"I think I will be cold tonight…" she muttered with a red face as she tried to cover her b.r.e.a.s.ts and crotch.

"I have a blanket here for you," said Sora as he pulled out a blanket. Sora handed it over to her but just as he was walking away, he was stopped by the hand.

Smirking inwardly, Sora turned to Chitoge with a puzzled face.

"My body isn't what will feel cold…" Chitoge turned quiet as she turned more red with embarrassment. "It's my heart and soul… so can you stay here with me?"

Chitoge removed her hand from her body before standing up and hugging Sora with her n.a.k.e.d body. She got on her tippy toes and kissed Sora on the neck before moving over to his lips.


As their tongues intertwined, Chitoge pulled Sora over to the bed and pushed him into it before straddling. She sat over Sora's crotch, trying to feel his bulge rub her crotch.

"Ah~," m.o.a.n.e.d Chitoge as she felt something touch her between her legs. She looked down at Sora and kissed him with all that she had, afraid that Sora might disappear.

Sora smiled and flipped over Chitoge, making her lie down on the bed with him on top of her. She looked so frail and innocent beneath Sora like a bunny falling prey to a wolf.

Removing his clothes in an instant, Sora looked at Chitoge with a loving gaze. Sora doesn't just have s.e.x because of his stamina and s.e.x.u.a.l urges, he does it out of love as well. Every single woman he had s.e.x with us loved by him, not loving a person and having s.e.x with them isn't something Sora would normally do. Especially when he has more than a million woman he loves and has s.e.x with.

Spreading Chitoge's legs, Sora positioned his c.o.c.k before plunging it into Chitoge's tight and pink p.u.s.s.y. He spread her legs wide enough before pushing forward and having her take him all in.

"Ah!! It hurts, but it feels so good!!" Chitoge cried out in pain, m.o.a.ning at the same time as she felt Sora's c.o.c.k enter her V.i.r.g.i.n hole.

Sora began to move slowly, trying not to hurt Chitoge with his huge c.o.c.k. He massaged her abdomen with a hand whilst the other hand kneaded her b.r.e.a.s.ts and pinched her erect

"Mm… ah!" Chitoge continued to m.o.a.n and o.r.g.a.s.m as Sora continued to plow her insides.

"I love you! I always wanted to do this with you!" Chitoge cried out in grief and love as she wrapped her arms around Sora's neck.

She hugged him with all her might. When she was in high school, Sora was like her idol, the knight in shining armor that saved her from death. Slowly that ídolism turned to love when he took them to play the beta version of SAO.

And she only realized that she loved him when he got 'trapped' within the game.

She would visit him daily, after school, at the hospital, wishing to be there when he wakes up.

Sora didn't say anything but Chitoge somehow knew that he felt the same. She closed her eyes and accepted all of Sora as he came inside her.

"Something warm is filling me up," m.o.a.n.e.d Chitoge into Sora's ears before kissing his neck and lips.

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