Traveler Of The Multiverse

Chapter 398 - Sovereign of GodsSins

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After a long travel that lasted well over two days, Sora got rid of the other gods plaguing the world and even managed to obtain the remaining Godhood Halos.

Chaos Halo from an egg and the Yin-Yang Halo from a bird with two heads.

"Who would've thought that Pangu would hide from me in an egg," muttered Sora as he returned to Japan where he found some gods lying dead on the ground and some martial artists dead as well.

The whole world would have been fine if Sora wasn't there, they had the protection from the training Sora gave them in SAO.

Sora absorbed the remaining essences in the bodies of the gods and their Godhood Halos before heading back to his house.

The gods were badly trashed by the martial artists in Japan, one of these bad asses was the adoptive mother of Chikage Kushinada, Mikumo.

Mikumo's clothes were a bit roughed up from the AOE attacks of the various gods, other than that, the busty milf was in good condition.

"You did an amazing job here," said Sora as he glanced at Mikumo before looking at the small girl behind her, Chikage, AKA Princess from SAO.

Mikumo huffed and turned her head away, "I wouldn't have to move a single finger if you were here. This girl had me worried every time I tried to attack."

"Don't give your mother too much trouble, lass," said Sora as he turned to Chikage with a small smile on his face. Sora got down on one knee and ruffled Chikage's hair.

"Mmh," Chikage nodded and listened to Sora, blushing a bit.

Sora chuckled and stood up, "I'll see you both later at my house, if it's still standing that is."

Sora wasn't too worried about his wives nor about Chitoge and her friends, they were all protected by his Tattoo Beasts. The Twin Dragons and the Ferret were as strong as Sora, having to worry about his women is useless.

In the case of Emi Akezawa, Baki's mother, Sora didn't need to worry about her. Sora knew about Baki's progress in his martial arts, so he knew he should be able to protect both his mother and his girlfriend.

If Baki couldn't protect his mother for some unknown reason, there was still that man he can use to protect Emi, as long as he's wearing a masking cloak.

Sora headed home and his Tattoo Beasts came back to him.

After arriving home, Sora had a talk with his wives from this world.

He talked about how he's not from their world and how he's on a quest to rise above all, a quest that he's not too sure if he'll ever complete.

A quest with no predetermined Path, shortcut, or even end. It will all just be a long journey that Sora has set out to do.

With his unnaturally large family, his intelligence, wisdom, strength, bloodlines, knowledge, Sora will build his own path to reach above and beyond the Heavens.

"I knew you were too good to be true," said Hiratsuka as she sighed and looked at Sora with dreamy eyes.

Sora chuckled and shook his head, "I am not too good to be true. I indulged myself in my L.u.s.t, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Pride, Gluttony, and even Envy."

"What a sinful life you have led," said Saki as she wrapped her arms around Sora.

Throughout his entire journey, Sora was a sinful man.

L.u.s.t? He l.u.s.ted for women no matter how many he had. Even if he believed he loved them but his heart didn't, he knew that he would care for each and every woman.

Greed? He wants every knowledge and item he can come across! Whether he believes it to be useful or not, everything has a use he can eventually figure out.

Wrath? He spent the majority of his first life engulfed by it, molded to understand both anger and calm. He followed the same principles in this new life of his throughout all hundreds of thousands of years he has lived.

Sloth? There were many occasions Sora could end things with a snap of a finger! But he'd always listen to his lazy side and just smile and see what happens. Like the time the civil war happened in DxD and he had to act like a GOD!

Pride? He's always had it! Amazing martial talent! Strength! The looks! A loving family! Friends! Bloodlines! Knowledge! It was always there…

Gluttony? Sora's entire life was about it! He s.e.x drive was never satiated with just a single woman, so he got more! Sora was always a big eater in his past life and it only only got worse after he got his Saiyan Bloodline and he started strengthening it. Even the other bloodlines made it worse, the Titan Bloodline, Dragon, Phoenix, and even the Demon Bloodline.

Envy… the one thing Sora had ever since he came across that person.


Sora envied that strength and power, those mysterious abilities and inconceivable knowledge about a realm further from his own!

Sora wished to know what was beyond what he knew. Being the strength he knew. Beyond the techniques and martial arts he knew. Beyond any concept his world has set in stone.

And even further beyond the next realm!

Sora's aspirations revolve around his own sins.

A true Sinning Sovereign.

"You should become our God of Sins," joked Rinko as she rubbed her bulging belly.

Sora's eyes shined and he lifted his head with a wide smile, "Maybe even better!"

"I'll be back later," said Sora before disappearing and appearing at the rooftop of his still standing house.

Sus sat down into a lotus position before pulling out a Bodhi Seed from his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, Sora quickly scoffed it down and ate it.

Not too long after digesting it, Sora's head gave out a white glow.

Sora entered into a supreme enlightenment state and his Divine Intent was instantly dragged out his body and flinged into the sky.

In the path of Sora's Divine Intent's journey to the sky, a huge golden door appeared before the Divine Intent, s.u.c.k.i.n.g it in.

"This is one huge storage," muttered Sora as he looked at the millions of Godhood Halos floating around.

They were all similar to the Halos he had already stolen from the other gods, so there was no need for Sora to want them.

Sora looked on ahead and noticed that there were fewer Godhood Halos up ahead.

Moving forward to where there are less Godhood Halos, Sora felt pressure form on his Divine Intent. However it didn't hinder him at all, Sora's Divine Intent was strong and is of higher grade than even the best Divine Intent.

Heading deeper into "Heaven" Sora saw less and less Godhood Halos.

"Hmm? That!"

Sora caught a glimpse of something far in the distance. His eyes shined and his greed brimmed with an unnatural fire!

"That shall be mine!"

Pushing his Divine Intent forward, Sora appraised the Halo floating all alone in the distance with nothing surrounding it. It has a primal aura to it and the pressure it released was unlike any other.

The Firmament Halo!

As Sora approached it, blood began to trickle down his nose the more the pressure increased.

"Hehe, this Halo will become mine even if I have to give up every other Halo," muttered Sora as he got even closer to the Firmament Halo.

Sora was only a foot away and almost within his grasp when all of a sudden the Firmament Halo flew away.

"Come back here! You will be mine if you don't like it!"

Sora's Divine Intent burnt with a wild intensity, wishing to get the Firmament Halo.

Getting even closer to it, Sora pushed his Divine Intent even further to get the Firmament Halo.

However, just like before, the Firmament Halo flew away even more.


Just when Sora was about to head for the Halo once again, a cold laughter rang within the entirety of "Heaven".

"Who's there?!"

Sora scanned the area and looked for the source of laughter.

"Haha! You think your dirty mortal hands can grab ahold of THE Firmament Halo? Utterly laughable!"

The cold voice laughed and made fun of Sora as a vague silhouette appeared next to the Firmament Halo. The silhouette looked masculine and he grabbed the Halo, making it spin on the tip of his finger like if it were a basketball.

"Who are you?" Sora looked at the silhouette with killing intent.

"I am Heaven's Will! I decide who shall grab a hold of a Halo. The instant you stepped into this Universe, I knew you weren't from here.

There was no way I would let you get any Halo knowing that."

Silence rang within Heaven as the two men looked at each other. Sora clenched his fists before they turned relaxed and his face turned calm.

"Even if your goal wasn't the Firmament Halo, I wouldn't have even let you get even the weakest of Halos! Hahaha!

Your figure flying across the room, bleeding, was so funny to look at flying through the room! To think you're such a desperate man…"

The figure crossed his arms and looked upon Sora with visible arrogance and ridicule.


Sora remained quiet, his sharp eyes glancing at Heaven's Will.

"Looks like you haven't read the memo, there's a new God in the Universe," said Sora as he took a step forward and an eerie pressure exploded out from Sora.

"Guh! H-how?" Heaven's Will looked at Sora with fright. 'How can he even summon any power as just an Intent?!'

Sora walked forward and lifted a hand, bringing forth the Firmament Halo into his hands.

"I'm sorry to say this, but this Halo will no longer belong to this universe," said Sora as he turned away and disappeared from Heaven.

"Garrghhh!!!! Damn!"

All the Halos began to shake as if understanding the anger of Heaven's Will.

"The Primordial reigning over this world won't like this at all!"

It was then that a pressure even more powerful than Sora's momentary burst pushed down Heaven's Will.

"Where did the Firmament Halo go?!"

"Lord! It was stolen by some lowly mortal, he brought forth an unusual power that pushed me down," Heaven's Will bowed his head at the pressure and listened to this Primordial Lord of his.

Silence rang once more in Heaven as the Primordial Lord of this particular world listened to Heaven's Will.

"You imbecile! I'll have to personally get that Firmament Halo back before it's too late!"

With that said, the Primordial Lord disappeared and headed down to Earth where Sora was refining the Firmament Halo and making it his.

Too bad for this Primordial Lord, Sora is a man who's genius and talent knows no bounds!


After successfully refining the Firmament Halo, Sora's entire being merged with it. The Halo would often appear above Sora's head, visualizing his unending and limitless power.

This Firmament Halo was everything Sora wanted.

Wherever his Will and Aura can reach, everything would be under his control! It even granted him an extra special ability just for him.

Origin Dao!

Whatever he says becomes the law of the universe within his grasp!

His Universe is everything under his aura, will, and control, like his Heavenly Universe!

After finally refining the Firmament Halo, Sora began refining the other Halos that will be useful to him.

Jade Sage Halo

Tyrant Halo

Nature Halo

Primal Chaos Halo

Nothingness/ Void Halo

Infinity/Myriad Halo

Yin-Yang Halo

Absolute Elements Halo

Time Halo

Space Halo

Vibration Halo

Gravity Halo

Slaughter/Annihilation Halo

Spirit Halo

Dream Halo

Dragon Lord Halo

Phoenix Lord Halo

Vampire King Halo

Titan Lord Halo

Demon King Halo

Holy King Halo

Qilin King Halo

Roc King Halo

Nine-Tailed Fox Lord Halo

Black Turtle King Halo

And the two most important Halos to Sora, for his Primeval Emperor Bloodline and for the missing knowledge.

The Primeval Emperor, or rather his Saiyan Bloodline that's been brought past its limits and improved in various ways!

Sora even feels that there is one more step to all his bloodlines before they truly reach the peak!

Especially his Saiyan Bloodline, Primeval Emperor.

Sora has a vague feeling that the Primeval Emperor will return to its roots and an even stronger and better version of a Zenkai shall return!

For the Primeval Emperor Bloodline, Sora had to go rogue and combine many Halos to get a good one for his Primeval Emperor Bloodline.

Sovereign of Gods Halo

And for this missing knowledge of Sora's, the one part of his godly celestial Martial Art that's missing, MAGIC!

After upgrading the Mage Halo and cross fusing it with many powerful Halos, Sora got…

Hermit Sage God Halo

"You! Give back the Firmament Halo!"

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